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5 dead, more than 20 injured in bus-truck head-on collision in Kamphaeng Phet


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Best part is where you friendly ask a minivan driver to drive a little slower/safer instead of 160km/h on petkasem on some imagined 3rd lane when there are only 2 lanes whistling.gif ...

and of course such a request makes him lose face, the driver (u know the type, with long pinky fingernail) gets angry psychotic, starts shouting at you, threatening to kick you out (literally kick u out that is whistling.gif )... and the rest of the minivan (10 sleepy thai trusting their amulets or awaking out of line-coma) don't even bother to calm down the clown. luckily there's always the telephone number of some "big" thai you then call, pass the phone to the baboon driver, who starts krab'ing (khap pom khap pom) and continues the trip at 120 km/h with weird moronic smile on face... Bliss clap2.gif

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it says 5 dead but it also says2 drivers plus 2 passengers that's 4 in my book. and more than 20 injured how many more? its unusual to find a double decker bus involved in an accident they are fairly safe as a rule if driven properly in this case it wasn't the bus driver was to blame overtaking finishing on the same lane as the 18 wheeler could not avoid a head on collision .

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And so the carnage continues. Won't they ever learn?

This is the road where there are numerous stretches of road works, forcing cars to use a single carriageway. There is a lethal lack of signage. My last trip down this road was scary (to say the least); People should have been aware that it is unwise and extremely stupid to overtake on these stretches - but every man Jack was trying to use it as a raceway. The near misses were incredible and I saw two pick-ups in the ditch. It would help if there was frequent signage and bollards in these situations but off course, being Thailand, there is no (or very little) safety measures in these areas. A disaster waiting to happen. It happened.

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And so the carnage continues. Won't they ever learn?

Well, as long as the driver paid the ultimate price for his stupidity...what can I say other than RIP to the victims of another act of Thai driver stupidity.

About 5 days ago I watched a video on a popular Thai TV channel that showed a white sedan and a black truck on a highway where the left lane ended and vehicles in the left lane should slow down and merge to the right lane....correct? Hell no. The white sedan tried to overtake the truck until it is on the shoulder and must have been forced to slow down and merge behind the black truck because the shoulder had motorcycles blocking the way (I'm surprised he didn't just run them over). Then the white sedan whips into the right hand land of a now two lane road, attempts to pass the black truck, would have had a head on collision with oncoming traffic if the oncoming traffic had not swerved off the road, and the...get this...the white sedan smashes into the black truck from the right lane and hits the black truck in the left lane and they both go off the road in a cloud of dust, and it looks like one of them hit a tree. The Thai TV channel didn't follow up on the carnage, which I assumed must of killed someone. The driver of the white sedan was soooooo pissed-off that he was willing to kill himself and the driver/occupants of the black truck because the black truck didn't yield for the white sedan, when the black sedan had clear "Right-of-Way": a concept that is inconceivable to most Thais.

That's the normal lunacy of Thai drivers. <head shake> I'll never understand it. I usually give way regardless of legal "Right-of-Way" because it's obvious that even the Thai governmental agencies nor Thai Insurance companies don't understand the concept, otherwise they would start jailing offenders and insurance companies, after viewing the stupidity captured on video, should simply refuse to insure an obviously insane driver (which is most Thai drivers -- Catch 22).

RIP to the victims. Prayers to the victims families.

Edited by connda
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The "need" to over-take.

Why ?

The "need" is always there.

Why ?

Late ?

Late for what ?

From my experience of driving both cars and big bikes in Thailand for 4 years, it seems the average Thai driver feels that they deserve (and are completely entitled) to be ahead of the next driver, irrespective of circumstance or situation.

This small-minded sense of entitlement comes down to 4 things IMHO...

1. Poor driving standards due to poor policing and no risk / penalty for driving badly. Why not introduce a fine & points system like most western countries? It's proven to work.

2. Poor driver training and testing standards (almost impossible to fail a driving / other tests here.. and they are a complete joke compared to the standards of Europe/the west). I've seen people fail the braking tests, only to be sent to the back of the line to try again.. That should have been a fail.

3. Lack of education from government agencies - Non-existent / ineffective public driver awareness campaigns. I think this would help a load, but I've not seen any to speak of (not that I watch much Thai TV).

4. Many Thai's simply don't understand that constant overtaking and risky maneuvers will only gain them a few minutes at best, but may cost them and other people their lives.. Thai's in general don't have the same logical conclusions as other races, due to spiritual beliefs, lack of education (for some) and in many cases, lack of respect for other drivers.

This is in no way intended to insult Thai's, it's simply what I've observed over my years in Thailand. My Thai partner is highly educated (degree/masters) and in my opinion, she is not a great driver by any means.

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Usual start to a comment on Thai roads RIP to the deceased, looks like another job for the Junta to add to the to do list, stop kids making a noise at night on their motorbikes, stamp out corruption for good in Thailand once the military gets its fair share from the trough, stamp out the deaths of so many people on the Thai roads.

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The "need" to over-take.

Why ?

The "need" is always there.

Why ?

Late ?

Late for what ?

From my experience of driving both cars and big bikes in Thailand for 4 years, it seems the average Thai driver feels that they deserve (and are completely entitled) to be ahead of the next driver, irrespective of circumstance or situation.

This small-minded sense of entitlement comes down to 4 things IMHO...

1. Poor driving standards due to poor policing and no risk / penalty for driving badly. Why not introduce a fine & points system like most western countries? It's proven to work.

2. Poor driver training and testing standards (almost impossible to fail a driving / other tests here.. and they are a complete joke compared to the standards of Europe/the west). I've seen people fail the braking tests, only to be sent to the back of the line to try again.. That should have been a fail.

3. Lack of education from government agencies - Non-existent / ineffective public driver awareness campaigns. I think this would help a load, but I've not seen any to speak of (not that I watch much Thai TV).

4. Many Thai's simply don't understand that constant overtaking and risky maneuvers will only gain them a few minutes at best, but may cost them and other people their lives.. Thai's in general don't have the same logical conclusions as other races, due to spiritual beliefs, lack of education (for some) and in many cases, lack of respect for other drivers.

This is in no way intended to insult Thai's, it's simply what I've observed over my years in Thailand. My Thai partner is highly educated (degree/masters) and in my opinion, she is not a great driver by any means.

I think worldwide there are selfish, greedy, rude, audacious, arrogant, uneducated drivers but there do seem to be a lot more in Thailand than in the west which is why there are so many collisions resulting in fatalities. How will they ever changes it? Maybe if they make it a legal requirement to have at least a forward and rear facing camera and then use any footage handed in to the police to prosecute and punish heavily would be a start. I think if they do it they will need to recruit half the population to cope.

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So the bus was in the truck's lane...That means the bus was trying to pass a vehicle and crossed into the oncoming lane to pass...

Thai drivers don't drive to road conditions...should a bus full of passengers take the chance to pass by using an on-coming lane? answer - never; wait for the passing lane down the road....

Why do Thai drivers have this fetish to pass w/o reading road conditions? They take high risk behaviors all the time for the savings of a few seconds....dunb ass stupid by putting all drivers around them at unnecessary high risk...

Maybe the truck didn't have brakes, have you ever seen those canetrucks? They are not roadworthy at all and the driver is just anybody who had nothing to do.

Even if it did have brakes but was overloaded it maybe couldn't even stop in time.

Busdrivers (also minivan) should get trained farangstyle first. But it's the same with thai pilots who even can't speak english, they just do something and hope for the best..

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The "need" to over-take.

Why ?

The "need" is always there.

Why ?

Late ?

Late for what ?

One of the safety jingle many years ago in Australia was something like "Better to be late and safe than arrive dead on time"

It something that has stuck in my mind and always pops up when ever I am driving and behind "schedule".

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The "need" to over-take.

Why ?

The "need" is always there.

Why ?

Late ?

Late for what ?

One of the safety jingle many years ago in Australia was something like "Better to be late and safe than arrive dead on time"

It something that has stuck in my mind and always pops up when ever I am driving and behind "schedule".

I always found that funny because "being late" is a euphemism for being dead, and thought it would be a good slogan for a funeral parlour.

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Thailand is an example of perfect road safety compared to India! There, everyone drives with their lights off or uses just side lights after dark. When they see an oncoming vehicle, the routine then is to turn on full beam headlights and drive straight at them. Last one to swerve is chicken or, equally likely, a bus full of dead passengers.

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taking the bus in thailand is a false economy if ever there was one.

life too short to save money by taking the bus.

if i cant afford to fly or drive, i cant afford to go.

As a former commercial pilot with over 10,000 hours flying my feeling is the same for taking the airplane.

The only way I will travel anywhere is by taking the car and driving myself.

And even then I try to figure out when there is the least amount of heavy traffic on the road.

Thais aren't the same people today as they were when I first came here sixty years ago.

Of course that does not only pertain to Thailand, it's the same in all the countries of the world I have worked and lived in, including my own country Holland.

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taking the bus in thailand is a false economy if ever there was one.

life too short to save money by taking the bus.

if i cant afford to fly or drive, i cant afford to go.

As a former commercial pilot with over 10,000 hours flying my feeling is the same for taking the airplane.

The only way I will travel anywhere is by taking the car and driving myself.

And even then I try to figure out when there is the least amount of heavy traffic on the road.

Thais aren't the same people today as they were when I first came here sixty years ago.

Of course that does not only pertain to Thailand, it's the same in all the countries of the world I have worked and lived in, including my own country Holland.

For someone who has phobia of flying, is there a way to ease her anxiety? There are some people who prefer to travel on land rather than flying, not because they can't afford so.
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You only have to drive in a highway construction area with signs stating ‘no overtaking’ and that is just what some drivers do, even with oncoming traffic.

I can guess the Thai logic here and have witnessed it; I am a big bus and have right of way so will flash my headlights; meanwhile the truck driver is thinking I am a big truck and have right of way so will flash my headlights.

Of course the police are nowhere to be seen.

RIP to the poor passengers.

most of the bus drivers drive like maniacs i am often digging my nails into the armrest on bus journeys , the thai philosophy is if its my turn to die today then it wont change , therefore i can drive at 150 kilometeres an hour and it does not matter as it is already written whats going to happen , in the west we just use our common sense and take our foot off the accelerator simple as

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Headline... 5 Dead.

From the story "The head-on collision killed both drivers of the bus and truck and two other passengers, who include a Myanmar man and a woman."

I may be old and I know my math skills are not what they used to be, BUT, 2 drivers killed, plus 2 passengers. Last time I checked, 2+2=4 not 5.

I do wish Thai reporters would check their facts, and proofread the stories.

... and the road carnage continues.

Myanmar men don't count as humans in Thailand, so 2 drivers and two passengers must be correct

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And so the carnage continues. Won't they ever learn?

I think he learned his lesson, he won't be risking any more innocent lives anymore.

Removed from the gene pool - unfortunately the cost was too high....
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Headline... 5 Dead.

From the story "The head-on collision killed both drivers of the bus and truck and two other passengers, who include a Myanmar man and a woman."

I may be old and I know my math skills are not what they used to be, BUT, 2 drivers killed, plus 2 passengers. Last time I checked, 2+2=4 not 5.

I do wish Thai reporters would check their facts, and proofread the stories.

... and the road carnage continues.

but mostly at bus there are nearly the driver a Stewart
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Headline... 5 Dead.

From the story "The head-on collision killed both drivers of the bus and truck and two other passengers, who include a Myanmar man and a woman."

I may be old and I know my math skills are not what they used to be, BUT, 2 drivers killed, plus 2 passengers. Last time I checked, 2+2=4 not 5.

I do wish Thai reporters would check their facts, and proofread the stories.

... and the road carnage continues.

but mostly at bus there are nearly the driver a Stewart

Please, please read your replies again and again before posting. When you are sure the rest of us will understand it, then hit the reply button.


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Burmese women not Myanmar woman. U don't write a Thailand or a France woman either.


Off-topic, but just to correct you on this. The country name is Myanmar. The nationality is Myanmar, the language is Myanmar-sa. One of the ethnic groups in Myanmar is Burmese. How do you know that this woman was Burmese and not Chin, Kachin, Shan???

OK - back to the topic.

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Headline... 5 Dead.

From the story "The head-on collision killed both drivers of the bus and truck and two other passengers, who include a Myanmar man and a woman."

I may be old and I know my math skills are not what they used to be, BUT, 2 drivers killed, plus 2 passengers. Last time I checked, 2+2=4 not 5.

I do wish Thai reporters would check their facts, and proofread the stories.

... and the road carnage continues.

My conclusion is that the driver of the truck was a male Myanmar citizen and the driver of the bus was khun Noy, a female Myanmar citizen.

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Headline... 5 Dead.

From the story "The head-on collision killed both drivers of the bus and truck and two other passengers, who include a Myanmar man and a woman."

I may be old and I know my math skills are not what they used to be, BUT, 2 drivers killed, plus 2 passengers. Last time I checked, 2+2=4 not 5.

I do wish Thai reporters would check their facts, and proofread the stories.

... and the road carnage continues.

but mostly at bus there are nearly the driver a Stewart

Please, please read your replies again and again before posting. When you are sure the rest of us will understand it, then hit the reply button.


I understand what the OP is trying tell us, had to read twice for understanding - maybe have been in Thailand too long ?
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So the bus was in the truck's lane...That means the bus was trying to pass a vehicle and crossed into the oncoming lane to pass...

Thai drivers don't drive to road conditions...should a bus full of passengers take the chance to pass by using an on-coming lane? answer - never; wait for the passing lane down the road....

Why do Thai drivers have this fetish to pass w/o reading road conditions? They take high risk behaviors all the time for the savings of a few seconds....dunb ass stupid by putting all drivers around them at unnecessary high risk...

It's called lack of training, low IQ.

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