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Why do they do it?


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i'm not against elephant pants per se its just weird all the backpacker farangs have to wear the same thing. It's embarrassing. 


When in Thailand i just wear shorts and t-shirt of a random variety just as i would if i were on my hols in Spain or Turkey.

When i want to make a good impression and potentially go to bed with a HiSo Chinese-Thai high ranking government official daughter i wear jeans in nightclubs

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8 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

i'm not against elephant pants per se its just weird all the backpacker farangs have to wear the same thing. It's embarrassing. 


When in Thailand i just wear shorts and t-shirt of a random variety just as i would if i were on my hols in Spain or Turkey.

When i want to make a good impression and potentially go to bed with a HiSo Chinese-Thai high ranking government official daughter i wear jeans in nightclubs


On 8th September you posted;


I'm about to attempt to live in Thailand for a few months to see how i get on.. i only have a few hundred quid a month as an income so i'll be cheap skating it.

I have figured the cheapest way for me to eat will be cooking rice myself in a rice cooker in whatever apartment room i rent.. and supplement it with some meat or a tin of tuna.


How much is a large sack of rice in Thailand these days?"


I think the chances of you dating a HiSo Thai are pretty damn slim.





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14 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


On 8th September you posted;


I'm about to attempt to live in Thailand for a few months to see how i get on.. i only have a few hundred quid a month as an income so i'll be cheap skating it.

I have figured the cheapest way for me to eat will be cooking rice myself in a rice cooker in whatever apartment room i rent.. and supplement it with some meat or a tin of tuna.


How much is a large sack of rice in Thailand these days?"


I think the chances of you dating a HiSo Thai are pretty damn slim.





He may post under different aliases and forgets what each character has said previously. 


Some think he shares a flat with JJGreen.  Never an unspoken, random thought between them.  It does keep the General Forum ticking along though.  :rolleyes:

Edited by 55Jay
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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

I normally just wear a pair of jeans or khaki type trousers.


For some reason I don't feel the need to dress any differently based on my current geographic location.

try that in the Antarctic:laugh:

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6 hours ago, pigeonjake said:

its not just back packers,

my wife has them and i think she looks nice in them, as another poster said they are cool to have on in the hot climate

Thai's pull it off though - most actually look ok.....


My inlaws wear them around their house - but never when out in public places......


They live in the boondocks and don't wear them in public.....I don't see them on people around their local temple markets either....


Backpackers must feel it's shabby chic - along with cheap.....But they do look horrid on most farangs....Guess they can wear them out & about + as pajamas....24 hour fashion statement.....

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Here in Chiang Mai, they're sold everywhere the tourists go to shop and they're cheap.  They make a nice souvenir of Thailand and, as mentioned they're cool and comfortable.  I don't see resident expats wearing them, just the tourists, but I don't get my panties in a twist when I see foreigners wearing them around town.


Recently, I played host to a choral group of college-age women from the U.S.  I met them at the CM airport one evening and got them settled in their guesthouse in the Old City.  The next morning, I returned around 10 am to get them loaded into songthaews to their first performance at a Thai school.  I had a good chuckle to myself when I saw that several of them had already purchased and were proudly wearing pairs of Chiang Mai elephant pants.  Didn't take long.  Of course, they were being sold on the sidewalks outside their guesthouse.

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Plenty of fashion faux pas around - why stop at elephant pants - Beer Lao wife beater singlets - in fact any beer singlet, Vietnamese rice farmer hats, isaan pakomah, ....... and on it goes. One man's versace is another man's walmart - or something like that.


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17 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:


When i want to make a good impression and potentially go to bed with a HiSo Chinese-Thai high ranking government official daughter i wear jeans in nightclubs


   You must really stand out in a nightclub, everyone else is wearing designer suits and dresses and you are wearing a pair of jeans !!!!!

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Here in Chiang Mai, I've seen the same fabric that's used to make elephant pants used to make almost every article of clothing from shorts, to skirts, dresses, kids clothing and probably even underwear.  As mentioned, tourists associate the elephant symbol with Thailand.


It just so screams "I went to Thailand in 2016, did you?"  


Give it a rest.  I've seen tourists dressed in much worse ways.  At least you know the clothing is fairly new and probably won't have an odor because they bought their elephant-theme outfits here and haven't had a change to get them really grotty.

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