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Needed to pay for an online course quick. The course provider said on their website we could pay by credit/debit card or paypal, but on reaching the payment page discovered only paypal payment was available.


Was looking to enrol pronto. It was Friday, what if I had any questions about the course. The course provider was closed on Saturday and Sunday. So, decided to go with the flow and pay using paypal.


Added my bank debit card to paypal, then hopped-back on the course site, and went ahead with following the link to the payal site. Made payment. Payment went through successfully.


Logged-in to online banking. Account available balance showed 95 GBP less than it was before, which was the course fee. Everything sound. However, immediately I received an email from the course provider to say "Paypal payment is pending". No emails from Paypal, except payment receipt email with subject " Receipt for Your Payment to __________ Ltd"


It had the amount 95.00 GBP, Description of the course, and it said “Charge will appear on your credit card statement as 'PAYPAL *_______ LTD'

Payment sent to info@_________.co.uk”


Logged in to the online course website, but the course was not available. Immediately, contacted the course provider by phone, and after a few emails to and fro, they were able to manually enrol me and provide access to the online learning platform.


The next day (Saturday) at around 8:16 PM (just over 24 hours after payment) I receive an email from paypal saying:




We've finished reviewing of the transaction below, determined the payment was authorised, and advised the seller to send the item(s).


There might be a slight delay in your delivery due to the review time.

Transaction Details

Transaction ID: _____________________


Transaction Date: 08/19/2016


Transaction Amount: -95.00 GBP


If you have questions or information regarding this transaction, please log in to your PayPal account and click the Contact Us link.






At the same time I receive an automated email from course provider to say payment has been received.


One of the reasons I used paypal was because I figured it was no different to using the credit/debit card. I thought the payment was instant. WRONG!, it wasn't, it had taken just over 24 hours to CLEAR.


I was lucky there were still places on the course when I telephoned the course provider. It could well have turned out nastier. What if all places were filled by the time the paypal payment went through.


Ironically, I receive an email from paypal yesterday, notifying change to their terms. It says, if I don't agree to the terms, I can close the account, and goes on to say:




We do hope, however, that you continue to use PayPal and enjoy the following benefits:


It’s faster


You don’t have to type in your card details each time you pay, so you can check out faster online.



utter rubbish. I could have typed in my debit card details 100 times over and it would've been quicker than the paypal payment.


Be careful, next time you use paypal as a buyer. I have heard many horror stories about sellers saying "if you are a buyer then paypal is just the ticket, not if you're a seller". Can't really comment on what it's like as a seller, I imagine it to be bad with paypal. My personal experience here was as a buyer and it was pretty awful.


I've emailed the course provider to ask why they only provide one online payment option. If it's to do with cost?. I'm yet to receive a reply.


It doesn't make sense for businesses (particularly small business) to use ONE giant business for online payments. Imagine if all the business's customers were to suddenly BUY from ONE giant course provider.

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4 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Try calling PayPal Singapore on +6565905502, they have been helpful

in solving PayPal issues.....


didn't know it was a paypal problem until their email the next day.


I really do not understand the issue being PayPal - you say your just linked your debit card to the paypal account so I would expect there to be a delay to confirm it really yours and not fraud and as such for it to be a pending transaction just as a debit card sales is until the paperwork is presented to the issuing bank.  


I had reason to contact PayPal over a transaction that a ticket agent had deliberately acted

totally against his companies rules and possibly illegally, even though the incident took

place in the last month, they pointed out that it had been over  six months since I had

paid for this flight  and although I never received what I paid for they used this six month

deadline rule to avoid any responsibility in the matter and declared it was nothing to do with

them.....never again would I use them they just look to leave it to you and feed you B.S  


I use PayPal all the time, and never have any problem, last time was yesterday I pay my friend in UK and he got the money on his account, less than 1 minute after I sent it.

1 minute ago, hellstens said:

I use PayPal all the time, and never have any problem, last time was yesterday I pay my friend in UK and he got the money on his account, less than 1 minute after I sent it.

I have been with paypal for years and never had a problem with them, as you only discover

what these companies are like  when you have a problem and in my case it was a lot of B S

until I asked them to get involved, and then they could not abandon ship quick enough.

I was told what would happen by an American friend but it was to late as I had already

paid up, if I had not I would of used a credit card which does give some protection.


I've used PayPal in America and in Thailand for many years. I linked it to my bank account and the the process is much simpler than running into the other room to get my credit card  and then typing in the info etc to the computer.  PayPay has safeguards if something goes upside down just as with a credit card.  If you wait months to resolve a problem I wouldn't be surprised for there to be some difficulty in resolution.




I wanted to buy something of 25US$ for my son last week and could only pay with Paypal.

My payment was refused because I could not pay with a Thai Paypal account for goods to be delivered in Europe??? The only way to get it was to have it delivered here, so now my son gets it later on my next trip.

9 minutes ago, recycler said:

I wanted to buy something of 25US$ for my son last week and could only pay with Paypal.

My payment was refused because I could not pay with a Thai Paypal account for goods to be delivered in Europe??? The only way to get it was to have it delivered here, so now my son gets it later on my next trip.


I didn't know PayPal was country specific ?  I have used PayPal both in Thailand and Australia without any question as to which country I was in at the time.

In contrast Western Union want to know everything ...


Not surprised with this one.  I run into the same scenario sometimes because my PayPal account is in U.S.A.  Mostly it has to do with whether PayPal will allow the shipment from U.S. to Thailand.....then it's back to the credit card.  I run into the same thing with Ebay.  It's all about shipping costs.



location, location, location...


the first time you use eBay / Paypal, the having a Thai address sends alarm bells that they need to check out.

Thailand being one of the countries on their suspicions list


Poor you, using paypal for the first time in 2017 and complaining...


Next time don't wait to URGENTLY need something to test it, or maybe you are born in Thailand and just deal with what is urgently needed to eat now ?



11 minutes ago, innocenthai said:

Poor you, using paypal for the first time in 2017 and complaining...


Next time don't wait to URGENTLY need something to test it, or maybe you are born in Thailand and just deal with what is urgently needed to eat now ?




11 minutes ago, innocenthai said:

Poor you, using paypal for the first time in 2017 and complaining...


Next time don't wait to URGENTLY need something to test it, or maybe you are born in Thailand and just deal with what is urgently needed to eat now ?



Wow...very rude content.


Paypal do have a money anti laundering policy which is a bit of a joke,  I am guessing your payment to him has set off some red flags, he may have not have properly verified his account.  If he is a online business he needs to prove its a real business from his country with photocopies of his real bank account books, utility bills photo ID sometimes even proof of merchandise.  Paypal make it too easy to sign up with any details, then hammer you later with this requirement when your money can be held and they can gain.  H e probably didn't tell you this as he may be a bit embarrassed. 

With Ebay and Paypal, you can add a gift address in ebay and you shouldnt have a issue if your ebay was from your home country.  Just make sure you have your original cell phone number email address and secret questions when you signed up, as they more then likely will want to verify you as the account owner.


This is more likely a problem caused by the vendor that is selling the course.  Some vendors have it set up so that they have to accept the payment from paypal by clicking on a link sent from paypal by email.  Since the seller was closed on the weekend , they could not reply to paypal until normal business hours for them resumed.  Don't get me wrong, I dislike paypal a lot, because their bureaucracy and lack of personal customer service is simply amazing for a consumer service company, but this time they may have been ok.

2 hours ago, dansbkk said:

This is more likely a problem caused by the vendor that is selling the course.  Some vendors have it set up so that they have to accept the payment from paypal by clicking on a link sent from paypal by email.  Since the seller was closed on the weekend , they could not reply to paypal until normal business hours for them resumed.  Don't get me wrong, I dislike paypal a lot, because their bureaucracy and lack of personal customer service is simply amazing for a consumer service company, but this time they may have been ok.



Actually, I forwarded the paypal receipt to the course provider at about 3pm (UK time) on Friday and it was a mad rush to get this sorted before the weekend, but we did in the end. If paypal had sent an email to them, they would have done the necessary(clicked on the link) and everything would have worked seamlessly (automatically). Instead, course provider had to manually set-up my online login.


So, I doubt, paypal sent them a link. Because Paypal is the only method of payment they accepted, I reckon they would have known the process, if they had set up the "accept payment" method. Also this course provider is not just starting out. They are well established, so they would have known to click on the email link to "accept payment".

6 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

I really do not understand the issue being PayPal - you say your just linked your debit card to the paypal account so I would expect there to be a delay to confirm it really yours and not fraud and as such for it to be a pending transaction just as a debit card sales is until the paperwork is presented to the issuing bank.  


Really?. I usually add a card before I make payment through paypal, then remove it (after the transaction). I've done it a few times before with other cards.


the delayed release of payment never happened on previous occasions.



...just as a debit card sales is until the paperwork is presented to the issuing bank.  


I'd done several online transaction with this particular debit card on other sites, where I entered the card number direct to the website, all these transactions had  gone through. I didn't have to wait until paperwork landed on someones desk.


Also, are you telling me, it takes over 24 hours for paypal to check if it's a genuine transaction?. The funds were debited from my account straight-away. It didn't go to the sellers account, I bet the funds sat quite happily in Paypal Inc.'s bank account for 1 day. 


As I've said in the OP, the email receipt I received from paypal on Friday 19 August 2016 (soon after making the payment) says "Payment sent to info@_________.co.uk".


Payment sent means Payment sent. It dosen't mean "we need to hold on to these funds for 1 day until we push some pens or until we get the paperwork in order (whichever comes first)". I refuse to agree with this notion no matter how many 'likes' it gets.


I will be reporting Paypal to Citizens Advice/Trading Standards... You're welcome. :wai2:


Seems to me you are complaining about them looking out for your interests, and they were just verifying everything was correct and you werent being scammed and the payment/place receiving  was legit.


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11 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Seems to me you are complaining about them looking out for your interests, and they were just verifying everything was correct and you werent being scammed and the payment/place receiving  was legit.



..looking out for your interests.. 

:cheesy::cheesy:   Have you heard the story about the wolf in sheep's clothing?. 



verifying everything was correct and you werent being scammed and the payment/place receiving  was legit.


If you believe this, you will believe anything.


We need to look at this objectively. The receipt says "Payment Sent to ......". Period.



That's an automated system message, the fact is, it was intercepted for whatever reason and needed to be "cleared" as something was suspicious, I suggest. 


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When you link a new credit/debit card to your PayPal account, it takes time for PayPal to verify the legitimacy of said card. Subsequent transactions will be instantaneous.


My PayPal account has been up and running as a seller and a buyer for over 10 years without any hiccups.

when I've had items posted but not arrived PayPal has refunded me. When I've asked for a refund because the buyer was uncontactable PayPal has refunded. They even have me a refund on a faulty fridge I received because the seller became magically unresponsive.

as mentioned, it seems to be the speed at which the login to transaction and maybe your location that may be your problem.

shoot them and email and find the true answer to your question.


Like I said before, on previous occasions, I've added a card, then instantly gone on to place an order. This was from the same location as I am now. (location wise, same same) There was no delay in payment. 


Quite a few posters saying, "I've been using Paypal for many, many years, without any problems". Fair enough. This may be, but it doesn't mean this is never going to happen to YOU.


So, with a bit of planning, you could well avoid this. May be you can order in advance, keep the best phone number to contact paypal to hand etc.. 


Anyway, paypal dosen't always withhold payment due to suspicious activity. I urge those suggesting otherwise to look at the bigger picture:



Read the link above, some are "complaining" (quite rightly) that their payments are held for "some half-cocked reasons". Others who've been using paypal for about 20 years (paypal started in 1998 I believe), with 100% ebay positive feedback, who've had a 255 GBP payment withheld. His phone calls and emails have gone unanswered. 


Payment could also be withheld due to technical reasons. Paypal is not always upfront conveying this to the public. I urge you to read the link below:



10 hours ago, MobileContent said:

Never had a problem with paypal but things can take longer if the seller cart system puts the payment as Pending.


I think you are talking about some other possible scenario. Not clear if you are replying to a post in particular.


If you are replying to the OP and my seller (the course provider) had put the payment as pending, I wouldn't have received an email from paypal saying: 



We've finished reviewing of the transaction below, determined the payment was authorised, and advised the seller to send the item(s).


There might be a slight delay in your delivery due to the review time.

Transaction Details

Transaction ID: _____________________


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