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I'd had previous problems a while ago similar to those experienced by TallGuy , until a friend advised I run my cleaner every morning. Did so, thus clearing everything to do with the TV site before I entered any site, and those problems stopped. Now I only have trouble with the TV site, so am avoiding it as much as possible.


However, without being any kind of techie, it's now obvious to me as well as to my extremely knowledgeable tech guy that the new owners of this forum don't give a toss about the members  and TV's former invaluable service as regards info - it's all about the money.


When the site was upgraded, it behaved as though those responsible for the software were rank amateurs, with hitch after hitch. Same same with the new ad-blocking stuff. It's about time someone who really is tech savvy started a new forum - it's needed for info on everything these days.


I'm recently widowed and live outside town, so found TV very useful now I'm relatively isolated from the CM expat community. The 'dogs' breakfast' this site has become is bad news for me.

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When does the supposed upgrade of the @support  email function going to start? As a regular user of this function I can affirm that that it does not work as intended on the assumption (i.e. support) is the idea. Every time I use the function I get a response of, gibberish, fraudulent accusations,  requests to start (front page?) or nothing at all. I'm all for automation, AI etc. but in my opinion you need to have a human device on the other end while you are still testing out the Beta.

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On 1/2/2017 at 6:44 PM, evadgib said:

It took a staggering 30 mins for me to post a link in a page that I keep a regular eye on today & I have given up altogether in trying to add to high profile thread in my home area as I frankly cannot get anywhere near it...again!

I am again unable to edit posts if I don't get it right first time around...

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The styling of cut/pasted links in posted content is utter pants.  Bold, black, no underlining.  Looks just like any other bit of bold text.  How is one supposed to know it's a link?


The offending bit of CSS is 


.ipsType_richText a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #000;
    font-weight: bold;

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The styling of cut/pasted links in posted content is utter pants.  Bold, black, no underlining.  Looks just like any other bit of bold text.  How is one supposed to know it's a link?


This seems to be the new fashion for links. Takes some time getting used to.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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  • 4 weeks later...


for the past 8 hours I have not been able to log into New Content.

I only got here by going to thaivisa.com first.

Is it my computer or is it you?



Many more weird things are happening.

I click on New Content and get a 9 hours old post.

I have I Explorer on my laptop.





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Since some days, TV has a new format of its Newsletter. I do read it with my gmail account on my desktop and find that the letters used, are very small (very small).


Would it be possible to increase the size of letters on the TV newsletter such it makes reading easier; without each time having to increase the font size myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason the 'photos accompanying the topics in the 'adverts' are entirely un-related.


Admittedly, its very funny and sometimes makes me laugh out loud at the difference between the 'photo and the topic - but even so, it should be corrected.


I feel particularly sorry for the old white guy always shown in the 'photo shown in the 'advert' for the Koh Tao murder threads!

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On 4/9/2017 at 0:15 PM, scubascuba3 said:

I'm not able to upload a photo on tapatalk, it says the community has disabled photo sharing.


Photo uploading has been an issue,  via various ways of uploading,  Tech team are trying to resolve the issues ...

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Photo uploading now is fine, I did a thread as I couldn't figure it out and resizing to 800 x 600 did the trick, now it's perfect, uploaded a few around 4mb pics no hassles.


New content is slow to load but I find if I C&P in Chrome in another window works better.

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