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On 8/21/2016 at 3:35 AM, teacherpaul said:

Buy him an e cigarette as a gift. Problem solved.


I tried to get a close friend of mine - who is literally dying - to switch from cigarettes to a vaporizer.  He was terrified of using it, for fear it would explode.  And he also expressed concern about "not knowing what kind of chemicals might be in the vaporizing liquid".  All this from a guy who stocks up on his menthols whenever he visits Cambodia.  I'm sure he's carefully researched the chemicals in THOSE.


You can lead a horse to water...



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Fans will typically help a little, but often will just re-distribute the smoke uniformly in the same air space - especially on a balcony, if it's somewhat enclosed.

True, but seems the Op has smoke 'wafting' upwards that may be reduced if a fan blew it another outward direction.
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On 8/20/2016 at 1:31 PM, manfredtillmann said:

your problem is one - , if not the top - , issue of complaint of apartment occupants in australia. living so close to each other is bound to create problems.

in the (far) future, adjacent apartments (condos), or even whole building blocks, will be lifestyle - matched. it is just laziness on behalf of the managing agents that this does not happen already.

You mean I can rent a place with sexy hookers above, below and on both sides of my flat ?

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What he does is not against the rules so you can't do much but ask him politely to go smoke downstairs because you can't stand smoke and makes you feel very bad. 

People might say that it's too much and that you can't expect smokers to walk away or down just to smoke and not bother you but it's actually the least, smokers can do. I used to do it when I smoked. If someone insists on dying a slow and painful death therefore decides to smoke, that's their problem. But they don't have the right to harm others regardless of any regulations. 

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7 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

What he does is not against the rules so you can't do much but ask him politely to go smoke downstairs because you can't stand smoke and makes you feel very bad. 

People might say that it's too much and that you can't expect smokers to walk away or down just to smoke and not bother you but it's actually the least, smokers can do. I used to do it when I smoked. If someone insists on dying a slow and painful death therefore decides to smoke, that's their problem. But they don't have the right to harm others regardless of any regulations. 



Why on earth should he have to go and smoke downstairs? Just because someone who lives nearby is super-sensitive to tobacco smoke? What a ludicrous suggestion.


If someone insists on dying a slow and painful death...    <deleted>?  I think you've been drinking too much of that kool-aid, matey.


A word of advice from someone who has done a lot of research on the subject. Never believe anything  that you hear from Tobacco Control. They lie. All the time. And if they're not lying, they're grossly exaggerating.


"Well, it keeps the gravy train rolling, doesn't it. There's the mortgage to pay, and the Range Rover to run, so a few porkies to keep the funding rolling in is part of the job, innit? What's that? Thousands of businesses destroyed and millions of jobs lost? Collateral damage, that's all. The main thing is that my £100K salary is secure. And thanks to the punitive taxes levied on smokers, the gravy train can keep on rolling..."




When I was young, which was quite a long time ago now, most people smoked. And those that didn't (like my parents) were completely tolerant of smokers and smoking. It simply wasn't an issue. In my house, there were always ashtrays and a box with a selection of cigarettes for any guests who might visit. I never heard my parents whinge about tobacco smoke. It was just another normal smell. In fact the only comment I ever heard on the subject was from my mother, who remarked how much she liked the smell of Dutch pipe tobacco.


Propaganda, however, is a powerful tool, and in the case of smoking has been wielded relentlessly and cynically by the small but well funded (by the pharmaceutical industry) anti-smoking lobby for the past four decades or so. They have managed to turn tolerance into intolerance, intolerance into hatred. Because hatred and division is what they peddle. Prohibitionist groups through history have done much the same, but without the advantage of being able to control the Mainstream Media.


And now look where we are. Just look at some of the comments in this thread. Hatred. And all based on lies and propaganda. Which of course is what the lies and propaganda were designed to produce. If you don't believe what I say about how they've stirred up an unprecedented degree of hatred against nearly a quarter of the adult population of the globe, just for indulging in an almost harmless pastime that they enjoy, have a glance at this compilation of a selection of comments taken from hither and thither:




None of these comments are really original. They are just parroted from the propaganda disseminated by Tobacco Control. Maybe embellished a bit, just to say "Look at me! I'm really, really anti-smoking! Aren't I great!" Just mindless blather from fools who think: "This is what people are saying now, so I'll say it too, then I'll be 'one of them'; in with the 'in' crowd". Because most people want to feel they are 'part of the group' and to be accepted.


Personally, I don't give a damn whether I'm 'accepted' by polite society or not.


I'm 67 years old. I've been smoking since I was twelve. I'm fitter and healthier than most non-smokers I know who are 20 years  younger than me. I almost never get sick. The last time I went to a doctor for anything other than physical injury was more than thirty years ago. I don't get colds. I still do physically demanding work on a daily basis. I have a young and lovely wife. My life is very good.


I am a gregarious person by nature, and have travelled widely. As such, I have met and kept in touch with a large number of people from all walks of life, many of whom (the majority, probably) have been smokers. In that time, and of those people, I can't recall any one of them ever "dying a slow and painful death" as a direct result of smoking. That is largely a myth. Sure, there will be a few people who really don't have the metabolism to cope with smoking, and it may well kill them if they have another condition that can be exacerbated by smoking. I'm not suggesting that smoking is a risk-free pleasure. It doubtless contributes to the death of some people. But it isn't the 'killer' that we're constantly harangued about. That is just pure, unadulterated propaganda. And those gross medico-porn photos on the fag packets are either photoshopped, posed by actors or of non-smoker's ailments. Of all the medico-porn photos on from all around the world that adorn cigarette packets, as mandated by Tobacco Control, you could probably count on the fingers of one hand those that are genuinely of smokers, and even then it's debatable whether or not smoking was the cause.




To be honest, I used to believe all that stuff myself. The "If you smoke, you are so going to die young in a most appalling way" line. I didn't really think much about it, just accepted it. Well, they were 'experts', weren't they? I even stopped smoking a couple of times for a year or so each time because I believed it. But I missed the subtle pleasures and benefits of smoking, so I started again.


It was only when they started with the patently risible concept of 'second-hand' smoke, and mooting bans on the back of it that I started to take interest in the subject. It was so obviously utter BS (after all, my generation grew up in a fug of tobacco smoke, and we are the healthiest and longest-lived generation ever) that I started to adopt a more critical stance. When I got involved in a forum debate about it some ten or twelve years ago, I started to do some research to back up what to me seemed basic commonsense arguments. And I don't mean Googling 'SHS' and reading the first couple of pages of results. Tobacco Control aren't stupid, and have control over what comes up on search engines. No, I started to dig deep. I looked at the actual research papers, not the spin put on them by the people with an ideological agenda. And the deeper I dug, the more I realised how comprehensive was the deception being foisted upon us. Now I'm a total cynic. I don't believe a word of anything put out by Tobacco Control. I know their agenda, and how they operate. They are completely amoral. Their ethos is 'the ends justify the means'.


It really is truly frightening how populations can be controlled by the clever use of propaganda.





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Of course smokers wont believe that smoking is not healthy for them. In my direct family someone recently died from smoking, it happens a lot more than you think. If you look at medical research you will see its not some kind of thought up thing.


I grew up in a house with 3 smokers and only after moving out did i start to notice how bad smoking smelled. I was used to it because i was exposed to it. Some people get used to abuse too.. that does not make it a good thing just because you don't care or notice.


Your parents were probably the same they were used to it and did not want to make a fuzz because it was normal. Guess what times change and its people's right not to be bothered by smoke. 


You have the old.. but the cars.. and factories.. yea.. but those have a function.. smoking has not (except for the smoker). The smoker can move and make sure he does not bother others. That is how it should be. If I am considerate I could let people smoke in my home. That would be a favor.. not a smokers right. You got things up side down. 


Your just in denial.. and with a one to 20-30 % chance of getting cancer from smoking (not a sure thing to get it) its quite normal that you or others dont get it. Just a risk game your playing and you got lucky. 


I feel its people's right to smoke.. use drugs.. whatever as long as they don't bother or harm others. So smoke all you want and be happy doing it. Just don't do it where you can bother others. 

Edited by robblok
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I almost died after 40 years of smoking.
Now I am a bonus for the pharmacy industry.
I stopped smoking on the 4th of May 2000.
I can't say I am in good health, but mostly happy since I stopped smoking.
I will stay away from smokers, for my own benefit, not yours....

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