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UK Independence Party chief Nigel Farage quits


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UK Independence Party chief Nigel Farage quits

LONDON (AP) — The head of the U.K. Independence Party, Nigel Farage, resigned Monday as party leader, the latest political leader to tumble amid the political turmoil following the country's vote to leave the European Union.

Farage's departure makes him the third major political figure to announce plans to step aside rather than take ownership of the tumultuous times ahead as the country navigates its departure from the single market of some 500 million people. An odd power vacuum has replaced the staid if boisterous predictability normally typical of British politics since the June 23 EU referendum.

"During the referendum campaign, I said I want my country back. What I'm saying today is I want my life back, and it begins right now," Farage told reporters.

Farage joins Prime Minister David Cameron, who said he will step aside to allow a successor to deal with the negotiation process. The favorite to replace him, prominent "leave" campaigner Boris Johnson, declined to stand. The opposition Labour Party has troubles of its own, with leader Jeremy Corbyn clinging to office despite having lost a no confidence vote by his party's lawmakers.

Farage was instrumental in the campaign to have Britain leave the trading bloc, championing the issue of immigration. A much-criticized campaign poster featuring thousands of migrants massed at the border alongside the words "Breaking Point," typified fears that fueled some Brits' decision to vote for a British exit, or Brexit.

"The victory for the 'leave' side in the referendum means that my political ambition has been achieved," Farage said. "I came into this struggle from business because I wanted us to be a self-governing nation, not to become a career politician."

Farage said he would retain his seat in the European Parliament to see out the negotiations for Britain's exit from the EU. He defended his taunting of other lawmakers in the chamber last week, arguing he wanted Britain's voice to be heard.

Earlier, Britain's Treasury chief announced plans to cut U.K. corporation tax to less than 15 percent to encourage companies to invest and ease business concerns about the country's vote to leave the EU.

Treasury chief George Osborne says the cut is meant to underscore that Britain is "still open for business," despite the referendum result. A cut of about 5 percentage points brings Britain in line with Ireland's 12.5 percent rate.

Osborne told the Financial Times it was time to "make the most of the hand we've been dealt." He is urging the Bank of England to use its powers to avoid "a contraction of credit in the economy."

Some businesses based in London are considering leaving for other cities like Dublin, Amsterdam, Frankfurt or Paris to benefit from the large EU common market.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-04

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Pro-Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage resigns as leader of UKIP… Again


LONDON: -- Nigel Farage, a prominent campaigner for a UK exit from the European Union, has resigned as leader of the UKIP party.

He said he has done what he set out to do and helped win the referendum on whether or not to leave the EU.

“I have never been, and I have never wanted to be, a career politician. My aim in being in politics was to get Britain out of the European Union,” he said.

“So I feel it’s right that I should now stand aside as leader of UKIP.”

Farage declined to endorse a replacement for the leadership of the right-wing party or for the next UK Prime Minister. But said he will continue to support the party and help independence movements in the rest of the Union. He and other MEPs from the party will remain in the European parliament until the UK leaves and the roles cease to exist.

It’s the second time Farage has stepped down as UKIP leader. In May 2015, he announced he would resign after failing to win a parliamentary seat in the general election, but withdrew his resignation three days later.

Douglas Carswell, UKIP’s only MP in the British parliament, tweeted a smiley face, shortly after the announcement.

Brexit: ‘don’t underestimate the strength of the UK’s position’
Leaving the EU will, Farage said, require a team of negotiators from across the political spectrum. The strength of the UK’s negotiating position with the bloc must be acknowledged, he told the press. Weakness and concessions during the Brexit talks will result in Britain getting a “raw deal,” he said.

He also pushed for the next prime minister to be from the pro-Brexit camp. David Cameron’s successor, Farage added, must not give in on free movement. People need “reassurance” about immigration, he said, “and a little bit more calm.”

Lifetime member
Farage has been a UKIP member since the party was established in 1993. The 52-year-old was first elected to the European Parliament in 1999.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-04

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He is to the European Parliament what Guy Fawkes was to the British one, namely the first man to enter the building with honest intentions. Whoever succeeds Farage will need to be on their toes though to head off any and every underhand tactic the defeated globalists try in order to deny the democratic mandate to leave the EU.

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Just shows he has the same lack of backbone as Boris Johnson.

Think your confused Boris Johnson was stabbed in the back,

Farage did what he said he would get the UK out of Europe and he has stepped down seems more of an honest politian than the turncoats at the trough who are trying to be top pig swiller, even B liar is trying to get in on the action

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That's like Bush saying : mission accomplished in Iraq ... and it was far from over .

UK is still not out of the EU .... even doubts it will ever be .

Too soon Nigel !

I expect the weasel con MPs to back T May, lets hope the party members have more sense

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Farage said he would retain his seat in the European Parliament to see out the negotiations for Britain's exit from the EU. He defended his taunting of other lawmakers in the chamber last week, arguing he wanted Britain's voice to be heard.

I rather think all negotiations will be between Heads of States and their ministers, I doubt MEP's will have much say at all, let alone a small group of misfits.

Edited by Basil B
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You can hardly blame him for resigning after what happened to Jo Cox. It only needs one mentally ill remainer to get close to him. He had already increased his personal protection, so can understand wanting to get back to a normal life.

Personally, I think the country owes him a debt of thanks for his part in bringing the whole EU farce to a head.

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You can hardly blame him for resigning after what happened to Jo Cox. It only needs one mentally ill remainer to get close to him. He had already increased his personal protection, so can understand wanting to get back to a normal life.

Personally, I think the country owes him a debt of thanks for his part in bringing the whole EU farce to a head.

Apparently, death threats against him were a major factor in his decision.

Well done Nige, didn't agree with everything you said, but we wouldn't have had a referendum if not for you.

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Just shows he has the same lack of backbone as Boris Johnson.

Think your confused Boris Johnson was stabbed in the back,

Farage did what he said he would get the UK out of Europe and he has stepped down seems more of an honest politian than the turncoats at the trough who are trying to be top pig swiller, even B liar is trying to get in on the action

Boris Johnson which was seen as one of the heads of the Leave campaign came out the day after and obviously not too happy with the result.... and then spent the next week hiding and avoiding having to be involved in any plan. He was then "stabbed" in the back (although it could be argued that he deserved it politically). You then have another major voice in that campaign though he argues he is independent running for the hills before having to commit to a plan. Then you have many people on here claiming that no no it is the campaign opposition that now has to come up with a plan and how dare he not follow through on something he did not believe in. It is like expecting a communist opposition party to come up with a laissez faire totally market oriented economic plan. I can tell you the day after the separatists got a vote for separation in Canada they would go and say... Prime Minister of Canada.... now come up with a plan for us.... no they would take control of the narrative and drive it through to the end.

Nigel Farage was leader of the UKIP party, which had 2 members in parliament, and Boris Johnson. etc. have every ability to take "their plan" which they campaigned on and the voters gave a mandate to and drive the narrative including introducing private members bills based on that mandate. Yes -- they could be thwarted - and that may lead to a constitutional crisis and another election.... but my god - at least drive the narrative. Don't run and hide under the bed. It is weasel politics at it's best, try and make sure nothing sticks to your especially what some would consider more risky than average plans.... then come back after and if it fails say - well it was not my plan.... my plan would have succeeded.

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You can hardly blame him for resigning after what happened to Jo Cox. It only needs one mentally ill remainer to get close to him. He had already increased his personal protection, so can understand wanting to get back to a normal life.

Personally, I think the country owes him a debt of thanks for his part in bringing the whole EU farce to a head.

Apparently, death threats against him were a major factor in his decision.

Well done Nige, didn't agree with everything you said, but we wouldn't have had a referendum if not for you.

If death threats were a major reason he would have gone a long time ago.

Sad, but true is any politician that has any position at all will get death threats from time to time.

Most are just blowing off steam - and have no apparent concept on what is acceptable or legal...

Doesn't wash....

Some even have a folder of death threats... which are forwarded to police for investigation....

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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Only resigning as Leader of the UKIP party not MEP

"Mr Farage added he would watch the negotiations over Britains exit from the EU like a hawk in his role as a leading MEP in the European Parliament.

He also revealed he would lend his help to other eurosceptic groups across Europe wanting their own countries to quit the EU.

He said: I'm very keen to help the independence movements in other parts of the European Union because you haven't seen the last country to leave the EU."

He is to the European Parliament what Guy Fawkes was to the British one, namely the first man to enter the building with honest intentions. Whoever succeeds Farage will need to be on their toes though to head off any and every underhand tactic the defeated globalists try in order to deny the democratic mandate to leave the EU.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

I was a soldier too and most soldiers I still speak to are glad to have our country back, were you happy to be ruled by Brussels?

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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.


I am astounded with this post. Everyone has an opinion on Farage, but it appears to me that if he has been truthful in his stance for the best part of 20 years, then he is actually worthy of applause for sticking to his guns for so long in the face of adversity.

As a soldier, you should also know to pick your battles wisely, a battle with the EU is was a battle that the UK were never going to win, so fixing the EU's problem was never going to happen.

You should also know that although we do not run away. A tactical withdrawal to regroup resources is not running away and is sometimes an absolute necessity.

Pulling up the drawbridge and hiding, appears to me, to be the very hallmark of the EU institutions.


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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

Bitter & twisted, much? We are known for being independently minded and creative; being shackled and dictated to is stifling and dishonours the real heroes that fought for Britain in the great wars. Your moniker, freebyrd?, doesn't become you... think about it.
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Seems I'm in the minority. He's a scumbag, worse than any of the immigrants he's vilified. We are known for standing our ground and fixing problems, not pulling up the drawbridge and hiding in our now, very little corner of the world. I am rather ashamed to be English.

I am also ashamed that you are English.

This man has done his job - a constant battler against the EU gravy train.

His job in the UK is done, he will continue as an MEP until we are out.

And I'm just as ashamed of you for riding the bandwagon. I was a soldier and we fought the enemy, we didn't run away from them. Touche.

This is not a sticks and stones argument freebyrd - and using your previous employment as a soldier to defend your position is ................ indefensible.

You voted REMAIN, you lost. Grow a pair and get over it. We need to work together now for the prosperity of the UK.

Calling Farage, or anyone else who was instrumental in getting us out of the EU, is pointless and childish. He was no more, and no less, a scumbag than the deceitful and inept Cameron.

Where OUR country has a great track record is in working together to make a success of things. I suggest you embrace that and put your energies into the future of a UK without the constraints of the EU.

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