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Massive petition calls for EU referendum re-run


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Massive petition calls for EU referendum re-run


The recriminations are mounting in EU friendly London over Britain’s bombshell vote to leave the bloc. Outside parliament dozens of protesters gathered to voice their anger and dismay.

Nearly 60 percent of the vote in London went to the remain camp and only five out of the capital’s 33 boroughs voted to leave.

The number of protesters outside parliament was however dwarfed by the numbers protesting online.

A petition to parliament calling for a second referendum to be held had gathered nearly one point eight million votes by Saturday afternoon.

On Scotland there were also calls for a second vote – not on membership of the EU, but on independence from Britain.

Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon said the necessary legislation would be drawn up in Scotland to prepare for it but ultimately it is up to London to decide if and when it gets a second chance.

But before then she wants her country to negotiate its own relationship with the EU, now that Britain has left it.

“Cabinet agreed that we will seek to enter into immediate discussions with the EU institutions and with other EU member states to explore all possible options to protect Scotland’s place in the EU,” she told reporters in Edinburgh after meeting her cabinet.

The first minister also disclosed that she is to invite all EU diplomats based in Scotland to a summit at her official residence in Edinburgh within the next two weeks, in a bid to sidestep the UK government.

Scotland voted 62 percent to 38 to remain in the EU, in contrast to the narrow Brexit victory of 52 percent to 48.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-26

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The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


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What a joke. There was some young lass holding up a placard in London, saying 'I'm not British, I'm European'. How sad. Suggest she renounces her citizenship and move to that safe haven Brussels.

On the obligatory whining jocks and that horrible old goat; pfft. Who cares. Do what you will. Like an irritating little ferret constantly nipping at the heels. Lithuania has more clout. giggle.gif

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The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


Is this democracy at work?

The people (on both sides obvously) registered to vote. If those who ended up on the losing side of that vote don't like the result, does that give them the right to ask for a rerun?

Even though British, I've no horse in this race, but IMO, if countries that allow referendums among their populations they have to control the release of facts as to what the decision actually means.

In other words, not to allow it to be media driven, focusing on only a couple of key issues such as immigration.

If immigration is such a big issue, then they should have had a referendum on that; if the EU don't like that, then it should have been taken to the next level.

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I could sign it from bkk but I am not registered to vote, petition is completely meaningless apart from leading to a pointless debate in parliament. We voted leave and that is what must happen, in spite of the dummy spitters.

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My Thai wife has just signed the petion. So you don't have be British, reside in Britain, or have ever been to Britain.

But she did have to make up a British post code.

Exactly, Homer Simpson, Micky mouse and Donald duck can also sign it, meaningless nonsense

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I'm v sure the Brit. govt. will be v pleased about this petition from those who voted 'remain' - and lost.

Looking forward to finding out whether the EU sticks to "no negotiation", and whether the Brit. govt. changes from 'the electorate have decided' response - to something different.

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Let's all get together and decide what a winning vote should be.

In all future elections of any sort, we'll keep the same rule.

So what percentage would you like to call a winner?

No MP can ever be elected without the percentage.

No parliamentary vote can ever be carried without that percentage.

Edited by MissAndry
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My Thai wife has just signed the petion. So you don't have be British, reside in Britain, or have ever been to Britain.

But she did have to make up a British post code.

I signed it using my Thai postcode but confirming I was a British Citizen, I did so more for fun with maybe a sprinkling of devilment.

Whilst I was bitterly disappointed with the result, it's a democracy and we must stand by the decision of the majority of those that actually voted. The fact that 29m people didn't vote to leave is neither here or there, 16m against and 13m who couldn't be bothered to vote either way, 17m people did vote to leave and they won the day, we must draw a line and move on, there can be no second bite at the cherry.

It's interesting to note that Farage did suggest that a rerun might be appropriate if the figures were reversed, but it's not going to happen and neither should it.


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Nigel Farage said 52-48 votes should lead to second referendum

last month he announced that he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin.


But now he has won.

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I am against the Brexit (not a Brit myself) But it seems the Brexit won fair and square. It would be unfair IMHO to do a re vote. I am sure most people who are pro Brexit will feel the same.

I agree, I was also against Brexit and we have always complained about those countries that did have a second referendum just to get the right result with the EU being accused of forcing them to do so.

In this case the EU has been very clear every official has stated, they respect the British vote, there will be no renegotiation no bribes no threats or blackmail, just leave and as soon as possible.

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This petition is a travesty Imy wife my 13yr old son and a ccompletely made up does not exist daughter , have just signed it. I have also emailed a very good policeman friend in UK regarding this and he will pass it on for enquiries to be made. By the way post code I used HHE11OU! !!!!!!

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What country expect a dictatorship will have a re-vote it seems their is democracy in the UK

The UN should take action at once and other countries should boycott the UK because it a Dictatorship by the Elite

I say all of us should boycott the UK

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The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


You chaps can't help yourselves with your patronising, can you. Something like 1.3M more people voted out; people from all walks of life, including teetotallers. You remainers see yourselves as pure and right while everyone else is dirty and wrong. Well read it and weep. The people have spoken. Sign your little petition all you want, but the game's up I'm afraid.
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The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


Is this democracy at work?

The people (on both sides obvously) registered to vote. If those who ended up on the losing side of that vote don't like the result, does that give them the right to ask for a rerun?

Even though British, I've no horse in this race, but IMO, if countries that allow referendums among their populations they have to control the release of facts as to what the decision actually means.

In other words, not to allow it to be media driven, focusing on only a couple of key issues such as immigration.

If immigration is such a big issue, then they should have had a referendum on that; if the EU don't like that, then it should have been taken to the next level.

That would be a good thing.

Guess that 65-80% of the total EU population are against the stupid mass immigration by millions of economic migrants.

Meanwhile almost new arrivals have no passports with them. Afghans, Pakistanis, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Moroccan, Libyan and who knows else, claiming they are Syrians.

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The petition has 2,700,000 signatures and the number is increasing.


This would be the face saving way for Britain to get out of this mess. First vote was the angry, drunken vote. Now, when even non-politically tuned Brits are realising what the brexit really means, its time to have second, the sober vote.


The phrase "clutching at straws" comes to mind.....

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The Telegraph, June 25th:

"Is the referendum legally binding?

In theory, the Prime Minister could ignore the referendum result, put the question to a parliamentary debate and gamble on the majority of MPs voting to remain.

This is because parliament is sovereign and referendums are generally not binding in the UK.

Had the 2011 referendum on changing the electoral system to alternative vote been successful, the Government would have been obliged to change the law. However, no such provision was contained within the EU referendum legislation."

Unlike Switzerland, referendums in Britain are merely opinion polls.

"Interested parties" (the people who actually hold power) can do whatever they choose with the results.

Edited by Enoon
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Attempts to disenfranchise voters rately end well

It would be a larger majority for brexit

I think it would be the opposite.

The issue is such an big caliber and many people were not awake once they were voting or decided not to bother to vote. It's quite clear that now the eyes are open and people realise the consequences of the exit.

If the second vote still says exit, then by all means exit. EU is ready for it and wish to get the exit over with as soon as possible. EU will loose England and Wales from the community, but will gain some businesses and probably better decision making process.

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