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Tired of Thai blokes staring at my missus


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Take the baby to the hospital this morning baby's check up. Mrs leaning accross getting the baby out of the car and there's 4 Thai blokes sitting there, one in particular turns around for a better look eyes glued to her ass about 2m away like it's a TV. Gee ing his mates up to have a look too. He saw me giving him daggers but didn't look away. Close to belting him. In the end Mrs turned around and told him to <deleted> off. We live in Isaan and this seems to happen a lot. She's a nice looking girl but no supermodel by Thai standard. She dresses very conservatively and isn't your tattooed skanky type in anyway. Always really low so blokes too. The ones sitting around like mongrel dogs in their fake aviators. Look like a soi dog waiting for some opportunity or someone to drop some food or money. Blokes will be blokes and we all have a look but what annoys me the most is the way they keep staring even after you've given them the look. Do you blokes experience this?

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I get the same in the UK when I am there with my wife. I just accept they are jelous of me and think that I am the lucky one. You just have to get used to it and take is as a positive.
Alternativly you could always one of those black bin liners next time you pass through Dubai.

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I just get horny when i see other blokes perving at my mrs. Especially when the blokes are early 20s as my mrs is 45 and im 51. 5555 Mate just appreciate the fact that shes your mrs. Sometimes if we r walking through a mall especially in Australia i get filthy looks from western women. They must think im a dirty old man. Which i am.i just smile at the western fat pigs.

Dont know if this is of any help to you but its my thought.

Cheers Cobbler

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We lived back in Australia and yeah got a lot of looks from blokes and ladies. A bloke with an Asian girl is something different i guess. Most have the decency to look away when confronted though.

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yes I had this one time in a bar a fella stood about ten feet away from me and my missus he fixed his gaze about crotch high

and did not take his eyes off her , she started to feel a bit uncomfortable and mentioned it to me

so I asked frank if he had quite finished, I told my missus he is always the same staring at attractive women where ever he was.

and really if you do not look you are dead but a long fascination with one particular area and a commentary is bad form.

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I'd possibly expect it, although not welcome it in a bar. Areas like that farang are the absolute worst. Like any woman your with is up for grabs.

I would've hoped for different in front of the hospital Khon Kaen.

Edited by Kenny202
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I'm afraid it's just something you have to 'roll with' and as Nev wisely says, learn to take it as a compliment.

Many blokes, even Thai blokes, make the assumption; Thai lass with Western bloke = either prossie/goldigger, desperate, or loose or all three.

Thankfully, most Thais, especially blokes can tell a hooker from a 'quality' lass a mile off and in time the 'looks' becomes less noticeable.

I still get the odd sarky/pervy comment when out in one of my locals (when I'm in Thailand) but as most of the people in our neighbourhood know my wife and I, these comments are almost always without malice or ill intent.

Even when we're out of our 'comfort zone' we are always politely dressed and well behaved, sure we get 'looks' but that comes with the territory. I even get 'looks' when I'm on me own but that's because I'm a proper spanner....

Far worse - when you don't look like a typical 'expat' - is when you come across Western blokes who think you're a tourist and try and 'impress' or pull your lass often with their halting, abysmal atonal 'Thai'.

I had to 'introduce' one such gent to the pavement in a well known beach resort a short while after we married. I have no idea what he was thinking as it was obvious we had been together for a while and she wasn't some brass I'd just 'pulled'. The mind does sometimes boggle and it's not always at the weirder aspects of Thai culture.

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I even get 'looks' when I'm on me own

I'm not surprised if you look anything like your av... Reggie Nalder's, The Master! thumbsup.gif

But goofballs drooling over women when they're out with their bloke or family is lower class and bad form. Bunch of kids. You should have said, "hey, kon Lao, when you go back home!" tongue.png

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I dress well as well does my partner. Always quality long sleeve shirts, nice dress shorts or dress pants. It try not to look like a foreigner in cheap boardshorts and a Chang Singlet or tank top. My partner is Transgender and dresses very well and I get the 'she is the prossie' look most days or nights when I go out to farang places. It is as I have just bar-fined her. I now just think many are just jealous or do not know what to make of us as she is very attractive and she has problems with men approaching her even when I am with her.

After coming up to 8 years of this, it does not worry me. Sure I am in a different relationship but knocks come in this territory. At most times, I am in the company of several of her girlfriends when we go out at night and the looks I get from others seeing me in this mass of gorgeous looking women having a great time, just makes me understand now, how good my life is.

There will always be knockers and those that stare. Sure, I like to look at a bit of eye candy as well, but to drool over it, it is just not proper and respect for any women, is warranted at all times.

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I guess it's not as uncomfortable as Thai blokes craning for a look at your old feller when ur having a leak in the trough at the mall or gas station. Or the old cleaning ladies that just remembered a spot on the floor they missed mopping right behind you.

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I recommend 2 approaches:

1, Say in a loud voice to your missus- ma ( rising tone) hao ( low tone) khreung ( falling) bin ( neutral) wunnee ( mid then high 2tone) meaning the dog is barking at the aeroplane ( it has no hope of catching it)

Alternatively you could flummox them by simply gazing upwards and barking and just to make sure they get the message say Sek Loso (its one of his songs)

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That's easy.

If OP's missus is pretty, the Thai Blokes will think: "there we go again, the ugly Farangs with their deep pockets get the best of our Thai Women."

If OP's missus is NOT pretty, the Thai Blokes will think: " with all this wide selection in Pattaya alone, how come this Farang with deep pockets could not come up with something better."

I believe, it's in the assessment of the OP alone, witch version is applicable in his particular case.


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That's easy.

If OP's missus is pretty, the Thai Blokes will think: "there we go again, the ugly Farangs with their deep pockets get the best of our Thai Women."

If OP's missus is NOT pretty, the Thai Blokes will think: " with all this wide selection in Pattaya alone, how come this Farang with deep pockets could not come up with something better."

I believe, it's in the assessment of the OP alone, witch version is applicable in his particular case.


Well its not that easy and ur argument is flawed. Your first paragraph u assume I'M an ugly old troll with a stunner.

Ur second paragraph u assume I'm a Hansum man with a pig. Neither is correct

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Read post# 22.

Best you "grow-up" quick in the LOS, and learn the value of totally ignoring Thai "blokes". Giving those blokes the evil-eye can rapidly back-fire on you, with you being on the losing end of that challenge, 100% guaranteed!

A "sawasdee" wai.gif style greeting, is the best way to deal with those idiots. That is especially so, in a small town provincial setting, where everybody is either related by blood, marriage, or life-long association. You are the "outsider". If you can't handle the suble insults, then you'd be well-advised to either take your lady, your baby and yourself back to your home country, or change your (displayed) attitude. You will not win against a Thai bloke, ever. They really do resent your presence, in their country.

If your Thai lady hasn't already explained the "realities" to you, then she is totally out-to-lunch (which you definitely do not need, in a Thai woman). Do you get the drift here, young sir? coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Mrs turned around and told him to <deleted> off. classy lady. your wife needs to use more imagination, my ex-gf back home got loads of comments - this problem is not unique to thailand - fortunately she was quick witted and always had razor sharp put downs, works a treat.

my thai ex, thai/chinese lawyer, got many appreciative looks but she had the confidence to rise above it.

as for yourself just take it easy :)

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My male friends in the condo always kid my g/f by saying "Is he treating you OK?" When in the pool the guys always compliment me on how lucky I am. I keep telling them what you see on the outside is 10 times better in the inside. She is just an amazing person with good looks thrown in. She is much younger than me and I envy the guy that gets this great lady after I pass on. She has somehow managed to retain the inner child/teenager part and I always marvel at this. What a prize

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Mrs turned around and told him to <deleted> off. classy lady. your wife needs to use more imagination, my ex-gf back home got loads of comments - this problem is not unique to thailand - fortunately she was quick witted and always had razor sharp put downs, works a treat.

my thai ex, thai/chinese lawyer, got many appreciative looks but she had the confidence to rise above it.

as for yourself just take it easy smile.png

Mrs turned around and told him to <deleted> off.

Just about sums it up, most Thai ladies can knock these prix out with just a look.

However if upcountry and The Little Emperor and Small Penis Types its a differnet matter.

Guaranteed these prix wouldnt have tried it on had it been a Thai man and his girl.

Ah the joys of living upcountry with the locals and their lao kao ploblem.

My mrs gets it in Bkk and Pattaya usually from the ageing Lothario types fuelled by Chang and Wiagla.

One of the best I ever saw was in a bar in Pattaya, some Chang fuelled coffin dodger had a pop at some young (luk kreung) lass, she picked up his beer and threw it over him (to much applause) then shouted out, chuay duay, the Thais were all over the kant.

Sorry Gramps, not tonight, not everything is for sale here.

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