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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


The vast majority of under 40's in the UK know nothing other than a nanny state. Compare welfare in the UK 1970 to the bloated monster that it is today.

They have been drip fed a diet of the EU is great, multi-kulti is great and the retards that masquerade as Politicians know best.

The Great Britain of the past is long gone. Retarded Politicians have made sure of that.

ahh for the good old virtues of the Victorian era where little children who stole bread out of hunger could be imprisoned or die of mistreatment in the work house.

1970 was the Victorian era ?

So glad I did not go to a school anywhere near you.

Ah yes! those golden days of the 1970s - ever heard of "Shelter"???



Edited by cumgranosalum
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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


The vast majority of under 40's in the UK know nothing other than a nanny state. Compare welfare in the UK 1970 to the bloated monster that it is today.

They have been drip fed a diet of the EU is great, multi-kulti is great and the retards that masquerade as Politicians know best.

The Great Britain of the past is long gone. Retarded Politicians have made sure of that.

ahh for the good old virtues of the Victorian era where little children who stole bread out of hunger could be imprisoned or die of mistreatment in the work house.

1970 was the Victorian era ?

So glad I did not go to a school anywhere near you.

Mourning the good old days of 'British virtues' is pointless,the good old days were only good for the rich for the working person it was a miserable life and even in the 70's it wasn't great.

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ahh for the good old virtues of the Victorian era where little children who stole bread out of hunger could be imprisoned or die of mistreatment in the work house.

1970 was the Victorian era ?

So glad I did not go to a school anywhere near you.

Mourning the good old days of 'British virtues' is pointless,the good old days were only good for the rich for the working person it was a miserable life and even in the 70's it wasn't great.

I am not mourning anything.

I had a great life in the 70's. It was even better in the 80's when I discovered the big wide world that existed outside the UK / EU.

Really opened my eyes and made my realise what a dung heap the UK really was and that wherever I ended up the world it would not be the UK / EU.

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Finally got all her money back ?

It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Finally got all her money back ?

It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

Blah, blah, blah.

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Finally got all her money back ?

It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

You can get medication for those panic attacks. In the meantime remember, no government has ever been able to support its people. The people have to support the government. There is no exception, long term.

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Finally got all her money back ?

It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

Blah, blah, blah.

First up in the panic stakes with their begging bowls are the leaders of Cornwall Council and Yorkshire and the First Minister of Wales. All of these areas voted Brexit. Why don't you tell them blah, blah, blah.

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Finally got all her money back ?

It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

You can get medication for those panic attacks. In the meantime remember, no government has ever been able to support its people. The people have to support the government. There is no exception, long term.

But, but, according to these Liberal Cosmopolitons who favor the EU, it's all mana from Heaven - don't know just whose pocket that mana comes from but they are entitled!

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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


The vast majority of under 40's in the UK know nothing other than a nanny state. Compare welfare in the UK 1970 to the bloated monster that it is today.

They have been drip fed a diet of the EU is great, multi-kulti is great and the retards that masquerade as Politicians know best.

The Great Britain of the past is long gone. Retarded Politicians have made sure of that.

ahh for the good old virtues of the Victorian era where little children who stole bread out of hunger could be imprisoned or die of mistreatment in the work house.

Ridiculous comparison... WWII and afterwards made Great Britain power and place to live... then they allow creeping socialism turn it into a nanny state then gave it away to the EU to make it even worse.

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Is there ANYTHING that Brits aren't afraid of including having their own country, controlling their borders and immigration, making their own trade deals and preserving their own culture?

What would it take to revive the Great Britain that took on Hitler to preserve all of those things?


The vast majority of under 40's in the UK know nothing other than a nanny state. Compare welfare in the UK 1970 to the bloated monster that it is today.

They have been drip fed a diet of the EU is great, multi-kulti is great and the retards that masquerade as Politicians know best.

The Great Britain of the past is long gone. Retarded Politicians have made sure of that.

ahh for the good old virtues of the Victorian era where little children who stole bread out of hunger could be imprisoned or die of mistreatment in the work house.

Ridiculous comparison... WWII and afterwards made Great Britain power and place to live... then they allow creeping socialism turn it into a nanny state then gave it away to the EU to make it even worse.

WW2 broke Britain. You write like a grateful immigrant. The UK has never been good to its working people,it took the EU to bring in regulation to protect them,regulation which in all probability will be dismantled.

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Finally got all her money back ?

It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

And where did that regional funding come from,the E.U. And where did the E.U.get that money,that's right, the U.K. Tax payers. So now we can cut out the middle man. Ain't life great?

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I am not a citizen of GB so no expert on this subject. What I can't understand (maybe someone could help) though is that through this entire process I did not I hear anyone outline a strategy and a plan that was going to lead GB to the glorious future, that some people have mentioned here, post EU membership. It seems that people were satisfied to make a major decision on the basis of "we will figure it out as we go along". The pro exit leaders now seem to be grabbing at straws looking for a collection of sound bites that resonate with voters. How does something so big happen without a detailed view of the future being in place?

How do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving. I appreciate "ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies". However, I hope the fine people of GB demand more of their leadership going forward as recent evidence suggests that these leaders are happy to lead you off the cliff without a net/plan. Hope you can find a leader who can shape a vision of the future you can all sign up for. Is that Boris ... I guess not based on his post vote brilliance. Anyway, best of luck and hope that glorious future is just around the corner.

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Finally got all her money back ?

It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

And where did that regional funding come from,the E.U. And where did the E.U.get that money,that's right, the U.K. Tax payers. So now we can cut out the middle man. Ain't life great?

the middle man was a way of making the UK pay for regional development, unfettered by EU laws do you really think the UK will pay for regional development? Their past record isn't good in this regard like their concern for environmental laws. The pound is falling,a recession is due which means higher unemployment and less tax money for the government, i think you can forget regional development.

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It would probably help if we could restrict general comments to one thread!

Its annoying having to switch from thread to thread when the comments are largely about agreeing or disagreeing with the vote/consequences of vote etc. on every thread.


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It looks like the UK regions have already started begging London to cover all the regional EU funding that they are now going to lose. That's right, the voters in the provinces hadn't quite worked this out before they voted and now they are in a panic. I hope someone can say they can have the mythical 350million quid once its all netted out against the projected loss in GDP. Boris broke it now he owns it and the provinces can live with their decisions. Eat that sovereignty.

Who are all these voters?

Wouldn't regional funding be going to all the local councils with their heads firmly in the EU trough?

How many voters who aren't Councillors get to see any of that money?

Wouldn't they need to hold a council meeting before doing any begging, and it's only 9am Monday morning in the UK now.

You're just making all this up!

Edited by MissAndry
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It would probably help if we could restrict general comments to one thread!

Its annoying having to switch from thread to thread when the comments are largely about agreeing or disagreeing with the vote/consequences of vote etc. on every thread.


Is there any chance of a consensus from regular posters as to one thread on which non-specific (to thread) comments can be posted?

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Maggie Thatcher is looking down with Happiness smile.png

Well she may have been happy with the result but she wasn't in favor of referendas

"How tired one gets of the well-worn cliché "the full-hearted consent of people"? What exactly is meant by this? Referenda for every important piece of legislation? If this was the case we would have no race relations act, abortions would still be illegal and hanging still be in force. All these laws were passed without this full-hearted consent nonsense but, if the polls are to be believed, in the face of a determined 70 to 80 per cent of the electors' wishes to the contrary."

London Evening Standard in March 1975 Thatchter

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Revealed: The letter that proves Margaret Thatcher would NOT have voted to stay in Europe
  • Thatcher attacked the EU project as 'contrary to British interests' in letter
  • It was revealed by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash, who she handed note to in 1993
  • Told him to make note public if her opinion on 'European project' came up
  • Her former secretary said she would back David Cameron's 'In' campaign


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well, I can see a difference: it seems to be better part of a community of 500 million people and take part in decisions than ruled by a bunch of incompetent so called polititians at Westminster

Well at least we get to vote them in or out.

I can not see any reason for being ruled by the unelected. The trading agreement that was agreed originally forgot to mention that most important of things.

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Revealed: The letter that proves Margaret Thatcher would NOT have voted to stay in Europe

  • Thatcher attacked the EU project as 'contrary to British interests' in letter
  • It was revealed by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash, who she handed note to in 1993
  • Told him to make note public if her opinion on 'European project' came up
  • Her former secretary said she would back David Cameron's 'In' campaign


Nothing new there that wasn't common knowledge. As I said she might have been happy with the result but she would not have approved of a referendum. In fact the quotation I gave you was her response to a former PM holding a referendum on remaining in the EU as it was then.

Margaret Thatcher, newly installed as leader of the Conservatives put the counter case. In those days, she was a staunch believer in parliamentary sovereignty. She was also firmly pro-European.

However as we have seen all to often once people are no longer in power they often reverse their positions.

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cheesy.gif two and a half million muppets now want to reverse their vote, a protest vote gone wrong, many didn't think (i could leave that as a statement but i will continue) that we would really exit they were just protesting against the elite. I just hope parliament now takes the referendum merely as a non binding recommendation and doesn't invoke article 50 otherwise we will not only lose the EU we will lose Scotland as well, what a cock up !!! well done Dave.

You're implying that it is those that voted brexit who are now asking for another referendum?

Surely its FAR more likely to be those that lost the vote, rather than those who won?!

you could be right of course but many now who voted leave are having regrets, i think if a new referendum was held it would be remain that would win. A 50-50 decision in my opinion is not binding and that is basically what it was. Parliament has the last decision and they should have the balls not to invoke article 50. If two thirds had said out i would call that binding as sad as i would be about it. We could now lose Scotland and possibly Northern Ireland as well as the EU. Already warnings are being made to the Tory party not to reverse the workers rights that were given to them by the EU and Ukip has admitted that immigration by and large wont be stopped as imagined, the 'outs' have been sold a pigs ear and they are beginning to realize it. Rubber lips Boris for PM another horror scenario. That's what happens when beer sex and football are ones main interest in life.

If 52-48 is not a winning decision, why did the country accept 36.9% win for the conservatives at the last election?

The remain voters were so arrogant they would win they did not think to demand a specific percentage of votes to win. Too late after, both sides knew the rules. The vote should stand.

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