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GOP leaders: No place for bigotry in the Republican Party


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GOP leaders: No place for bigotry in the Republican Party

WASHINGTON (AP) — The two top Republican leaders in Congress denounced Donald Trump on Tuesday for his slow-moving disavowal of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted Trump's "seeming ambivalence about David Duke and the KKK" as Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., warned that anyone who wants the Republican presidential nomination must reject racism.

The rebuke of Trump came as GOP voters went to the polls in 11 states in a "Super Tuesday" of balloting that many Republicans fear could give the combative and controversial New Yorker unstoppable momentum toward claiming the GOP presidential nod.

"This party does not prey on people's prejudices. We appeal to their highest ideals. This is the Party of Lincoln," Ryan told reporters.

At the same time, Ryan reiterated that he will support the eventual GOP presidential nominee.

Never mentioning Trump's name, Ryan and McConnell were clearly referring to the billionaire businessman's appearance Sunday on CNN when he declined to disavow the support of Duke and other white supremacists.

"Let me make it perfectly clear: Senate Republicans condemn David Duke, the KKK, and his racism," McConnell said.

Duke served as a Republican in the Louisiana state legislature in the early 1990s.

"When I see something that runs counter to who we are as a party and a country I will speak up. So today I want to be very clear about something: If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party there can be no evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry," Ryan said.

Last year, Ryan and McConnell disavowed Trump's plan to block Muslims from entering the U.S. Otherwise, they've tried to stay clear of commenting on the race.

Trump subsequently disavowed Duke, blaming his interview performance Sunday on a bad earpiece.

His two top rivals — Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas — criticized Trump and said the GOP must condemn white supremacists.

But House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi argued that "Trump's radical agenda" reflects the House Republican conference. Pelosi said that while some in the GOP are distancing themselves from Trump, Republicans refused to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds and have blocked renewal of the Voting Rights Act.

"The reality is, Donald Trump is just being more candid about the agenda of discrimination House Republicans have been advancing for years," Pelosi said in a statement.

Top Senate Democrat Harry Reid of Nevada noted that both GOP leaders say they expect to support the eventual nominee.

"Republicans say they they'll support a man who refuses to denounce the KKK so until they withdraw their support, talk is really cheap," Reid said.

"Some of us feel like we have a responsibility to speak out when he makes outlandish, crazy statements like the Muslim ban or a number of others," said Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz. On Trump and the Klan, Flake added: "To blame it on a faulty earpiece, people know. 'KKK' is pretty easy to hear."

On Tuesday, USA Today reported that a group of about 30 African-American students from Valdosta State University were kicked out of a Trump rally by law enforcement officials.

"The only reason we were given was that Mr. Trump did not want us there," 22-year-old senior Brooke Gladney told the newspaper. The campaign denied any role in their ouster from the event.

Ryan, the GOP's 2012 vice presidential nominee, bemoaned the current discourse in the GOP and said it was time to get back to focusing on how Republicans would solve the nation's problems.

Many Washington Republicans are increasingly open about their dismay at the prospect of Trump winning the GOP nomination.

"The way he's gotten people behind him kills you in a general election," said Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who dropped out of the race last year amid poor poll numbers. He said "70 percent of his support comes from people who want to deport them all and want to ban all Muslims."

McConnell was asked twice about a New York Times report that he said in a closed-door party meeting that down-ballot Republicans might drop Trump "like a hot rock," and he responded with a classic Washington non-denial.

"I don't remember saying anything like that to all of you," McConnell told reporters.

Last month, Trump took a swipe at Ryan, saying the GOP lost the White House in 2012 because the vice presidential candidate was synonymous with a budget that targeted Social Security. That, according to Trump, cost Republicans with seniors.

Ryan rejected that argument on Tuesday, saying he and Mitt Romney won the senior vote by 12 percentage points, "the best performance a Republican ticket has had since 1984 when Ronald Reagan had a landslide election."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-02

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Heh...guess Mitch McConnell didn't see where David Duke came out the other day and stated he's never met The Donald nor ever supported him

These old time Republicans with their heads stuck in the sand are in for a rude shock.

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

Yes, sure blame the media for things that are being said. Or was it a failing ear piece?
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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

This Muslim American Jew hating bigot is backing Trump:


Farrakhan is not the first anti-Semitic figure to voice support for Trump. Former KKK leader David Duke has praised Trump, but stopped short of a full endorsement, citing Trump’s friendliness to Jews and Israel.

Trump and his band of supporters should scare us all.

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

The so-called 'liberal media' (your words) are simply reporting what Trump said. It's on video. Look it up. The CNN reporter asked Trump four times, if he disavows being supported by Duke and the KKK. Four times, Trump evaded the question, saying things like, "what group are you talking about?" and "I don't know David Duke" ....both blatant lies. Whether or not Trump is a racist is, to me, secondary. What's more important is how easily he lies.

Trump as president will have him constantly spinning, denying, obfuscating things he said days/weeks/months before. Are you sure he's not from Oklahoma? ...the land of twisters.

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Right. You just wait - Trump will stop to "liberate" all those oppresssed Muslims. That will put a stop the migrant disaster.

Dream on. When you wake up, reflect on the cause-and-effect of this entire disaster. Start with looking up the origin of the "Seven Sisters."

Open Borders? LOL

Trump is attempting to stop the rot that has been inflicted on Europe and that migrant disaster

Edited by does
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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

The so-called 'liberal media' (your words) are simply reporting what Trump said. It's on video. Look it up.

Trump has disavowed David Duke numerous times over the years, including LAST FRIDAY. Why are the MSM (and you) ignoring THAT? Under the circumstances, Trump's "bad ear piece" excuse makes sense.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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He certainly won't kiss the Saudi rulers feet like Obama did, or make his first trip an endorsement of the wonderful Muslim brotherhood, that was a real party piece by Obama and we will probably never get over it

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"No place for bigotry in the Republican Party?" Give me a break. The GOP has been the official party of dedicated bigotry at least since Nixon's "Southern Strategy" won the White House in 1968. Nixon appealed to Southern bigots with code words like "law and order", i.e. use the cops and harsh drug laws to achieve record levels of mass incarceration of which blacks are the principal victims. It continues today with voter suppression directed especially at blacks and poor people generally, especially after Scalia and the other Repub justices overturned the parts of the Voting Act of 1964 that prevented them from doing just that. The Repubs champion a voucher system for private schools as a way to re-segregate education.

The wonder is that pricks like McConnell manage to keep a straight face when they spew such lies.

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

The daily "I'm not a Trump fan" post defending Trump.

The damn liberal media opened Trump's pie hole and the ongoing racist, xenophobic speech continued.

That's the biggest problem with the liberal media is, it's not Fox News.

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GOP leaders: No place for bigotry in the Republican Party

If they evict all the bigots, where does that leave the party? ...and where do they go? Trump Towers?

Not that I care really for either Democrats or Republicans...all bigots. and the biggest bigot wins

Edited by klauskunkel
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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

The daily "I'm not a Trump fan" post defending Trump.

I have also been dismissive of him on a regular basis and been supportive of Marco Rubio. You are about as "honest" as the far-left media where you memorize your hateful, partisan rhetoric.

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No place for bigotry? I have never seen such naked bigotry from a major political party ... and not just Trump. Sure maybe it's a vote grab only but still shocking. It's a sad day for America .... unless you are white of course.

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He certainly won't kiss the Saudi rulers feet like Obama did, or make his first trip an endorsement of the wonderful Muslim brotherhood, that was a real party piece by Obama and we will probably never get over it

Trump's personal wealth is entangled in the world of Muslim finance / business.


If Trump achieves the Presidency we will have to wait & see if he lives up to his political rhetoric or turns out to be yet another person who over promises, but under achieves.

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A bit silly on all sides if you ask me...

Trump should have just said.. Understand all people will vote for some one but I have been clear on what I stand for and what I believe in.

While I appreciate votes by all Americans people who may believe my presidency would better this country,

I just want to assure all parties on the record , that I believe all people of all races should be treated fairly and all should treated the same under the law.

Or something similar..

The reality it even racists and bigots vote...if David Duke decided to vote for Cruz or Rubio, would that mean. They were racists? No of course not

No more than if Wayne LaPierre (president of NRA) voted for Hilary ... Would that make her a conservative

The real issue is that Trump was Stupid... And handled the questions poorly

Not that this makes him some how racist

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No room for bigotry, what do you think the GOP "Southern Strategy" was all about.

It is alive and well today with voter ID laws, heavy police presence at polls, limiting

early voting. It goes on and on. The GOP likes to keep it just below the surface. blink.png

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

This is one of the Merriam Webster definitions of "bigot":

a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)

Trump isn't refusing to accept any member of a particular religious group is he?

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The only way to eradicate bigotry from the GOP is to de-register it and close it down as a failed experiment. Eventually it will go the way of Communism, dictatorships and fascism. In the end they implode on themselves. The GOP has managed to infiltrate and corrupt all the institutions in the US. The Supreme Court, the electoral system, the media, the financial system, the health system, the military, the education system, the wage system. The danger is as the GOP implodes it takes down the entire nation with it.

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

This is one of the Merriam Webster definitions of "bigot":

a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)[/size]

I'm pretty sure it is OK to be "bigoted" against murdering Islamic terrorists. It is probably a virtue.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.



Whoever white supremacists don't like (can I use the N word?

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Open Borders? LOL

Trump is attempting to stop the rot that has been inflicted on Europe and that migrant disaster

Not really a rot. More common humanity being taken advantage of by economic migrants coming in with refugees. would be interesting to hear the evangelicals on that!

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I'm not a Trump fan. In fact, he scares me, but there is not the slightest evidence he is a "bigot" except to radical Islamic terrorists. The liberal media will do anything to smear the man.

This Muslim American Jew hating bigot is backing Trump:


Farrakhan is not the first anti-Semitic figure to voice support for Trump. Former KKK leader David Duke has praised Trump, but stopped short of a full endorsement, citing Trump’s friendliness to Jews and Israel.

Trump and his band of supporters should scare us all.

You know, this is a really interesting post/point. When I first noted Farrakhan lately softening on someone white, Trump, indicting Obama, etc., my first reaction was "nice, it would be nice if black people and white people began to see eye to eye on some things." But then I thought longer about Farrakhan: there are few examples of people in US history who should have been prosecuted for instigating hate and war and violence and bias and every manner of stain on others. Farrakhan is an agent of hate, a curiously American blend of militant theology and Islam. Farrakhan really does raise alarms rather than display unity. Besides the tool of reference, David Duke, Farrakhan is classless in his bigotry and hate for jews and others.

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Lets throw enough crap at Trump and see what sticks. Every day my reservations about Trump lessen, especially when I posit a Trump presidency against the alternatives. America will not survive in any agreeable form unless something drastic changes. The GOP defines its irrelevance every day. Indeed, the GOP is as equally despised as Obama/HRC. That they cannot see this reveals why it is so necessary for Trump to get it.

America is tired of being inculcated in hate and division by government lackeys. America Inc. is a divisive, Balkanized nation not because of inherent racial biases but because of nurtured, intentional fractures to craft electorates and constituency. In America, racial division is money for the left, and power. That is the real crime, that is the real injustice- under the cover of Equal Protections America has become only a nation of Special Protections and government sanctioned racism. The US government tracks and uses racial data for nearly all agencies under Obama, from the politicizing of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to the HUD mandates that white suburban America have "set asides" for people of color. All things race under Progressivism.

Enter Trump and the thorny path through the GOP and Democratic war zone was bound to present some crap that they would try to make stick through repetition. Trump may be many things but a racist is not one; how retarded to think a billionaire running for president, risking name and fortune, is a secret supporter of white hoods and pointy hats. Its to this stupid BS that Americans have had enough- and they are also tired of "the war on women..." "the war on blacks..." "the war on..." and the endless divisive rhetoric that the Left offers, and the Right succumb to in their dual embrace of their shared goal for America.

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