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inexpensive drone for son


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I've definitely seen them prominently displayed in large malls in Bkk..., come to think of it I think I recently saw some on display in a window out at Central Festival Mall..., 2nd or 3rd floor...., unless I  was dreaming...., again.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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Thailand’s transport ministry next month will implement new regulations prohibiting the unlicensed use of aerial drones, according to Thai PBS.

The ministry says the drones are a threat to aviation safety, national security, and privacy. While "drone" can have many meanings, in this case it refers to any unmanned aerial vehicle, primarily multi-rotor helicopters.

The country’s air chief marshal Prajin Juntong says the new regulation is being drawn up by the Civil Aviation Department under the Air Navigation Act and will be submitted to the cabinet for approval before going into affect.

Personal drones will more or less be banned outright due to their interference with other aircraft and capability of carrying cameras that can infringe on people’s privacy.

Those using drones for sports, education, and research will be allowed to apply for a permit, but must still meet a list of criteria. A drone’s weight, size, and power consumption must meet certain requirements under the new law. They also cannot be flown for more than one hour at a time and must stay between 15 and 150 meters. Commercial planes fly at over 300 meters, and drones flying too high could interfere with their systems. Flying a drone so low that it disturbs residential areas is also against the rules.

Breaking the law could land the pilot a year in prison and a fine of up to 40,000 baht (US$1,230).


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Well, that's almost 2 years old "news". Was probably hot air as so many  things. Someone makes some noise, enjoys his moment in history and disappears afterwards to an inactive post :).


You can get the smaller drones everywhere for less than 100$ incl. camera. Just keep in mind that these lightweight things are rather difficult to control outside and a bit of wind may easily throw them off course. Battery lasts only for about 2...3 mins, so keep a close eye where it went. Needs quite a bit of practice too whereas the bigger ones (Phantom etc.) are almost full-automatic, fly independently and even return if you lose them.

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12 minutes ago, MadMac said:

Well, that's almost 2 years old "news". Was probably hot air as so many  things. Someone makes some noise, enjoys his moment in history and disappears afterwards to an inactive post :).


You can get the smaller drones everywhere for less than 100$ incl. camera. Just keep in mind that these lightweight things are rather difficult to control outside and a bit of wind may easily throw them off course. Battery lasts only for about 2...3 mins, so keep a close eye where it went. Needs quite a bit of practice too whereas the bigger ones (Phantom etc.) are almost full-automatic, fly independently and even return if you lose them.


No, it was made into That law , here is the Thai law regarding drones


1. Before flight
(a) Check that the drone and remote control is in a good condition to fly
(b) You have permission from the owner of the land where you wish to fly
(c) You have checked the environment and airspace of the location you are flying
(d) You have an emergency plan in case of an accident

2. During the flight
(a) It is forbidden to fly in a way that may cause harm to the life, property and peace of others.
(b) It is forbidden to fly in restricted zones as announced in “Aeronautical Information Publication – Thailand” and also at government buildings and hospitals unless permission is given.
(c) The take-off and landing must not be obstructed by anything
(d) You must keep the drone in line-of-sight at all times and not rely on the monitor or other devices
(e) You can only fly between sunrise and sunset when the drone can clearly be seen
(f) It is forbidden to fly in or near clouds
(g) It is forbidden to fly within nine kilometres of an airport or in the flight path unless you have permission from aircraft control.
(h) It is forbidden to fly higher than ninety metres above the ground.
(i) It is forbidden to fly over cities, villages, communities or areas where people are gathered.
(j) Do not fly near other aircraft that have pilots
(k) Do not violate the privacy rights of others
(l) Do not cause a nuisance to others
(m) Do not mount anything danergous or lasers on the drone
(n) It is forbidden to fly closer than 30 meters to people, vehicles or buildings

If your drone is in Category 1 but weighs more than two kilos but less than 25 kilos, you must be at least twenty years of age, not a threat to national security and never been imprisoned. You must also have a license to fly from the Director General of the Department of Civil Aviation. You have to follow the rules as outlined above but in addition you must have more knowledge about drone maintence and safety and aircraft rules. You must have emergency equipment on hand such as fire extinguisher. You also must have third party insurance of not less than one million Baht. Finally, in the list above, clause (n) the distance between drone and people, buildings, cars etc cannot be less than 50 metres. If you have an accident, you must inform authorities immediately.




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1 hour ago, sanemax said:


No, it was made into That law , here is the Thai law regarding drones



Sorry, but this is a list of recommendations. Not a law to ban drones. Perhaps you have a source for it?

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49 minutes ago, MadMac said:


Sorry, but this is a list of recommendations. Not a law to ban drones. Perhaps you have a source for it?


  Well then if these are just recommendations and not actual law, then he has nothing to worry about , doe he ?

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:


  Well then if these are just recommendations and not actual law, then he has nothing to worry about , doe he ?


So no source for it. Does not really help I suppose.

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I bought one from a mail-order website (GF found it on mobile phone) in Bangkok for my daughter about 1½ year ago – about 2,500 baht, I think, +/- 500 baht – paid to Postman Pat upon delivery. Works fine, but it's just a toy; however the camera is actually quite Okay. The mail-order website advertised at Thai Visa Forum may have it...:smile:

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I see/hear an aircraft about twice a week for maybe a total of ten minutes each hear in Jomtien. Never seen one close to the ground or on the beach or over the beach. Now those paragrlider guys/gals could be in trouble if a drone were to be flown on the beach where they are.

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Hmmm, you need to specify "inexpensive". I'm looking into getting one soon. Coincidentally there is a shop that sells drones, spare parts etc in my wifes moo-baan in Nonthaburi. Next time I'm there I will pay them a visit. They have a website and I have been eyeing the Phantom 3 advanced ( this would be my first drone ). I did some research on amazon.com. they list the features of the drone models side by side...very informative.

The website of the Nonthaburi shop: http://www.k-rc.net/


Keep us posted if you end up buying one and how you like it please.

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try this. https://www.amainhobbies.com/blade-helis-inductrix-fpv-rtf-ultra-micro-electric-quadcopter-drone-blh8500/p531819


Everything to get started is included, and it flies indoors. We use these as a beginner racing class indoors. There is a shop in Singapore that sells them local to you. Search for mini whoop.



CEO, SimpleUAVs

Promoter and Safety, SeattleFPVRacing.org



Edited by jzika1
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They certainly sell drones in Thailand.  Saw them at an Apple Store on Sunday.  Low price way to go, which is what I did for my son, is to buy online at a hobby store.  You buy a kit - choose the body, batteries, motors etc.. I have zero technical talent and was able to do it.  It drone is fast and reliable.  I bought the kit online in Canada.  I am sure you can find similar in your home country or perhaps in an Asian country.

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I got a jjrc h8c. It has a camera and a tv display on the remote control. Which is not much use except you can see what the drone sees after it crashed so you can locate it easily :) Fly time is about 5 minutes on a full battery charge. camera video can be recorded on a micro SD card in decent quality. It is 185 grams, even if it crashes it can not do much damage.


Easy to fly but with a little wind the drone can be blown away, not having enough power to match the wind speed. In Europe you can buy it for about 2000 baht.


When flying, stay far away from water pools and trees :). You can fly it inside the house also if you do not have chinese Ming vases standing around. 


For 2000 bath you should be able to find something. 


If you want something with gps and longer fly times you will have to look in the 20,000 bath range.

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:


No, it was made into That law , here is the Thai law regarding drones


1. Before flight
(a) Check that the drone and remote control is in a good condition to fly
(b) You have permission from the owner of the land where you wish to fly
(c) You have checked the environment and airspace of the location you are flying
(d) You have an emergency plan in case of an accident

2. During the flight
(a) It is forbidden to fly in a way that may cause harm to the life, property and peace of others.
(b) It is forbidden to fly in restricted zones as announced in “Aeronautical Information Publication – Thailand” and also at government buildings and hospitals unless permission is given.
(c) The take-off and landing must not be obstructed by anything
(d) You must keep the drone in line-of-sight at all times and not rely on the monitor or other devices
(e) You can only fly between sunrise and sunset when the drone can clearly be seen
(f) It is forbidden to fly in or near clouds
(g) It is forbidden to fly within nine kilometres of an airport or in the flight path unless you have permission from aircraft control.
(h) It is forbidden to fly higher than ninety metres above the ground.
(i) It is forbidden to fly over cities, villages, communities or areas where people are gathered.
(j) Do not fly near other aircraft that have pilots
(k) Do not violate the privacy rights of others
(l) Do not cause a nuisance to others
(m) Do not mount anything danergous or lasers on the drone
(n) It is forbidden to fly closer than 30 meters to people, vehicles or buildings

If your drone is in Category 1 but weighs more than two kilos but less than 25 kilos, you must be at least twenty years of age, not a threat to national security and never been imprisoned. You must also have a license to fly from the Director General of the Department of Civil Aviation. You have to follow the rules as outlined above but in addition you must have more knowledge about drone maintence and safety and aircraft rules. You must have emergency equipment on hand such as fire extinguisher. You also must have third party insurance of not less than one million Baht. Finally, in the list above, clause (n) the distance between drone and people, buildings, cars etc cannot be less than 50 metres. If you have an accident, you must inform authorities immediately.




The only point that needs your undivided attention here is

1 Before the Flight

Clause [ d ]   You have a emergency plan in case of an accident

The answer to that is obvious

All other clauses are optional

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13 minutes ago, playyer said:

Good article here:



It seems like everything under 2 kgs, and you follow the rules outlined, then you are ok. This was the latest proposal, not sure if it is written into law yet.


Heavier drones might need a license.

Seems like the law was published in the Royal Gazette...............


''Now finally comes the publication of the the new and updated drone law in the Royal Gazette. "

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:


  You quite clearly stated that those were just recommendations and not Thai law .

Nothing more to add .


Right, you copy something from Google without understanding what it's about, nor having any sources, and then tell someone else to take the blame :D. I call that troll.


Anyway, unless proven otherwise, it appears there is no law against drones in Thailand to date.

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1 minute ago, MadMac said:


Right, you copy something from Google without understanding what it's about, nor having any sources, and then tell someone else to take the blame :D. I call that troll.


Anyway, unless proven otherwise, it appears there is no law against drones in Thailand to date.


   He quite clearly stated that the laws were not laws, just guidelines and I didnt contest that .

Its not me who is going to go and buy one and fly it .

   Surely you can do a google search and find out for yourself ?

Open Google : "Drones , Thailand , Illegal"

Do some looking for yourself

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You misunderstood my point. You quoted two long "legal texts", or at least you made it look like that. I simply asked you for your source, which you still do not provide. 


 I can google myself, certainly, and if I find helpful information I may quote that with the relevant source. 'nough said.

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