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Video of feeding frenzy by ‘greedy’ Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai goes viral


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The behaviors are rooted in the Chinese cultural thing of 'not wanting to taken advantage of'. I first saw this back in the States when a colleague and I went to lunch. we got the same dish (at a Chinese place BTW) but he had this pained look on his face and called over the waiter and filed his complaint in Chinese. Afterwards I asked him what he said and he told the waiter that I was served more meat than he was (maybe 1 or 2 small pieces) and he was livid because he felt he was being taken advantage of. Most westerners would not have noticed the small variation and if they did would not have made such a fuss. So when they pay for these tours they feel to get their money's worth they need to grab all they can, otherwise their friends and neighbors will think them fools for being taken advantage of, and will constantly remind them how much they paid. So they will return to China and spin great tales of how they really lived like a king on their holiday.

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About 9 years ago I stayed at the Windsor Suites Hotel in Bangkok and witness the exact behavior from Chinese tourist.

I've seen this behavior a few times before in BKK...so much that I avoid buffets if I see any Chinese at all...they will RUN to the buffet table and literally take ALL the food back to their tables...it's pathetic...the few Thais I know have complained about the Chinese behavior for years...rude and selfish...in all their dealings with other races/nationalities...I'm not sure if they act this way in their own country...

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This is overall a regrettable post. I hate to confirm my feelings. I can only offer the thought that Chinese are born and brought up in a rat maze and have no other point of reference. The video link nearly makes me retch. I do have personal not especially pleasant experience with Chinese tourists. I would have liked to visit China but now i doubt I will.

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The only charitable way I can look at that video is to consider that they are probably filling their plates to bring to their table. Not only for themselves. But still ...

Also, perhaps they have experience here and if they don't do that, they won't get fed at those kinds of buffets.

In other words, if SOME people behave that way, there's little choice if they want some food.

I've had a similar experience at the infamous "to Jomtien" baht bus queue when there were more Russians here in high season.

The Russians disrespected the queue in outrageous ways and I found if I didn't get as obnoxious as they were and get super pushy that I would be waiting all night to get boarded. Being polite didn't cut it.

So yes, I behaved as badly as those Russians, not because I wanted to, but I felt I HAD to.

Now that they don't dominate, I'm back to my normal more polite (but still not a pushover) self.

So these behaviors are INFECTIOUS.

Edited by Jingthing
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Has anyone started a list of hotels that cater to Chinese bus tours such as these? I for one would be interested in knowing where to avoid them.

3 months ago I stayed in Amari Ocean Pattaya and it was a real horror in the morning, it looked like a busy Chinese vegetable market !!! the room was expensive 5k+ and had to cancel my stay because of them, really annoying !!

Edited by marcofunny
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While there are cultural differences which leads many to see Chinese behavior as rude, I've seen greedy customers at all you can eat buffets of all races and religions in multiple countries. Most haven't made such a spectacle of themselves however and were busy quietly sneaking food out of the buffet for friends and relatives at home who didn't want to pay to enter..... Who hasn't seen a story of some poor morbidly obese person kicked out of an all you can eat buffet for eating all they can?

I've seen greedy customers before.

But not an entire swarm of them.

Locusts is a very apt description.

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when observing Chinese in situations like this one must understand that 30 years ago the people in China were standing in food lines waiting for rations. The timid ones didn't get fed; thus the mad scramble for food. Unfortunately, even in today's relatively prosperous times, they still act like hogs at the feeding trough.

It's a bit hard to accept arguments like this, even if the content itself I s true. China has been under economic distress since the 1930's (war with Japan, or earlier), but this should not be an excuse.

The entire world was knocked for a six during the great depression ( and at various other times... Ireland during the Potato famine, plagues, droughts etc), which have seen people lining up for food handouts, or even killing others for their food handouts

Yet when things normalize, so do eating customs.... (and the way we eat...slowly, chewing....is probably a result of too many choking deaths over the ages.....Similar too Jews not eating pork, because it carries meat diseases which can kill)

Same with culture... No way can this ravenous hordes actions be condoned due to culture.... As I'm sure that the people's who had the culture to develop "China ware" used it with some form of grace, which is significantly lacking in this video.

Edited by farcanell
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I think a rather large learning curve for this establishment, as LOS has rather a lot of these visitors lately, and zillions to visit in the future... facepalm.gif

Perhaps enforce queueing by installing barriers, such that one only at a time can get at the "popular" dishes. With a sign above, of a picture lifted from this attached video, complete with a "not allowed" cross.

Seems like a radical suggestion, even to me, as I wrote this.... Redesigning the age old buffet table? .... But, have anyther look at the video, if you really want to see radical.

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I think a rather large learning curve for this establishment, as LOS has rather a lot of these visitors lately, and zillions to visit in the future... facepalm.gif

Perhaps enforce queueing by installing barriers, such that one only at a time can get at the "popular" dishes. With a sign above, of a picture lifted from this attached video, complete with a "not allowed" cross.

Seems like a radical suggestion, even to me, as I wrote this.... Redesigning the age old buffet table? .... But, have anyther look at the video, if you really want to see radical.

It would seem the recommended technique to fight this gluttony is to charge extra for food that is grabbed but not consumed.

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From notices placed at the buffet counter and shown in the video it shows that this event took place at the Ramayana Restaurant, King Power (duty free) Complex, Soi Rang Nam, Bangkok and not at a Chiang Mai Hotel. Looks like another case of regurgitating news without fact-checking sources. Now that we know were this took place we may decide to avoid the premises due to the tour groups that frequent the place.

I'll avoid it, I don't even know where it is!

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I really don't think this is an issue of wasted food... (although that does happen.)

It's a matter of rational, or in this case irrational, adult behavior.

These tourists have to know that they are going to get fed. They didn't sign up for the "Concentration Camp Tour."

They paid good money for room and board, so it can't be a matter that they are afraid they won't eat. They simply don't have any respect for other people, even members of their own groups. It's a childish 'me first' attitude. If we try to rationalize it by saying 'well, gee... it's their culture,' we can continue that thought with 'gee, that culture hasn't evolved beyond the ape-pack mentality...' Recognizing it for what it is doesn't mean that adults are unable to modify their behavior to suit their surroundings. They just don't give a s#it...

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Lord help me. I have been here WAY too long.

I head the other direction when I see and HEAR a band of these folks heading my way. Run and duck for cover... LOL

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Most Asian races despise the Chinese.

LOL.... I worked for a Chinese bloke, a couple of years ago, and it seems that the feeling is mutual... They are especially anti Japanese.... Still unforgiven for the 1930's war between the two countries.

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About 9 years ago I stayed at the Windsor Suites Hotel in Bangkok and witness the exact behavior from Chinese tourist.

I have stopped patronizing two hotels in Bangkok because of the hoards of Chinese tour groups they now cater to. I just got fed up with the shoving, shouting, and me-first mentality in the lobbies, elevators and restaurants. Plus, Thai staff allowed them to smoke everywhere.

•Mao must be proud of the unethical, course, and self-centered offspring he has sired.

•T.A.T. must be proud of the Pandora's box it has opened.

•I am proud that I can still vote with my feet and go elsewhere--for the time being.

It was a long time ago as I was checking into a nice Thai hotel when the coach parties arrived and suddenly my position at the check-in desk was disturbed and I was 4 people back. Soon I would hope Thai hotels list whether or not they accept Chinese tour groups in a way they might list whether they accept pets.

I think it would be a great idea if someone set up some sort of wiki or forum to list hotels in Thailand that cater to mainland Chinese tour groups. That would certainly be a consideration for me in selecting a hotel.


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Most Asian races despise the Chinese.

LOL.... I worked for a Chinese bloke, a couple of years ago, and it seems that the feeling is mutual... They are especially anti Japanese.... Still unforgiven for the 1930's war between the two countries.

Yes, but more Asian races despise the Chinese than vice versa. And rightfully so...

It's also funny that, as so many Chinese tourists visit Japan.......

Edited by CoreanoOzzie
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It was a long time ago as I was checking into a nice Thai hotel when the coach parties arrived and suddenly my position at the check-in desk was disturbed and I was 4 people back. Soon I would hope Thai hotels list whether or not they accept Chinese tour groups in a way they might list whether they accept pets.

I think it would be a great idea if someone set up some sort of wiki or forum to list hotels in Thailand that cater to mainland Chinese tour groups. That would certainly be a consideration for me in selecting a hotel.


I don't really have the time to do it right now, but if someone has some time on their hands, you could set something up using one of the free forum services that are available. You could then make a post at TV to announce it and I am certain you would rapidly have many replies!

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I'm at Suvarnabhumi right now, just wait till you see the scrum for the lifts! Trying to get out was just barge through as their all terrified of losing a place. Ugghhh. At least thais have the common sense to exit a bts momentarily to let people off. This will NEVER happen with the china's.

Edited by mcfish
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I'm at Suvarnabhumi right now, just wait till you see the scrum for the lifts! Trying to get out was just barge through as their all terrified of losing a place. Ugghhh. At least thais have the common sense to exit a bts momentarily to let people off. This will NEVER happen with the china's.

Slightly off topic, but relevant to our perception of their attitude... So I thought to share a <deleted> experience, that occurred in front of me two hours ago.

I was just entering the cluster Fark that is Chalong circle, when A Chinese couple, on a scooter, came from my left side, cut in front of me, and proceeded to ride around the circle in the opposite direction to normal traffic flow.... Unbelievable behavior!

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Most Asian races despise the Chinese.

LOL.... I worked for a Chinese bloke, a couple of years ago, and it seems that the feeling is mutual... They are especially anti Japanese.... Still unforgiven for the 1930's war between the two countries.

Yes, but more Asian races despise the Chinese than vice versa. And rightfully so...

It's also funny that, as so many Chinese tourists visit Japan.......

I think that their "give a fark" is busted..

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Just let them pay for the food that was not eaten. The Thais wanted the Chinese tourists now they got them.

What a stupid post. Chinese tourists are in London, Paris, Bangkok, Rome, New York, and practically every major city world-wide. Every country wants tourists, why is Thailand any different? I have Chinese tourists in my restaurant and have no more problems with them than any others. Do I want them? Yes, that's why I have my menu in Chinese, as well as Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, English and Thai. Maybe big tour groups are problematic, but they don't represent all of the Chinese tourists, much like tour groups from most countries.

Much like Aussi football teams (AUSSI AUSSI AUSSI) don't represent the majority of the Australian population...,hell, we are perfectly capable of making a spectacle of ourselves, without assistance.

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Just let them pay for the food that was not eaten. The Thais wanted the Chinese tourists now they got them.

I disagree with you. They wanted the money they spend so they could make more money and in many cases be the difference between a poor life and one with a little extra.

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