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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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On ‎28‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 5:58 AM, up-country_sinclair said:

A sincere question for the Trump supporters:  Do you truly believe that Trump is interested in the "job" of president?  Not the title, prestige or ceremony that come with it, but the job itself.  Not the massive ego stroke it will bring, but the motivation to get out of bed in the morning to improve the lives of all Americans.


Because, quite frankly, I don't.  The man is in his 70s and I haven't seen any evidence that he's done anything for anyone other than himself in those seven decades.  His foundation was a self-enriching scam.  His "university" was a self-enriching scam.  His multiple bankruptcies were self-enriching scams.  Therefore it's not much of a leap to conclude that his candidacy (and now presidency) are self enriching scams.


So when the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue states that Trump is "woefully unfit" to be president, this is partly what he is referring to.  He could also be referring to the preponderance of evidence which indicates that Trump knows next to nothing about domestic and foreign policy.


Another question for the Trump supporters:  If Trump could somehow find a way to leave office in the next year or two without embarrassment (for example, a health issue) do you think he would jump at the chance?  I have no doubt whatsoever that he would.  

Had you listened to what Trump actually said you would know why he stood for the office. It wasn't to enrich himself, and he'd probably much rather have carried on making things than be subject to the gutter press which will be hounding him for the next 4 years.

Trump will leave when he has achieved his objective or when he can't anymore.

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My apologies, I didn't realize you were posting about a subject for which you care and know nothing.  Perhaps that is why you are confusing a violation of protocol and established US policy with human rights.  Although it is a stretch to consider this a human rights issue.
If you are at all interested, neither Hillary or her supporters kneel to China.  We are much more concerned about Trump kneeling, or selling out, to Russia.
Also, when you are President, or President elect, and your actions and statements may affect the future of the country, you need to consider carefully the implications of your actions and words.  Trump doesn't realize this.  Apparently neither do you.

Yeah.... My comments on a subject I don't care or know nothing about are pretty much in line with Americans who knew nothing about my country, but still decided to bomb it. That was before Muslims started chopping your heads off

So, my stupid comments are not much different than yours, know it all.
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57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Simply attacking Trump over every silly little thing is not going to change anyone's mind.

Why would the anti HRC basket of deplorables care about anything an anti Trumper said anyway?


I've been away a bit, and had a long laugh when I saw this thread still going. Obama is almost gone, Trump, despite everything is about to become president. Time to accept that and not pretend that anything on here is going to change Trump's ascent to power.


I've been watching Chinese tv and he's obviously got them rattled. No idea what they are saying, but that has to be a good thing.

Re: I've been watching Chinese tv and he's obviously got them rattled


He does, and for good reason.


Unfortunately, Business Insider USA turned rabidly anti-Trump before the election, even permanently removing all their comment sections.


But not BI-UK.  Here is an article on why Trump's plan to make the US more business friendly has them very worried. Trump's plan will work, and he has pushed the Chinese to a position of compromise.


China is obsessed with Trump's presidency

     — and it's not just because of politics or trade

(originally from the South China Morning post.)




(it's unfortunate truth is filtered from us media)


Edited by rabas
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Had you listened to what Trump actually said you would know why he stood for the office. It wasn't to enrich himself, and he'd probably much rather have carried on making things than be subject to the gutter press which will be hounding him for the next 4 years.

Trump will leave when he has achieved his objective or when he can't anymore.

If you looked into objective assessments of Trump's wealth and business skills you would know that he is always trying to enrich himself, and usually doing a poor job of it.


Regarding his subjecting himself to gutter press, I assume you know how many times he has willingly been a guest of Howard Stern, the master of gutter media.

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1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


Yeah.... My comments on a subject I don't care or know nothing about are pretty much in line with Americans who knew nothing about my country, but still decided to bomb it. That was before Muslims started chopping your heads off

So, my stupid comments are not much different than yours, know it all.

Let me guess...your country was doing some ethnic cleansing and NATO bombing interfered with your grand plan.  Right?

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Trump will continue to be elusive, vague and opaque in every way possible.


He will take every benefit of the office, expand his business interests massively, take credit for every positive thing that happens, throw tweeted insults at his detractors, look to the Kremlin for direction and, most importantly, leave all the hard work, policy decision, policy detail and explanations to others.


He is absolutely not a leader, just an opportunist who has taken his experience from The Apprentice and applied it to the U.S. Government.


Obama's choice of words in the title of this topic were perfect.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Simply attacking Trump over every silly little thing is not going to change anyone's mind.

Why would the anti HRC basket of deplorables care about anything an anti Trumper said anyway?


I've been away a bit, and had a long laugh when I saw this thread still going. Obama is almost gone, Trump, despite everything is about to become president. Time to accept that and not pretend that anything on here is going to change Trump's ascent to power.


I've been watching Chinese tv and he's obviously got them rattled. No idea what they are saying, but that has to be a good thing.


Almost every "attack" on Trump is described by his supporters as a "silly little thing". Doubt hardcore fans will change their minds, or that anyone is trying to change their minds. There's a whole lot of voters who didn't vote or who voted without wholeheartedly embracing their choice.


No one denies Trump will be the next president, and doubt most of those who felt he was "‘woefully unfit" feel otherwise. Assuming office will not change neither the perception or nor the  proposition.


You watched Chinese TV, had not idea what they said - but they got "rattled". All 'n all, doesn't sounds overly convincing.

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Donald Trump Holds a Micro Press Conference, Comes Off As an Idiot


"Trump was asked what he thought about Sen. Lindsey Graham's statement that sanctions were due

against Russia and Vladimir Putin for their hacking during the election."

Check out his reply:


"I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on."


"We have speed, we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind the security we need. But I have not spoken with the senators and I will certainly will be over a period of time."



Say what? :wacko:


Looking forward to more press conferences and meaningless word salad from the con-man. :thumbsup:

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"Six months after Donald Trump last held a formal press conference, during which he called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, the president-elect finally spoke with reporters Wednesday during two impromptu, largely fact-free press conferences outside his gilded Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida."


"In his signature stream-of-consciousness style, the president-elect—at one point flanked by boxing promoter Don King—offered up a series of misleading, disjointed responses, during which he falsely claimed to have created thousands of new jobs, dismissed alleged Russian interference in the presidential election, whitewashed his sprawling financial conflicts of interest, and offered up word salad in a rambling defense of Israel."




Yee Haw! Here comes the buffoon.

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I think it gets even worse. What a pity there seems to be no camera footage. 




Remember Trump said "I know the best words" ha ha


This guy is going to make George W Bush look like  a Nobel Prize for Physics winner. he has just gifted SNL their next sketch.

This report is very damming



His word salad is too funny but when pointed out that the Russians interfered with the US computers he says "I think we ought to get on with our lives" !  Say WHAT!!! The President elect of the USA is now told by the CIA and the Senate that the Russians have attacked the USA by cyber means and he says "I think we ought to get on with our lives".!!


Can the Trumpeteer's  (you know who you are now  :dry:  )   please step up and translate for your Clown in Chief and lets hear your defence for his sage words?   The Republicans and US voters have put a complete turnip in the most important job in the world.




Edited by Andaman Al
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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


If liberal Vanity Fair and far left Mother Jones say it, it must be true - NOT.


Another pathetic deflection.


Mother Jones didn't produce the quotes, the idiot did. :laugh:

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7 hours ago, iReason said:



"Six months after Donald Trump last held a formal press conference, during which he called on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton, the president-elect finally spoke with reporters Wednesday during two impromptu, largely fact-free press conferences outside his gilded Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida."


"In his signature stream-of-consciousness style, the president-elect—at one point flanked by boxing promoter Don King—offered up a series of misleading, disjointed responses, during which he falsely claimed to have created thousands of new jobs, dismissed alleged Russian interference in the presidential election, whitewashed his sprawling financial conflicts of interest, and offered up word salad in a rambling defense of Israel."




Yee Haw! Here comes the buffoon.

I imagine that will be it in terms of impromptu, unscripted answers to questions from reporters for several months. There will be plenty of tweets in the meantime though, after they have been mulled over and filtered by Trump's team of advisors.


USA, Welcome to your new President, can't do the job, won't do the job, not willing to admit it.


He is the equivalent of the company employee promoted beyond his competence who spends his time -


batting issues back to people (as they're too hard)

bouncing jobs off to to other departments (as they're too hard)

ignoring stuff (as it's too hard)

kicking the can down the road (as they're too hard and he knows he would muck it up)

blaming everybody else (for stuff he has not done or got wrong)

hiding (to avoid the hard stuff)

and finally

disappearing (when he can no longer pretend he can do the job)

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Talk about deflection. As usual, the Vanity Fair hit piece is jammed packed with biased opinion, spin and distortions - not credible reporting. 


Please point out where exactly the spin is in this.? This is the full conference video of 6 minutes, and yes listen in, Trump's word salad of incoherent nonsense is in there, said by him and only him. So how is the Vanity Fair piece distorted or full of spin? It reports very accurately what Trump said.  I bet you do not watch this video because you hate the Truth more than you hate HRC. Watch this and tell me 'is this man fit to be POTUS'?



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31 minutes ago, Rhys said:

First it was Jessie in Minnesota, then Arnie in California, so Trump for the country..sounds about right...and actually Jessie and Arnie actually did a nice job as novices...


How well did these amateurs handle foreign alliances, nuclear weapons proliferation, international trade agreements, etc?

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They administrated their respective states... that was below their pay grade...

We shall never know, but their adviser handled them well.


 Just really shake my head, how did the voters and the electoral delegates manage this one... so be it.

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1 hour ago, Rhys said:

First it was Jessie in Minnesota, then Arnie in California, so Trump for the country..sounds about right...and actually Jessie and Arnie actually did a nice job as novices...


And some members on this board seriously tout around the name of Ivanka Trump to take over from her Father. I have no idea what medication they are on but the dose needs doubling. 

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Just now, maprao said:

History will prove him to be a great president just like Ronald Reagan



You need to raise your standards bubba...


 “By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted,

or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations."


"In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever.”





Reagan's Real Legacy



10 Reprehensible Crimes Of Ronald Reagan


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