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Monk drunk as a skunk is sunk: mob attacks man in robes after he abducts 4 year old girl


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Monk drunk as a skunk is sunk: mob attacks man in robes after he abducts 4 year old girl

Image Thairath

LOEI: -- An angry mob attacked a monk after he tried to take a four year old girl out of her grandmother's arms.

The monk had entered a house after an all day long drinking session and started interfering with the little girl saying he wanted to take her as his wife. He grabbed the terrified child and made off for the local temple.

But villagers came to the rescue of stunned relatives and the child was rescued from the abduction reported Thairath. The monk was beaten up by the mob.

Police called to the scene at nine pm Thursday found Phra Thongsuk Cheuabua, 53, raising his hands in a wai to try to prevent further attack. He was drunk and incoherent. He was detained.

The drama happened in the village of Ban Huay Pla Duk in the district of Na Duang in Loei province. Police spoke to "Daeng" the 25 year old mother who was nearby cradling her 4 year old daughter, both in a state of shock.

Daeng said she was watching TV at home with her daughter and the child's grandmother when the monk entered the house and started interfering with the child touching her all over. The adults tried to make him return to the temple of Wat Santisukaram where he was based but he refused to go and grabbed the child from the grandmother's arms and ran off.

A group of villagers quickly got involved and a melee developed with the monk and child falling to the ground. The girl was rescued and the mob set about the monk as police were called.

Phra Thongsuk told police that he had been drinking with villagers since midday. He said in his incoherent state that he saw the child and wanted to play with her, He said he felt fatherly towards her and wanted to take her to the temple "to be his wife".

He had originally ordained into the monkhood in 2009 but had left. He had then ordained three or four times on his own volition and had been in robes three months already on this occasion. He was detained by Na Duang police head of talks with relatives due today when charges are expected to be made.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-03

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"An angry mob attacked a monk after he tried to take a four year old girl out of her grandmother's arms."

Definitely a renunciate. He has renounced all decency and humaneness.

It appears anyone can be ordained as a monk...for a price. Which brings up a whole other issue.

Edited by jaltsc
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Years ago..Yes, I may have had some respect for monks...But nowadays when I see them looking all high & mighty whilst folk bow in front & give alms I feel it's like the rest of what you see in the country..FAKE (What cements this even more is when they turn away after receiving food & pull

out a smart-phone from their robes..& it's a better phone than I can afford!)

All this is before we start to read the news... TiT.

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Drinking and being a pedo sex pest.

I'm sure that goes against one of the precepts at least.

After the police, the monkhood in Thailand needs a thorough clean out.

Pedophiles hiding within religious institutions is common throughout the world. One does not have to look too far to see which one is the most frequently spoken of.

No names. no packdrill.

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Monks now days are by far not what they used to be, succumbed to the decedents and materialistic world,

they fall by the road side prey to their everymen needs and the lust for the unholy stuff,

maybe a re educating and re inventing the dharma being and devoting oneself to work and follow

the teaching of Buddha is in order.....

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Why does not one @#*^% day go by without us having to read about some &^*%$ monk, some (!@&% abbot or some ^&&**% temple conning and raping and boozing and murdering and embezzling their way around and generally breaking law after law after law.

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well after seeing what head monks have been doing lately he probably just proved he has all the right credentials to be a leader himself, seems that many are using their positions to evade the law, this one just needs to learn how to do it properly, pathetic cretin he is.

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When I read the M word, I automatically add "ey".

That seems more appropriate.

Zoo always springs to mind as an appropriate living quarter rather than wat-ever.....

Recent events in Kanchanaburi prove my point.......

Both species in question should be in separate enclosures

Edited by eddie61
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It appears anyone can be ordained as a monk...for a price. Which brings up a whole other issue.

They can, for free, and the monkhood is commonly used as a haven for criminals. There is Buddhism and there is Thai Buddhism, and the only common factors are the robes and buildings. Mentally and morally Thai Buddhists are on a different planet.

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So if we read carefully, this was not a monk. Just someone who put on the robes he still had. Nearly all temples nowadays do careful interviews and even back ground checks. Still, lots of people hiding in Buddhism that are not following the strict Vinaya Pitaka. In fact in Thailand it's even a crime to pose as a monk.

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we were in Pattay bus station a couple of weeks ago, when i saw what was a "monks bag" unattended the wrong side of the railings, i found the monk and asked him why this was, all i got was a bollicking from my lady as i had a audacity to chastise a monk. <deleted>. they are in awe of them from any early age.

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No more ordainments for him, straight to the mental hospital, for a prolonged period.

many a monk are plain lunatics (as well as utter retards good to clean the temple and do heavy labour)...

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Absolutely appalling.

A very dear departed friend of mine had a particularly effective way of dealing with fake monks in Hong Kong. One Saturday morning at work, after a rather boisterous Friday night, we went to the local coffee shop for restorative coffees and sat outside on the raised patio because my friend smoked. One other tourist couple were enjoying the morning when a fully saffron robed monk came over begging/asking forcefully for alms. My friend, whose coffee was obviously slow in taking effect, decided that the sham monk should not be allowed to annoy or rip off the tourists and grabbed him by the seat of the pants and scruff of the neck and frog marched him to the top of the stairs. A size 10 boot was applied forcefully to the rear of the shyster who took off and described a beautiful arc before landing in the middle of the road tens steps down and twenty feet away. He then turned to the tourist couple, who seemed quite nervous by now, and angrily said don't give them any flipping (or words to that effect) money. They finished their coffee and left; and we went back to our offices at Police Headquarters. Good deed for the day - Tick.

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