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Thai man jailed for stealing three coconuts


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I truly hope that a coconut will soon fall on the witches head and squeeze her brain out.

Do you honestly thing there is a brain in there? Based on her actions, she has demonstrated that if there is a brain at all, it is extremely small, and possessing an IQ that is probably considerably less than her air conditioned palace.

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Wow..that Ms. plantation owner might be currently avoiding the public and a dose of black magic. She might find a reduction of cash flow from Karma! A background investigation on her could prove interesting. Another ice cold heart in my opinion. Shameful. I will buy coconuts for mom to be and more with a copy of her husbands national ID card for identity confirmation.

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Now I place a Sicilian curse on this "Greedy Ms Aree Wongtakul"

"From this day forward all your luck will be bad...your health will

Fail and you will live a miserable life". To be empowered by the

Ghost of my deceased Sicillian Grandmother!! Curse can only

Be removed by payment of B100,000 to Mr Naruebet.

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The owner of the coconut farm, Ms Aree Wongtakul, contacted police after CCTV footage captured Mr Naruebet stealing the coconuts on Thursday afternoon.

Ms Aree allegedly told police she would drop the charges if Mr Naruebet paid her 50,000 baht compensation.

So, the real question is why didn't the cops just tell Wongtakul to mind her own business, and spend her days counting her fortune, rather than persecuting poor people? Why doesn't someone just slap the crap out of her, and tell her to accept 100 baht and let this go away? 3 coconuts? And they arrested this guy? Sure he was foolish. But poverty can drive people to do desperate things. And one would not expect this kind of hooliganism on the part of a wealthy woman like Wongtakul. What a goon she is. Does she have any idea how foolish she looks? This is her 15 minutes of fame, and the entire nation is laughing at her, and ridiculing her. She will forever be remembered as the kee know mak mak lady. She will suffer for the rest of her life, from the intense humiliation she has brought upon herself. And she is probably too simple minded to get any of this. She is just being petulant, ugly, vengeful, and over protective of her land. In her tiny mind, she probably thinks she is sending a message. Don't steal my coconuts, or you will pay a heavy price for it! I am an upper class woman. I own all this land. You cannot touch me, you cannot walk onto my land, and you certainly cannot take my precious coconuts. If you will, I will come after you with everything I have. And you know why I will do that? Because I do not have a life. I am an empty shell of a woman. I am of no value to my community. I have never devoted a single moment to doing anything positive, or creative, or charitable, or kind, for my community, or my people. That is who I am. I am a scrooge. I am a freak. I am a no good woman, who have no value to anyone. I am a monster. What a goombah she is. What a local goliath. What a waste of oxygen. Someone needs to give this woman a very, very swift kick in the ass, and slap her around, and lecture her on how vastly she has failed her mission in life.

She is representative of nearly everything that is wrong with contemporary culture. I am not going to limit this to Thailand. It is a worldwide phenomenon. This episode encapsulates the lack of charity, that the masses engage in daily. How many of us really give back to society? In a meaningful way? This woman owns land that is probably quite valuable. And yet, she refuses, with every ounce of energy, and every molecule of her being, to help anyone. She certainly refused to help this guy. Rather than identify him, search him out, and ask him if he needs some help feeding his pregnant wife, she goes ballistic over three coconuts. Obviously, her reaction was completely out of proportion to the crime committed against her. But, that is the nature of the story, and it reveals alot about mankind, in this present day and age. Perhaps we all have to work a little harder, to avoid becoming the ugly Grinch that Wongtakul has allowed herself to become, disgracing herself and shaming her family and community, in the process.

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the other side of the story told to me by my tgf

apparently this was not the first time he had committed this offense with said plantation owner. had been in jail prior for drug issues.

lady offered his wife money for some food. etc.

just what i was told

just saying

the other side of story we dont hear......

50,000 obsurd........

but i guess it would keep him off the plantation for a while

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As said above there are two sides.

Actually the owner is a 60 year old trying to make a living and has been robbed repeatedly by this individual and has video to prove it. This is nothing like it is being reported.

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earn 200 Baht a day from his labouring job at a latex factory

So the national minimum daily wage is not Bt300?

Police should arrest the owner of the latex factory and force payment of all backwages. Then maybe he could afford to buy cocnuts from a store or farmer's market. Likely more people than this guy are being cheated from rightful wages. Let's see the police carry out real justice.

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I doubt it's about the money for the owner, she's probably trying to make a point. That's the cultural and legal environment she is in. Why act in any other way?

In a situation like this it should be up to the law - either the police or the courts - to determine what is the recompense and not allow one of the parties involved to use the law how they see fit.

For me this is more about the Thai legal system, showing it up as a tool to protect the powerful and not really as a servant for the population as a whole. It shows the Thai legal system is completely broken with regards to a civil society and decent people will be well advised to stay clear because balance, fairness and justice are rare commodities where an angry 'hi-so' can set the terms.

More reason not to invest, buy, rent or make deals in Thailand. More reason to not be in an accident, be involved in a dispute or otherwise get out from under your bed in the morning.

Edited by Squeegee
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earn 200 Baht a day from his labouring job at a latex factory

So the national minimum daily wage is not Bt300?

Police should arrest the owner of the latex factory and force payment of all backwages. Then maybe he could afford to buy cocnuts from a store or farmer's market. Likely more people than this guy are being cheated from rightful wages. Let's see the police carry out real justice.

The national wage differs from province to province (not sure what it is over there he could still be underpaid) but there is no uniform national wage.

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As said above there are two sides.

Actually the owner is a 60 year old trying to make a living and has been robbed repeatedly by this individual and has video to prove it. This is nothing like it is being reported.

If this is true I got a bit more respect, because it is just protecting her own income. If a guy is constantly stealing her coconuts and nothing is done soon others will do the same. As long as this was not the first step.. like first tell the guy to stop.. warn him.. and if he still goes on then go to the police I am ok with it.

It would be like raising ducks or fish and someone comes to steal from you every night. I am sure most people would hate it and try to prevent it.

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This morning I've just seen the story with more details on Thai TV, it seems its not the first time he had stolen in this same coconut farm.

They FOUND 3 coconuts in his house but the owner put the cameras BECAUSE she wanted to catch the thief that came regularly to her farm, that would explain her madness for the 50,000 Baht.

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One would have thought the judge could have used a bit of common sense, and possibly suspended the sentence, or issued a community order.

Did you read the article... nothing about a judge yet.

The 50.000 is what the owner wants, who will drop charges if that is paid.

Now he is waiting in jail until his trail.

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The police are in on this for sure...any normal cop would have laughed her out of the police station!!! I hope huge pressure is put on her and these dirty cops. Which station is this? Who is their commander? Name and shame!!!

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Snap photos under the dress of a young school girl and get 500 baht fine and no jail time. Steal 3 coconuts and go to jail and asked to pay 50,000 baht. Is this a screwed up country or what ???

Thai society = <deleted>

Feel sorry for them really.

Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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earn 200 Baht a day from his labouring job at a latex factory

So the national minimum daily wage is not Bt300?

Police should arrest the owner of the latex factory and force payment of all backwages. Then maybe he could afford to buy cocnuts from a store or farmer's market. Likely more people than this guy are being cheated from rightful wages. Let's see the police carry out real justice.

The national wage differs from province to province (not sure what it is over there he could still be underpaid) but there is no uniform national wage.

The 'floating' minimum wage was scheduled to take effect in 2016 but not clear it is actually set yet and may not be until mid year to last half of 2016. Even when started the minimum wage in any province can not be less then the current 300 baht/day. Source

Also "Given the current economic situation, an ad hoc committee will be set up to consider the varied rates of the minimum wage within six months from January until June 2016, said the undersecretary who heads the Wage Committee." Source

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