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Has my wife been cheated?


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My Thai wife burned her leg on an exhaust of a motorcycle and could hardly walk on it and it hurt a lot. I suggested to go to the local clinic not far from where we live to clean the wound. At the clinic I waited outside till my wife came back out. Back at home my wife told me she had to pay 160 baht for cleaning of the wound, 20 tablets Paracetamol, 20 tablets Dicloxacillin, they also checked her blood pressure. My wife says the normal price should have been 30 thb only and charged her because she came with farang. If so what should she do?


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Did she have her health card with her, was the clinic registered to accept the health card?

And surely you are not so parsimonious as to begrudge the gigantic sum of 200 baht for the treatment of your good lady wife's leg injury.

Why not invest in a private health policy that provides comprehensive cover for both of you ?

Edited by shunter
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Did she have her health card with her, was the clinic registered to accept the health card?

And surely you are not so parsimonious as to begrudge the gigantic sum of 200 baht for the treatment of your good lady wife's leg injury.

Why not invest in a private health policy that provides comprehensive cover for both of you ?

WOW such a kerfuffel over USD 4.0 of treatment and medication...

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Local Clinics are "private" and therefore chargeable, The 30 baht scheme is for local Government Hospital, where here ID card would have been asked for and that would have been the end of it.

People often use the local "clinic" which is actually a nurse practitioner, as opposed to travelling to the hospital and probably waiting several hours to be seen and treated.

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Without trying to hijack the thread.

A few weeks ago on a Sunday evening I took my son, who has Thai nationality, to the Pattaya city hospital with a stomach infection.

He had a blood test done, received antibiotic injection and antibiotics and other medicines to take home, and I paid nada, zilch, nothing at all.

I signed the bill, which I think was over 1000 Baht, but they said I didn't have to pay anything, even not 30 Baht.

How do you explain that?

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Without trying to hijack the thread.

A few weeks ago on a Sunday evening I took my son, who has Thai nationality, to the Pattaya city hospital with a stomach infection.

He had a blood test done, received antibiotic injection and antibiotics and other medicines to take home, and I paid nada, zilch, nothing at all.

I signed the bill, which I think was over 1000 Baht, but they said I didn't have to pay anything, even not 30 Baht.

How do you explain that?

were you wearing orange at all???

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Local Clinics are "private" and therefore chargeable, The 30 baht scheme is for local Government Hospital, where here ID card would have been asked for and that would have been the end of it.

People often use the local "clinic" which is actually a nurse practitioner, as opposed to travelling to the hospital and probably waiting several hours to be seen and treated.

That's my guess also. The specifics of where one can use the card:

The card is issued at the municipality district of residence, where it can only be used at a designated primary care unit and hospital. Anyone moving to a different district cannot utilise health services there without going through a re-application procedure


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My guess is the 30 baht is for the visit. She may have had to pay extra for the medicine...

When I go to the local hospital I take my registration card and I always pay for the medicine as do most people.

However as I am a farang I am grossly overcharged for the doctors fee.

Most times I am charged as much as 70 baht.

Do you think if I wrote and complained to the PM that he would do something about it?


Retired and miserable old fart in rural Thailand

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My guess is the 30 baht is for the visit. She may have had to pay extra for the medicine...

When I go to the local hospital I take my registration card and I always pay for the medicine as do most people.

However as I am a farang I am grossly overcharged for the doctors fee.

Most times I am charged as much as 70 baht.

Do you think if I wrote and complained to the PM that he would do something about it?


Retired and miserable old fart in rural Thailand

Maybe the OP should consider doing advanced first aid training, just think of all the money he could save treating simple cases like this himself

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Last year I took my wife to the local hospital after she was bitten by a cat. I was amazed when they called her name that she was registered there under her family surname, even though my surname is on her ID card. I asked her about it, and she informed me that if she re-registered under her legal married name, she would have to start paying more for medical treatment.

I remember saying to her 'can that really be true'?

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Two clinics near me.

One charges 200bht.

One charges 80Bht.

Sometimes meds are included, sometimes extra.

Seems you paid a reasonable price IMHO.

Clinics are private, Thai or foreigner, all are charged the same price.

Edited by BritManToo
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Impossible to answer without knowing what this local "clinic" was and also whether treated within usual working hours or outside of them.

If this was the government hospital where she is registered under the "30" baht scheme and she was seen during normal working hours cost should not exceed 30 baht. If it was that hospital but an after hours clinic, or a private clinic, or a government hospital other than where she is registered, she does indeed have to pay full price out of pocket and 200 baht is quite reasonable.

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When I go to the local hospital I take my registration card and I always pay for the medicine as do most people.

However as I am a farang I am grossly overcharged for the doctors fee.

Most times I am charged as much as 70 baht.

You are not being overcharged in the least. This is the normal government hospital rate. A Thai not covered under the "30 baht" or social security schemes would pay the same (though of course almost all are). A doctor consultation at a private clinic or hospital would be 3-10 times as much.

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A few weeks ago on a Sunday evening I took my son, who has Thai nationality, to the Pattaya city hospital with a stomach infection.

He had a blood test done, received antibiotic injection and antibiotics and other medicines to take home, and I paid nada, zilch, nothing at all.

I signed the bill, which I think was over 1000 Baht, but they said I didn't have to pay anything, even not 30 Baht.

How do you explain that?

Magic amulet?

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Although the OP does sound petty, I know for a fact there are some government clinics that will try it on when Farlangs are involved.

3 years ago I came down with a bad cold that lingered on. My girlfriend kept nagging me to see a doctor and she recommended me to a doctor. I visited the doctor who runs a small government owned clinic 12 kilometers from where I live. Saw the doctor for literally 3 minutes if that. Outside was given a small packet of 10 antibiotic tablets and a few paracetamol, then asked by the receptionist for 400 baht, no receipt offered. I began querying the amount and then the doctor came out that turned into a blazing argument. When I insisted on a receipt the doctor refused so I refused to pay. I pointed to the poor Thai people in the waiting area and said, there is no way they would pay 400 baht for this. From experience of visiting a local government hospital for similar before, I knew the cost should have been between 80 to 100 baht and no more.

I gave back the pills then the doctor asked for 200 baht doctors fee and he gave me a receipt, although still knew I was being ripped off. His last words were; you have come in here and caused me a lot of problems. I replied; don`t worry you won`t see me again.

I have mostly had good service from government doctors and hospital but from time to time these things do happen and I don`t doubt what the man`s wife said is fact at all.

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