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Are you glad you were born years ago?

i claudius

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slightly off topic... like any other country one has to take Thailand cum grano salis or rather with a spoon of prikh nam pla.

the lads who are complaining that McWhatshamacallit brand of chocolate covered smoked almonds are not available in Nakhon Nowhere but selling in Bangkok for a racist anti-farang price which is triple the price charged by Winn Dixie in Duluth, Minnesota will be unhappy and complaining no matter where they live.

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Imagine turning up in someone else's country, living in a ghetto, refusing to speak the language or adopt the local customs, expecting businesses and services to cater to your way of life, and not respecting the locals.

Who would do a thing like that, eh?

Immigrants to Europe.
But is it not what many of us do to Thailand. When in Rome Do as the Romans do!

I'm not an immigrant, I'm a tourist.

I doubt any of you are immigrants either.

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Imagine turning up in someone else's country, living in a ghetto, refusing to speak the language or adopt the local customs, expecting businesses and services to cater to your way of life, and not respecting the locals.

Who would do a thing like that, eh?

Immigrants to Europe.
But is it not what many of us do to Thailand. When in Rome Do as the Romans do!

I'm not an immigrant, I'm a tourist.

I doubt any of you are immigrants either.

Well after running a buisness in BKK for 8 years , living in Pattaya with my family .owning ,land .car etc etc (via her indoors) i think my tourist visa has run out .smile.png

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OOOH !.seems this hypocrite rattled your cage .biggrin.png

You didn't rattle my cage IC.

I've read and agreed with many of your posts over the years, I'll probably read and agree with many more going forward.

But this last offering of yours is an utter disappointment, I thought you where above the 'invading hoards' view of the world. Seems not.

Seems you haven't kept up with the EU / UK threads to which IC has 'contributed'. IMO the primary purpose of the OP is to encourage posting anti migrant, read Muslim, content

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OOOH !.seems this hypocrite rattled your cage .biggrin.png

You didn't rattle my cage IC.

I've read and agreed with many of your posts over the years, I'll probably read and agree with many more going forward.

But this last offering of yours is an utter disappointment, I thought you where above the 'invading hoards' view of the world. Seems not.

Seems you haven't kept up with the EU / UK threads to which IC has 'contributed'. IMO the primary purpose of the OP is to encourage posting anti migrant, read Muslim, content

Your name suits you,its your view of the world

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Well after running a buisness in BKK for 8 years , living in Pattaya with my family .owning ,land .car etc etc (via her indoors) i think my tourist visa has run out .smile.png

Why does that not surprise me. 8 years in Thailand your 'blowhard' views on Europe and the UK clearly at best second hand.

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I'm glad I wasn't born many years ago, when it was hard to travel, and most people lived and died within sight of where they were born.

I'm glad that I've been able to move to a foreign country, and thanks to globalisation, I don't need to eat the local food, and there are enough of my countrymen around that I don't need to mix with the natives too much.

I'm also glad that I live in a multi-ethnic community that would have been relatively rare even thirty or forty years ago.

So I'm glad I was not born so many years ago...


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Well after running a buisness in BKK for 8 years , living in Pattaya with my family .owning ,land .car etc etc (via her indoors) i think my tourist visa has run out .smile.png

Why does that not surprise me. 8 years in Thailand your 'blowhard' views on Europe and the UK clearly at best second hand.

Sorry Pattaya 10 years ,but I have to go back for business so I do know a bit about the UK

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Someone else who yearned for the old days:

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise."

Socrates (469-399 B.C.)

Edited by Fookhaht
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I feel my generation was the luckiest of all. we were the war children. We benefitted from the rebuilding. Jobs were easy to get the money was good. Houses were cheap.Cars were cheap and fast.Life was simple no libbers,no political correctness,no credit cards or atm cards.Gas was so cheap.Towns cities were smaller people were more community minded.No drugs in most communities.Families took care of themselves did not need government intervention,what family court? We had it all.The only draw back was sex was taken more seriously did not have birth control. Now the sex is so easy for the young.

Baby Boomer?

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I feel my generation was the luckiest of all. we were the war children. We benefitted from the rebuilding. Jobs were easy to get the money was good. Houses were cheap.Cars were cheap and fast.Life was simple no libbers,no political correctness,no credit cards or atm cards.Gas was so cheap.Towns cities were smaller people were more community minded.No drugs in most communities.Families took care of themselves did not need government intervention,what family court? We had it all.The only draw back was sex was taken more seriously did not have birth control. Now the sex is so easy for the young.

Baby Boomer?
Yup. 1946-1964 Edited by Fookhaht
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I grew up in the greatest place, in the greatest country, at the greatest time the world has ever known. I don't think it will ever be that way again.


Dodn' know you was from any of the Scandinavian countries!
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I am sure kids born now think its much better , but the two things i am getting at are that now there is so much pressure on them , to have the latest whatever and to try and get a good job , also at least when we were young we were very optimistic about the future , i am sure the young are now as well , but the future actually doesn't look to bright , what with overpopulation , food shortages to come and the threat of terrorism , not the terrorism we faced an odd bomb or two , but modern day terrorism where they want to kill everyone no matter what it takes ,even their own lives .

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If you consider the state of the world today, the daily terrorism, the madness in politics, the number of wars and near certainty of major wars to come. The decline of the environment, over population. The feminization of the west and islamifacation of the east. The total power of the .01% super elite vs the collapse of the middle class.

I am pleased that my best years were before the feces really caught air.

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I think there is a real chance that a global population collapse is coming in the next 30-50 years, a die-off in which the population of the World will go from 10 billion (projected population in 2055) to 1 billion or 2 billion. That will NOT be fun for those that have to go through it. In 2050 I will be 80 years old, so I might be spared that experience, if I'm lucky.

What do I think is coming? A gradual complete breakdown of the global ecosystem combined with a global economic collapse followed by nuclear war. Throw in a global pandemic as icing on the cake.

Have a nice day!

Edited by Atum
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If you consider the state of the world today, the daily terrorism, the madness in politics, the number of wars and near certainty of major wars to come. The decline of the environment, over population. The feminization of the west and islamifacation of the east. The total power of the .01% super elite vs the collapse of the middle class.

I am pleased that my best years were before the feces really caught air.

The Merry Minuet written in 1958 by Sheldon Harnick and performed in 1959 by the Kingston Trio.

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Feelings of nostalgia are normal as we age, as others pointed out, each generation tends to make the same kinds of comments. My grandmother used to read the newspaper once or twice a week and I remember a few times, she looked up at me, shaking her head, and in her quivering grandma voice say, "Ya' know Jay, the world is goin' to hell in a hand basket!". I suspect she spared my little ears the rest of what she was thinking to herself..... "Glad I'll be dead soon".

The internet is very powerful medium, capable of shaping and altering world view, outlook and personality in a "viral" way print, radio or television could only dream of. Unpopular commentary is that the internet should come with a warning label on it.

WARNING: "May cause psychosis, delusions, depression and leaping to tall assumptions in a single bound".

Global events are concentrated and available to binge on in near real-time, often so fast, they lack significant details and background, which can foster and/or intensify cynicism, polarization and confirmation bias. TVF is an excellent swab stain in the internet petri dish but by no means alone. If you feel like the world is going to hell in a hand basket, quite a bit of this material will reinforce that, and the feeling that events are quickening when, in reality, a lot of the same kind of thing was happening decades ago ~

Economic booms and busts, fluctuating commodity and FOREX prices, civil rights clashes and riots, illegal immigration, feminist movement, cold and hot wars, political intrigue, overt and covert military adventures, the drug war, terrorists hijacking cruise ships, airplanes, hostages, bombing of both military and civilian targets, nuclear proliferation tension, famine, genocide, religious violence, unchecked pollution, climate change.

Some of it has been a straight line trajectory leading us to where we are now. Some of it is cyclic. Beards and bell bottoms were in, then they were out, now they're in and will (hopefully) be out again soon. laugh.png

Edited by 55Jay
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Social and racial attitudes have surely sharpened, to a hyper sensitive edge though.

Imagine the back lash if you re-created this Johnny Carson moment on a late night TV show these days. Career suicide.... unless, of course, you're Donald Trump! laugh.png

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I feel my generation was the luckiest of all. we were the war children. We benefitted from the rebuilding. Jobs were easy to get the money was good. Houses were cheap.Cars were cheap and fast.Life was simple no libbers,no political correctness,no credit cards or atm cards.Gas was so cheap.Towns cities were smaller people were more community minded.No drugs in most communities.Families took care of themselves did not need government intervention,what family court? We had it all.The only draw back was sex was taken more seriously did not have birth control. Now the sex is so easy for the young.

Baby Boomer?

Yes you got it.

Have to add somethings to the post.

We created Rock and Roll. We created drugs,sex,Rock and Roll. We originated fast food chains (Mc donalds,KFC,Dunkin Donots etc) We introduced computers to the world. We introduced cell phone technology. We introduced condo living. We made travel cheap. We were the most influential generation in history..We created the world the young live in now. We had a very strong influence on changing the world we came into. Probably the most changes the world has ever seen in one generation. We also created political correctness,women lib,and put the spotlight on racism.Some goodthings some bad . But the world the new generations live in was basicly created by my generation.

The big one was PoP cuture it is all over the world now.

This is a little extra I will add especially for Soi Biker Drugs,Sex Rock and Roll was a term used at parties. you have to get out more.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Unless your old enough to have been around during the industrial revolution, that's a bit of a bold claim.

Oh and by the way, you didn't invent drugs, you didn't invent sex, and you stole rock and roll from the black generation that preceded you.

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Unless your old enough to have been around during the industrial revolution, that's a bit of a bold claim.

Oh and by the way, you didn't invent drugs, you didn't invent sex, and you stole rock and roll from the black generation that preceded you.

The industrial revolution was big i give you that. But what happened in my generation was greater so I stand by my claim.

As far as the other things you say I didnot mention invent in my post where did you get that?

No blacks for hundresd maybe ove ra thousand from where I grew up so did not get rock and roll from past black generations either.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Think I should have liked to have been born about 10 years earlier. Be that much closer to retirement.

And to death.

Never know about that. I'd quit tomorrow if not worried about running out of dosh. Then again one could be taken out by a bus on the way to work tomorrow.

Being a young Gaijin in Japan in the early 1990s was great. Heard early 1980s was insane. Foreigners still enough of a novelty very average looking palefaces were getting modeling and TV spots and the gals would come from Tokyo/Yokohama to hang around the gates at NAF Atsugi to pick up guys. Now it seems if you don't have the flash suit and extremely high paying Finance job they could not be bothered.

I know there were a bunch of coups going on but would have liked to have experienced BKK in the 80s, Samui also before mass tourism.

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Think I should have liked to have been born about 10 years earlier. Be that much closer to retirement.

And to death.

Never know about that. I'd quit tomorrow if not worried about running out of dosh. Then again one could be taken out by a bus on the way to work tomorrow.

Being a young Gaijin in Japan in the early 1990s was great. Heard early 1980s was insane. Foreigners still enough of a novelty very average looking palefaces were getting modeling and TV spots and the gals would come from Tokyo/Yokohama to hang around the gates at NAF Atsugi to pick up guys. Now it seems if you don't have the flash suit and extremely high paying Finance job they could not be bothered.

I know there were a bunch of coups going on but would have liked to have experienced BKK in the 80s, Samui also before mass tourism.

Atsugi! Haven't thought about that place in a long time, wow!

Yokosuka was off the chain too, I was there 87-90. The young JN generation was transitioning from the 50's/Elvis craze phase, moving into what I can only say was a modified 60's Free Love period. I burned the candle at both ends quite a few times. Love Hotels were a trip! laugh.png

Funny you mention that, I stumbled into a bit piece in a JN movie. I was in a few scenes shot on the deck of ship moored up in Tokyo somewhere.

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Seems that OP is getting OLD.. that is a common process to think about golden age : your youth !!

But think twice... "it was better before" => that for SURE

but also "the grass is always greener on the other side" => Really true too !!

anyway you won't change time space... have to accept Life and if you look really in your memories.. you'll start thinking of real bad things of the past.. but hey, you can also remain in your toughts and dreams :P

Have to move forward, and live for real in THIS world.. or leave it, it's up to you !

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