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Thai public seek justice for handicapped man killed by policemen's children


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The premeditated murder charge won't stick, the cops have basically said they won't allow it to stick. A straight up murder charge (like what they have been given - or has that not happened yet?) is likely to have the best chance to keep these fools in remand jail, and locked up for many years after court. The CCTV footage is there, the lawyer witness was there is too law savvy to be bribed off (as well as having already gone on the record about what he saw).

People are saying the killers will get off. Absolutely delusional. They are on toast, the only thing despicable I expect to happen is for the judge to give unduly lenient sentences due to mitigating factors (first time offence, drunk, self defence yada yada yada). They'll still get years, but not as many as they should

how long have you been in thailand? one of the following will happen, 1. they will fleeto laos, 2. they will enter the monkhood, 3, the family will be paid off, 4, the witnesses will go missing, that is the thai way for the rich <deleted> who think they run the country!

More than half a decade pal, and more than enough to realize that 7 people implicated in a vicious murder caught on CCTV can't all just slip away undetected across a border (without a hint of collusion). Think rationally, this thing has got many Thais on social media really riled up, the cops understand this and that is why they're still in remand prison.

If this was a case when there was 1, or maybe 2 killers. Perhaps a payoff would be possible. But the fact that 7 are in custody has snookered them. The witness is a lawyer and is much too savvy to fall for any underhand shady tactics someone may employ to silence him. This is a hot potato, money isn't going to solve anything as too much is already known, and these cops simply aren't important / high ranking enough for the whole RTP to lose face covering for them.

The most likely outcome is unduly lenient sentences as the mitigating circumstances, and glowing character references by the RTP will cut years off their sentences. The monkhood won't touch these as they're actually on video killing a disabled guy, there is zero doubt of guilt (unlike Nomsod on Koh Tao who at least had the dodgy CCTV giving him somewhat of an alibi).

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With multiple cases of where the rich and connected have gotten off virtually

scot free,after killing ordinary people,it really is time that the Thai public

demand change,problem is most people just see it as a way of life here,

and do nothing, 25,000 signatures is not enough to change anything,due

to the fact that those that could make changes ARE the rich and influential.

regards worgeordie

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Good to see this is still in the public spotlight. I hope these thugs get the harshest possible sentence (but I have my doubts)

Now time to do the same with the Benz driver.

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POLICE Justice in Thailand where family members are involved.


I hope these little SCUM bags go down in a BIG way.

Together with their parents for rearing such pricks.

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Police have assured the public that justice will be done.

Well that would be a first then.

Justice will be done, but maybe in 30, 40, 50, or more years, if the dust is ever removed from the case file. Indeed, word has it that bags of dust are now being collected to pour onto the petition and the case file, and that the case will be transferred to the staff at the Ministry of Inactive Posts to deal with. ... Just joking, of course. But as 4 sons of policemen are among the accused, nobody expects more than a slap on the wrist as a punishment.

Edited by renaissanc
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Good to see this is still in the public spotlight. I hope these thugs get the harshest possible sentence (but I have my doubts)

Now time to do the same with the Benz driver.

And the RED BULL little Scum Bag too.

And the Honda girl.

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Good to see this is still in the public spotlight. I hope these thugs get the harshest possible sentence (but I have my doubts)

Now time to do the same with the Benz driver.

And the RED BULL little Scum Bag too.

And the Honda girl.

and the list goes on

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The public can petition all they like but it won't make any difference. The ordinary people of Thailand are completely and utterly powerless against those in authority, who do whatever they please via some devious route or another. Look at the case of the two murdered Brits as the perfect example. And although many are now becoming more aware of injustices due to social media, they are still powerless to change anything.

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Good to see this is still in the public spotlight. I hope these thugs get the harshest possible sentence (but I have my doubts)

Now time to do the same with the Benz driver.

And the real Koh Tao murderers.

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"Thai public seek justice for handicapped man killed by policemen's children"

Thsi headline sounds, like some todlers killed him by accident!

Policemen's children?

I know...I was always my mothers child and I am 50 now...but can we be a bit more accurate here!?

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I agree, that it would be hard to prove it was premeditated, as you have to prove that they conspired to kill him before the event, and it could have the case thrown out of court on some technicality or lack of evidence.

However with the video evidence and witness statements, should be enough for a charge and convition of willfull murder.

Sure is condspiracy because it was a gang and they where armed =intendto murder

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Perhaps the police parents themselves should be investigated for perverting the course of justice. That might send a valuable message....

or am I dreaming facepalm.gif

Slightly comatose maybe but dont worry Jimbo its nothing a couple of hours kip wont straighten out
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Police have assured the public that justice will be done.

Well that would be a first then.

it is easy to assure that "Thai" justice will be done, simply because "Thai" justice is all about money and connections,,, so yes, I am 100% confident "Thai" justice will be done.

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I can't recall where there has been any reports of a "re-enactment" of this incident. I stand corrected if this is not true. If a "re-enactment" takes place it usually with great publicity and means the case has been decided and will proceed to the courts where the offending party/parties will be found guilty.

In cases of no "re-enactment" it usually means there is a cover-up in place because a "re-enactment" is an indicator of guilt. No "re-enactment = no admiited guilt!

My long term prediction is that those sons of the RPT will walk and later become members of the RTP themselves to enjoy the benefits available to such an elite enforcement service.

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Thai gets stabbed: 25000 signature petition.

White family of 3 get beaten to near death, including an elderly woman:

Jeeves, fetch my tweed jacket and 12 gauge - teach these native beggars a lesson or two what!.

Fair dinkum mate - what planet are you from?.......white family.....as though that's important.....is the implication that if they were black or brindle it would not have been anything to worry about.

They got a beating...hardly near to death though.

With your attitude I'd be very careful in Thailand if I was you.

Seen some misguided racist posts on this forum but yours takes the cake.

Edited by Mudcrab
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Where is Prayuth now. Why does he support the murderous kids of RTP officers. What has he got to gain by it.Where is the justice that he is bragging about,where is his pretended fight against corruption, and last but not least, does he really think that the general population will support him after this example of RTP corruption

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