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Fines and traffic stops cause Chinese to avoid CM

Nick ZepTepi

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After a couple of traffic stops of my own and some debacle not being able to get a licence.

My Thai gf who works in reception for a chain hotel reports that numerous Chinese have cancelled trips to her hotel and other hotels after word got back that tourists are being targeted for traffic stops and fined, some almost daily.

I'm sure this will please a certain section of the readership.

Sent from my mobile, please forgive the autocorrect.

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I go past the traffic road block on the north-west side of the moat almost every day. I get stopped almost every day, then waved on when I show my license. I see as many Thais getting pulled over as foreign visitors. I see bikes being confiscated from Thais who don't have the proper papers. But I also see foreign tourists who are in violation of Thai law by not having a either a valid driver's license and/or a valid IDP. They are stupid. It's very easy NOT to get a traffic fine. I manage to avoid it just about every day. 


When I plan to visit a foreign country, and know that I'm going to be driving there, I spend a good 5 minutes on the Internet learning about the requirements for driving in that country for a foreigner. If it says that I need to have an IDP, I make sure I have a valid IDP. I do NOT cancel my trip. If it says I need to have some sort of very special 'something,' and I don't have it, I simply don't drive in that country. I do NOT cancel my trip because of it.  I hire a taxi.  A little common sense goes a long way.


I offer as a counter-suggestion that the reason the Chinese tourists may be canceling their trips just might have something to do with all the bombs going off in Thailand. They don't know that they are 800k away from them here in Chiang Mai. And I'm not going to tell them... :)


Edited by FolkGuitar
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Thats good that you and everyone who does not have a driving license should 

be stopped,be they Farang,Chinese,Thai or anybody,I don't want someone 

crashing into me or anyone else for that matter,without a license, as that

means they most probably don't have insurance either.

regards worgeordie

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I've been stopped three times this year, always on a road parallel to the moat.  Not many stops, but much more than years past.  Each time they checked for helmet, drivers license and the sticker on my bike, then waved me on.  They were stopping everybody on motorbikes and a lot of people were being fined for one or more violations. 


If you're biking sober with a helmet and current license and registration then the stops are just brief inconveniences.  If the Chinese, or anyone else, think it is unreasonable they be required to drive legally, they are free to move on to less restrictive places.  They won't be missed.

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I think you will find that this is the reason there are less Chinese in Chiang Mai, and I can't blame them.





Second link added just in case first isn't from an approved source.

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21 minutes ago, ramrod711 said:

I think you will find that this is the reason there are less Chinese in Chiang Mai, and I can't blame them.





Second link added just in case first isn't from an approved source.



Spot on; and good riddance to them !

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Just as a heads up, recently I've been refused and ticketed when I showed a paper copy AND a photo in my phone of my IDP. This is new, they aways accepted it in the past.


The original is at home, barely held together after falling into a puddle of water. The last traffic policeman to touch it tore the already fragile page with my photo on it, now I don't take it out.


Now, I just avoid the known stop areas, not worth the hassle. They can chase bikers all afternoon and it doesn't do anything to help matters or road safety.



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22 minutes ago, dcnx said:

Just as a heads up, recently I've been refused and ticketed when I showed a paper copy AND a photo in my phone of my IDP. This is new, they aways accepted it in the past.


The original is at home, barely held together after falling into a puddle of water. The last traffic policeman to touch it tore the already fragile page with my photo on it, now I don't take it out.



Have you given any thought to simply getting a new one? They are only good for a year at best. Or better still, getting a Thai license and then not needing an IDP?


There are some remarkably easy work-arounds to this problem, all of which eliminate the possibility of a fine.

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4 hours ago, dcnx said:

Just as a heads up, recently I've been refused and ticketed when I showed a paper copy AND a photo in my phone of my IDP. This is new, they aways accepted it in the past.


The original is at home, barely held together after falling into a puddle of water. The last traffic policeman to touch it tore the already fragile page with my photo on it, now I don't take it out.


Now, I just avoid the known stop areas, not worth the hassle. They can chase bikers all afternoon and it doesn't do anything to help matters or road safety.



Get it laminated.

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I guess I must be lucky been here for 6 years full time and only stopped one time. He asked me where you from I said Chiang mai, hw ask on where you live I said Kad Kham Market he said ok go never ask to see license

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Or better still, getting a Thai license and then not needing an IDP?


There are some remarkably easy work-arounds to this problem, 


so where is anyone supposed to .. easily .. get a residency cirtificate


to get his thai licence now


do tell :)




residency cirtificate application form for driving licence change passport number 14 may 15 2015-05-21 08.22.09.jpg

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18 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:


Have you given any thought to simply getting a new one? They are only good for a year at best. Or better still, getting a Thai license and then not needing an IDP?


There are some remarkably easy work-arounds to this problem, all of which eliminate the possibility of a fine.


It is the new one! It will be several months before I'm back and able to get another. 


It's not really a pressing issue,  as they generally stop people in the same areas,  so I just take a different route through the day. To be honest,  the fact my IDP has always been accepted until now has kept me from getting a Thai license. I may mozy over there and get one in the near future for those times I'm caught off guard. 


It's not the stop or even the tiny fine that irritates me,  it's when they damn near cause an accident trying to stop you. It's really dangerous when they are stopping bikers on the super highway and walking out in front of everyone,  grabbing at arms. At least inside the city the speeds are manageable so if one of them gets carried away,  it's not a big risk.  


That said,  I did see a Chinese guy and his girl totally wipe out a week ago coming around the corner in front of Ram,  inside the moat at the afternoon police stop.  They already had me and walked out literally at the last second to stop them,  he hit his front brakes it looked like and down they went.  Both were scraped up pretty bad. The douchbag cop didn't even apologize.  So add a license ticket on top of hospital bills and bike damage,  and possibly life long scars, but hey,  thanks for visiting Chiang Mai, come back again. 

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3 hours ago, dcnx said:


It is the new one! It will be several months before I'm back and able to get another.


If you are American, you can get your IDP by mail in two weeks. (Perhaps other country's people can as well. I simply don't have that information.)  $20 and an on-line form. http://www.aaa.com/vacation/idpf.html


It's not the stop or even the tiny fine that irritates me,  it's when they damn near cause an accident trying to stop you.


I'm with you on this one! I've seen some really stupid behavior, and an accident or two because of it. When I suspect there is a road block ahead, I move to the traffic lane closest to the cops. If I get signaled to pull over, at least I don't have to fight my way across 2-3 lanes of traffic to do so.

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Some friends of mine were stopped on a motorbike going to Mae Rim 3 times on one stretch of road. It wasn't the fact of being stopped that pissed them off it was the fact it was only tourists. I must admit I thought they were exagerrating but hey presto the next day saw a police check point about 100 m south of Tapae Gate and stood and watched about 10 mins. They were only stopping Chinese and foreigners! Helmetless and 3 on a bike Thais were sailing past. It made them feel targetted and the fact it was about 3 days after the referendum made them feel paranoid. These are people that have  visited Thailand many times before.

They don't care if someone wants to check paperwork etc. but they don't want to feel like as tourists they are being singled out.

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19 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Some friends of mine were stopped on a motorbike going to Mae Rim 3 times on one stretch of road. It wasn't the fact of being stopped that pissed them off it was the fact it was only tourists. I must admit I thought they were exagerrating but hey presto the next day saw a police check point about 100 m south of Tapae Gate and stood and watched about 10 mins. They were only stopping Chinese and foreigners! Helmetless and 3 on a bike Thais were sailing past. It made them feel targetted and the fact it was about 3 days after the referendum made them feel paranoid. These are people that have  visited Thailand many times before.

They don't care if someone wants to check paperwork etc. but they don't want to feel like as tourists they are being singled out.


Swings and roundabouts .. I'm not in CM but whenever I approach a roadblock and I am in the mood to stop then I lift my visor and they often wave me through, plenty of times I just rode through them without stopping.

I got pulled with no license once (and no cash) and in future, told me to keep the license with me at all times, and sent me on my way. Locals were getting their bikes confiscated or calling people to come and pay fines.


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Last time I got stopped was on Hwy 11 on the way to the bus station.  Cop smiled and asked for driver license. I open my wallet and he sees Thai ID, then license for both bike and car.  "Ohh, you good man!" he says with a thumbs up, then starts asking me questions about my new CB300, which he seemed to be much more interested in.  Finally, after a couple of minutes he smiles and tells me "Have good day" and waves me on.


Bottom line:  If you're legal, and friendly, it ain't a big deal.


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Riding my motor bike on Charoen Prathet Road near the Iron Bridge. Police were set up to stop ALL Farang from what I saw as well as anyone without a helmet. They pulled me over. NO PROBLEM.....I thought!!!! I had my Thai drivers license. I was pulled over 3 times last month with my helmet on and when I showed them my Thai drivers license no problem. Not so now. They wanted to see my Motor Bike License. I don't have one. The fine was 200 baht. I do have an International license which I left in the condo. This should have sufficed so I'll be carrying that now. DRIVE CAREFUL!!!

And yes, in my experience, they DO target Farangs! I've been pulled over driving in a group of bikes with Thais riding without a helmut!

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stupid tourists. as they don't seem intent on following Thai traffic rules and regulations, then it's good for the rest of the people in CM, and Thailand for that matter. just made driving Thailand much safer. the authorities do have a point in singling out tourists, specially chinese ones. i've driven alongside dozens of them in CM and they don't give a flying f*$k about others' safety. the pedestrians are the worst lot, crossing streets wherever and whenever they want! i hope they get fined, too.

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On 25/08/2016 at 8:53 AM, dcnx said:

Just as a heads up, recently I've been refused and ticketed when I showed a paper copy AND a photo in my phone of my IDP. This is new, they aways accepted it in the past.


The original is at home, barely held together after falling into a puddle of water. The last traffic policeman to touch it tore the already fragile page with my photo on it, now I don't take it out.


Now, I just avoid the known stop areas, not worth the hassle. They can chase bikers all afternoon and it doesn't do anything to help matters or road safety.



I wish the police would do a late shift and catch the hoons who scream up and down Huay Kaew Rd around midnight.


The bikes have modified mufflers, and are extremely noisy.

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51 minutes ago, irwinfc said:

stupid tourists. as they don't seem intent on following Thai traffic rules and regulations, then it's good for the rest of the people in CM, and Thailand for that matter. just made driving Thailand much safer. the authorities do have a point in singling out tourists, specially chinese ones. i've driven alongside dozens of them in CM and they don't give a flying f*$k about others' safety. the pedestrians are the worst lot, crossing streets wherever and whenever they want! i hope they get fined, too.

Good to get those stupid foreigners of the roads as we know that it is their fault that Thailand has the second worst death rate in the world. Give the roads back to the safe Thai drivers.

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A couple of months ago I rented a motorbike from Bikky. I asked about insurance and the guy said that insurance coverage was included if you have a drivers license. I showed my Thai license and he said good. I should have asked about IDP but did not.


One of the reasons I got a Thai drivers license was that I had read somewhere that if you are in Thailand more than 90 days you are required to get a Thai license to drive. That is the same in most US states. i.e. If you move from NY to CA you have a certain amount of time to switch over.  It took about 6 hours total time to get residency cert and Thai licenses. I had a valid California license. If I remember right total cost was less than 1000THB.

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On 8/24/2016 at 11:46 PM, worgeordie said:

Thats good that you and everyone who does not have a driving license should 

be stopped,be they Farang,Chinese,Thai or anybody,I don't want someone 

crashing into me or anyone else for that matter,without a license, as that

means they most probably don't have insurance either.

regards worgeordie

And all of us locals know its not all about who has a drivers license getting stopped its more about their tea money.Its should be called highway robbery!



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