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Thai attitude to foreigners: An all time low?


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11 minutes ago, zd1 said:

I think it's about where you are to a degree, in places like Pattaya or Patong which have a lot of tourists you may see what might be construed as an attitude problem, but lets not forget how some of these tourist behave god I would also have an attitude problem with some of the behaviour of these tourists. In most countries locals living in tourist zones can become jaded not all but definitely some.


Ain't that the truth?



Another quality Pattaya tourist

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As far as interacting with Thai people in cities like Pattaya; Phuket and some sections of Bangkok- what you are experiencing is Farang fatigue. There are just to many and while the majority are them are normal tourists- there are enough who are drunks; loud mouthed; abusive and a real pain in the posterior. These are the people who the Thais have become fed up with and at times generalize that we are all the same. In fact, many of us are also fed up with them.

In addition, many Thais are exhausted; can't make ends meet and have their own problems to deal with. Most of the time if I  emit a smile and greeting I get the same back. If I don't, I do not take it personally and simply chalk it up to some issue they may have.

Regarding the times I have been into places that clerks ignore me because they do not take their face out of their phones- I will wait about 10 seconds and if still ignored then leave. This is not just a problem in Thailand but Worldwide.  The manager is not doing their job and banning the use of these devices while on company time.  

In general- the Thai friendliness and willingness to help is still there when one gets away from the tourist areas.

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3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Must be just you...I get very courteous service just about everywhere..when did you last bath? Of course,  being a resident, I don't do much business in the tourist precincts so maybe that's a factor. 

And, probably because you look like Donald Trump:)

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They are impolite to other Thais as well, but they don't notice it.....all learned behaviour. We are the only ones that notice it

    Same on the roads....I get annoyed when I get cut off or somebody pulls out suddenly in front of me even though they seen me coming....Thais don't seem to be bothered by it.....because they drive the same way.

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4 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Must be just you...I get very courteous service just about everywhere..when did you last bath? Of course,  being a resident, I don't do much business in the tourist precincts so maybe that's a factor. 


Ummmmm... But you're in Pattaya?

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I have found in Bangkok's shopping places that have Foreign customers it is still courteous service.  If you go to a less foreigner frequented area IE Fortune IT mall,  I find service can vary broadly.  I speak decent Thai, I also am very courteous.  I have found a few shops that won't even talk to me even if I ask a question.   I come from a very tourist oriented place.  I witnessed this at home as well.  People pre-judge you.  If they feel you don't know what you want or about their product, many also think you can't afford their stuff then they ignore you.   This is a more recent thing.  


I have also noticed more laziness and shoddy workmanship from contractors.  I have now had 4 Air conditioning repair men that I have had try to repair one of my units. (It's not a matter of replacement it's a leak in the piping going from the fan unit to the indoor unit.)  2 tried to tell me a problem I knew it wasn't and over charge me.  1 said he repaired it charged me and 2 days later the gas had leaked out, he didn't honor his guarantee and just buggered off.  We'll see how the 4th is.

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Worked in Thailand from 1980 to 1998 (engineer in petro-chem) and mostly lived here since except for back to home-land for part summers; but yes yes; I have definitely noticed a marked change in Thai attitude towards me and other farangs; to me seems to have started maybe 5 years or so back. Even some Thais I have known for years who I have dealt with in terms of buying stuff etc seem to have changed.I do speak reasonable Thai and know how to behave.

Something, some big thing has changed. ????? Who knows

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Here's my point;


i have been coming here a long time. Ok?


So, 25 years ago, none of this crap had existed; So to speak.

Anybody then that was 25 yrs. old.........was born 50 years ago.


Times have changed........and those were the good ole days...bye...bye..



what do you see now in Pattaya, that you didn't see 10 years ago?


More than 5,000 arabs doing elicit activities.

More ladyboys than RATS ON THE BEACH.


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5 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Farangs get paid more money as teachers, hookers and engineers to name a few inequities.  Farangs always get a better deal than Thai people after immigration status is secured.  The only people treated poorly here usually deserve it.  Be a loudmouthed know it all in a bar and go on about 5 Thais beating up one Farang and that's what will happen.  When Thais want to build an airport, mass transit system or a skyscraper do they hire Thais?

So, cutting to the chase in your opinion they're all our best friends as long as there's need for something they can't manage themselves, but don't let them know that or it could cause a problem that you deserve being ganged up on for? Would you be with the tourist industry here by chance?

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58 minutes ago, Americano555 said:

Here's my point;


i have been coming here a long time. Ok?


So, 25 years ago, none of this crap had existed; So to speak.

Anybody then that was 25 yrs. old.........was born 50 years ago.


I was nicer 25 years ago, too.  Traveling was still an adventure, meeting new foreign people was interesting, and I didn't have this perpetual rash from sweating 24/7/365.


It only follows that even if others were exactly the same as they were 25 years ago they may treat me differently because I'm jaded (and I act that way- no matter how I try to camouflage it.).  


And even if they did treat me exactly the same, I'd perceive it to be different with the constant irritation from this rash than I would have perceived it before I had the rash.


BTW, I don't really have a rash.  It's an allegory for all the things that happen to old people... 



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Comes down to respect doesn't it.....i always worry about hotel staff on a pittance cleaning up after me.....Shops, they have a set price....i did witness a pretty 20 something euro girl not to long ago actually asking for a discount on a 100B t-shirt in a store....they sales guy was pissed off as i was....think about it.

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1 minute ago, KittenKong said:


It's easy. I have little or nothing in common with Thais, but luckily I dont need to interact with them at all apart for paying them for whatever job or service they may happen to be doing for me. So what I think of them has no real impact on my way of life, nor does what they think of me.


As for my demeanour, I am always polite and always say "hello" or "thank you" to people in their own language if I can speak it, or in mine if I cant. This is more than many Thais here do. I am also scrupulously honest and very considerate of others. This also is more than many Thais here are.

Yeah, what you quoted me as saying.

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57 minutes ago, silent said:

So, cutting to the chase in your opinion they're all our best friends as long as there's need for something they can't manage themselves, but don't let them know that or it could cause a problem that you deserve being ganged up on for? Would you be with the tourist industry here by chance?

Thais and Japanese and Koreans are all about the same when it comes to xenophobia.  If anything the Thais are more accepting of Farang men as sex partners.  I would be a good choice to run the Thai tourist department as I could double the gross revenue in 12 months but then again so could most 12 year old Burmese children. 

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1 hour ago, Americano555 said:

Here's my point;


i have been coming here a long time. Ok?


So, 25 years ago, none of this crap had existed; So to speak.

Anybody then that was 25 yrs. old.........was born 50 years ago.


Times have changed........and those were the good ole days...bye...bye..



what do you see now in Pattaya, that you didn't see 10 years ago?


More than 5,000 arabs doing elicit activities.

More ladyboys than RATS ON THE BEACH.


Bad Nigerians and Middle Eastern people I see more of in Bangkok than Pattaya and 25 years ago I would have died in Thailand because they didn't have the high tech medical equipment that saved my life here a couple of years ago.  The nurses in intensive care were all very polite.:wai2:  I can do so much more stuff and have so much more fun here now than 25 years ago it seems hard to compare the two.  I was here 40 years ago and it was the pits.  Food was awful, local beer was awful, women weren't near as pretty, restaurants were awful, entertainment was basic if any.  If you liked women with hairy legs and hairy armpits you were in heaven but........

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4 hours ago, Monkeyrobot said:

The further away from tourist areas the smile gets larger, some get exited to see a Farang in there shop & practice there English skills. But I have seen some that get scared by the white mans arrival. I assure them I will not eat them to break 



What do most people go to pattaya for anyway?

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4 hours ago, bamukloy said:

Every time i held a door open, or waited in a lift for others approaching, never once has a Thai not said thankyou.


and one gets always a very polite thank you gesture stopping the car letting a pedestrian cross the street or a car enter a main street from a soi.

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Whenever if felt that the locals are not as friendly as they used to be, I used to load up with gold chains and wearing cargo pants bulging with cash. On beach road (preferably after 3 AM), I always got a very warm and friendly welcome by the lady boys. One can still experience a lot of genuine Thai Friendliness. One only has to know where to go.


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