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8 dead in Munich mall shooting; police hunt up to 3 suspects


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Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

If we are in the business of picking an arbitrary start to the time line in support of our argument I would suggest beginning when the Moors first started their invasions of North Africa and Europe from the 9th century onwards.
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Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

Yup because before that, the Middle East and sub Saharan Africa were progressive, peaceful places with no sectarian violence.

All the fault of the West....

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It is funny that the attackers all have a red pack. Sounds like one right wing lunatic. As this apparently is area inhabited by immigrants. RIP the innocent killed

There is a good reason why one should show restraint and not comment until facts are established. In this case your attempt to spin this story to fit your political bias is a fantastic flop. An 18 year old ethnic Iranian who was of German nationality and a history of anti social behaviour went on a killing spree.

Why is it that Germany's Jews, Evangelical Christians, Jains, Sikhs, Mormons, Hindus, Spaghetti Monster followers, etc. don't go on these types of killing sprees? How come we never read about Shlomo Pimpernuckel or Sanjay Singh or Billy Bob Osmond, etc. doing this? It's almost always the same ethnic group which considers life cheap and kills at random and then suicides. Is it because everyone else has a set of moral values that puts a premium on all human life, while one demographic does not? Deal with the reality and stop living in denial.

And now I will remind you of that old saying, Romans 12:19

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

The continental Eurpopeans saw fit to wage war on all manner of people it did not agree with. Humanists, Jews, religious Christians, artists, intellectuals etc. Well, now that it rid itself of the pillars of civil society, it allowed itself to be over run by pestilence. What we now see is the reward that the Europeans merit for their depraved sins.

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Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

If we are in the business of picking an arbitrary start to the time line in support of our argument I would suggest beginning when the Moors first started their invasions of North Africa and Europe from the 9th century onwards.

I think if we are trying to point to a start of problems in European Societies we should look to the end of the Colonial eras and the immigration of peoples from the Colonies. Germany has had problems since it invited in Guest workers after the erection of the Berlin wall. Yes recent immigration has accelerated racial tensions but they were already festering. Britain had its big influx from its former Empire. Since the 1960's there has been a trickle of refugees to the West. Now We have a flood and inside there are radicals. But this incident today appears to be a German of Iranian descent. And if a Muslim most likely a Shia who tend to be the majority of victims in Middle east suicide bombings not the perpetrators

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The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.

would you like to take a guess at the bookies odds on that........please share what you think, I honestly would like to know

here are the runners

- we all know this one - it begins with "M" possibly from Iran

- some sick dude off his meds

- Lutheran - off his meds

- Roman Catholic - should be on meds

- someone out shopping and lost it

- Kiwikens Uncle - off his meds

I only have One Uncle left and he is Maori so is this a racist slur?

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It seems Merkel's "refugee" chickens are quickly coming home to roost. It was always utter madness to allow in millions of unscreened Muslim migrants, and it's consequences were entirely predictable.

There is no possible way to ​screen ​hordes of people.

What makes more sense is to limit their numbers just like the US did between the early 1920s and the mid 1960s.

The US approach was no better. It was inefficient, expensive and subject to inconsistencies driven by bigotry.

Europe is getting its just reward and it must cause the jew and christian hating frothers of TVF to choke. Those jews and evangelicals that they so hate never caused these problems. As yee sow, so shall yee reap.

The chickens are coming home to roost for hateful, spiteful bigots. It will get a lot worse before it gets better because the muslim communities will never ever turn on their brethren as they are united by their views, Otherwise they would not be muslim. Infidels are are expendable. Deal with it.

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Anders Breivik killed 77 mostly children He was not Islamic but a Xenophobic Maniac

Timothy Mc Veigh was a home grown American terrorist who killed 168

England has had its domestic mass killings as have NZ and Australia

Nothing justifies what these people do but it is easy to point at One Group or stereotype because of Race, Colour or Belief.

If someone was rampaging in My small Village If I could get to my home i would defend myself under rule 303

We do not know this persons motive and We do not know the Victims all we can do is feel for the families left behind.

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The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.

truth revealed?

Normally they will do everything to deny if the attackers are muslim (as usual)

btw. how many christian terror acts happened in comparison to muslim?

(I am not talking about the middle ages)

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Generally, I try not to jump to conclusions, and in the past I have always defended the Muslims, as I have known quite a few moderate ones over the years. But, it is getting harder and harder to defend them. For me, the primary issue is that not enough of the "moderates" amongst them are speaking out, against the atrocities being committed by their own, in the name of their own religion. As far as I am concerned, this barely has anything to do with religion, nor God. This is simply a banner, or a cause they have hijacked, to wreak murder and destruction. It is a license of sorts. But, nonetheless the extremist clerics, who are being supported by the Saudi government, at the highest levels, are spreading hate, through their horrific Madrasas. And the foreign policy of the US is allowing this to happen, with their aggressive overseas campaigns, that are accomplishing nothing positive, and only resulting in the killing of hundreds of thousands of women and children. This is an ISIS or Al Queda, or a Taliban's wet dream scenario.

Unless, and until the clergy, the heads of state, the powerful, the local media, and the local Muslim people start crying out, with zeal, anger, determination, and sincerity, against the atrocities being committed in the name of their religion, people in the West will continue to become more angry, and will eventually blame all Muslims for being complicit. This could result in a terrible scenario, where many more innocent Muslim women and children start becoming the victims instead.

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So after Paris, Brussels, Nice, Würzburg, Köln and countless rapes and assaults in whole Europe we can add München.

The attacks are increasing at ever shorter intervals.

These stupid politicians allow that millions of young islamist men from crisis areas, with the demographics of an army, can uncontrolled invade europe.

They're too stupid to secure the external eu borders and to close the borders immediately.

The invasion continues:
Now Italy is the main country of first arrival. In June 2016, migrants came to the country mainly from Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, Guinea and Ivory Coast.

The second country of arrival is Greece with migrants, are from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Algeria.

How many of these are potential radical Islamist terrorists, is unknown.

And again the politicians and their media assistants are to gloss over the situation.

To keep the number of future deaths preferably low there are now immediate action necessary. The entire EU population would welcome that.

Closure of all EU external borders.
Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

Immediate intake stop of migrants.
Exceptionless repatriation of all refugee boats.
Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.
Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.
Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.
Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.
General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.
Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

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Apparently a German born of Iranian Descent. People going he is Iranian so he is not white. Please define white? Spaniards and Portugese are not always pale in colour are they white?

I have Olive skin but blue eyes and brown hair . Am I white?

The Guy might be a Shiite or he could be an Iranian Kurd. What if he is a Christian of Iranian descent? Does that make a difference.

The innnocents this man murdered if most are Immigrants does this make it ok?

He is said to have said he was born in Germany, Living in a depressed area of Munich.

He yelled anti immigrant statements.

Yes He is a Nutter in any ones books. Murdered innocent people. We will have to wait and see if he was radical. Was he inspired by that crazed Butcher Anders Brevic or by those deranged Camel Humpers ISIL we will have to wait and see

So the poster boy for leftist and green "welcome to all refugees" camp integrated so well into German society that instead of hatching into a "golden egg" he turned into a right wing nazi? Is this what you're trying to say?

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Apparently a German born of Iranian Descent. People going he is Iranian so he is not white. Please define white? Spaniards and Portugese are not always pale in colour are they white?

I have Olive skin but blue eyes and brown hair . Am I white?

The Guy might be a Shiite or he could be an Iranian Kurd. What if he is a Christian of Iranian descent? Does that make a difference.

The innnocents this man murdered if most are Immigrants does this make it ok?

He is said to have said he was born in Germany, Living in a depressed area of Munich.

He yelled anti immigrant statements.

Yes He is a Nutter in any ones books. Murdered innocent people. We will have to wait and see if he was radical. Was he inspired by that crazed Butcher Anders Brevic or by those deranged Camel Humpers ISIL we will have to wait and see

he is a nutter and his religion is likely to be islam

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Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

If we are in the business of picking an arbitrary start to the time line in support of our argument I would suggest beginning when the Moors first started their invasions of North Africa and Europe from the 9th century onwards.

I think if we are trying to point to a start of problems in European Societies we should look to the end of the Colonial eras and the immigration of peoples from the Colonies. Germany has had problems since it invited in Guest workers after the erection of the Berlin wall. Yes recent immigration has accelerated racial tensions but they were already festering. Britain had its big influx from its former Empire. Since the 1960's there has been a trickle of refugees to the West. Now We have a flood and inside there are radicals. But this incident today appears to be a German of Iranian descent. And if a Muslim most likely a Shia who tend to be the majority of victims in Middle east suicide bombings not the perpetrators

We do not have to look back.

We have to do look forward.

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Strange he is Iranian, they are Shiites, and directly opposed to the Sunni ISIL guys. In fact Shiites are getting bombed left, right and center themselves. I'll wait for the full story on this one. There may be more to it than meets the eye.

Unless he converted, he wouldn't be the terrorist to do so.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

If we are in the business of picking an arbitrary start to the time line in support of our argument I would suggest beginning when the Moors first started their invasions of North Africa and Europe from the 9th century onwards.
Started just after Mohammed died.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Apparently a German born of Iranian Descent. People going he is Iranian so he is not white. Please define white? Spaniards and Portugese are not always pale in colour are they white?

I have Olive skin but blue eyes and brown hair . Am I white?

The Guy might be a Shiite or he could be an Iranian Kurd. What if he is a Christian of Iranian descent? Does that make a difference.

The innnocents this man murdered if most are Immigrants does this make it ok?

He is said to have said he was born in Germany, Living in a depressed area of Munich.

He yelled anti immigrant statements.

Yes He is a Nutter in any ones books. Murdered innocent people. We will have to wait and see if he was radical. Was he inspired by that crazed Butcher Anders Brevic or by those deranged Camel Humpers ISIL we will have to wait and see

he is a nutter and his religion is likely to be islam

These two seems to go hand in hand everywhere. Or so the leftists SJW's are claiming.

I'm just starting to wonder how many mental institutions Europe needs to build?

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The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

Surely he was a lone nutter, a lone wolf and not really a Muslim as he liked a drink now and then. Lets not paint all same Muslims with the same brush etc etc etc. whistling.gif Unfortunately no matter how many moderates there are there will always be some Muslims out on the slaughter killing the infidel- because this is what ISLAM TELLS THEM TO DO.

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The suspected was reportedly filmed shouting slogans as he carried out the attack and police have appealed for footage. Munich's police chief said at a press conference that his officers had recovered weapons with "relatively large" magazines although no long-barrelled guns were used.


I dont think it would be very easy for an 18 year old to get hold of high capacity magazine fed weapons.

Lone wolf attack my hoop.

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Who started, in fact, this polarisation by acts of terror?

That started when we began the continued destabilisation of the Middle East and Africa in the 1960 + 70's. Do you actually think this is more recent?

If we are in the business of picking an arbitrary start to the time line in support of our argument I would suggest beginning when the Moors first started their invasions of North Africa and Europe from the 9th century onwards.

I think if we are trying to point to a start of problems in European Societies we should look to the end of the Colonial eras and the immigration of peoples from the Colonies. Germany has had problems since it invited in Guest workers after the erection of the Berlin wall. Yes recent immigration has accelerated racial tensions but they were already festering. Britain had its big influx from its former Empire. Since the 1960's there has been a trickle of refugees to the West. Now We have a flood and inside there are radicals. But this incident today appears to be a German of Iranian descent. And if a Muslim most likely a Shia who tend to be the majority of victims in Middle east suicide bombings not the perpetrators
There is an undeniable enmity between some Sunnis and Shia, which can and does spill over into violence in the west. Returning to timelines, okay the French and Belgians used Italian and Spanish laborers to work down the mines. The U.S had Chinese migrants building the railroads. In most cases the newcomers assimilate, however those that don't are so often Muslim. Britain has far less problem with Indian Hindus than Pakistani Muslims, why is this?
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Anders Breivik killed 77 mostly children He was not Islamic but a Xenophobic Maniac

Timothy Mc Veigh was a home grown American terrorist who killed 168

England has had its domestic mass killings as have NZ and Australia

Nothing justifies what these people do but it is easy to point at One Group or stereotype because of Race, Colour or Belief.

If someone was rampaging in My small Village If I could get to my home i would defend myself under rule 303

We do not know this persons motive and We do not know the Victims all we can do is feel for the families left behind.

Muslim terrorists killed over 32,000 people last year. I think we are up to 28,000 this year.

Your comparisons are ludicrous

Edited by Dagnabbit
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It was interesting that they asked people not to upload videos and photos on social media and not speculating the attack. Merkel is really copying China on this and I wonder when she starts to block Facebook / Twitter entirely or ask for a "German version" of it. Police already raided homes of persons spreading "hate speech" online.. No wonder she likes Erdogan too. However none of the radical imaams have been arrested and no mosques raided (unless there was a clear indication of weapons).

"Police in Munich are also urging people not to upload videos or photos from the shooting attack on social media but instead to provide them to authorities for their investigation by uploading them at a special link online. The link is https://medienupload-portal01.polizei.bayern.de."
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Anders Breivik killed 77 mostly children He was not Islamic but a Xenophobic Maniac

Timothy Mc Veigh was a home grown American terrorist who killed 168

England has had its domestic mass killings as have NZ and Australia

Nothing justifies what these people do but it is easy to point at One Group or stereotype because of Race, Colour or Belief.

If someone was rampaging in My small Village If I could get to my home i would defend myself under rule 303

We do not know this persons motive and We do not know the Victims all we can do is feel for the families left behind.

Muslim terrorists killed over 32,000 people last year. I think we are up to 28,000 this year.

Your comparisons are ludicrous

I am sure more would be done if those 32,000 last year and 28,000 this year were in Western Countries and I would be outraged too. You are including those killed in the Middle East and Africa add in collateral damage from Military operations and then tell me my figures are ludicrous.

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Anders Breivik killed 77 mostly children He was not Islamic but a Xenophobic Maniac

Timothy Mc Veigh was a home grown American terrorist who killed 168

England has had its domestic mass killings as have NZ and Australia

Nothing justifies what these people do but it is easy to point at One Group or stereotype because of Race, Colour or Belief.

If someone was rampaging in My small Village If I could get to my home i would defend myself under rule 303

We do not know this persons motive and We do not know the Victims all we can do is feel for the families left behind.

Muslim terrorists killed over 32,000 people last year. I think we are up to 28,000 this year.

Your comparisons are ludicrous

I am sure more would be done if those 32,000 last year and 28,000 this year were in Western Countries and I would be outraged too. You are including those killed in the Middle East and Africa add in collateral damage from Military operations and then tell me my figures are ludicrous.

No - my numbers are just terrorist attacks by Muslims.

Where they occur is irrelevant. You should be outraged regardless.

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A witness who will only be identified as Lauretta told CNN her son was in a bathroom with a shooter at the McDonald's. "That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom... And he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to ear. They can't run." Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."


I cant believe I quote CNN...

Moderators: As you see I have learned my lesson not to use offensive acronym for this "news source"whistling.gif

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I read that he was an Iranian /German , does that mean he was an Iranian ,but had been given a German passport . ?he was more than likely just another "Child" immegrant , so nice of the west to look after them .

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Anders Breivik killed 77 mostly children He was not Islamic but a Xenophobic Maniac

Timothy Mc Veigh was a home grown American terrorist who killed 168

England has had its domestic mass killings as have NZ and Australia

Nothing justifies what these people do but it is easy to point at One Group or stereotype because of Race, Colour or Belief.

If someone was rampaging in My small Village If I could get to my home i would defend myself under rule 303

We do not know this persons motive and We do not know the Victims all we can do is feel for the families left behind.

Muslim terrorists killed over 32,000 people last year. I think we are up to 28,000 this year.

Your comparisons are ludicrous

I am sure more would be done if those 32,000 last year and 28,000 this year were in Western Countries and I would be outraged too. You are including those killed in the Middle East and Africa add in collateral damage from Military operations and then tell me my figures are ludicrous.

No - my numbers are just terrorist attacks by Muslims.

Where they occur is irrelevant. You should be outraged regardless.

Some people would be apologist for the Muslim terrorists no matter how many people they kill.

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Anders Breivik killed 77 mostly children He was not Islamic but a Xenophobic Maniac

Timothy Mc Veigh was a home grown American terrorist who killed 168

England has had its domestic mass killings as have NZ and Australia

Nothing justifies what these people do but it is easy to point at One Group or stereotype because of Race, Colour or Belief.

If someone was rampaging in My small Village If I could get to my home i would defend myself under rule 303

We do not know this persons motive and We do not know the Victims all we can do is feel for the families left behind.

Muslim terrorists killed over 32,000 people last year. I think we are up to 28,000 this year.

Your comparisons are ludicrous

I am sure more would be done if those 32,000 last year and 28,000 this year were in Western Countries and I would be outraged too. You are including those killed in the Middle East and Africa add in collateral damage from Military operations and then tell me my figures are ludicrous.

No - my numbers are just terrorist attacks by Muslims.

Where they occur is irrelevant. You should be outraged regardless.

But you are not in the least outraged by the 4 million Muslims killed since the so called war on terror began or is that acceptable? I think both sides of the equation are disgusting and driven by Man's inhumanity to Man.

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I read that he was an Iranian /German , does that mean he was an Iranian ,but had been given a German passport . ?he was more than likely just another "Child" immegrant , so nice of the west to look after them .

Hard to tell with all this intentional muddying of the waters. Like the "French-Tunisian" moslem terrorist in Nice who turns out not to have been "French-Tunisian" at all but just Tunisian.

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Statement Chief of Staff from german cancellor :

"You can only have absolute security in an absolute surveillance state, and nobody wants that, it would be the opposite of our free western European way of life," he said. "But, and this became clear again today, we can't talk down this danger. It's a danger that many countries are exposed, especially in the west, and that's why it's important to give our security agencies the instruments they need."

Thats all they need to install more and more " instruments" to control the population , exactly following the NWO Agenda.

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