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SURVEY: Is Immigration becoming too intrusive?

SURVEY: Is Immigration becoming too intrusive?  

430 members have voted

  1. 1. SURVEY: Is Immigration becoming too intrusive?

    • Yes, they are becoming too intrusive and the 'bad' guys will find a way around it.
    • No, they are not and it will help to weed out the 'bad' guys.

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They can certainly reorganize a bit and make it more of a win win.  Reduce the number of traffic police whose job is to simply wave their arms around in intersections (when allowing the traffic control computers to do their job would be better for the health of said cops and more importantly pockets of the police).   You then reassign these guys to ticketing duties (revenue cha-ching!) and also to the immigration police who in turn set up immigration checkpoints and random passport check teams looking for immigration infractions, illegals, etc. with of course the appropriate fine system to be put in place (revenue cha-ching!)


cc: [email protected], [email protected]

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37 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

What would you call making me fill out paper work twice that you already have the answers to and dumping said paperwork in an inactive file that no one ever reads or refers to?  

Tedious but not harassment.

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Why?  I am being singled out for more repetitive paperwork because I live here.  I don't live anywhere else.  Thailand is the only country that makes me do repetitive paperwork.  I should know I do it.  Why would I need to travel to find out Thailand want's me to fill out repetitive paperwork.

I live here as well and have no problem with the paperwork, less than an hour out of one day every year [emoji4]
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28 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So every 90 days isn't so bad after all.


Every time landing in Damascus for the first night of every trip, 6 on/2 off, compulsory blood check and passport taken away. It was returned about a week later to site with countless stamps, both ink and paper stamps. Luckily it was the big old blue one with 90 pages so room to handle all the stamps, a real passport.

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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

How does that work when they want to expel you from the country?


Have there been any recent comments from the various authorities bout expelling people (unless of course they are convicted of specific crimes)? 

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Are expats especially prone to getting up to mischief compared Thai Nationals?


I think they should scrap the whole idea other than encouraging people to keep up to date on their residence and phone number if they should change, and that's about it.  If all SIM's are registered and they can see the one(s) put forward not getting traffic for extended periods then it might be worth further investigation.  They can track these things with extreme accuracy when combining technologies not available to the general public.


Are we talking about looking for overstayers, or proper law breakers?  I think most ex-pats would agree that they don't want their name slurred because of a couple of bad actors, and if that is the case then the survey might have very different responses.  It's a bit 'binary' for people to make a choice when there is only a yes/no input.


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2 hours ago, DKA1961 said:

Nothing to worry about if you're doing the right thing...

As long as you would be happy to give all of that to me as well. Because that's just what Thai immigration have given to me - photocopies of other applicants personal information right down to passport copy, bank account numbers and balance and email address - on the back of the recycled paper they use for their own list of requirements and regulations!!!

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It is in reality, from my perspective, asking for information that they already possess.  However, it does seem that it is bureaucracy, intrusive on my time and effort.  Having filled it in 3 months ago, I went with a photocopy when I next went for a 90 days visit.  No one asked for it and so I didn't offer it.  I will repeat this precaution next time.

On an note of empathy, I don't think that immigration staff want it.  It creates more unnecessary work for them.  I can't see how it achieves any purpose in catching "bad" people, but then, I don't think the 90 days check does either.

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The real thing is it has become super over the TOP now as every time we leave home we then must return back only to run and re-register back as staying in our Officially Registered listed home (House, apt, condo, place of living). They track us every where else, all the while the criminals are running amuck, It is a total insult to us who stay in proper line. And we 99.999% of all are not able to become citizens or the second best of choice. Total insult again as is here, the money only talks. .  

Edited by holy cow cm
spelling errors and add a sentence.
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2 hours ago, Scotwight said:

They already know everything about people on retirement extensions the form is just extra paperwork to harass the old fellow.  

I agree. I really find their hypocrisy humorous with the Ex-Pat fair trying to make/show us how much they appreciate/love us. Then on the other hand they throw new forms and maybe special sim cards at us its all rather demeaning. I think the long stayers who have been here 5 years or more deserve some kind of preferred treatment they have proved themselves. Yes I agree with good in bad out but try and narrow down and target the prey your looking for not treat us all like criminals. When I filed the new form at immigration I gave some details did not sign or date it and the interview officer threw it on a pile not giving it even a cursory look. He seem to pay more attention to  my bank book. Call it tourist profiling or whatever you wish but is sure does not seem to be a welcome sign like TAT is trying to purvey with its Ex-Pats fair. Next I guess they might turn it into a road show. False propaganda. I can hard wait till it comes to Chiang Mai. 

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2 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I think the long stayers who have been here 5 years or more deserve some kind of preferred treatment they have proved themselves.

I'm fairly certain many of those Pattaya-based Australian biker criminals on steroids we hear about from time to time have been here "5 years or more"

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Its the usual thing, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. From what I read regarding these new questions, I feel it is an unnecessery intrusion.

What do they hope to gain? Or is it just to intimidate?

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2 hours ago, Scotwight said:

They already know everything about people on retirement extensions the form is just extra paperwork to harass the old fellow.  


Status never changes, people never move, divorces never happen, finances never dwindle to nothing, unregistered businesses never spring up in garages, people over 50 never hack people up and put them in freezers?


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3 minutes ago, Surasak said:

Its the usual thing, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.

When I hear this sort of idiocy at, say, a dinner party, I invite the speaker to tell us the details of his income, the money he owes etc. It's amazing how many married men (including, usually, the speaker) don't want to answer that question in front of their wife. However in Norway everyone's income tax return is published online for everyone to see

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1 minute ago, anotheruser said:

These polls always seem to be designed to put words into peoples mouths. How about "Yes, they are becoming more intrusive but hopefully it will get rid of some bad guys." 


If it is going to be a poll with only two answers they would be best off with a just yes or no. Both views expressed in the poll are opinions that are too narrow. This makes it so i am unable to answer the poll. 


And I also think some people are confused by the fact that they only get intrusive after you've pretty much settled here.  


Unlike our own governments who will know a Thai's underwear size before they're even allowed on the plane.

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2 hours ago, DKA1961 said:

Nothing to worry about if you're doing the right thing...

I disagree. Information in Thailand is not held in a very secure way. Anyone getting that information can use it for many things. Maybe you have heard of identity theft? If not I suggest you read about it

Edited by gandalf12
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7 minutes ago, impulse said:


Status never changes, people never move, divorces never happen, finances never dwindle to nothing, unregistered businesses never spring up in garages, people over 50 never hack people up and put them in freezers?


They get address information every 90 days and a complete work up every 12 months.  Why duplicate the information?  Harassment.

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2 hours ago, Mbaki said:

Nothing harassing about it, if I had immigrants coming to my country to live I'd want to know everything I about them as well.

Facebook, line, email, car, bike, bank account, that isnt really required. I just had a visit to immigration and apart from name d.o.b. which was on the application form already, every other question i answered N/A. 

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It cracks me up when people complain about the 'invasiveness' of Thai immigration officials. Tried to get into Australia or the US lately? Some of these guys make Germany in the 30s  seem like a holiday. Look how much the NSA intrudes into peoples lives in the US and Thailand is hardly on a par when it comes to foreign nationals.


The form is a minor inconvenience and is just as bit frustrating for the officials who chuck it on the 'ignore' file. 


Tracking foreigners has already backfired and will not occur, but there was a positive side to that as well with backpackers mommies complaining if they hadn't facebooked for 48 hours.


Sometimes I think people doth protest too much- especially with the attitudes and policies of Immigration officials in their own countries. At least we can get into Thailand!

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15 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

They get address information every 90 days and a complete work up every 12 months.  Why duplicate the information?  Harassment.


Because people lie on the 90 day forms and 12 month workups and a visit to the home will expose the lies- and any bodies in the fridge, printing presses in the bedroom  or warehouses in the garage?

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No problems for me, Si Sa Ket office great place very friendly & efficient, local police came 2 weeks ago same very friendly simple questions,  also makes me feel safer knowing the officials know who & where I am.

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It is my impression that there is quite a discrepancy between what I read in the media and what happens to me personally.

I had to file the 90 days report and I just recently had to renew my visa at Bangkok's Chaeng Wattana building.

No intrusive questions were asked, all forms were the same as always and the checking of my visa renewal application took less than 5 minutes. OK, here was some waiting before, but the actual checking was lightning fast. Same for the renewal of the Re-entry visa.


But if in the future they really are going to ask me to fill out these infamous snooping forms, I will either refuse or put non-sense in it.

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2 hours ago, silverhawk_usa said:

It is the repetiveness that bothers me most.  Asking for the same information on multiple forms, which they already have on my visa extensions, and the fact that they now have more photos of me than I have myself.  Keyword: Computers.  Use them as they are intended.


Therein is likely where the problem lies.


The additional paperwork/request for information looks to me that someone is starting a new database and they haven't quite figured out how to retrieve current information, kept on different databases, to query and merge with the new one.


Not all information you give them goes into the one pot............................;)

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The real Big Fish criminals can apply for Thai Elite and forget about any immigration hassles for years. It is usually those modest and honest earners who are mistreated by Thai immigration the most. Thais are very superficial (in almost everything) and nothing can be done here. 

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3 hours ago, Scotwight said:

Vietnam has untrustworthy monopoly money and no one with a lick of sense would invest there.  GDP Vietnam compared to Thailand,  $2000 to $6000.  Get real.

When I originally moved to Thaiand the GDP was $7400 so by your numbers Thailand is to be avoided due to deterioration. Actually Thai GDP now is much higher at around $15,000.

I am not sure that should be the factor, initially a low GDP and weak currency should make Vietnam attractive for an Expat to move to, along with ease of visas and life in general. Plus if it is a place of rapid growth, that too is a good, positive factor.

The currency, well an Expat has the ability to vary his holdings. Only if forced to invest and, like Thailand does, require you to keep a substantial bank account in local currency, is it a concern.


I shall be visiting Vietnam soon to check it out.

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