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Police hunt thugs who brutally attacked British family in Hua Hin

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You do all realise that this news is worldwide. All over the world. The world (Earth) a planet in the solar system.

I am proud today. Proud to be a member of Thai Visa. Justice will be served.

Thai Visa a shining beacon of justice for the tourists and expats of Thailand.

God bless you!

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The thugs don't look too happy there.

Maybe they're more afraid one of the tired, lonely old 'Victim blaming/Brit knocking racist trolls' like 'Little Mary' and 'B(L)ubba' defending them on this thread are going to adopt them.....

Thailand should ban this British family for life.. Just to state the fact this family started this "now" international incident.

What are you blithering about? If you are going to try and troll the forum, at least do it sounding less retarded with a 'fact' or two....

Look at the entire clip!

Not just the part when your dream woman was knocked out..

About 50 secs in, I see a female tourist hitting a Thai man, then proceed to struggle with him.

When will tourist learn, not to act like idiots?

Male or female, if you hit someone in anger, be prepared to get hit back. That's what happens, especially if you take the first swing!!

Try living in the world of reality and not that fantasy world you live in.

Let's just hope, these 3 tourist with anger problems, learned a valuable lesson.

Don't start fights! And stay down when knocked down..


Hold on a minute. On Thai visa are many farangs with Thai wives/ girlfriends,what do they think of this episode?

Well I showed this to my Thai wife this morning,she said "Thailand no good"

Later she went to meet some of her friends in a coffee shop, they spent some time discussing this event,and they all came to the conclusions that the Thais were at fault. They all felt ashamed at what these creatures had done.

Then I open Thaivisa and read what are basically excuses for this behavior.

Strange world!

Edited by nontabury
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Notice the Thai government did not make any apologies for the victims. These animals will never see real justice. Visitors are crazy to get into crowds of Thai people. Animals like this are all over the country. Foreigners have no protection under the law here. Better stay at home. When you look at the number of foreigners that die here yearly it is a great number. Many seem to fall off balconies of hotels. Did you ever see a Thai go to jail for these crimes. Avoid large crows of drunk Thai people!


we give them trilions usd last 20 years and now generation what grove from t show us respect ... i dont have words

ts 7-15 years jail in my country . i ask law yesterday.

dailymail have 3,8 milions subs. + average 2 milions readers per day..its BIG power ! and i put it on reddit for another MILIONS.

So you two will, leave Thailand if you are here, or if not here, never come to Thailand again because of this drunken incident ?

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This type of dog pack attack where a group of Thais high on booze and drugs join in to violently beat up foreigners who look weak and defenceless for pure sadistic pleasure is the norm in Thailand but it is rarely captured on camera and released to the public. Tourists should be warmed not to come to Thailand, unless the can afford police or military escorts.

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This type of dog pack attack where a group of Thais high on booze and drugs join in to violently beat up foreigners who look weak and defenceless for pure sadistic pleasure is the norm in Thailand but it is rarely captured on camera and released to the public. Tourists should be warmed not to come to Thailand, unless the can afford police or military escorts.

You sound like David Attenborough. Four masturbaters beat up 2 old age pensioners on holiday with their son. Edited by Wilsonandson
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Justice will be served

Depending on how influential their families are.

If that was my Mum I would hunt those bastards down and kill them myself. Jail time, what ever, that would make me rest easy. An eye for an eye., a tooth for a tooth. Revenge is best served cold.

I don't believe in forgiveness either.......

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This type of dog pack attack where a group of Thais high on booze and drugs join in to violently beat up foreigners who look weak and defenceless for pure sadistic pleasure is the norm in Thailand but it is rarely captured on camera and released to the public. Tourists should be warmed not to come to Thailand, unless the can afford police or military escorts.

Yeah, funny how they never try this shit on a group of 30 year old Brits on a steroid holiday in Pattaya. Like I said...... Feminized Thai men savagely attacking the elderly who had absolutely zero chance of defending themselves, much less fighting back.

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Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Because it was a racial attack, if the victims weren't white, they wouldn't have been attacked.
Utter rubbish Britmantoo! You see it almost daily that this happens Thai on Thai also and back in all of our home countries it happens also. To deny that is lying!

Too many on TV love to jump on the " I live in Thailand because I hate it and want to bash it" bandwagon. Utter w@nk

You see 65 year old women kicked unconscious on a daily basis?

Where do you live? I'd like to avoid that place!

You are trying to deflect from your earlier blanket statement that it was a racial attack, it was nothing of the sort it was first instigated by the farang in the floral shirt who snuck behind the group and delivered a king hit from behind. That in itself no way detracts from the pack mentality and viciousness of what follows but for you to play a race card here was ridiculous. Further, go back through some old news articles in your home country or simply google / youtube search "woman puched / kicked by...." It should wake you up to reality

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You are trying to deflect from your earlier blanket statement that it was a racial attack, it was nothing of the sort it was first instigated by the farang in the floral shirt who snuck behind the group and delivered a king hit from behind. That in itself no way detracts from the pack mentality and viciousness of what follows but for you to play a race card here was ridiculous. Further, go back through some old news articles in your home country or simply google / youtube search "woman puched / kicked by...." It should wake you up to reality

Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Because it was a racial attack, if the victims weren't white, they wouldn't have been attacked.
Utter rubbish Britmantoo! You see it almost daily that this happens Thai on Thai also and back in all of our home countries it happens also. To deny that is lying!

Too many on TV love to jump on the " I live in Thailand because I hate it and want to bash it" bandwagon. Utter w@nk

You see 65 year old women kicked unconscious on a daily basis?

Where do you live? I'd like to avoid that place!

You are trying to deflect from your earlier blanket statement that it was a racial attack, it was nothing of the sort it was first instigated by the farang in the floral shirt who snuck behind the group and delivered a king hit from behind. That in itself no way detracts from the pack mentality and viciousness of what follows but for you to play a race card here was ridiculous. Further, go back through some old news articles in your home country or simply google / youtube search "woman puched / kicked by...." It should wake you up to reality

you seriously believe the fact they where foreigners played no part in it? ive asked this question a few times in this thread and ill ask it yet again -

do you think they wouldve bashed elderly thais? Do you think he wouldve punched an elderly thai woman in the face and then kicked her in the head as she tried to get up? Do you think thai onlookers wouldnt have intervened if these thugs were kicking shit of some thais in their 60's?

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This video should be shown to all potential tourists.

If you come to Thailand and want to start arguing with Thais at a Thai festival and then start throwing punches, then this is what will happen.

I can't understand all the farang apologists taking the farang side (as usual) here when the farangs started it. Did anyone actually watch the video before jumping to conclusions?

The farangs started it, and were taught some manners. They should be blacklisted for life. Twice the size of the Thais (even the women). Disgraceful behavior.

Yes, I watched the video, and to a certain point I even agree with you! But! That one guy should NEVER have kicked the lady in the face while she was already down! That goes too far, way too far! For that there is no excuse! He should be severely punished for that!

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A good commercial for TAT?

What thai government thinking about this, also what was on Dutch television last Monday about the boy who's killed in Patong but according to the report by the Thai police drowned, and yes:they lost the files they say, and yes, about Kho Tao, it is still fresh in our memory.

How long will this go on Thai Government?

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Most likely they will get fined only 250 Baht each, since the ladyboys who knocked out a tourist in Pattaya were fined 500 Baht each, but they used a stone as weapon. The thugs in the video used "just" fists and feet...

How about a serious crackdown on foreigners who dare to walk around in Thailand? Perhaps hunt all foreigners in Thailand down for loitering? That would be a good start, no? sick.gif

The problem is with this and many other examples: the Thai never blame there self, for example: if the tourists not coming anymore the Thai find a conclusion at the foreigner again they (the Thai) are not wrong.

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Thailand is violent and dangerous, it always has been. It's not just dangerous for tourists but Thai's also, a fact they are well aware of. Thai's prepare themselves for the violence better than foreigners do. My wife who is run of the mill middle class keeps a gun in the safe at home and a baseball bat and other implements in the car ... just in case.I just don't understand why western tourists are so naive as to think Its a land of easy going people that love tourists. I don't blame this poor family for what happened to them but would they have put themselves in a situation where they could be confronted by a gang of youths back in he UK? I never would in the US or Thailand. Again not heir fault but they unaccountably let their guard down.

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Daily Mail, Daily Express and Daily Mirror all running this story now. Good to see.

I do hope these scumbag thugs get a proper jail sentence for this. Maybe the extra publicity will help in attaining that.

Flowers for the police? That is laughable. I hope there is financial support for the victims and that EVERY care is being taken over them.

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What a pity. I was there that evening and remarked to friends about what a fantastic atmosphere there was. After 11 years of Songkrans, I have never seen such an influx of young men all in one place and most were very polite dabbing powder on my face. Bintabaht and surrounds was bursting to the seams.

It is easy to get paranoid about attacks like this but I don't know of any other incidents that night and would still rather be here than among the feral youths from sink estates, in the UK. I could not imagine British yobs being as friendly.

Maybe these people did not know but it pays to repeat it. NEVER EVER get involved in an argument with a Thai. There are no Marquis of Queensbury rules and there is no such thing as a fair fight.

I have already posted..Farangs fight to win. Thais fight to KILL.

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The apologist are stating that the Brits attacked first. They didn't, they reacted to an ars..ole who attacked a family member. You attack one of mine I'm coming back at you.

They just didn't understand that the only way to deal with thugs like this is to put them down hard and fast. You go hard with these cowards they will back down 80% of the time. If, not it gets really ugly.

They believed in the "Land of Smiles" myth. Thais stood around watched, probably took pictures and videos.

Nearly two decades here I'm saddened by Thailand's decent into Western violent culture. It's always been a violent culture, but now it's just degenerated beyond belief.

I have personally had a Thai man half my size try to start a fight with me in a 7-11 when I got to the cashier before he could push in. I placated said in Thai sorry, you go. It made him look big, he was happy. Me, I too old to beat the s**t out of worthless piece s**t like this. It's wasn't worth my energy.

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Yeah, a punch in the head can be dangerous.

The farang guy threw the first one, though.

You mean after his son was thrown onto the concrete, and potentially killed by the impact?

"trown"onto the concrete?

How did you look at the video, he lost his balance almost alone... due to his drunkenness stage probably

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Sadly this video has now gone mainstream UK and is all the papers including The Telegraph. The result of that will be that people will watch the video without studying it and will be outraged and Thailand will be further damned in the eyes of the UK population. Distribution of the video has not done anyone any good I'm afraid and doesn't accurately apportion blame for the incident, as far as UK Plc is concerned the fault will be solely Thailands and that is not right. .

Sure it is fault of Thailand,you get 25 yrs prison for stealing but 500bt fine for almost beating to dead a foreigner.Will happen again and again until Thailand change it's view about westerners.Even PM of Thailand thinks westerners are thugs who only want to disrupt thailands unity

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Not sure why forums turn into arguments and disagreements, especially on this subject. The facts are are simple. It is not civilized or acceptable in any human form, to leave three people on the ground, beaten to hell. The kick to the woman could have killed her. These are people probably in their 60's plus. Where is the respect and decency ? In all my life I have never, ever done such a disgraceful thing. And if I did, local bystanders would probably have beaten me and my parents on finding out would have dealt with me accordingly. All I see is savagery, violence, cowardice and spite. There is nothing to argue over, or disagree with, unless your moral compass is unbalanced. It does not matter if you think it happens elsewhere. It is irrelevant. It does not matter who pushed who. All that matters is that young men, beat a family so badly they were left unconscious in a dirty street. The women or any one them could have died. Easily. Can you imagine the devastation this could have caused. All the time laws do not protect the innocent and thugs get a smack on the wrist this will only continue to happen. Does anyone know what a punch to the head does, or a kick to the head ? It is very, very dangerous. Ask any doctor. Anyone who does this, has an intent to kill and destroy a human being. Because that is what the result can be. There are no excuses or words to defend this. Nothing to discuss in regards why, or even consider excuses. I am so tired of hearing excuses for people who use violence in such a cowardly, savage way. They knew exactly what they were doing and did not care. They would not have done that to a couple of large ex marines, a group of rugby players, or people who know how to defend themselves. And if they had, they would have found out the hard way, what being a cowardly, spiteful brat gets you ! . They are cowards. Nasty, spiteful undeveloped thugs. I am glad the police have caught them. But wait in hope they get many years in prison because that is the only just reaction to such disgusting behavior.

One word for all of this.....alcohol. People need to cut down drinking, alcohol causes way too many problems.

NOTHING good ever happens when you are drunk NOTHING!!!

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