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What to do about violent threats?


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I have a guy (foreigner) threatening me and my family. He has a crush on my wife and says he will do anything to get her. He called me last night and told me that I am going to be wearing a halo by the weekend. I'm pretty sure he is here illegally or running away from something in his home country.

Is there some way I could get the police involved anonymously? Just to maybe pay him a visit and chat to him.

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You do not understand. This guy is 100% psycho. He applied for a job through my wife, that's how they met. He has been calling her every day since at all hours. I checked his resume and it is all fake. Every detail was carefully selected to match people with his name, but ages and even races do not match.

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In a previous thread you mentioned things had 'gone south with your wife'...

Is this guy threatening you or both you and your Wife?

Report the threats to the Police.

If he applied for a Job through your Wife, do you have his Passport details?

The Police can check his immigration records for overstay.

Step up your home security

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2016-06-16 05:55:46

"Things have gone south, relationship wise, with my wife and myself and it's coming up to get an extension on my Non-O (Single Entry).

I used to get 60 Day extensions based on having a Thai wife, but I can't ask her to go with me this time :-("

You said the above, was it because of this other fellow?

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If it were me, I would get right in his face, but that's just me.

That would mean you would have leave your keyboard Dave....................coffee1.gif

Not to mention you have to be willing to really hurt this guy because if he is crazy he will have no qualms to hurt you. Seriously hurting someone means police. If your not willing to do real damage confronting someone who is crazy and willing to harm you is stupid. So I would have stayed behind my keyboard and tried it through the police first. At least then there is record of him trying to threaten / harm me and if later on it comes to a confrontation its easier to prove self defense.

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This place has gone to the dogs. I have been a member here for 10 years and always got good advice.

Yes, things are not smooth between my wife and I right now, but that is because of a bad business decision she made and I am angry about it.

This guy is dangerous, everyone who met him thinks the same. He has threatened me and my family, kids too. I have his resume but not his passport.

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This place has gone to the dogs. I have been a member here for 10 years and always got good advice.

Yes, things are not smooth between my wife and I right now, but that is because of a bad business decision she made and I am angry about it.

This guy is dangerous, everyone who met him thinks the same. He has threatened me and my family, kids too. I have his resume but not his passport.

"This place has gone to the dogs. I have been a member here for 10 years and always got good advice."

You're still getting good advice, you just don't want to hear it.

If you are seriously concerned about your safety & that of your wife & family. Go to the POLICE.

If you are not trolling, take your wife with you... if she'll go. If she won't go with you, you have more than one problem.

If you BOTH report the situation to the police, they will take the appropriate action. Possibly a modest contribution to their "party fund" will produce quicker, more positive results.

Cheers..... Mal.

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He came up with loads of excuses not to give his passport at work.

My wife and her brother are going to the police station now. She at first thought I was just being paranoid, but I recorded the latest threat.


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That's not the threat. That was just me asking a colleague of his if I think he will follow through with his threats.

The threat is recorded on my phone from a phone call this morning.

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as you are learning, TVF is full of people who delight in other people's misery and if there is not enough misery for them in someone else's story they'll dream up some extra on their behalf.

With this in mind I have sent you are PM with the advice I have.

A post script to which is.

Your post relates to a threat of violence which when received must always be treated as serious and is in any case criminal in nature. I therefore suggest it is not something that should be left to idle chat.

Consider requesting advice by private message and asking the Mods to close this thread - You'll otherwise wind up being the victim of bored people who delight in the misery of others.

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Against a guy that has supposed military training, is apparently claiming to be in the witness protection program, has stolen the identity of a black dude...

I'm not afraid, but I am also not stupid.

Anyway, thanks for all the advice. Wife's brother and her are making a report, as his latest threats included her brothers.

Mods, please close this thread. Thank you.

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