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My first bad experience in Thailand and it was a falang that initiated it.


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The op stated that his first bad experience in Thailand and that a falang initiated it.

Well fella it seems like you initiated it, if you go mouthing of to people you don't know even in passing you can expect a reaction, like the old saying for every action there is a reaction. It sounds to me your action of mouthing of prompted the other fellas reaction of punching you of the back of a baht bus.

If I were you I would look at this as an important lesson and change your attitude, I think you got of quite lightly in this instance.

Generally speaking Pattaya as a whole attracts a quite a lot of unsavoury characters both thai and falang, saying the wrong thing or even unknowingly insulting someone can end in serious injury or even death.

If you are unable to drink without getting obnoxious then I suggest you either give up drinking or go home to wherever you come from where it is acceptable to get drunk and be obnoxious without consequence.

Edited by zd1
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14 hours ago, Merylhighground said:

There are 'good' drunks and 'bad' drunks.

It sounds like you got unlucky, however experience has taught me that any drunk is potentially volatile, regardless of their nationality or disposition when sober, and keeping your gob shut, avoiding eye contact, and  if you can't avoid proximity to them, is always a wise move. Still his behaviour is inexcusable. I hope you reported the incident to the authorities. 

One of the nicest blokes I ever knew was a lovely, charming Swedish bloke when sober though when in his cups he was a downright menace; alternatively one of the least popular, most mealy-mouthed, downright poisonous blokes I ever knew, always moaning, short tempered and Thai-bashing at any chance when sober, was surprisingly a 'good' drunk; happy, eloquent, able to hold an intelligent, reasoned debate, would love everything about being in Thailand...the booze sure is a funny thing when taken in excess...

I'm sure you'll soon get the TV puritans airing their anti-booze, anti-Pattaya agendas, clouding your thread in the process...so, here's hoping you make a full recovery and get the chance to 'discuss' the occurrence with the 'English' thug.

I knew a Swedish bloke like that spoke perfect thai and English a proper charming intelligent man, however as soon as he had a drink he would turn into a complete idiot and start insulting anybody who was anywhere near him.

His friends where making him take antibus so he couldn't drink.

Just maybe the op is a bad drunk as he states he can't remember the incident properly or even what he said, so there is probably more to this than we know.

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3 hours ago, Smudge said:


When I say I don't remember what I said, I mean I simply can't think of anything I said that would have offended someone so much.


Geez man, just tell us what you said to the guy already.  It couldn't have been that long a statement...it's not like you recited an entire chapter from War and Peace.  Maybe he thought you were coming on to him.  Or he thought you insulted his GF in some way.  I've never been so drunk that I can't remember something as vital as this.  Are you a hopeless alcoholic?


You're pretty darn lucky to be alive, by the way.  So is the guy.  If you had fallen and hit your head and died, it would have been murder. 

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17 hours ago, Smudge said:

I honestly don't remember, but I know I've said far worse in my time here, it was a nonchalant statement not directed at anyone and certainly not directed at the person in question.


I won't say I'm am angel, I say things that upset people and have done on many occasions but this caught me completely off guard... ie. hanging off the back of a baht bus.

Seems like you should:

A Stop drinking

B Learn when to speak

C GROW UP. (Bl**dy Kids)

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17 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

You don't know what you said.. you were drunk... so itld have very well been taken outan of context by the boxing man


Englishmen are mostly noble gentlemen types and would not attack someone for no reason. If you had said it was a Russian i could have believed you.. A high percentage of Russian men are dregs, drunks and degenerates and nothing would surprise me with them. 


IMHO, Anyone who uses an unfounded insult at any other race, be that against an Englishman, a Russian or an Antaric guy, deserves to be called a racist.

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By your own explanation, it is rather obvious to me you are the ass*(#e that got your ticket punched for being one.


The worse part is now coming across as the victim! Man up,  maybe next time you will be a lot smarter in your own behavior.

Edited by jackh
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The varied points of view throughout this thread are duly noted.  Yes there are lessons learned for sure.


It is, as I mentioned before,  completely out of my character to intentionally provoke or instigate any kind of conflict even after a few pints.  And I would certainly never resort to abuse and name calling to someone's face without extremely good reason.  I just don't do it.

What did I say?  I don't know, as mentioned before there was some baht bus chit-chat, nothing memorable but I am certain something I said was misinterpreted or taken completely out of context.

All that said, unless I meet the chap again I will probably never know what sparked it.  I, more than anyone else would love to know and as mentioned before would gladly apologise if I was at fault.


I am just happy I escaped with only a few scrapes, It could have been much worse!

Edited by Smudge
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My sympathies!  I too have run into hostile farang.  Once, when I was bumping elbows with a young man at a dvd store in MBK, he turned to me and said "I don't care how old you are.  I won't hesitate to knock all of your teeth down your throat."

I said nothing and walked away.  Perhaps descretion is the best aspect of valor.  I think that you are wise in not contemplating revenge.  Better luck next time but better be more careful for your own safety.

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20 hours ago, chiang mai said:

You got drunk, said something to a man but you can't remember what and he punched you, now you're complaining! Get real!!!


If it's a matter of getting real some drunks will start throwing punches just for the hell of it and for little or no reason. Especially if a girl's let them down in the small hours and they're going home empty handed.


You must surely have seen a drunk turn nasty before. There's no justification for knocking someone off a moving baht bus.


What happened about the fare. Did the driver get paid?

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you probably have to thank this first experience to yourself by saying something very wrong yourself.


Just wonder how you can remember his Englisch accent if you can't even remember your own words.

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First of all you must be an idiot hanging off the back of a baht bus sober, being drunk makes it even more stupid. I let others do that and sit down. Secondly you deliberately avoided mentioning what you said that kicked the guy off. Nobody in Pattaya goes about punching strangers for saying or doing nothing. Sounds a bit like drunk in charge of a mouth to me, learn by it.

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Sounds like you are a self confessed obnoxious pr£ck. Deserved all you got. I am sure you will get more of it in future if you do not engage your brain before your mouth. Next time it may be one of the thousands of ex-SAS members down there in that shitehole.

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OP, he plopaply heard you call him a 'faLang'...when some white bloke calls me a 'faLang' who has a fraction of my language skills I usually want to knock him into next week too...

After you've knocked him into next week maybe you could educate him as to what plopaply means.
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That's one (of the many) problems with getting drunk ... you can unwittingly turn into a pest. I'm not advocating punching a drunk man for mouthing off at me, I wouldn't feel justified in doing that, but many others would have no qualms. So if you must drink, take the taxi. You were either very unlucky, or you likely said something very offensive. You need to take some responsibility for that.

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1 hour ago, BaldPlumber said:


After you've knocked him into next week maybe you could educate him as to what plopaply means.



Too late, he's just left for the World Scrabble Championship ... Go Team FaLang!


But seriously, I do hope he's joking ... in what way is that offensive?



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