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Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid! Everything in Moderation.


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Becareful what you wish for!

Had a recent bout of dispepsia and as usual after this happens I get extreme discomfort, excess wind and uncomfortable constipation.

In the past I have tried various remedies but nothing seemed to work that well or took ages to get any effect. Then I remembered some medicine my wife once gave me years ago that helped out better than most.

Well, she remembered what it was and bought me a bottle. It comes in something like 300mL brown bottle with a stuck on label (looks home made)

First time I took it she told me just to take a small swig which did nothing so i took a couple more swigs and eventually things got moving and my stomach settled down and I felt better.

This time it was getting late in the evening and I wanted a good nights sleep and to get rid of the bloated feeling, so, "cleverly" I drank the entire bottle in one go (It tastes terrible).

Boy was that a MASSIVE mistake! Literally within 15 minutes I was running to the toilet every 5 minutes for about 4 hours, it was like an explosion. After each massive expulsion I needed to drink water, after every drink of water came another geyser exploding into the toilet pan until eventually all that was squirting out was clear water.

I attach some photos, anyone know this stuff or what is in it?

Boy it is lethal, I was still squirting water this morning at 10AM, but it certainly got rid of the gas and constipation.

I guess another use for it would be as a Cough Medecine, because once you drink this, I guarantee, you will NEVER DARE to cough again for at least 24 hours!




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Very strange post indeed...one takes "medication" not knowing what it is or what it does..

I guess the old saying "there is one born every minute" rings true in this case...

Count yourself thankful for not being a nonminee for the 2016 Darwin Award

Edited by Koosdedooes
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Very strange post indeed...one takes "medication" not knowing what it is or what it does..

I guess the old saying "there is one born every minute" rings true in this case...

Count yourself thankful for not being a nonminee for the 2016 Darwin Award

Don't be so hard on our hapless victim.

He knew what it did – just didn't know what the hyper result would be of the hyper dose.

In this way he's a lot like my Thai friends – if a little is good for you, a lot more must be a lot "good-er" for you!

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Would there have been an alternative for the OP ?

This would be for the health forum and even better a visit to the doctor/clinic.

There are so many different laxatives and I think you have to know the full health status (blood test etc.) to recommend the right stuff.

I won't comment.

But this "epsom salt" is described as a "radical" laxative and I would not use it regularly.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Would there have been an alternative for the OP ?

An EQUIVALENT alternative would have been one of those metal rotating plumbing "snakes" commonly called "Roto-Rooter" in my neck of the woods.
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At least his period pains have gone.

Yes ...isn't this a womans tonic ...1 teaspoon 3 times a day ...like after having a baby ...poor periods etc etc ... wow ... someone was a bit unwise ....
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Well thanks for the updates and info as to what this evil substance is. Like I said originally I have tried it before and found it worked a little bit, but I agree, more is not always better.

The effects have worn off this afternoon and can cough again without fear of flooding the room with foul smelling liquids.

I would like to point out however that in my other post regarding Tesco and last weeks change to a new online ordering system that was terrible and that appeared to revert back to the old system yesterday, allowing purchases of more than 1.5KG of potatoto, well if you check it out tonight it is changed back again to the new crap system, however, you can now order a maximum of 2KG of potoato, but are permitted to order 2.5KG of onion! What on earth is going on with these people?

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Isn't that the stuff that ladyboys use? ...

I wouldn't have thought so unless your idea of fun was getting a fecal version of Niagra Falls in the bedroom when you open their back door!

Falang: Mmm that is a tight little chocolate starfish.

Ladyboy: "I know, I have a reason"

Falang "Let me just try this"

Ladyboy "Noooooooooooooooooo"


Ladyboy "I tell you already"

Falang: "Help, throw me a liferaft!, Jesus it stinks in here!"

Channel 3 reports a localized bedroom Tsunami!

Edited by menzies233
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Have your days?

If I got this ste it right. it is for ladies in menstruation and combined with constipation.


Constipation: four spoonful in this case.

We now know what a full bottle does and that it works biggrin.png

Seems like the OP was going through a bad period when he decided to blast his guts out with that miracle cure formula.

I suffer from chronic indigestion and at times it becomes unbearable. Tried all the miracle cures, pills from the doctor and bottles of impressive looking mysterious liquids but nothing works or only gives short relief from the symptoms. Bicarbonate of soda does work but since I`ve become older it gives me the s**ts and tastes ORRIBLE.

Then I remembered that the old fashion remedies are always the best remedies and thought about what my grandparents used to take. So for the indigestion I bought a jar of Enos and for constipation I bought a pack of Senokot tablets. Took one teaspoon full of Enos powder and within seconds my indigestion was gone like water putting out a fire. This lasts all day, simply amazing. I do suffer from constipation at times, take 4 Senokot tables and within 8 hours I`m back to normal again. These items are available at most drug stores and they`re cheap. Only problem with the Enos is they only sell the lemon and orange flavours in Thailand, not the original but it works.



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Have your days?

If I got this ste it right. it is for ladies in menstruation and combined with constipation.


Constipation: four spoonful in this case.

We now know what a full bottle does and that it works biggrin.png

If I read the blog correctly it appears the Thai lady found an "off label" use for the medicine. Claims it clears up her acne. Is your skin nice and clear now, Menzies?

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