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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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The media is unfair to Trump?


They given him more TV- time (= political adds FOR FREE) than any other candidate BY A MILE!

They were bootlicking and a-kissing for the longest time!

Now they start questioning the vile and factual BS he spouts A LITTLE bit and you Trump- goons (and the Grandmaster himself) start whining about the "unfair media" (add liberal. left wing, biased and other crap you like!)?


What a bunch of losers and cry- babies!

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Liberal spin. He has real dificiencies, but that is not a legitimate one. 


Liberal spin …. That’s how repug ideologues spin it, hoping you won’t take a look for yourself. Reality is the last thing they want the faithful to confront.

Long Before Trump was a candidate what he did with his casinos was common knowledge. They were built cheap, aging, losing money and customers. He smartly sold them off to investors. Pumped and dumped. Convinced some sad group of saps they were worth something. He made money on a very worthless investment. In other times people would just say; he is a  very good BS-ing con man.

You don’t have to bother reading if that is too time consuming. Get a copy, or go to Youtube and watch ‘ESPN 30 for 30: Small potatoes, Who killed the USFL’. All you need to know about Trump is contained in that 40-minute video. That story is what going on 30 years now?!


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On ‎15‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 7:42 AM, ramrod711 said:

The Republican party is the new champion of equal opportunity. Democrats having elected an African-American man and soon a woman were on top. In a stroke of genius, Republicans have nominated an untapped minority group, the insane. Trump is mad, he's nuts, slipped a gear, running with one wheel in the sand, etc. Congratulations Republicans, well done!


Spoken, no doubt, by one who knows.  Definitely an insider.  Thank you for your articulate presentation and knowledge.

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6 hours ago, Pinot said:


Oh please. Don't tell me there is anyone in that family with an ounce of journalistic integrity. 


Relax, take a deep breath, you'll still get your 24 x 7 dose of koolaid for years to come.


And your claim to fame is?

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You couldn't make up trump. He's desperate now and he will get MORE desperate as this progresses. It won't be pretty but we'll just HAVE to watch.





Biting the Hand That Fed Him

The Republican nominee long used the media to project his fairy tale self-image but now blames the industry for his flailing campaign.


When his grossly inflated self-image is undercut by reality, he tries more of his insane same. More provocation. More exaggeration. More extremism. A fairy tale wrapped in hyperbole and covered in lies, this fragile man who insists on being called “Mr. Trump” is spiraling downward like an addict reaching for a dirty needle. It may be his last, but he can’t live without it.



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14 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

Liberal spin. He has real dificiencies, but that is not a legitimate one. 


Liberal spin …. That’s how repug ideologues spin it, hoping you won’t take a look for yourself.




He is rich as hell, with numerous successful businesses, accommodations and real estate all over America, his own TV show and a really, nice, accomplished family. That is most people's idea of success - no matter how you try to spin it. ;)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:



He is rich as hell, with numerous successful businesses, accommodations and real estate all over America, his own TV show and a really, nice, accomplished family. That is most people's idea of success - no matter how you try to spin it. ;)

First off, we don't know how rich he is.  And we won't, unless he releases his tax returns.  And let's not forgot that he started out very wealthy. Had he just invested his inheritance in index funds or something similar, he'd be worth over 3 billion dollars today.

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On 8/16/2016 at 8:05 AM, TimTang said:


Murdock's sons are taking over FOX so you'll be happy to know that ALL news networks will be left-wing progressive. Now all the news will be identical without ANY opposing idea's. That should comfort you as you can just drink the cool aid without the discomfort of contradicting views. Pravda from the USSR period would be green with envy if they could see how well the US MSM is brain washing the masses while they just eat it up. 

Murdoch's sons - left-wing progressives! I once worked for one of them, believe me it ain't so. Mind you, if you think that anyone under the age of 50 is necessarily a left-wing progressive then I suppose you might think that of Murdoch's boys. 

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

When his grossly inflated self-image is undercut by reality, he tries more of his insane same. More provocation. More exaggeration. More extremism. A fairy tale wrapped in hyperbole and covered in lies, this fragile man who insists on being called “Mr. Trump” is spiraling downward like an addict reaching for a dirty needle. It may be his last, but he can’t live without it.

Sorry, just had to quote this. It is very accurate.

It's going to be his pompous self-regard and over-inflated self-regard that will undo him. It makes him double down on really crazy shit. It's also what makes him seem fundamentally dishonest and inauthentic when he tries to imitate a reasonable person or mouth a reasonable policy. He just doesn't have it in him. It's all bluster, bombast and bullsh*t. Good for the non-reality of reality TV, but so very inadequate for perusing the public interest or representing a country.

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52 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

First off, we don't know how rich he is. 


We know that he is with many millions of dollars - at the very least. That is PLENTY rich to me. Maybe Bill Gates thinks otherwise.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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No wonder Trump is fighting the media. 

Here he is, caught lying over and over again. 

 Here it is folks, 1,000 lies. 


For example, Obama has offered 10,000 refugees entry after an 18-24 month background check. 

Why is Trump telling his base the number is 250,000 and they can't be background checked?:



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7 minutes ago, Buzzz said:

No wonder Trump is fighting the media. 

Here he is, caught lying over and over again. 

 Here it is folks, 1,000 lies. 


For example, Obama has offered 10,000 refugees entry after an 18-24 month background check. 

Why is Trump telling his base the number is 250,000 and they can't be background checked?:





Same as his wall. Would only cost 4 billion. Moved up to 6 then went to 8 believe his last statement was 12 Billion. Full of it. Prize plonker.

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Just now, slipperylobster said:



Nope..  He said Mexico would pay, so who cares?


If I am going to have to pay for something I prefer a realistic estimate before I agree. He has no idea how much it will cost. As for Mexico paying, if that is true why keep harping on about the cost?

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3 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


If I am going to have to pay for something I prefer a realistic estimate before I agree. He has no idea how much it will cost. As for Mexico paying, if that is true why keep harping on about the cost?


When in the world did you ever hear him say that we would be paying a dime?

links please....

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9 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:


When in the world did you ever hear him say that we would be paying a dime?

links please....



If you are not paying why bother with the price? Why does he even mention it? Would appear to be free. Somehow think his organisation will make a fortune out of it if it ever happens.

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Numerous off-topic posts and replies removed.   The topic is about Trump's relationship with the media.   General comments about not liking the candidate are off-topic.  


Please stay on topic and be civil.  

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1 hour ago, slipperylobster said:



Nope..  He said Mexico would pay, so who cares?


Trump said he would tax the money that the Mexicans workers send back home. 

Of course he also said he was deporting them.


Hey , wait a second.  That's stupid.

How can they pay if they have been deported?


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I am not a Yank so it really doesn't matter as I cannot vote in the upcoming election.  However, as an outsider and following the election run up closely I can see, quite clearly, which person is being rag tagged by the press, the super rich, the political elite, certain black minorities and illegals. The bias and slander is unbelievable.  The style of reporting, who is being blamed for what and followed up by scurrilous posts from the so called and self professed savvy persons here on TVF leaves a lot to be desired.  Fair dinkum, if someone took a @@#$$###@ in a downtown street in Brooklyn, some how someone would find a way to link it to and ultimately blame Trump.


if one was to look at this in an analytical manner then the only conclusion that could be reached is that their afraid of Trump and know that he has the best chance every of winning.  I don't believe the polls are a true reflection of what the American people think as internal polls carried out by the Trump campaign show that he has a minimum 7 point lead over Clinton in the battle ground states.  Also another poll conducted in a most fair way, unlike the other BS polls, included 33 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 34 percent independents, in every one of the 50 states, a total of 50,000 voters.  Guess who it is showing as being out in front and by a mile, no sorry, not Hilary but Donald, who is on 69 percent, Hilary on 19 percent with the balance going to the independents. But I guess the obvious haters will come out and give us the unusual spiel as to why this is not correct. 


It is also interesting to see the same BS proliferated by the Democrats being touted on here as genuine thoughts of some TVF posters.  Get real and use your own thoughts, not rehashing the prolific lies being espoused by others who will lose their place in the trough when, and here's my prediction, when Trump becomes the next USA President.  Oh that's right, one cannot be an individual and have their own thoughts of Trump, it has to be a regurgitated mish mash of the demonising statements put out by Democratic campaign, who clearly want to keep the country divided and are using fear and incredulous lies to decry their opponent.  I just wonder how many of you getting on the band wagon are actually Yanks, have the right to vote and will exercise that right when the day arrives.


All I can see is a magnitude of Trump haters, those who doubt his wealth, how he made it, it just goes on and on.  I doubt very much if half of you have made anything of your lives,  other then to sit behind a keyboard and lambast anyone and everything that you take a disliking to.  Good on you for expressing your opinion but let's make it balanced, not the one side, lopsided fits one.  I'd say that Trump is no angel but I cannot comment any further than that because I do not know the person and neither do many on here yet they perpetuate their bile as if they have known him for years, when in fact they know nothing of the guy.


Who gives a toss on the amount of  money he has but I would say it is a lot more than any of the whiners on here. I do see a few on here who obviously believe in fair play and post in that manner but get rag tagged for their contribution, yet day in and day out, the newscasts, (so called journalists) if you could call them that, the newspapers and other unknowns who are out to seek their 15 minutes of fame continue to incite divisiveness, rubbish others for their opinions and go along with the troupe in proliferating questionable statements that they purport to be fact.  Now I will sit back an await your critique and, well who cares how some of you handle it.  have a good day.:wai:




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2 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

I am not a Yank so it really doesn't matter as I cannot vote in the upcoming election.  However, as an outsider and following the election run up closely I can see, quite clearly, which person is being rag tagged by the press, the super rich, the political elite, certain black minorities and illegals. The bias and slander is unbelievable.  The style of reporting, who is being blamed for what and followed up by scurrilous posts from the so called and self professed savvy persons here on TVF leaves a lot to be desired.  Fair dinkum, if someone took a @@#$$###@ in a downtown street in Brooklyn, some how someone would find a way to link it to and ultimately blame Trump.


if one was to look at this in an analytical manner then the only conclusion that could be reached is that their afraid of Trump and know that he has the best chance every of winning.  I don't believe the polls are a true reflection of what the American people think as internal polls carried out by the Trump campaign show that he has a minimum 7 point lead over Clinton in the battle ground states.  Also another poll conducted in a most fair way, unlike the other BS polls, included 33 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 34 percent independents, in every one of the 50 states, a total of 50,000 voters.  Guess who it is showing as being out in front and by a mile, no sorry, not Hilary but Donald, who is on 69 percent, Hilary on 19 percent with the balance going to the independents. But I guess the obvious haters will come out and give us the unusual spiel as to why this is not correct. 


It is also interesting to see the same BS proliferated by the Democrats being touted on here as genuine thoughts of some TVF posters.  Get real and use your own thoughts, not rehashing the prolific lies being espoused by others who will lose their place in the trough when, and here's my prediction, when Trump becomes the next USA President.  Oh that's right, one cannot be an individual and have their own thoughts of Trump, it has to be a regurgitated mish mash of the demonising statements put out by Democratic campaign, who clearly want to keep the country divided and are using fear and incredulous lies to decry their opponent.  I just wonder how many of you getting on the band wagon are actually Yanks, have the right to vote and will exercise that right when the day arrives.


All I can see is a magnitude of Trump haters, those who doubt his wealth, how he made it, it just goes on and on.  I doubt very much if half of you have made anything of your lives,  other then to sit behind a keyboard and lambast anyone and everything that you take a disliking to.  Good on you for expressing your opinion but let's make it balanced, not the one side, lopsided fits one.  I'd say that Trump is no angel but I cannot comment any further than that because I do not know the person and neither do many on here yet they perpetuate their bile as if they have known him for years, when in fact they know nothing of the guy.


Who gives a toss on the amount of  money he has but I would say it is a lot more than any of the whiners on here. I do see a few on here who obviously believe in fair play and post in that manner but get rag tagged for their contribution, yet day in and day out, the newscasts, (so called journalists) if you could call them that, the newspapers and other unknowns who are out to seek their 15 minutes of fame continue to incite divisiveness, rubbish others for their opinions and go along with the troupe in proliferating questionable statements that they purport to be fact.  Now I will sit back an await your critique and, well who cares how some of you handle it.  have a good day.:wai:





Rag tagged by the super rich? Does Donald not keep telling us how super rich he is? Maybe he is a nice super rich person.

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4 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

I am not a Yank so it really doesn't matter as I cannot vote in the upcoming election.  However, as an outsider and following the election run up closely I can see, quite clearly, which person is being rag tagged by the press, the super rich, the political elite, certain black minorities and illegals. The bias and slander is unbelievable.  The style of reporting, who is being blamed for what and followed up by scurrilous posts from the so called and self professed savvy persons here on TVF leaves a lot to be desired.  Fair dinkum, if someone took a @@#$$###@ in a downtown street in Brooklyn, some how someone would find a way to link it to and ultimately blame Trump.


if one was to look at this in an analytical manner then the only conclusion that could be reached is that their afraid of Trump and know that he has the best chance every of winning.  I don't believe the polls are a true reflection of what the American people think as internal polls carried out by the Trump campaign show that he has a minimum 7 point lead over Clinton in the battle ground states.  Also another poll conducted in a most fair way, unlike the other BS polls, included 33 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 34 percent independents, in every one of the 50 states, a total of 50,000 voters.  Guess who it is showing as being out in front and by a mile, no sorry, not Hilary but Donald, who is on 69 percent, Hilary on 19 percent with the balance going to the independents. But I guess the obvious haters will come out and give us the unusual spiel as to why this is not correct. 


It is also interesting to see the same BS proliferated by the Democrats being touted on here as genuine thoughts of some TVF posters.  Get real and use your own thoughts, not rehashing the prolific lies being espoused by others who will lose their place in the trough when, and here's my prediction, when Trump becomes the next USA President.  Oh that's right, one cannot be an individual and have their own thoughts of Trump, it has to be a regurgitated mish mash of the demonising statements put out by Democratic campaign, who clearly want to keep the country divided and are using fear and incredulous lies to decry their opponent.  I just wonder how many of you getting on the band wagon are actually Yanks, have the right to vote and will exercise that right when the day arrives.


All I can see is a magnitude of Trump haters, those who doubt his wealth, how he made it, it just goes on and on.  I doubt very much if half of you have made anything of your lives,  other then to sit behind a keyboard and lambast anyone and everything that you take a disliking to.  Good on you for expressing your opinion but let's make it balanced, not the one side, lopsided fits one.  I'd say that Trump is no angel but I cannot comment any further than that because I do not know the person and neither do many on here yet they perpetuate their bile as if they have known him for years, when in fact they know nothing of the guy.


Who gives a toss on the amount of  money he has but I would say it is a lot more than any of the whiners on here. I do see a few on here who obviously believe in fair play and post in that manner but get rag tagged for their contribution, yet day in and day out, the newscasts, (so called journalists) if you could call them that, the newspapers and other unknowns who are out to seek their 15 minutes of fame continue to incite divisiveness, rubbish others for their opinions and go along with the troupe in proliferating questionable statements that they purport to be fact.  Now I will sit back an await your critique and, well who cares how some of you handle it.  have a good day.:wai:




  Sorry I didn't read your entire post. 

Can't stop laughing at the "Trump leads the polls" statement. 


So so many conspiracy nuts are loose these days. 

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8 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Also another poll conducted in a most fair way, unlike the other BS polls, included 33 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 34 percent independents, in every one of the 50 states, a total of 50,000 voters.  Guess who it is showing as being out in front and by a mile, no sorry, not Hilary but Donald, who is on 69 percent, Hilary on 19 percent with the balance going to the independents.


Could you be so kind as to give a link and/or details of this most fair poll that puts Donald with a 50% lead. Thank you.

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21 minutes ago, alanrchase said:


Rag tagged by the super rich? Does Donald not keep telling us how super rich he is? Maybe he is a nice super rich person.



You're the first. If you knew what super rich entailed, and it is certainly not Donald,  then I understand that you are not familiar with the term, so why use words that he has not expressed.  Oh, I understand, you have learnt from the lefties on how to change things around or add words that were never uttered in an attempt to sustain a criticism.   

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So Trump decides to give a big speech saying how much he likes black people and how they should vote for him.

And does it in a town that's 95% white in a venue in which the only black people are venue workers or possibly his own campaign token ones.

The Clown show continues to entertain!


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26 minutes ago, Buzzz said:

  Sorry I didn't read your entire post. 

Can't stop laughing at the "Trump leads the polls" statement. 


So so many conspiracy nuts are loose these days. 



It is quite rude to make statements when you have not had the decency to read the entire post and just want to play the SA game..  What are you on about the conspiracy theory rubbish, you're the one who introduced it, so when you stop laughing and pick yourself up off the floor, do a little research and you will see that a poll was actually conducted and bears no relevance to any theory you may have.

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