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self defense in Thailand, is it unlawful to fight back


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If it is only two guys on a street then I think I would fight and go after each as if my life depended on it, and would win ! If 3 or more perhaps it is a swing like crazy and run like hell into a shop someplace near by and call police. This is a no win situation but I won't just sit and let cun/-s kick the shit out of me. They will also pay a price.

Not a good idea! I say try to leave the situation first. One of them could have a concealed weapon. Two against 1 are not good odds. Especially, if a knife or a gun are involved.

If it's one guy, roughly your size, with no friends to help him, and you know he has no weapon, AND you are in the right, tear him up!

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I wonder is it unlawful for a person to fight back?

Usually "fighting back" means going to an anonymous message board like this one, assuming an untraceable non-de-whine and at a safe distance trying to convince everyone how brave they are and what they would have done.

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Thai Law does accord the right to defend. However you would need indesputable evidence to prove it. Street fights resulting in injury and involving a whiff of alcohol will likely predjudice the Police in favour of Thai.( Because....? ) In cases where you are have not responded apart from only defense but are subject to Police accusation defy it. Pay nothing. Call your Embassy and inform them of the true situation. Insist on a fully detailed offense charge.

If unsure you can demonstrably defend accusation.............run like <deleted>!cheesy.gif

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I would do a double back flip grabbing a milk shake off the counter as I go....then give those pesky moto boys a kung &lt;deleted&gt; wedgie ..put some fries with ketchup up the officers nose and leave.....with my correct change....no problem

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Only in the U.S. can a foreigner insult, instigate a fight with a American citizen and have the NAACP or other organization, and legal system side with them unless it was a clear case of self-defense. A hot headed Vietnamese I knew well, was always starting confrontations with fellow co-workers (Americans) because he felt he was protected by the system he hated as much as the American people. He even cussed out a cop that pulled him over for speeding, ripped up the ticket, threw it on the ground and drove off. Another time he came to work with a revolver to shoot the the boss who caught him sleeping on the job. That got him him arrested, a court hearing, and he was fired. Granted, that happened around 15 yrs ago. Had that aggressiveness towards police occurred today, they would have treated him in a much different manner. Personally, when in foreign countries, I try to walk away from confrontations, that can escalate quickly. Not only because of the legal issues, but also because the aggressor may well have the police on his side against a foreigner, and then there's the family/friends support who will find out where you live and take revenge. Many cultures abroad are more close knit then in the U.S. so the whole family may come after you. When one gets in a fight in the U.S. it usually ends there, except, for the police and lawyers possibly getting involved. So, my rule is, unless they are throwing punches and kicks, try to walk away, don't even argue with them. In the U.S. today, you are wise to do the same, because, it isn't the good ole days anymore where everyone just went their own way after a fight. Now, its lawyers and courts because everyone is law suit crazy.

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A farang in a fight is seen as entertainment and a money making opportunity for a Thai Policeman.

Here is an example how things can quickly go "belly up' in Thailand.

Some time ago, I was in McDonadls and there were 2 German boys claiming the cashier 'shorted' them the correct change on a 1,000Bt note.

They were being very polite about it all, but persistent, and requested to see the CCTV video to verify their claim.

The cashier of course was not going to show them the evidence...

so the German guys persisted, they wanted the correct change & asked the Tourist Police be called to settle the dispute. They were being very polite and expected it to be sorted by the police.

Coincidentally, there was a police box across the street, so the cashier sent staff and asked the police to come resolve the issue.

Did the police go and help the tourist? No. They sent over 7 motorcycle taxi drivers to escalate the situation and they watched from across the road.

I waved over the German boys and explained the Police were not coming...They are not exactly like the German Police back home...Really? .. and those 7 taxi drivers lurking around were sent by the Police to escalate the situation. Probably get a good kicking, then be spending a day at the Police station costing 20,000 Bt each.

The took my advice and gave up their quest for the correct change.

The 7 motorbike taxi drivers all got a free ice cream.

I not believe this story!!! If you have problems with a cashier in a McDonalds the restaurantmanager come direct and check what happen. And for sure they check the cctv. I also not believe that the police sent 7 taxidriver!!!!

Complete BS story!!!

Thank You, I was just about to say the same thing, then read yours...........total BS, I would say someone else tipped off the Motocy drivers and they came about on their own.............but not the police, no way. I am no big fan of the BIB but even they are not so stupid to do somthing like this. I do believe he gave them good advise to drop it and get out of dodge, just beefed it up by adding the police in the mix.

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No doubt if you win you will be arrested or worst, thi country is not about fair play,

Remember the Aussie who runs a yacht business? He was set on by some bouncers for filming them assaulting other farangs. He's been here a long time and knows the score when they chased him down the streets well away from their place of work. So he pulled his pocket knife and killed one of the attackers.

From memory I believe he made a donation to the bereaved family, but the BiB didn't press charges.

In a similar situation here, or anywhere else for that matter, I'd do the same. Better judged by 11 than carried by 6!

Finally a good and factual example..............Bravo.

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I have my pride , duty to protect my family and Honor, with or without a black eye or 2

I fight back and fought back...........police involved Thai charges vanished!

Only DO NOT hit Thai women......whatever the reason, you tour the jail!

Wars & Battle's lovic is for pussyass bitches in Pattaya and beyond

You will never win ...... maybe a battle, but not the war.

Edited by hgma
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In more than two decades of living here and half of it in Bkk. I have seen quite a lot of stuff. One close friend of mine was an American who taught unarmed combat to both Police and Millitary. His wife came from a powerful police family. They owned a police franchise. From the dad on down it was a family run business. I got to see first hand just how it works. Cousin Eddie aint far off the mark.

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I would not try to fight.. I would RUN!

Fights here are not exactly fair. The Thai guys like to fight in a huge mob all attacking just one person. Once the person is down they keep attacking them over and over again, even if they are knocked out cold. They will use lots of weapons like iron bars, knives, glass bottles, etc. No witnesses will come to assist out of fear of getting attacked themselves.

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Just bear in minds that who ever is the instigator of any altercation, the non Thai will end up paying for all

damages and hospital bills, no matter whether it was a self defense using resemble force to protect oneself,

this is the law of the land, i.e. Thai= poor, farang= rich, and so this ' logic' prevails even in motor vehicles

accidents, so think twice before acting unless there's no other way out to act.....

Well, i have some experience with violence against foreigners in their living area, and in those situations, police was completely ok with self defense and were fully aware it must highly likely be the Thai who is the offender. Self defense is proven to be accepted . For foreigners as well as Thai

Edited by BuriramDevelopers
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Just to keep you informed folks, the OP sends nasty PM messages.

By the way OP, I will send whatever messages I like.

Please use the Report button to report any nasty PM messages. Forum rules do apply to PM's as well.

Wich means you guys read members private messages?

Of course, and why not, this is a closed forum - they have to ensure it is above board and nothing illegal is posted, either on the forum and or the Prvate Message Board.....................who doesn't like it should just leave the Forum, simple as that.

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Just to keep you informed folks, the OP sends nasty PM messages.

By the way OP, I will send whatever messages I like.

Please use the Report button to report any nasty PM messages. Forum rules do apply to PM's as well.

Wich means you guys read members private messages?

For sure the administrators should have access to PMs especially if following up a threat or slander against another member. Wouldn't have it any other way.

This is an open, free forum as well; with the laws, and interpretation of said laws by the authorities, regarding posting on social media, administration have every right to protect their own. To do this, they require full access.

How do you suppose large company IT departments run? No such thing as absolute privacy inside a domain,.....................wink.png

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Just bear in minds that who ever is the instigator of any altercation, the non Thai will end up paying for all

damages and hospital bills, no matter whether it was a self defense using resemble force to protect oneself,

this is the law of the land, i.e. Thai= poor, farang= rich, and so this ' logic' prevails even in motor vehicles

accidents, so think twice before acting unless there's no other way out to act.....

Strange, I have been living in Thailand since 1991, the foreign friends I have here are all also long (or even longer) term residents, and neither I or my friends have actually seen that in real life. We have heard of it for 25 years or more now but it never happens, where we live anyway. Treatment both at police stations and in accidents have always been fair

Is this specific to Pattaya and Phuket?

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If it is only two guys on a street then I think I would fight and go after each as if my life depended on it, and would win ! If 3 or more perhaps it is a swing like crazy and run like hell into a shop someplace near by and call police. This is a no win situation but I won't just sit and let cun/-s kick the shit out of me. They will also pay a price.

You want to see a Thai run a 100 yard dash? Get in a fight.
A mob of random, bitter guys will instantly arrive to kick your head in.

getting kind of tired of these fearful rants about lifting a finger and mobs appearing from nowhere to kick the foreigners arse. stems from anxiety of being in an unfamiliar place i suppose

situation would be the same as anywhere else thugs would attack. nothing wrong with responding as you would on home turf. do some damage and flee as soon as possible.

No. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Thais ONLY fight in a mob. Complete strangers will gladly join in the kicking of a farang. I've seen it more than once. They will kick and kick and kick ...long after the guy is down.

Reports of gangs of Thais, pouncing on foreigners were being reported almost every week until the "press' stopped covering the attacks for their acts that might affect the Pattaya tourism."

Search the forum.

And the key word here is 'Pattaya'!..

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Sorry, i would have to call BS on that.

If i had read the above 20 -25 years ago, i would have agreed, but times have changed.

True story; 1995 in Phitsanulok a motorcyclist ran into the back of a stationary (parked) vehicle, wrecking the bike and injuring the rider. The owner of the parked car was deemed at fault along the lines of "If the Falang wasn't here (in Thailand) the accident wouldn't have happened".

As said above, times have changed.

they do use that logic, it only works one way

6 months ago lady from left most lane (not shoulder) turns into the front of my bike, she didn't use her signal light, no brake lights (didn't use or didn't work), no looking in the mirror first, no helmet and no drivers license

police says, your fault "ohh you are farang if you are not here no accident"

I told them, "no drivers license" and "no helmet" so SHE is not supposed to be there .. how can it be my fault?

all went do deaf ears: your fault.

I had to pay 26,000 baht: 7000 baht to the poor girl who got KOd on the pavement because she wasn't wearing a helmet, 5000 baht to "fix" her old ass motorbike (she was going like 10mph and hit me) and 14000 baht to fix mine

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There have been some high profile cases concerning the rich and powerfull in Thailand and in almost if not all they got away with it after paying a lump sum of money,If that is anything to go by on how the legal system works in this country.

If you are a foreigner with little or no money living in Thailand you are at a great disadvantage,no matter what does gun registerd on my Thai wife's name yanks tell you on here.

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There have been some high profile cases concerning the rich and powerfull in Thailand and in almost if not all they got away with it after paying a lump sum of money,If that is anything to go by on how the legal system works in this country.

If you are a foreigner with little or no money living in Thailand you are at a great disadvantage,no matter what does gun registerd on my Thai wife's name yanks tell you on here.

Thank you for the first big laugh of today; I have yet to hear one of these morons spouting about the wife's registered gun. I will cherish the day I hear that story; trumping the SEAL and CIA knee slappers for sure.

Regarding the OP: You are not expected to fight back as violence will diminish your karma. Take your beating and you will be reborn as a beautiful butterfly. So as your are receiving the inevitable signature move of the foot stomp to the head, while prone.

Smile, as your new life is imminent. Happy Holidays! smile.png

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Thais are generally polite, helpful and well mannered towards foreigners, especially Caucasians, unless they are insulted or disrespected by foreigners. Drunkard drinkers at seedy ‘water holes’ are prone to such mistakes. If one happens to be sober but involved in a dispute with Thais, best to stay cool and calm; be as polite as possible and keep on smiling when presenting your case. When in doubt, give them the benefits of the doubts and if matters remain unresolved in a street environment, just let it go if the issue involves some monies or quality of goods / service. However, if provoked into a one on one (or two / three) street fight, just stand your ground but be mindful not to cause any serious permanent bodily harm to them; defend but don’t attack. Good will prevail over the evil doers.

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If it is only two guys on a street then I think I would fight and go after each as if my life depended on it, and would win ! If 3 or more perhaps it is a swing like crazy and run like hell into a shop someplace near by and call police. This is a no win situation but I won't just sit and let cun/-s kick the shit out of me. They will also pay a price.

You want to see a Thai run a 100 yard dash? Get in a fight.

A mob of random, bitter guys will instantly arrive to kick your head in.

You try it?

Thai not really fighting nationality.. if few guy get seriously injured they see the blood and scatter like cockroaches when you turn on the light. Even if its crime community.. Its not as in London "firm" or in Russian "bratva" .. or even chines gang... Not have any brutal..Its not Brazil or Colombia...


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If it is only two guys on a street then I think I would fight and go after each as if my life depended on it, and would win ! If 3 or more perhaps it is a swing like crazy and run like hell into a shop someplace near by and call police. This is a no win situation but I won't just sit and let cun/-s kick the shit out of me. They will also pay a price.

You want to see a Thai run a 100 yard dash? Get in a fight.

A mob of random, bitter guys will instantly arrive to kick your head in.

You try it?

Thai not really fighting nationality.. if few guy get seriously injured they see the blood and scatter like cockroaches when you turn on the light. Even if its crime community.. Its not as in London "firm" or in Russian "bratva" .. or even chines gang... Not have any brutal..Its not Brazil or Colombia...


Are you serious? Have you spent any time in Thailand at all (outside sanitized tourist areas)? "Not a fighting nationality..."?!?! Then how did they manage to invent what is arguably the most effective form of martial arts in the world, which is even more effective when 5 are practicing it on 1 opponent, which is how working class Thai men fight?

Have I "tried it?" Certainly not. But I've witnessed it countless times.

Edited by Saastrajaa
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Are you serious? Have you spent any time in Thailand at all (outside sanitized tourist areas)? "Not a fighting nationality..."?!?! Then how did they manage to invent what is arguably the most effective form of martial arts in the world, which is even more effective when 5 are practicing it on 1 opponent, which is how working class Thai men fight?

Have I "tried it?" Certainly not. But I've witnessed it countless times.

Yes i am seriose..

I try it few time.

So say that i see..

1.martial ARTS its not practical real fight .

2. Even you be best on the best in martial ARTS its not mean you CAN cooperating with several people.

3.Even you stady cooperating with several people in fight and this people same can. It takes practice. And the spirit of struggle. I have often seen well-trained fighters (sports and even martial) who, after a couple of drops of blood friend on their face- to panic.

In panic its not fighter any more..


I do not know about " most effective form of martial arts in the world"

You talking about what? where you look this is effective?

military conflicts?
In Octagon never see in fimal( even not final) any Thai style fighterrolleyes.gif
But I've witnessed it countless times.
You've seen a couple thai let bloody and another Thai not scatter like cockroaches when you turn on the light?rolleyes.gif
Edited by ardokano
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