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What is it about 3 wheel kitchens --- a nuisance


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It seems to me that 3 wheel kitchens are a total menace on the roads. In my view more than 50% of them have not got proper lights. They pull out into traffic without the slightest regard for other road users. They slow down all traffic on busy weekends like this. They often stop in outside lanes and don't care about anyone else. Have they got trading licenses or hygiene checks?? They are a total nuisance!

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Adjust your driving habits according to the prevailing road conditions (including mobile kitchens, brush sellers, minibuses, farm tractors, boy racers, jaywalkers, and red-light-runners) and you will be OK.

Just remember that if you were back home you would have to slow down for all the speed cameras, radar checks, zebra crossings, and other "traffic calming" obstacles.

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I kind of don't mind them, its people earning an honest living.

Yes its a bit annoying when behind one , but its only usually a few minutes.

Good lucky to them. wai2.gif

But they are not so funny when they drive the wrong way up the carriageway,

at night with no lights on !!!!!! been there had that !!!!!!! very dangerous

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As onemorechang says they are out scraping up an honest living,

......on an uninsured kitchen contraption smile.png

Of course they would not be allowed to do this in nanny-land

Instead they would be robbing your house whilst you're out driving............................

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They're no more annoying than all the Baht buses that weave in and out like drunken sailors, stop without warning, pull out as if they own the road, and cruise at 2 mph looking for customers while holding up all the traffic behind them, so why pick on the trikes? People need to eat and the trikes provide a useful service to the local community.

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They can be a slight nuisance from time to time but I've gotten used to them. Quite frankly, I prefer to see people out EARNING a living as opposed to the EU and other Western countries where they simply sit at home day in, day out living on the dole.

So be careful what you wish for.

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Adjust your driving habits according to the prevailing road conditions (including mobile kitchens, brush sellers, minibuses, farm tractors, boy racers, jaywalkers, and red-light-runners) and you will be OK.

Just remember that if you were back home you would have to slow down for all the speed cameras, radar checks, zebra crossings, and other "traffic calming" obstacles.

If you were obeying the speed limit then you wouldn't have to slow down for speed cameras. And In Thailand they have speed cameras too on the motorway.

The OP was talking about 3-wheel kitchens that ride around the surface streets of a city with no regard for anyone. Really has no bearing on your comparison above.

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They can be a slight nuisance from time to time but I've gotten used to them. Quite frankly, I prefer to see people out EARNING a living as opposed to the EU and other Western countries where they simply sit at home day in, day out living on the dole.

So be careful what you wish for.

You forgot to mention, that most jobs that "the Dole People" could occupy, have been Exported/Outsourced. A growing Army, of very dissatisfied people with no future.

A beginning. Key word "Donald Trump". Working people, that have to have 3 jobs to make ends meet, qualify as "very dissatisfied people with no future." Unless the situation is rectified, how long will it be, before those Masses will take a strong interest in "Gated Communities"?


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OP I used to get very frustrated with all the 3 wheel sam lors or whatever they are called (still do but know I should just accept them).

Then I thought without them or disallowing them how much extra everything is liable to cost, and how much extra traffic congestion, due to being replaced with 4 wheels etc. Imagine all the little deliveries of food, beer, gas cylinders etc etc.

With your specific bête noir the availability and cost of various foods would also likely decrease and increase respectively. You may say you don't use them but an awful lot of people do. Embrace the diversity........thumbsup.gif

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For your information, many of them are not poor, in fact quite rich. They rarely wear crash helmets and yet the BIB take no interest. Why or how do you think that happens??.

The bikes they drive are unsafe. They often have huge loads on board, with the original crap brakes, which means they cannot stop quickly.

The whole thing is a bad joke. To the people that advised me to go somewhere else, good luck to you. Imagine, I would never of thought of that myself !!

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>>They rarely wear crash helmets and yet the BIB take no interest.<

They are basically a motorcycle with side car ,and are exempt from wearing a helmet .They only annoy me when they take up two lanes and do not keep to the left .

Edited by anto
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I kind of don't mind them, its people earning an honest living.

Yes its a bit annoying when behind one , but its only usually a few minutes.

Good lucky to them. wai2.gif

But they are not so funny when they drive the wrong way up the carriageway,

at night with no lights on !!!!!! been there had that !!!!!!! very dangerous

No risk no fun
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In actual fact......it seems that those 3 wheeled vehicles are illegal, but taking them off the road would cause a huge problem with people without income.

So, as long as the vehicles only cause nuisance they're allowed to feed the population.

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>>They rarely wear crash helmets and yet the BIB take no interest.<

They are basically a motorcycle with side car ,and are exempt from wearing a helmet .They only annoy me when they take up two lanes and do not keep to the left .

Exempt from wearing helmets? Are you sure?

They only annoy you when the take up two lanes? So you mean like nearly 100% of the time when they are moving then.

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For your information, many of them are not poor, in fact quite rich.

I nominate this for the prize of most badly informed post of the year (so far, anyway!).

Yeah they do this only for fun

And when they park the 3-wheeler "kitchen" at the end of the working day they climb into their Benz's and drive home to their mansions.

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>>Exempt from wearing helmets? Are you sure? <<...Yes ,very sure ..Want to bet me on that ?...

sure as I am a betting man. As far as I know the 3 wheels vehicles are not legal anyway as they are modified from the original factory motorbikes with 2 wheels . Does that make them exempt from following the rules of the road?
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Nothing Worse than seeing a Farang driving it, u know your out there, morons

I used have a very smart looking one .The sidecar was made of Chrome .Did not use it much though ,as i did not feel very safe on it .

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