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Bryan Adams cancels Mississippi show, citing state's new law


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Homosexual acts are illegal in the State of Qatar. Those caught taking part in this sort of thing will (at the very least) be put in prison.

Guess who performed in Qatar a few years back?

That's right. Bryan Adams.

But this is statement Adams released:

"I cannot in good conscience perform in a state where certain people are being denied their civil rights due to their sexual orientation".

Such hypocrisy. Or is it a deeply cynical opportunism?

Either way, bah.gif


Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Imagine, I have worked in your business for many years. I have worked hard and make you lots of money and found you new customers.. I am well liked and have many friends in your office.

One day the boss come in... and tells me to get out I am fired. I am shocked and ask why? He says because I am gay.. and he is protecting the Christians that work there from my immoral sinful ways.

On my way home I stop into a shop to get some food (no cakes)... and at the checkout the woman tells me she will not serve me and tells me to leave the shop. Everyone is looking. I ask what the problem is.. she points to a cross over the door and tells me they don't serve gays in their shop.

On the way out a group of teenagers have vandalised my car.. and they start shouting abuse language at me.. faggot, queer, puff.. and I am afraid they will attack me.. no one comes to help me.. I get in the car and drive home.

That evening my brother comes over with his wife and 2 children. One of the children is upset and says he does not want me to go to hell... I ask what he means.. he tells me that in his church the minister told them that gays are evil, and God hates them.. they will burn in hell and be tortured for all eternity in fire.

Do you Christian people who support this law really think this is right?

If your Jesus was in that shop.. or working at that office next to me... what do you think he would think?

I think is nothing to do with your religion.... more to do with the kind of person you are... and maybe you are not such a nice kind loving Christian as you pretend to be... and you will pass on your world views on how to be cruel to other human beings to your children and family.

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And now Pearl Jam are joining in.

it seems all they'll have left soon are the Jonas brothers.


Bryan Adams, Bruce Springsteen, and Pearl Jam.

Not an actual woman among them.

After reviewing post #134, what is your point

The point is that it is men who are zealously forcing this ill-conceived experiment on American society (and women in particular).

I look forward to reading credible polling data on how actual women and girls feel about all this. Because, after all, they're the ones who are most impacted by this folly.

Women are not opposing toilet access for Trans people. In all this time and all these posts, not one credible reference has been made to any female citing fears of male sexual predators for supporting anti-LGBT hate legislation.

There are no surveys, figures, polls or studies that support any claim that the opposition to Trans toilet use is gender based. It is entirely based on religion irrespective of gender. And who are the people pushing this LGBT hate legislation? It is men. At least in North Carolina. And what sort of men? Religious bigots who are advisors to Ted Cruz and have an aggressive, public and known anti-gay agenda.

For years, Harris and the Benhams have been at the forefront of every battle to oppose gay rights in North Carolina. This past February, they were at it again, this time against a nondiscrimination ordinance proposed in Charlotte that, among other things, allowed transgender people to use public restrooms based on their gender identity and protected LGBT people from discrimination by public institutions. The advocacy of these top Cruz supporters against the Charlotte ordinance eventually led the North Carolina legislature to push through one of the most sweeping anti-LGBT measures in the country


These anti-gay MEN and the stupid trolls who support their diversionary beat up tactics of Toilet Safety are pursuing an ideological agenda. Nothing to do about Women's safety at all.

There are no figures for female perception of risk to personal safety from Trans people using toilets because it is a NON ISSUE. The risk DOES NOT EXIST except as a way to inflame hatred against LGBT people.

Bigots do not like to be exposed. Mature people, corporations, normal people who are not driven by religious zealotry, performing artists - male female and trans all understand this. This is why there is such a massive backlash against North Carolina, Mississippi and the other places promoting this vile, disgusting discrimination.

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Judging by the amount of responses by hetrosexuals seems gay equality is high on their agenda. Even if your objecting and your veiws are shallow and biggotted. Effectively its showing an interest and a concern which is good to see.:P

good for.you

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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gerund or present participle: mansplaining
  1. (of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
    "I'm listening to a guy mansplain economics to his wife"

Finally you acknowledge what you have been doing all along. Your patently false and condescending beat up of the toilet safety issue is entirely bogus.

There are no non religious zealot women expressing fears about toilet safety. These women who are not expressing such fears are overwhelmingly supportive of LGBT issues. You have not found any references to anything that you have claimed. Your only tool is discrimination.

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Let's not forget that one of these bigoted men who sponsored this type of bill in Tenn. has been moved out of his building because 34 separate women have complained about his sexual harrassment of them.

And that HAS been documented.

The Advocate reported that Durham is one of the key sponsors of House Bill 2414, which would prevent transgender people from using public bathrooms corresponding to their gender. The bill mirrors anti-LGBT bills that have been recently passed in North Carolina and Mississippi.

Proponents of the bill argue that it would protect women from being harassed. And although 34 women have stepped forward to complain about Durham, there have been no reported cases of transgender people sexually harassing others in public bathrooms.


So we aren't just talking liars, but hypocrites and perverts.

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Homosexual acts are illegal in the State of Qatar. Those caught taking part in this sort of thing will (at the very least) be put in prison.

Guess who performed in Qatar a few years back?

That's right. Bryan Adams.

But this is statement Adams released:

"I cannot in good conscience perform in a state where certain people are being denied their civil rights due to their sexual orientation".

Such hypocrisy. Or is it a deeply cynical opportunism?

Either way, bah.gif


I think he means US state, don't you?

And btw, for all the stuff you hear about the GCC countries outlawing homosexuality, you wouldn't bloody know it with some of the bars and clubs that are around.


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Mississippi's HB 1523 is set to take effect in 70 days.

Mississippi Tourism Industry Faces Criticism, Braces for Backlash http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/07/us/mississippi-tourism-religious-freedom-bill-backlash/

Business Backlash Descends on Mississippi http://www.advocate.com/business/2016/4/06/business-backlash-descends-mississippi

Big Mississippi Employers Oppose Anti-Gay Law http://www.cbsnews.com/news/some-big-mississippi-employers-oppose-anti-gay-law/

Who supports this anti LGBT legislation? Religious zealots who hate LGBT people and their fellow travellers. How do they oppose it? By trolling social media stirring up the non existent issue of women's safety in toilets being used by Trans people, by sending like-minded men into women's bathrooms to create fear and unrest, by going around asking stupid questions like "can I call myself a 7 foot chines women just because I feel like it?"

Well the majority of people who support LGBT equality are voting with their feet and their dollars.

People like you are now the fringe. you are now on the margins. You will be shunned and shamed for your bigotry.

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Bringing other situations into a thread does little or nothing. bit like smokers defending their habit by denouncing cars ,deflective and barely relevant .

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Homosexual acts are illegal in the State of Qatar. Those caught taking part in this sort of thing will (at the very least) be put in prison.

Guess who performed in Qatar a few years back?

That's right. Bryan Adams.

But this is statement Adams released:

"I cannot in good conscience perform in a state where certain people are being denied their civil rights due to their sexual orientation".

Such hypocrisy. Or is it a deeply cynical opportunism?

Either way, bah.gif


What has Qatar got to do with US laws that discriminate against LGBT people? What requires Bryan Adams to take any position on Qatar? What is the equivalence of Qatar to the United States and specifically to Mississippi? Are we now required to conform to the socio-cultural values of Qatar when posting opinions on the subject of HB1523?

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Bryan Adams (who is a Canadian) said that he couldn't in "good conscience" perform where people's rights were being denied due to their sexual orientation.

OK, good for him. That's certainly his right.

However, he performed in Qatar which imprisons those caught engaging in acts of homosexuality.

He also performed in the UAE. Some may not be aware of this, but homosexuality is punishable by the death penality in the UAE. We're no longer discussing which bathroom someone is demanding to enter, but whether or not someone lives or dies. And Bryan Adams performed enthusiastically in front of that crowd.

I think it is safe to assume that he was remunerated more handsomely in Qatar and the UAE than he was going to be in Mississippi.


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Bryan Adams (who is a Canadian) said that he couldn't in "good conscience" perform where people's rights were being denied due to their sexual orientation.

OK, good for him. That's certainly his right.

However, he performed in Qatar which imprisons those caught engaging in acts of homosexuality.

He also performed in the UAE. Some may not be aware of this, but homosexuality is punishable by the death penality in the UAE. We're no longer discussing which bathroom someone is demanding to enter, but whether or not someone lives or dies. And Bryan Adams performed enthusiastically in front of that crowd.

I think it is safe to assume that he was remunerated more handsomely in Qatar and the UAE than he was going to be in Mississippi.


What has UAE to do with anything? What has Qatar to do with anything?

Is not this topic bout Mississippi passing legislation that promotes discrimination against LGBT people. You cannot demonstrate any relevant equivalence between Mississippi and any Gulf State, so what is your purpose in beating up this off topic issue?

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Look, I like drag shoes and all of that. Very entertaining, but I am curious. Does it really make one a bigot just because they are grossed out by or freaked out by men dressing and acting like women of even worse, women growing facial hair, getting buzz cuts and acting like men.

Many here are grossed out by what they refer to as Mississippi red necks or red necks in general. Is that not also a form of bigotry? Sounds to me that those lining the bigot term around are really the judgmental, angry little bigots.

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Your psycho-sexual malformity that makes transgender people frighten you is entirely your business and nothing to do with the topic.

Actually, the transgender people are the ones with the psycho-sexual malformity. F430murci is just a normal hetero-sexual guy and he seems disgusted, rather than "afraid".

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Bryan Adams (who is a Canadian) said that he couldn't in "good conscience" perform where people's rights were being denied due to their sexual orientation.

OK, good for him. That's certainly his right.

However, he performed in Qatar which imprisons those caught engaging in acts of homosexuality.

He also performed in the UAE. Some may not be aware of this, but homosexuality is punishable by the death penality in the UAE. We're no longer discussing which bathroom someone is demanding to enter, but whether or not someone lives or dies. And Bryan Adams performed enthusiastically in front of that crowd.

I think it is safe to assume that he was remunerated more handsomely in Qatar and the UAE than he was going to be in Mississippi.


What has UAE to do with anything? What has Qatar to do with anything?

The have much worse anti-gay laws than Mississippi, but Bryan Adams played there anyway. The point is that the man is a hypocrite.

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Your psycho-sexual malformity that makes transgender people frighten you is entirely your business and nothing to do with the topic.

Actually, the transgender people are the ones with the psycho-sexual malformity. F430murci is just a normal hetero-sexual guy and he seems disgusted, rather than "afraid".

So your position is that LGBT people are not normal? Only heterosexual males are normal? DELETED

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Bryan Adams (who is a Canadian) said that he couldn't in "good conscience" perform where people's rights were being denied due to their sexual orientation.

OK, good for him. That's certainly his right.

However, he performed in Qatar which imprisons those caught engaging in acts of homosexuality.

He also performed in the UAE. Some may not be aware of this, but homosexuality is punishable by the death penality in the UAE. We're no longer discussing which bathroom someone is demanding to enter, but whether or not someone lives or dies. And Bryan Adams performed enthusiastically in front of that crowd.

I think it is safe to assume that he was remunerated more handsomely in Qatar and the UAE than he was going to be in Mississippi.


What has UAE to do with anything? What has Qatar to do with anything?

The have much worse anti-gay laws than Mississippi, but Bryan Adams played there anyway. The point is that the man is a hypocrite.

Bryan Adams has every right to decide for himself what he will agree with and what he will disagree with. Protesting hate laws in Mississippi imposes absolutely no obligation on him to make any comment on any other location. DELETED

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Look, I like drag shoes and all of that. Very entertaining, but I am curious. Does it really make one a bigot just because they are grossed out by or freaked out by men dressing and acting like women of even worse, women growing facial hair, getting buzz cuts and acting like men.

Many here are grossed out by what they refer to as Mississippi red necks or red necks in general. Is that not also a form of bigotry? Sounds to me that those lining the bigot term around are really the judgmental, angry little bigots.

Fairly obvious that you you learned about gender issues from your hottie Russian wife. Keep talking about men in dresses. It has been ruled off topic and we can only hope that consequences will follow such foul ignorance. It clearly also demonstrates that your claims of clerking for senior judges is BS. Nobody who claims to respect the US Constitution would make the statements that you have made. If you really are a lawyer and not just some loud mouth with dreams of a fast car and mail order bride, then maybe you should study the life of this man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Olson.

Your psycho-sexual malformity that makes transgender people frighten you is entirely your business and nothing to do with the topic. It is about LGBT equality.

Frighten me? I love it! Drag shows are awesome and the people I have met are very endearing and harmless.

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Man, chillax and enjoy life. Are you in Mississippi? If not, don't worry about those guys. That state is definitely the butthole of the South for many other reasons beyond the scope of this topic.

Let the butt heads be butt heads and the ignorants be ignorants. Enjoy life and spread positive energy where you are at.

Look, I am being sarcastic and making fun of this thread and Bryan Adams because he is a joke. He only has about 5 fans in Mississippi, but he plays in countries with very harsh laws and views against homosexuality. Why, because of the $$$ to play in such places, so in effect he is FOS and this whole thing is a joke that apparently some cannot see through.

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So your position is that LGBT people are not normal?

I think that most transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder and no, I do not think they are normal, but I don't think they should be penalized or hated either. According to one study, the rate of suicide-related events among the GID population in the military is more than 20 times higher than were rates for general population. That does not sound "normal" to me.

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So your position is that LGBT people are not normal?

I think that most transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder and no, I do not think they are normal, but I don't think they should be penalized or hated either. According to one study, the rate of suicide-related events among the GID population in the military is more than 20 times higher than were rates for general population. That does not sound "normal" to me.
Sounds like the military has some work to do in acceptance. But a nonsense comparison here, same as the Qatar comparison. Unless expectations of Qatar and US states are similar.
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So your position is that LGBT people are not normal?

I think that most transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder and no, I do not think they are normal, but I don't think they should be penalized or hated either. According to one study, the rate of suicide-related events among the GID population in the military is more than 20 times higher than were rates for general population. That does not sound "normal" to me.

I think people who write LGBT are not normal aren't normal. What's inside of you that you feel the need to criticize others that have nothing to do with you? My way or the highway.

How about live and let live? I find it works for all the normal people I know.

Right wingers are very consistent in their intolerance. If you're not like me, you're not normal. How sad. sad.png

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Bryan Who?

Isnt he like some rock dinosaur from the '80s, when did he last have a hit, 20+ years ago?

I am sure the teenagers of Mississippi are crying themselves to sleep tonight.

Some Canadian dude is he not?

Perhaps he should head back to Canada and sort out their problems before he sticks his (unwelcome) nose into another countries affairs.

So true...an irrelevant rocker playing in a city of only 50,000 people. Maybe this is a way to get his name back in the public?

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Neither comparison is nonsense. Bryan Adams is an obvious hypocrite.


You've painted yourself into that corner. You have no choice but to wear the bigot's dunce hat or retract. Your subjective view on what is or is not nonsense has no relevance.

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Neither comparison is nonsense. Bryan Adams is an obvious hypocrite.


DELETED I specifically referred to transgender people and they are not the same thing AT ALL. Transgenders are not even necessarily gay. Only transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder, not typical homosexuals.

So your position is that LGBT people are not normal?

I think that most transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder and no, I do not think they are normal, but I don't think they should be penalized or hated either. According to one study, the rate of suicide-related events among the GID population in the military is more than 20 times higher than were rates for general population. That does not sound "normal" to me.

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I specifically referred to transgender people and they are not the same thing AT ALL. Transgenders are not even necessarily gay. Only transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder, not typical homosexuals.

So your position is that LGBT people are not normal?

Post 168. Your words copied and pasted here exactly - "F430murci is just a normal hetero-sexual guy and he seems disgusted"

If F430murci is a 'normal heater-sexual' then by implication homosexuals are abnormal.


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