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Shouldn't that be 'Would you pay to have a swimming pool built on land owned by (insert Thai national's name)?'. The pros are that doing to would (temporarily) improve your relationship with said Thai person. The cons are that you wouldn't own it and would likely be responsible for all repairs and maintenance, but could use it for as long as your relationship with the owner lasted.  


Wow what a great answers again...they have never heard of a farang building his own pool? 


If i had a big garden i sure would build one or let it be built, why not? It's the best thing to have after an automatic icemaker.


But before building it i would study a lot to get the most maintenance free pool. A pool takes a lot of work to maintain and also animals will like it.







 You can see your female guests what they really look like, without paying expensive meals at a wanna be hiso restaurant just to get her into your bed, and you might fall in love with her body and you immediately marry her by only paying three million baht to her parents.


All relatives and their friends automatically have the right to ask for more money for some damn stupid skin whitener. 


I never understood why foreigners come to Thailand, just to look way  better after a lot of sunbathes. Any men who're telling me that the "big white skinned chicks", with their visible blood vessels are sexy, should peacc and fragg off. 


  No problem when you talk the usual bs, it's always easy to blame the hot sun for it. A heat stroke caused you to hit your wife and it wasn't really your fault, nor the alcohol you're drinking on daily basis. The sun did that, not you, kau tchai mai? 


  Another important point is that  you can always keep your body in a good shape as swimming seems to be one of the best exercise next to sex. When you swim, you're using all muscles ( also those to laugh, when you see certain TVF members in a swimming suit and it's really healthy and  a lot of fun  fun chasing  good looking 19 year olds...


 And sex in a pool is also a great experience. I appreciate it when the sun isn't that hot anymore and the neighbors aren't watching. But my neighbor likes it when the neighbors are watching them, I just don't know why. 


  The negative points of a pool are: you'll always have too many guests and once you start to invite some "foreign friends", or relatives, they might believe that they only need to purchase a plane ticket to Bangkok where they get picked up by you  and in the future they'll always have  nice and very cheap holidays,, while you pay for everything from food to Shampoo. Of course will you wash their dirty and stinking clothes. They made the whole way just to see you. 


. Even the toilet paper, aeeh I mean the tissue has to be bought by you, don't expect anything coming from friends, relatives, or any Thai neighbors. 


   You might be surprised why the water sometimes smells so fishy, it's neither dead fish, nor a rotten penguin. Too many people in a pool just let it go. The bathroom is six meters away, reason enough to do business where you are for many. 


Electricity has gotten quite expensive and I personally prefer to visit one of the local pools where some eye candies make my eyesight much better and  save a lot of money for new eye glasses, I don't really need. 


It's great to meet some new gigs, aeeh friends and I really love to pay only for the dinner and learn  some new Thai words and particular phrases for free. 


   Water, or swimming pools in general have something in common. They make both,  males and females a sort of horny. I mean why should that be a bad thing when you see an outstanding body and can't leave the pool for a few minutes because it's too hard to do so? 


  You'll find out that all the pool equipment is similar to the educational system, it might look good, but it doesn't function.


      Finally, the financial side of having one, or not. I'd rather travel around the world for the money I'd have to pay for a damn pool and all the damn equipment that stops functioning after one week only. 


    Sorry, gotta go and get the chloride out of my eyes. Some baby crocodiles keep unwanted guests out. 


        C'mon, you only live once and go and buy your pool. I would if I could. 








10 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


 You can see your female guests what they really look like, without paying expensive meals at a wanna be hiso restaurant just to get her into your bed, and you might fall in love with her body and you immediately marry her by only paying three million baht to her parents.


All relatives and their friends automatically have the right to ask for more money for some damn stupid skin whitener. 


I never understood why foreigners come to Thailand, just to look way  better after a lot of sunbathes. Any men who're telling me that the "big white skinned chicks", with their visible blood vessels are sexy, should peacc and fragg off. 


  No problem when you talk the usual bs, it's always easy to blame the hot sun for it. A heat stroke caused you to hit your wife and it wasn't really your fault, nor the alcohol you're drinking on daily basis. The sun did that, not you, kau tchai mai? 


  Another important point is that  you can always keep your body in a good shape as swimming seems to be one of the best exercise next to sex. When you swim, you're using all muscles ( also those to laugh, when you see certain TVF members in a swimming suit and it's really healthy and  a lot of fun  fun chasing  good looking 19 year olds...


 And sex in a pool is also a great experience. I appreciate it when the sun isn't that hot anymore and the neighbors aren't watching. But my neighbor likes it when the neighbors are watching them, I just don't know why. 


  The negative points of a pool are: you'll always have too many guests and once you start to invite some "foreign friends", or relatives, they might believe that they only need to purchase a plane ticket to Bangkok where they get picked up by you  and in the future they'll always have  nice and very cheap holidays,, while you pay for everything from food to Shampoo. Of course will you wash their dirty and stinking clothes. They made the whole way just to see you. 


. Even the toilet paper, aeeh I mean the tissue has to be bought by you, don't expect anything coming from friends, relatives, or any Thai neighbors. 


   You might be surprised why the water sometimes smells so fishy, it's neither dead fish, nor a rotten penguin. Too many people in a pool just let it go. The bathroom is six meters away, reason enough to do business where you are for many. 


Electricity has gotten quite expensive and I personally prefer to visit one of the local pools where some eye candies make my eyesight much better and  save a lot of money for new eye glasses, I don't really need. 


It's great to meet some new gigs, aeeh friends and I really love to pay only for the dinner and learn  some new Thai words and particular phrases for free. 


   Water, or swimming pools in general have something in common. They make both,  males and females a sort of horny. I mean why should that be a bad thing when you see an outstanding body and can't leave the pool for a few minutes because it's too hard to do so? 


  You'll find out that all the pool equipment is similar to the educational system, it might look good, but it doesn't function.


      Finally, the financial side of having one, or not. I'd rather travel around the world for the money I'd have to pay for a damn pool and all the damn equipment that stops functioning after one week only. 


    Sorry, gotta go and get the chloride out of my eyes. Some baby crocodiles keep unwanted guests out. 


        C'mon, you only live once and go and buy your pool. I would if I could. 








Back to boosting your post count with inane drivel again?

11 hours ago, Pik said:

would you build swimming pool in chiang mai?



No, maintenance headache. Plenty of good clean pools in CM

12 hours ago, jadee said:

Shouldn't that be 'Would you pay to have a swimming pool built on land owned by (insert Thai national's name)?'. The pros are that doing to would (temporarily) improve your relationship with said Thai person. The cons are that you wouldn't own it and would likely be responsible for all repairs and maintenance, but could use it for as long as your relationship with the owner lasted.  

i feel for you,



No - 


I've had 2.....After awhile I was about the only one that went in it on a routine basis = and that was to maintain/clean the damn thing.....

Even the Moo Baan pools sit largely disregarded most of the time....Costs 35B to use & don't have to maintain....


Most build pools, put in the outside kitchen set up, showers - then after the first 6 months & 4 parties the novelty is gone.....Ever fly over an area full of pools? All empty with maybe a sun bather or two.....


In CM from what I've heard/read there's only one quality pool builder, with the rest going from problematic to disastrous.....


I wouldn't.....Ever notice a fair amount of covered pools here? The Thais don't like the sun to hit their skin.....A majority cannot swim.....


Unless you're a pool party animal that just loves to host, cook, & maintain + sit and watch the neighbor kids when they drop in.....Or a houseful of dedicated swimmers it might end up being tha albatross in your yard.....


We have a 4.8m x 1.2m above ground pool, at 45k Baht a fraction of the cost of an in-ground pool and you can take it with you if you move.


Still the same maintenance of course, chemicals, vacuuming etc etc.


Cost / fun ratio, can't really go wrong, I can swim in circles all day and the grand-kids love to visit and attempt to drown one-another (all swim well spending more time under the water than on top).


Even though we (ok Wifey) own our home I don't think I'll be shelling for a permanent pool regardless of the fun factor, just too much money and mess, the above ground one took a couple of days to set up and fill (almost) instant fun.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

1 hour ago, Crossy said:

We have a 4.8m x 1.2m above ground pool, at 45k Baht a fraction of the cost of an in-ground pool and you can take it with you if you move.


Still the same maintenance of course, chemicals, vacuuming etc etc.


Cost / fun ratio, can't really go wrong, I can swim in circles all day and the grand-kids love to visit and attempt to drown one-another (all swim well spending more time under the water than on top).


Even though we (ok Wifey) own our home I don't think I'll be shelling for a permanent pool regardless of the fun factor, just too much money and mess, the above ground one took a couple of days to set up and fill (almost) instant fun.

got  a photo of it  Crossy?

I agree though its  just a maintenance headache and getting one done properly after seein the other building work is doubtful..................oh yes gallantee one year............terrific!!


Put a high roof over it if you build....the water stays cooler and there is less maintenance to keep the water right, as the sun doesnt have the effect like an uncovered pool....


Be prepared for a complete rebuild after a few years from inferior fittings, from so called "tradesman" ....It WILL happen.

5 hours ago, Crossy said:

We have a 4.8m x 1.2m above ground pool, at 45k Baht a fraction of the cost of an in-ground pool and you can take it with you if you move.


Still the same maintenance of course, chemicals, vacuuming etc etc.


Cost / fun ratio, can't really go wrong, I can swim in circles all day and the grand-kids love to visit and attempt to drown one-another (all swim well spending more time under the water than on top).


Even though we (ok Wifey) own our home I don't think I'll be shelling for a permanent pool regardless of the fun factor, just too much money and mess, the above ground one took a couple of days to set up and fill (almost) instant fun.



This is so small, even kids must get bored in this fish bassin.


Is it possible to buy the same kind but triple size at least ?



5 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

No - 


I've had 2.....After awhile I was about the only one that went in it on a routine basis = and that was to maintain/clean the damn thing.....

Even the Moo Baan pools sit largely disregarded most of the time....Costs 35B to use & don't have to maintain....


Most build pools, put in the outside kitchen set up, showers - then after the first 6 months & 4 parties the novelty is gone.....Ever fly over an area full of pools? All empty with maybe a sun bather or two.....


In CM from what I've heard/read there's only one quality pool builder, with the rest going from problematic to disastrous.....


I wouldn't.....Ever notice a fair amount of covered pools here? The Thais don't like the sun to hit their skin.....A majority cannot swim.....


Unless you're a pool party animal that just loves to host, cook, & maintain + sit and watch the neighbor kids when they drop in.....Or a houseful of dedicated swimmers it might end up being tha albatross in your yard.....



This is why it's ridiculous to build a pool if you do not plan to exercise everyday in it. People buy pools as big as my bathroom and then do not understand what it's useless.


Just like it's stupid to buy a boat not big enough to live on it, because you will end up using it twice a year and then be very happy to sell it.










I seriously considered putting a swimming pool in. With all the trees on the land, it would have to have some sort of cover to keep the leaves out. Since I am a crotchety old fart I decided that the local kids would hate me even more because I would not allow them to use it. My wife would be yelling at me for being stingy. It would irritate me having 20 kids pissing in my pool and that's not even mentioning the noise. I have 4 farm ponds. If I want to swim bad enough, I can swim in one of those. A few loads of clean river sand would make a good enough beach.

7 hours ago, kannot said:

got  a photo of it  Crossy?

I agree though its  just a maintenance headache and getting one done properly after seein the other building work is doubtful..................oh yes gallantee one year............terrific!!


Looks like this, shade is extra.






3 hours ago, AsianExport said:

This is so small, even kids must get bored in this fish bassin.

Is it possible to buy the same kind but triple size at least ?


Space is of course an issue, I never intended this to be a pool for serious swimming, you could add a Swimjet type device if you are limited on space and want to swim continuous laps.


Intex do round pools up to about 9m diameter, they also do rectangular above ground pools to about 10m x 5m and more, we bought ours at Pattayapools http://www.pattayapools.net/index.php


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

4 hours ago, Crossy said:


Looks like this, shade is extra.







Space is of course an issue, I never intended this to be a pool for serious swimming, you could add a Swimjet type device if you are limited on space and want to swim continuous laps.


Intex do round pools up to about 9m diameter, they also do rectangular above ground pools to about 10m x 5m and more, we bought ours at Pattayapools http://www.pattayapools.net/index.php


Looks  like the best bet and even better if you built some kind  of surround around it to hide the ugly sides etc


Sorry no offense but it's so ugly to have this kind of pool in a garden... When you have a house that you can consider lost if shhiiitt happens, you can have a pool to lose also, no ?




7 hours ago, kannot said:

Looks  like the best bet and even better if you built some kind  of surround around it to hide the ugly sides etc


Lots of YouTube how-to videos showing building a deck around your above ground pool.


To be honest as we have a large garden (2,600m2) the pool doesn't dominate like it would a smaller space so I may just bang a few plants in containers to break up the outline.


Another point is that we are very close to the river, it occasionally comes very, very close (2011 saw about 0.5m of water on the garden). An in-ground pool would have been wrecked, there's nothing quite like a pool containing 100,000L of stagnant muddy water :bah: (watch some of the documentaries about New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina). The above-ground pool would have been just fine apart from a tide-mark round the outside, yukky but not impossible.


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Slightly off topic, I live in a new build Condo with a Swimming Pool, baby pools and 3 Jaccuzis, very rarely see any one in either.

Next door there is small estate, 20/30 houses with private Pool and Clubhouse, seen it being used once in a year.

Swimming pools are nice to haves but costly too maintain, people are paying Service Charges but not using the facilities, for some reason whilst Thais shower frequently they don't go swimming probably because they can't swim maybe that's the reason the Pool in the Condo,is only 1.5 metres deep ?

We have a 4.8m x 1.2m above ground pool, at 45k Baht a fraction of the cost of an in-ground pool and you can take it with you if you move.


Still the same maintenance of course, chemicals, vacuuming etc etc.


Cost / fun ratio, can't really go wrong, I can swim in circles all day and the grand-kids love to visit and attempt to drown one-another (all swim well spending more time under the water than on top).


Even though we (ok Wifey) own our home I don't think I'll be shelling for a permanent pool regardless of the fun factor, just too much money and mess, the above ground one took a couple of days to set up and fill (almost) instant fun.

You got a link to supplier or pics crossy?

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


You got a link to supplier or pics crossy?

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


Space is of course an issue, I never intended this to be a pool for serious swimming, you could add a Swimjet type device if you are limited on space and want to swim continuous laps.


Intex do round pools up to about 9m diameter, they also do rectangular above ground pools to about 10m x 5m and more, we bought ours at Pattayapools http://www.pattayapools.net/index.php


Sorry....saw the pic ....looks great

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


Have had several house with pools and at first it was great but now I get in it maybe once a week and even then I sit in the Jacuzzi .

They are fairly easy to clean but you need to learn how to test water etc if not using pool service to clean it.

Also the pumps, filters etc are not cheap and buying good names are expensive and hard to get a hold off for spares as I found out.

Look up aquabot. They sell complete built pools that just require the hole to be dug in the ground, quite cheap for what they are.

Personally im thinking of just making a large Jacuzzi for my next house and no pool.


What I can't find when I look at the pool forum or other forums, is references to inground pool engineering drawings.

There way a guy in Phuket who used to consult on pool builds, but don't know if he's still around or consulting.

I drive nearly 50 km every day for an hour odd swim and exercises. I've been doing it for a few years and want my own pool.

I 've got some farmers around who have helped me cementing, block laying, reo installing and tiling and I think I've groomed them enough to have a go at an inground 0cement block tiled pool.

I like the above ground pool in this thread, but not deep enough for my aqua aerobics.

Anyone know of where to get pool engineering drawings, 8 inch cement blocks, and an on- the- phone consultant?

Sent from my SM-J700F using Tapatalk


Not in CM, but i have built some. Never more, Nay, ney, never. First, the maintenance is a headache. Second, if you have one bird in the village, it will poop into your pool. On a daily basis. When everything is ready, one of you will come up with a new idea by which you can destroy the best part of your pool.

Easier, maybe cheaper, to buy a round pool. It has shorter life circle than the other, but most probably cheaper and mobile. Ugly, and not as luxurious as the other, but it depends on your purposes.

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