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They are both terrible and very good.

Because most are bad drivers, they have to negotiate the other bad drivers. Make sense?

I am surprised there are not many more accidents in this country.

Also, I would never drive here!

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I think if Thai drivers are that bad as some say here, the acident rate wiuld be much higher than it is. Drivers either die or adapt to the conditions, regardless of their driver training. I've driver probably 400k kms in Thailand and have not managed to have an accident yet. Accident numbers are skewed by bike and pickup accidents. Would live to see stats comparing sedan drivers here and overseas.


If you want to know about daily accidents or reports you will need to follow twitter @JS100radio @91fmtrafficpro or @Weather_th Thai language but many posts with photos.


My other half (who doesn't read my Thaivisa posts) is one of the worst drivers in Thailand. He's fine behind the wheel until the car is in motion.

Oversteer,Understeer, breaking late, changing lanes every 10 seconds, cutting off people, his foot is on/off accelerator constantly even on the highway.

He also likes to stay in the right lane on the highway like many Thais do.

I could go on but I haven't got 2 hours to type this post.

I refuse to get in his car anymore.

He has many scratches/dings on the car and always blames the other cars/bikes.

To make it worse he has a lifetime licence.

BTS/Taxi is fine with me.


I've been driving decades in Europe

I drive moderately in Thailand but I've seen my load of spilled blood and bodies here. Far more than in Europe.

For me the cause is definitely not the roads. Just the total disdain for others safety. "Me first" mentality witnessed day after day.

Yes, bad drivers is what I see far too often (and nothing to stop them)


I understand there are bike fatalities all the time. I also understand there are no laws and accountability if you are somewhat rich. However, after living 15 years in Canada and now 3 in Thailand I think I only saw one fender-bender here (and no fatalities so far, knock on wood). In Canada I saw car crashes almost weekly and some really bad accidents from time to time. I commute using a public transport about the same in both countries. Actually I think I use it here more because of boredom.

Of course, when reading daily news it would appear that there are a lot more accidents here.

So, have I just been lucky or perhaps minor accidents are less likely to happen here?

Have you ever took the Thai theory and practical tests? Both are a complete joke so its no surprise how terrible the drivers are.

Thai drivers follow a normal distribution - the overcautious, moderately competent and overly reckless.The problem is the curve is quite flat, lots of room in the tails.

If the one who taught my Thai GF is anything to go by, I'd say Thai driving instructors are a major contributor to driver incompetence here. I had to teach her the use of a handbrake and windscreen wipers afterwards. She still doesn't understand the role of gears in emergency acceleration and braking.

My estimate is if Thais had to pass a practical driving test in Australia, the failure rate would be astronomical.


Having driven 40+ years in NZ and several Years in Australia. I do not think The Thais are the worst. Many are more considerate than kiwi drivers and risk taking about on par. In order to improve the quality of Drivers in NZ they made the driving tests harder. Now we have more unlicensed drivers on the road. I find the Motorcyclists the worst in Thailand but have also seen some good riders and Drivers However. parking for many seems an issue and love sitting watching ladies parking in KK. Better than any fun show I have seen in years.


..Well... YES!.... this morning while riding my motorbike to the market an older Thai lady comes out of a blind soi with her head down not looking and pulls in front of me.. if I had been going any faster I would have hit her... this has happend many times.. that is why I drive slowly.. they are inconsiderate and stupid <deleted>... be careful...


Come to my side of the road and flash your lights so even though its my right of way I have 3 options, slow down, move over to the ditch or head on crash. Retards majority of them. 12 years driving here and agreed the failure rate would be very high if they actually had to sit a half decent driving test hence why its so easy to pass. Decent education would be a start.


I would say that Thais are not so much "bad" drivers ( they can mostly control the vehicles )

but they are impatient,un attentive and inconsiderate drivers

together with poorly designed and built roads with very little policing of traffic laws makes Thailand number 2 in the most dangerous roads rankings.

I dunno, it's been a long time since I've driven, but I always found the other drivers on the road to be pretty good. In Bangkok many of them were courteous. Of course you always have your idiots and the ones who won't give an inch, but in general I never had a problem driving in Bangkok. Now, Washington D.C., there's the original home of bad drivers. I really disliked driving there.


Please just don't start me there is not enough time. Everyday is a new day on these roads.

It's seems at night all he'll breaks loose.


My Thai wife told me that I should wear a seatbelt because if I don't & had a crash, the force could throw me out of the car.

She is over 50, I can't believe that she thinks Star Wars is real...............................coffee1.gif

You get my vote for the funniest TV post this week!

An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!


.....hmmm...about 70 million here and I would have a stab and say about 25 million in Canada....poor drivers are everywhere.


Umm, yes. They are really bad drivers. I have personally witnessed several fatality accidents involving cars, buses and trucks. I can think of six just offhand, As far as MB accidents I see at least one on average every week. Two in the last four days. One of the worst was seeing a cement truck upside down in the ditch with a car barely visible underneath it. Car squished, driver squished.


The lack of patience and courtesy is quite a volatile mixture when it comes to driving. So individually Most Thais are okay drivers, but collectively......that's a different story.

The lack of patience?- No.

The pursuit of zero inevitability of punishment the most important ..

Big chance of punishment- patience disappear quickly.


They sux at driving cars imo.. always have the wrong gear, drive either irresponsibly too quick or anxiously.

They are great at driving bikes and boats though e.g. Im always impressed when watching them maneuver their huge boats on the bkk klongs or on the chao phraya


Most oif the Thai drivers are actually doing ok , considering the intense traffic here, they just go with the flow and normally avoid accidents . But the problem is alcohol and drugs causing many accidents , and truck and minivan drivers with tough schedules creating very dangerous situations all the time .

I am a car driver here for 4 years and most of the time I feel safe in the traffic , yes some drivers use the roads as their own racing track but most are just ok . I am only talking about car drivers here, locals on bikes is a completely dfiferent story , kids riding a bike without helmet etc...



Not all Thai drivers are bad , but some are . You mention motorcycles , the problem with motorcyclists is often not obeying the rules of the road , driving on the wrong side of the road , cutting corners , veering in front of cars , jumping the traffic lights , using their telephone , driving under the influence of drink or drugs . There doesn't seem to be any special training for motorcyclists , nor is there really for driving cars . A higher proportion of accidents are motorcycles .

Thai's are indeed gentle people for he most part, UNTIL you put anything with wheels under them!! Then hey transform to ??? It's an amazing transformation, they talk to themselves while behind the wheels, or handlebars, curse, weave in and out for no apparent reason to us. I think its a "Me first, gotta get in front" syndrome. and to answer your question - YES they are incredibly bad, inconsiderate drivers.........it's all combat driving with "Me First" but as soon as they get off the Motorcycle, or out from behind the wheel of the Car, they transform back to normal.


Funny when approaching a roundabout they stop on the roundabout so the whole thing comes ro a stand still , why dont they teach them the ethics of how a roundabout works

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


An interesting static .... The UK and Thailand are approximately the same size with the about the same population... Thailand has 10X more road fatalities than the UK.. go figure!

How many people have scooter/ bike and how often they use the scooter/bike in UK?I think if the bike was used in UK so often as in Thailand satatistic be another

Of course it is still have a factor of education, and a factor greater probability of avoiding punishment.

Factor -quality and speed of emergency.



Been here 14 years.
2 accidents:

1st one was a drunk tourist hit me,

2nd one was a Thai guy who rear-ended me because the road was wet and his tires were bald.

All in all, I'd say they are not bad drivers.
Although as you can see if you ever take the Thai driver's test: their reaction time from the gas to the brake pedals is much slower than the farangs taking the test. ( I saw about 20% of the Thai's pass on their first try and 100% of farangs pass)

The bigger problem is law enforcement of course.
If 50% of people run the red lights, or anticipate the green by 5 seconds, you are going to have more accidents.
Same with speeding, lack of stop signs, driving on the wrong side of the road and antics by the teenagers (saw a guy yesterday with a red plastic film taped over his headlight)

Just beware and learn the unwritten rules (passing on both sides is OK, the bigger the vehicle, the more right of way they are given, motorbikes will do whatever they want, etc.


Been here 14 years.

2 accidents:

1st one was a drunk tourist hit me,

2nd one was a Thai guy who rear-ended me because the road was wet and his tires were bald.

All in all, I'd say they are not bad drivers.

Although as you can see if you ever take the Thai driver's test: their reaction time from the gas to the brake pedals is much slower than the farangs taking the test. ( I saw about 20% of the Thai's pass on their first try and 100% of farangs pass)

The bigger problem is law enforcement of course.

If 50% of people run the red lights, or anticipate the green by 5 seconds, you are going to have more accidents.

Same with speeding, lack of stop signs, driving on the wrong side of the road and antics by the teenagers (saw a guy yesterday with a red plastic film taped over his headlight)

Just beware and learn the unwritten rules (passing on both sides is OK, the bigger the vehicle, the more right of way they are given, motorbikes will do whatever they want, etc.

The death toll is conclusive evidence that Thais are bad drivers, unless you are saying that they kill themselves deliberately.


It is amazing how people see things or not. I myself living here have seen a number of accidents including death. Having experience in the States in the Department of Transportation Thais are no different than any other people. It is not that they can't drive but throughout decades due to a lack of Will of education and enforcement Thais driving have revolved into what it is today. I hear often Thais say or don't say " This is Thailand " They have taken a western concept a privilege to drive instead of a right and the rules that come along with it and turn it into something at times not recognizable.

Human nature in general for everything no matter who and what you are in society if there are no controls humans in general will tend to break the rules if there is very little % of getting caught. And when one is caught there is no sizable penalty of lost to curtail those urges you got what you got today in Thailand. I can come up with a sizable list of things to do and change from Commercial to Public sector driving, place mechanical devices on vehicle but nothing will ever work that will curtail the negligent tendencies of the human except for ENFORCEMENT with a lost and EDUCATION.

The solution is not to make Thais like the West but to help them reduce the number of deaths to their greatest resource. It is not until the leaders of this Government start to practice what they preach will things ever change. To change one must know and understand there is a way to drive other than the " this is Thailand way " to help themselves they need to seek outside help and think hard and fast what is more important the lives of their own people or filling their pockets.

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