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Never give it a thought. It had zero impact on my life. Karma will eventually will take care of them.

Never had shaving foam or shampoo confiscated at airport security ?

Never had to remove your shoes/belt before being "cleared" by airport security staff ?

Both measures which have impacted on many and the direct result of Islamic terrorism .

Never had to remove your belt in public?

Never been frisked head-to-toe in a private, curtained booth with no one observing but the frisker?

[Heathrow to Tel Aviv flights]

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I don't frequent high-profile places where foreigners tend to congregate: Pattaya bars, Khao San Road, Full-Moon Party, Pai, Samui Muay Thai exhibitions, Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm, Tiger Temples, Khon Kaen Cobra Snake shows...

Oh, wait, I never went there (or wanted to) anyway.


Does the IS terror impact my life,,,

The answer is YES very much so,

i do on average 16 flights a year so

sooner or later my time will be up

but why should i think that every time

i land at an airport i am going to die,

or at a train station or outdoor activity.

Stop these cowards, i wish someone

could do it.


Doesn't surprise me in the least. I am a constant bellringer against muslim immigration to western countries, for the obvious reason that the quran encourages hatred of everyone else. No surprise that these syrian refugees are bombing the countries that help them. Time to wake up world.


I have worked in some of the top 10 most dangerous countries and it has never worried me. Obviously you dont do stupid things but adopt a general awareness of where you are. Thailand is not safe but I have been in worse and survived

Thailand is not safe? Compared to what? I lived in the USA most of my life and I find Chiang Mai much safer than any comparable size city in America. Agree that one should not engage in stupidity, but just going about my daily life in Thailand without any additional precautions is quite safe.

Just look at the statistics. More murders than in the USA and most other countries. Compared to say Chicago, LA, New York yes I agree with you. I never feel threatened in Bangkok but that doesn't alter the facts for the country. For me Thailand is the perfect country to live in but I am not blind to the amount of criminal activity that exists especially in the tourist areas. Being sensible like you and me we don't have problems. I have not see the mass murders that have occurred in the US but overall the crime rate in Thailand is high.

Most are as a result of gang feuds and many tourists act stupid and walk in ares of a night no sane person would. You have to remember, the average tourist thinks because they are on holiday everything is ok and there is nothing going to happen to them. They do things they wouldn't dream f back home and I am sure you have seen people doing stupid things where you live.


Do you feel somehow responsible for the floods of migrants enter Europe if you come from countries as UK, Holland, Germany, France, Belgium e.g. who were killing thousands there exploiting those colonies which created poverty to escape now?

being a German and aware that poverty, widespread misery and in some cases civil wars were caused by exploiting the former German colonies Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Somalia and Nigeria (just to name a few) doesn't let me sleep at night and during day time i can't think of anything else how to rectify those crimes committed.

thanks for sharing your concern. it's a big relief! ermm.gif

l've heard it all now.

Either trolling or an attempt at sarcasm. And not very good at either.

From my history lessons, l know that Germany never had colonies in those countries that you mention.

Either try Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroons, Togo, New Guinea & Samoa or stop trolling.

btw-Germany had a good record in New Guinea & Tanganyika, now Tanzania. But not so good in Namibia.

German colonies in Syria.


no no, misunderstood......Germany's a colony of Syria....cheesy.gif


Nope. The chance of terrorism affecting my life is like getting hit by lightning so I have other things to worry about like saving for my next vacation in Thailand.

BTW I'm not shocked.. the belgians were caught with their pants down.. highest alert and they pull this off.. needless to say that's not the same level of security as the Americans.

Gee, if terrorism doesn't affect your life, how do you through the security checks at the airport?


Of course the actions of Deash & other Islamic extremist groups have negatively changed aspects of life in our home countries; besides the violence and threat of future violence just have to take into consideration the legislation and security measures.

Regards the refugees, genuine or economic, our governments have a lot to answer for with their appalling complacency leading up to 2014/15 even when in receipt of warning by on the ground organisations such as UNHCR of the consequences of lack of proactive measures for funding, resources and so on.

Against 'all Muslims' absolutely not, against Daesh and the other Islamic 'extremists' - 100%. From my reading endeavouring to establish negotiations with Daesh to acheive peace would be a waste of effort based on their clearly articulated ideology. The US led coalition against Deash has long forecast it will take a further 2/3 years to destroy Deash and others in Syria and Iraq and what then with their affiliates in places such as Africa and Afghanistan and new groups that will emerge? How do our nations deal with the evil of the dictatorships, how do our nations assist with the transition of the endemic corruption that has contributed to the creation of our enemy etc etc. Currently it looks as though our nations will be in conflict with such groups for decades, but I do not subscribe to the repeated statements / claims on this forum and elsewhere 'we are doomed'.

BTW there are plenty of ex military or members who have resided in the M.E. on this forum, I may have missed their post/s, but so far I yet to read any of their comments that come across as viably addressing the issues the OP has raised.


l've heard it all now.

Either trolling or an attempt at sarcasm. And not very good at either.

From my history lessons, l know that Germany never had colonies in those countries that you mention.

Either try Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroons, Togo, New Guinea & Samoa or stop trolling.

btw-Germany had a good record in New Guinea & Tanganyika, now Tanzania. But not so good in Namibia.

are you trying to tell us Hitler was not the German Emperor's procurator ruling the Teutonic-Ottoman Empire from a palace in Damascus? huh.png

p.s. your rather lame comment

Either trolling or an attempt at sarcasm. And not very good at either.

generates... coffee1.gif


while i live my life as hard as i can to not generalize a population or culture.

I have not met many muslim characters that went out of their way to make sure i was welcome or gave me any respect in anyway.

i simply do not like the ones that I have come in contact with and can feel their energy. does this mean they all suck. no, but they dont smile at me or open doors.. thats for sure. i feel if they had the chance. they would end my existence. whistling.gif

i honestly dont care about any religion but these guys see me superficially and theres something there they feel and its mai dee.

You poor, frightened little man

You're letting your imagination run away with you.

Why the hell should they smile at you? Do Christians smile at you? What about Sikhs?

Sounds like you've already pre-judged them so it's little wonder they reciprocate with hostility

Change yourself, mate


while i live my life as hard as i can to not generalize a population or culture.

I have not met many muslim characters that went out of their way to make sure i was welcome or gave me any respect in anyway.

i simply do not like the ones that I have come in contact with and can feel their energy. does this mean they all suck. no, but they dont smile at me or open doors.. thats for sure. i feel if they had the chance. they would end my existence. whistling.gif

i honestly dont care about any religion but these guys see me superficially and theres something there they feel and its mai dee.

You poor, frightened little man

You're letting your imagination run away with you.

Why the hell should they smile at you? Do Christians smile at you? What about Sikhs?

Sounds like you've already pre-judged them so it's little wonder they reciprocate with hostility

Change yourself, mate

but isn't very impolite that they did not open doors for him? gigglem.gif


Its all BS.. Similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the lead up to World War 2, then it was the Jews who were blamed and now its the muslims.

Wake UP.... open your eyes and see the truth. HINT: Its not in the mass media.

Deeper still; it's all human nature.


while i live my life as hard as i can to not generalize a population or culture.

I have not met many muslim characters that went out of their way to make sure i was welcome or gave me any respect in anyway.

i simply do not like the ones that I have come in contact with and can feel their energy. does this mean they all suck. no, but they dont smile at me or open doors.. thats for sure. i feel if they had the chance. they would end my existence. whistling.gif

i honestly dont care about any religion but these guys see me superficially and theres something there they feel and its mai dee.

You poor, frightened little man

You're letting your imagination run away with you.

Why the hell should they smile at you? Do Christians smile at you? What about Sikhs?

Sounds like you've already pre-judged them so it's little wonder they reciprocate with hostility

Change yourself, mate

guess u dont understand sarcasm.. who in thai is gonna open a door for anyone.. i dont see many smiles either.. it was a joke.. they are a secular society and most of the time dont integrate.. next time ill try to be more specific on my posts,,

not changing my friend.. im not the one trolling posts and making negative remarks.. also, if u read it, i dont care for religion. so ur assumption on why i should care about christianity is incorrect as well. "mate"


The overstays, crackdowns on visas, issuing of passports, paperwork to get things done, i.d checks, xenophobia, worry of global security and economy, the feeling of helplessness to do anything. The stereotyping caused. The shame. Yes, terrorism since 9/11 has changed the world forever and effects everyone.


Doesn't surprise me in the least. I am a constant bellringer against muslim immigration to western countries, for the obvious reason that the quran encourages hatred of everyone else. No surprise that these syrian refugees are bombing the countries that help them. Time to wake up world.

What a nonsense.....!

1. The Koran (quran) does not encourage hatred

2. You find violence and hatred in the Old Testament

3. Syran refugees are not bombing helping countries but religious fanatics

And if you are a "bellringer" against muslim immigration.....means no muslim can have a job in western countries? No doctor, no professor, no engineer? How silly is that?

1. The Koran (quran) does not encourage hatred

But Islam does. Read the Hadith and Sunna. The Koran is only one book out of the Trilogy of Islamic teachings. Until you read them, your only reciting what you've heard from other sources such as the main steam media.

"You've read them?"

Yes I have.


I'm far too busy worrying about global warming to cpncern myself with all the ISS BS...?

I'm too busy worrying about driving on the second most dangerous roads in the world to concern myself with either the global warming BS or all the ISS BS.


There are some positives the IS issue.

Many Syrians now in Soi 3 bkk make the best kebabs/shawarmas..

Glass half full kind of guy.


The overstays, crackdowns on visas, issuing of passports, paperwork to get things done, i.d checks, xenophobia, worry of global security and economy, the feeling of helplessness to do anything. The stereotyping caused. The shame. Yes, terrorism since 9/11 has changed the world forever and effects everyone.

Even before that...the first hi-jacked plane changed airport security forever. But how about drunk drivers, identity theft, HIV/STD's, processed foods, etc., that have changed our lifestyle to a certain degree. The point is there's a lot going on and we all have to adapt. I believe that the media spends way too much time on ISIL and N. Korea, giving these people much more legitimacy than they deserve. They both love the publicity and will keep doing whatever it takes to stay in the spotlight.


Yes! ISIS affects me almost every day. Every day I travel I need to prove that I'm not a terrorist. I need to show my passport to buy a SIM card so they can track my phone and internet usage just to make sure I won't make a bomb with a remote detonator that uses a SIM card. Then I need to wait for 20 minutes while they activate it, unless I need to wait in a queue, then it's up to an hour of waiting. I need to provide ID to check in to a hotel, just in case I make a bomb in the hotel. I'm being watched, tracked, spied on every step of the way.

I'm not permitted to brush my teeth, have a shave, stave away my body odour with some deodourant, protect myself from cancer using sunscreen, or even drink a bottle of water when I go through the airport! Heaven forbid I might make a liquid bomb out of toothpaste and sunscreen! Do I look like McGuyver to you? No worries, you can buy some new perfume, alcohol, water, and sunscreen in the duty free and support our vendors or you can make sure to buy checked baggage next time. Makes me wonder what duty free corporation threatened to make these liquid bombs. Was it the duty free corporations or the airlines themselves, both of which would profit from this policy.

I am on a plane and at several airports around Asia at least 20 times a year, I never let these cowards influence my life....the second I do, they win.

Stevey, I don't know how you do it. Do you just buy the expensive mini versions of all your toiletries (if available) and forego beverages or do you just buy checked baggage? As far as I'm concerned, we've already lost. I'm certain that the security measures affect us all much more than any possible threat of a bomb or hijacking. Like another poster mentioned earlier, you're much more likely to be struck by lightning.

Please take the time to review the statistics regarding terrorism vs other causes of death. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-terrorism-statistics-every-american-needs-to-hear/5382818

You ever sat next to a foul smelling person on a long plane ride?


Our children will never know a world we knew in many ways. While this can be offered for every generation there is a particular sort of loss from this religious insurgency. Every single person in Western Civilization has been horribly impacted by DAESH/Jihad terror. From the fallacious trading of liberties for security to the unholy taxation leveled on posterity to pay for wars, surveillance, education, outreach, etc., every single human has been or will be adversely affected by this terror virus.

My dad was born in 1910, the age of steam ocean liners, horse drawn carts.

I will never know the world he knew.

When I was born, there were no computers, we didn't have a television, just radio.

My children will never know the world I knew.

My point being, things change, some for the better, some for the worse.

Generally speaking for us in the west, things have only got better.

Muslim terrorism is a minor blip in the current workings of the western world.

Much less significant than WW1, WW2, Spanish Flu, and the threat of nuclear destruction by Russia and the USA.

For the normal western man in the street, not worth a moments thought.


Yes! ISIS affects me almost every day. Every day I travel I need to prove that I'm not a terrorist. I need to show my passport to buy a SIM card so they can track my phone and internet usage just to make sure I won't make a bomb with a remote detonator that uses a SIM card. Then I need to wait for 20 minutes while they activate it, unless I need to wait in a queue, then it's up to an hour of waiting. I need to provide ID to check in to a hotel, just in case I make a bomb in the hotel. I'm being watched, tracked, spied on every step of the way.

30 years ago, hardly anyone traveled, except once a year to Spain for their summer holiday.

No mobile phones, so no waiting for SIMs, no internet either (well just barely with a dialup modem).

There was no need to track or spy on most people, because they didn't go anywhere.

But I'm sure MI5 et al were watching those few that did travel to funny places.


It's been awhile since I've gone to the US....

I used to look at certain groups and not think too much about it other than they were somewhat different than me.....

Now I look as certain groups as possible threats + pay more attention to actions/circumstances & placement around my immediate vicinity......


Our children will never know a world we knew in many ways. While this can be offered for every generation there is a particular sort of loss from this religious insurgency. Every single person in Western Civilization has been horribly impacted by DAESH/Jihad terror. From the fallacious trading of liberties for security to the unholy taxation leveled on posterity to pay for wars, surveillance, education, outreach, etc., every single human has been or will be adversely affected by this terror virus.

My dad was born in 1910, the age of steam ocean liners, horse drawn carts.

I will never know the world he knew.

When I was born, there were no computers, we didn't have a television, just radio.

My children will never know the world I knew.

My point being, things change, some for the better, some for the worse.

Generally speaking for us in the west, things have only got better.

Muslim terrorism is a minor blip in the current workings of the western world.

Much less significant than WW1, WW2, Spanish Flu, and the threat of nuclear destruction by Russia and the USA.

For the normal western man in the street, not worth a moments thought.

Fair rebuttal, but false analogy. Its the Maslow-like basic human needs which people consider most when considering fundamental threats to their life, not whether Virgin Atlantic will soon make trips to the moon or Amazon will do drone delivery. Its these qualia of life that people recognize (first) as most affected when viscerally considering terrorism's impact on their life, not historical differences which are only possible retrospectively. I am talking about playing outside, ice cream trucks, school trips, etc. From a relative perspective, things are also improved, yes. You are correct. The OP does not consider the things in life that minimize terror's impact, as you do.

An appeal to what is good, does not lessen what is not. Its fairly incredulous to offer the normal man on the street does not think much about this. Anyway, good luck with the rationalizing.

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