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Clinton sweeps Ohio, Florida; Trump, Kasich split; Rubio out


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Clinton sweeps Ohio, Florida; Trump, Kasich split; Rubio out

CLEVELAND (AP) — Hillary Clinton triumphed Tuesday in the Florida, Ohio and North Carolina presidential primaries, a commanding showing for the Democratic front-runner now eager to move on to the general election. But the contests brought little clarity to the Republican race, with Donald Trump winning big in Florida but falling in Ohio to the state's governor, John Kasich.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio ended his once-promising campaign after his home-state loss, so the GOP primary is now down to three candidates: Trump, Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. It is far from clear if any can reach the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination, ratcheting up the prospects of a contested convention.

"It's a real election for someone who knows how to fix the country, the economy," Kasich said in an interview with CNN moments after the Ohio race was called. "We're fired up."

Clinton declared to cheering supporters at her victory rally: "We are moving closer to securing the Democratic Party nomination and winning this election in November."

Rubio implicitly rebuked Trump throughout a speech announcing he was dropping out of the race, imploring Americans to "not give in to the fear, do not give in to the frustration."

Rubio, a favorite of Republican leaders, is the latest candidate to fall victim to an unpredictable election cycle and Trump's unmatched ability to tap into the public's anger with Washington and frustration with sweeping economic changes.

Clinton's victories in Ohio and Florida bolstered her argument that she's the best Democratic candidate to take on Republicans in the general election. Her win in Ohio was a particular relief for her campaign, which grew anxious after rival Bernie Sanders pulled off a surprising win last week in Michigan, another important Midwestern state.

Clinton kept up her large margins with black voters, a crucial group for Democrats in the general election. Democratic voters were more likely to describe Sanders as honest, but more likely to describe Clinton's policies as realistic, according to exit polls.

Campaigning Tuesday in North Carolina, Clinton said "the numbers are adding up in my favor." She signaled an eagerness to move on to a possible general election showdown with Trump, saying he's laid out a "really dangerous path" for the country.

Votes were also being counted Tuesday in Missouri and Illinois, though races in both parties were too close to call. Trump and Cruz were in a close race in North Carolina.

Trump entered Tuesday's primaries embroiled in one of the biggest controversies of his contentious campaign. The GOP front-runner has encouraged supporters to confront protesters at his events and is now facing accusations of encouraging violence after skirmishes at a rally last week in Chicago.

The atmosphere at his events has deepened the concern over his candidacy in some Republican circles. Rubio and Kasich have suggested they might not be able to support Trump if he's the nominee, an extraordinary stance for intraparty rivals.

Trump's closest competition so far has come from Cruz, who has kept relatively close to the businessman in the delegate count. Cruz has been urging Rubio and Kasich to step aside and let him get into a one-on-one race.

Even before Tuesday's results, a group of conservatives was planning a meeting to discuss options for stopping Trump, including at a contested convention or by rallying around a third-party candidate. While such no candidate has been identified, the participants in Tuesday's meeting planned to discuss ballot access issues, including using an existing third party as a vehicle or securing signatures for an independent bid.

A person familiar with the planning confirmed the meeting on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the gathering by name.

Despite concerns from party leaders, Republican voters continue to back Trump's most controversial proposals, with two-thirds of those who participated in GOP primaries Tuesday saying they support temporarily banning Muslims from the United States.

The exit polls were conducted by Edison Research for The Associated Press and television networks.

Trump's Florida victory brought his delegate total to 568. Cruz has 370 delegates, Rubio has 163 and Kasich has 63. It takes 1,237 to win the GOP nomination.

Clinton has at least 1,353 delegates, including the superdelegates who are elected officials and party leaders free to support the candidate of their choice. Sanders has at least 625. It takes 2,383 to win the Democratic nomination.

Pace reported from Washington. AP writers Scott Bauer in Rockford, Illinois, Lisa Lerer in Chicago, Sergio Bustos in Miami, Stephen Ohlemacher and Alan Fram in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-16

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Brokered convention looks more and more likely now and you know what that means...Mitt Romney is back!!!

Stopping Trump in Ohio was a key for the establishment GOP to oust Trump. Mitt is happier than a pig in poop with the Kasich win in Ohio. Another chance to lose an election!

Knowing Donald Trump as we all unfortunately do, what are the chances that he goes 3rd party when the Republican party throws him out on his bum? He can still win the nomination at this point.

It's all good and it doesn't really matter. Whoever it is, is going to lose badly. The on-going train wreck that was the Republican party continues to pile into the side of a mountain.

Oh, I almost forgot, anybody else enjoying the soap opera that's going on over at Breitbart? It's a beautiful story of wingnut media and its self immolation. A heartwarming tale of a Breitbart woman employee getting man handled by Trump's campaign manager and Breitbart's management throwing her under the bus. Four of their top people then quit. One might have some sympathy for the Breitbart employees but they were all hacks working for a site that had no journalistic cred.

The Republican campaign is pure fun.

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Brokered convention looks more and more likely now and you know what that means...Mitt Romney is back!!!

That is as idiotic as most of your other fantasies. Trump will be the Republican candidate.

Or one of two Republican candidates....

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That is as idiotic as most of your other fantasies. Trump will be the Republican candidate.

How can you be so sure? The GOP establishment hates Trump. They may hate him more than they hate Obama. I've noticed Trump trying to make nice after his latest wins, but is it too little, too late? Will be interesting.

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Brokered convention looks more and more likely now and you know what that means...Mitt Romney is back!!!

That is as idiotic as most of your other fantasies. Trump will be the Republican candidate.

The loss in Ohio makes it extraordinarily difficult -- Trump will need some 60 percent of the delegates left -- to get the 1,237 delegates he needs to lock up the nomination without a floor fight in Cleveland. That's a fact, Jack.

My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

I'm with you Ulysses, go Trump. It will be a cakewalk for HRC over Trump to the White House. So come on Donald, more hate, more hate....

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Brokered convention looks more and more likely now and you know what that means...Mitt Romney is back!!!

That is as idiotic as most of your other fantasies. Trump will be the Republican candidate.

The loss in Ohio makes it extraordinarily difficult -- Trump will need some 60 percent of the delegates left -- to get the 1,237 delegates he needs to lock up the nomination without a floor fight in Cleveland. That's a fact, Jack.

My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

I'm with you Ulysses, go Trump. It will be a cakewalk for HRC over Trump to the White House. So come on Donald, more hate, more hate....

Be careful before you choose Hilary over Trump.

Edited by TheCruncher
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I agree that they hate him, but he is too far ahead to toy with. There would be an open revolution if the establishment freezes him out now.

What do you mean by "open revolution" exactly?

A bitter, public squabble and two candidates representing the GOP?

Or armed militia exercising their 2nd amendment rights?

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The loss in Ohio makes it extraordinarily difficult -- Trump will need some 60 percent of the delegates left -- to get the 1,237 delegates he needs to lock up the nomination without a floor fight in Cleveland. That's a fact, Jack.

My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

I'm with you Ulysses, go Trump. It will be a cakewalk for HRC over Trump to the White House. So come on Donald, more hate, more hate....

Trump is sitting pretty. 1237 is the magic number. and Trumps' 1/2 way there with 621. He will also be moving onto his turf with states like NJ and NY to come. Even in CA, he's well positioned. Cruz will be out of his stronghold where voters believe that man lived alongside dinosaurs, and that gays should die (Just look at the wacko who in his introduction for Cruz at a rally yesterday, demanded that gays be executed.) Kasich won't get any more than a handful of delegates after today and faces his own baggage concerning corruption.

However, the big indicator is money spent. Kasich has spent $18 million and look where he is. Cruz has spent $62 million vs Trump's $25 million. It's Trump who is out in front. Cruz can't afford another $62 million as his money sources are drying up. Trump is getting free publicity because of his awesome media skills.

Trump is going to squeak on through. It's all rather exciting. Say what you will, but the contested leadership runs certainly show democracy is vibrant in the USA.

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I agree that they hate him, but he is too far ahead to toy with. There would be an open revolution if the establishment freezes him out now.

By "the establishment" I take it you mean the Republican party? (snicker)

Open revolution by the reich wing. The victimization of the sore loser class continues ... repressing their rights of assembling and freedumb of hate!

"They're not angry people, but they want to see the country properly run," Trump said of his supporters during the speech. Key word here is "Properly" according to Donald Trump and his supporters.

Ye gods. Yeah bring on the open revolution! Can't wait to see the Donald perp walked into jail for inciting riots and treason.

Anything can happen at this point, that's why it's so exciting!

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My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

You could call what is happening with the Democrats also a train wreck when the two choices are a non-Democrat Socialist and a well-known liar who should be in jail - and still might be.

But I don't look at either like a "train wreck". I look at it like a good thing because it is shaking things up.

Shaking up the establishment is what the USA needs.

I like to think that is one thing people across the political spectrum can agree on. It's just when there is an election at stake we are forced to take sides and we don't want "the other side" to win.

But how much of an "other side" is there really? Obama is very different from Bush but he kept a lot of the same policies and is owned by the banks,

Republican voters are pissed off because they gave Congressional Republicans big wins in 2010 and 2014 only to see them cave to the Obama and the Democrats.

They all say one thing to get elected, then change when they are safely in office cashing those checks.

So maybe it is our entire system that is a train wreck?

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I agree that they hate him, but he is too far ahead to toy with. There would be an open revolution if the establishment freezes him out now.

It seems people forget that Trump is winning because millions of people are voting for him. Many more for him than the other candidates.

To try an dump Trump the Republican establishment would basically be saying that elections don't matter. Voting doesn't matter. "we will choose your candidate for you".

That's where the Democrat establishment got it right. They simply did not allow any other Democrats to run against their pre-chosen establishment candidate.

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From the OP: Rubio, a favorite of Republican leaders, is the latest candidate to fall victim to an unpredictable election cycle and Trump's unmatched ability to tap into the public's anger with Washington and frustration with sweeping economic changes.

Now lets get that right:

Rubio, a favorite of Republican leaders, is the latest candidate to die on the cross of amnesty for illegals.

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My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

You could call what is happening with the Democrats also a train wreck when the two choices are a non-Democrat Socialist and a well-known liar who should be in jail - and still might be.

But I don't look at either like a "train wreck". I look at it like a good thing because it is shaking things up.

Shaking up the establishment is what the USA needs.

I like to think that is one thing people across the political spectrum can agree on. It's just when there is an election at stake we are forced to take sides and we don't want "the other side" to win.

But how much of an "other side" is there really? Obama is very different from Bush but he kept a lot of the same policies and is owned by the banks,

Republican voters are pissed off because they gave Congressional Republicans big wins in 2010 and 2014 only to see them cave to the Obama and the Democrats.

They all say one thing to get elected, then change when they are safely in office cashing those checks.

So maybe it is our entire system that is a train wreck?

No, the trainwreck applies only to what is happening to the Republicans and you know it. It's a disaster for the Republicans. Dragging the Democrats into this is nothing but wishful thinking.

It's the end of the Republicans as a viable political party. It's complete anarchy and who is going to save the wingnut world? Cruz and Kasich? Romney? Paul Ryan? Nobody.

You're delusional that across the political spectrum people want change. The wingnuts want change, thus we get Trump from them. The rest of the (normal) people want a viable government, that isn't based on fear, hate and lies.

Everyone knows (the majority of Republicans included) that TV reality show, racist, buffoon, Donald Trump doesn't have a prayer of becoming President.

Go Trump.

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Brokered convention looks more and more likely now and you know what that means...Mitt Romney is back!!!

That is as idiotic as most of your other fantasies. Trump will be the Republican candidate.

The loss in Ohio makes it extraordinarily difficult -- Trump will need some 60 percent of the delegates left -- to get the 1,237 delegates he needs to lock up the nomination without a floor fight in Cleveland. That's a fact, Jack.

My fantasies are fulfilled every day watching this Republican trainwreck unfold.

I'm with you Ulysses, go Trump. It will be a cakewalk for HRC over Trump to the White House. So come on Donald, more hate, more hate....

There are bunch of winner take all state ahead, brokered convention is very unlikely. For example Cali has 150 delegates, winner takes them all.

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From the OP: Rubio, a favorite of Republican leaders, is the latest candidate to fall victim to an unpredictable election cycle and Trump's unmatched ability to tap into the public's anger with Washington and frustration with sweeping economic changes.

Now lets get that right:

Rubio, a favorite of Republican leaders, is the latest candidate to die on the cross of amnesty for illegals.

Rubio has a great chance to be the next Harold Stassen.

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Brokered convention looks more and more likely now and you know what that means...Mitt Romney is back!!!

Stopping Trump in Ohio was a key for the establishment GOP to oust Trump. Mitt is happier than a pig in poop with the Kasich win in Ohio. Another chance to lose an election!

Knowing Donald Trump as we all unfortunately do, what are the chances that he goes 3rd party when the Republican party throws him out on his bum? He can still win the nomination at this point.

It's all good and it doesn't really matter. Whoever it is, is going to lose badly. The on-going train wreck that was the Republican party continues to pile into the side of a mountain.

Oh, I almost forgot, anybody else enjoying the soap opera that's going on over at Breitbart? It's a beautiful story of wingnut media and its self immolation. A heartwarming tale of a Breitbart woman employee getting man handled by Trump's campaign manager and Breitbart's management throwing her under the bus. Four of their top people then quit. One might have some sympathy for the Breitbart employees but they were all hacks working for a site that had no journalistic cred.

The Republican campaign is pure fun.

Add, would you want rump holding the keys to the ballistic missiles?

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More popcorn over here please! I love the circus but I am rather worried about the big top crashing and burning at the finale.

I still think that there is an argument for each state to be run independently and run by what ever party they vote for with the FBI, CIA and the military being governed on a national level

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This whole election cycle is disgusting, more than most of them. It makes me ashamed to be an American. There is a “choice” amongst Trump, Clinton, Sanders, and Cruz.

Which would be the least authoritarian and dictatorial? Answer: None of the above.

Okay. Back to the ballgame with you, I guess.

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I agree that they hate him, but he is too far ahead to toy with. There would be an open revolution if the establishment freezes him out now.

It seems people forget that Trump is winning because millions of people are voting for him. Many more for him than the other candidates.

To try an dump Trump the Republican establishment would basically be saying that elections don't matter. Voting doesn't matter. "we will choose your candidate for you".

That's where the Democrat establishment got it right. They simply did not allow any other Democrats to run against their pre-chosen establishment candidate.

We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.


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I agree that they hate him, but he is too far ahead to toy with. There would be an open revolution if the establishment freezes him out now.

It seems people forget that Trump is winning because millions of people are voting for him. Many more for him than the other candidates.

To try an dump Trump the Republican establishment would basically be saying that elections don't matter. Voting doesn't matter. "we will choose your candidate for you".

That's where the Democrat establishment got it right. They simply did not allow any other Democrats to run against their pre-chosen establishment candidate.

We choose the nominee, not the voters: Senior GOP official

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.


And the Party leadership charged with that is chosen by the Oligarchs. They had Jeb & Hillary all pre-selected for the ballot a few months ago so this is just a minor hiccup

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