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Trump may not have paid income tax for 18 years


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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

For the American voter and the World- it is about  financial security and physical security.  Donald Trump would destroy everything Americans have worked for as well as taking down the World economy because of his self centered approach to everything. It is about the future course of America and the World and about our children and grandchildren. Do you really want a President who denigrates women; shows a racist trend towards people of color and other nationalities and makes fun of the disabled. His rhetoric alone and temperament shows he could never represent the qualities of America. Not only will Trump never make America great again he will destroy America's standing in the World and put America on sale.

I could never vote for someone like Trump who is so divisive and selfish.  While Clinton is not an ideal candidate when compared to Trump she is America's only choice. 


Well said.  And thankfully, a majority of American voters have at least a modicum of common sense, and will send HRC through to the White House.   ....unless Trump is successful in getting one of his whacko 'Second Amenders' to shoot her dead.

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27 minutes ago, Strange said:


Yes, I would. Particularly where Trump breaks income tax laws. That would be good. 

You ask how it can be cheating if it is legal, you get that explained with examples. Now you ask the same question again.

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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I would not put it past Trump to be using a selection of Romney-esque shell companies home and abroad to shuffle money around and avoid tax.




I can guarantee there is a labyrinth of offshore companies and entities that have been set up to do his transactions with the Russian oligarchs. They would insist on it, and anyway, it is just good business for both liability avoidance and tax avoidance depending on the structures. None of this is to defend Trump who I find abhorrent, both as a businessman and a person, but someone with his wealth and complex financial arrangements for sure uses offshore structuring.


Again, however, that doesn't play well with Mr. Joe Q. Public American packing his lunch box to work off at the factory every day.

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2 minutes ago, stevenl said:
31 minutes ago, Strange said:


Yes, I would. Particularly where Trump breaks income tax laws. That would be good. 

You ask how it can be cheating if it is legal, you get that explained with examples. Now you ask the same question again.


Yeah, I was hoping for examples of trump cheating, but instead I got an example of dude getting my (hypothetical) daughter drunk and sleeping with her. 


Second, if I was paying for a job, and it was not done properly, I would damn sure not pay the last installment. the hell kinda example is that? 


Finally, we are talking about income taxes, and thats what I was hoping to get, not condescending kindergarten examples. 

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29 minutes ago, Strange said:


Yeah, I was hoping for examples of trump cheating, but instead I got an example of dude getting my (hypothetical) daughter drunk and sleeping with her. 


Second, if I was paying for a job, and it was not done properly, I would damn sure not pay the last installment. the hell kinda example is that? 


Finally, we are talking about income taxes, and thats what I was hoping to get, not condescending kindergarten examples. 

Since the given examples went right over your head I have lost hope.

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what a ridiculous debate.


I don't like Trump and I think he is indeed unfit for presidency, at least for US presidency - maybe he would do a good job in the Philippines - but I think before declaring a loss of nearly one billion, his companies in the past probably also were taxed on substantial profits - otherwise what campany can afford to lose a billion?


Rather concentrate on his dishonest business practices, such as not paying his bills. This disqualifies him more than this ridiculous tax story.


Nobody should like to pay taxes, the only people who don't care about taxes should be the people who don't make enough money to pay any, and they shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.

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11 minutes ago, manarak said:

what a ridiculous debate.


I don't like Trump and I think he is indeed unfit for presidency, at least for US presidency - maybe he would do a good job in the Philippines - but I think before declaring a loss of nearly one billion, his companies in the past probably also were taxed on substantial profits - otherwise what campany can afford to lose a billion?


Rather concentrate on his dishonest business practices, such as not paying his bills. This disqualifies him more than this ridiculous tax story.


Nobody should like to pay taxes, the only people who don't care about taxes should be the people who don't make enough money to pay any, and they shouldn't be allowed to vote in the first place.


He didn't break any laws and luckily he would have to become a felon to lose his voting rights.... 

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The following video is recommended.  If you're short of time, skip the first half, and watch the three knowledgeable men (one is a tax professor) discuss Trump cheating the system.  It could have been titled:  TRUMP SLINKS OUT OF ATLANTIC CITY WITH TENS OF MILLIONS, WHILE TRUMP INVESTORS ARE LEFT WITH PENNIES.



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2 hours ago, Strange said:

Yeah, I was hoping for examples of trump cheating, but instead I got an example of dude getting my (hypothetical) daughter drunk and sleeping with her.  Second, if I was paying for a job, and it was not done properly, I would damn sure not pay the last installment. the hell kinda example is that? 

Finally, we are talking about income taxes, and thats what I was hoping to get, not condescending kindergarten examples. 


I think you and I are quite different.  If I made a deal with a construction worker (btw, my word is as good as a signed contract), and his work was not satisfactory, I would work with him to fix the situation, so that it became win-win for us both. On the other hand, if I was Trump, I would simply not pay him, not be available to discuss the issue, and laugh while shouting out my limousine window, "go ahead and sue me sucker.  ha ha ha."  There are many substantiated stories of work being completed satisfactorily for Trump, and him not paying.  Do some research.  That's cheating.


Strange claims, "Yeah, I was hoping for examples of trump cheating,......."


You weren't hoping for examples of Trump cheating. Even if I listed 50 clear examples of Trump cheating, along with evidence/witnesses/sources, you would poop on it.   You saying that, is akin to Trump saying (as he did last year): "I would love to release my tax statements, believe me."   Precisely the same amount of sincerity.

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15 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Let's say you are right. It still makes him an incredibly SUCCESSFULLY con man. Not paying any taxes legally sounds pretty smart to me


Not only does Trump legally game a corrupt system created for the benefit of the landlord class (remember that when Adam Smith talked about a "free market" he was talking about a market free from the avarice of rentiers and monopolists) he is indeed the greatest example in history of the classic street con man from Queens who can get you "the best" of anything you want.  But even more remarkable is that the man has conned so many into thinking he is a credible candidate form President of the United States.  His success in coning people is remarkable indeed!  But then again, I spent decades in the general retail trade where one of our maxims was "the masses are asses".

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Further evidence that certain folk will twist their principles , ignore logic and fact , indeed become total hypocrites simply because they ' hate ' the other side.

we often criticise politicians for their lack of honesty and integrity but are a huge percentage of the electorate any better ?

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Former accountant refutes Trump’s tax brilliance: I did all the work 

"Donald Trump’s former accountant challenged the Republican presidential nominee’s assertion that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes."


“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,”

Jack Mitnick, a former Trump family accountant, told Inside Edition’s Steven Fabian"




The Bloviator taking credit for something he hadn't done. Again.

“I mean, honestly, I have brilliantly — I have brilliantly used those laws."


Whatta surprise...

Reminds me of all those books he says he "wrote"... :whistling:

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23 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

What a load of crap. He lost lots of money many years ago and has been living like a king ever since. That makes him a good businessman compared to most of us. He has paid the taxes that he was required to and nothing more. There is nothing here to see. 

There's lots to see, if you look.

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I met a young German guy who worked as a plasterer on construction sites. He said, if he saw any tools unattended, he would take them home as his own.  He said every worker did it.  I was surprised.  In my country, that's stealing, plain and simple.


This crap with Trump and his taxes is about differences in perspective.  Trump supporters see all the things he does as 'brilliant' and 'business genius'.   Others, like myself, see it as cheating, similar to the example I gave in the paragraph above.


It gets back to one of the sub-arguments on this thread:  Trump fans figure if something is legal, then it can't be cheating.  I don't see that at all.  I can think of scores of scenarios where something is legal but is also cheating.  Trump has cheated an average of a billion or more dollars per year, every year for the past 40 years.  He not only cheats investors, contractors, and bank loan idiots (who keep shoveling money into his lap, .....money which won't get paid back), ......but he cheats the American people.  Consider:  most of us regular, non millionaires/billionaires pay for a portion of the roads, docks, traffic lights, police, ambulances, fire safety, national park rangers, school lunches for impoverished kids, skull repair for injured war vets, etc etc that taxes pay for.  Trump doesn't pay one thin dime.  

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Here's another example of Trump cheating the system but it's not technically illegal. So, because, it's not actively illegal, it's fine (and savvy and genius) according to his fans.


 At least two out of his three most recent construction projects HAVE USED CHINESE STEEL AND ALUMINIUM.  Plus the loans for those materials come from Chinese banks.  So, while he keeps shouting re-faced to Americans about how he's going to bring jobs back from China to America, he is actually spending hundreds of millions of $$'s buying products from China, including % on Chinese bank loans.



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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

... Consider:  most of us regular, non millionaires/billionaires pay for a portion of the roads, docks, traffic lights, police, ambulances, fire safety, national park rangers, school lunches for impoverished kids, skull repair for injured war vets, etc etc that taxes pay for.  Trump doesn't pay one thin dime.  

And he manages to do this because of the free pass he gets for his seriously bad business management all those years ago.


Welcome to land of the free free pass and the home of the brave shonky.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's another example of Trump cheating the system but it's not technically illegal. So, because, it's not actively illegal, it's fine (and savvy and genius) according to his fans.


 At least two out of his three most recent construction projects HAVE USED CHINESE STEEL AND ALUMINIUM.  Plus the loans for those materials come from Chinese banks.  So, while he keeps shouting re-faced to Americans about how he's going to bring jobs back from China to America, he is actually spending hundreds of millions of $$'s buying products from China, including % on Chinese bank loans


Yeah, but, um, I work in the industrial field and 99.999% of raw materials come from china regardless of region. 


From a business standpoint, makes sense to me, I can't see anything wrong. I see no cheating and no law breaking. 


From a presidential debate standpoint, so Trump is a business man and looking to maximize profit. He does this successfully. Now he is running for president, and I would think that this experience as a businessman would give him better experience than "Hill" on how to reduce bureaucracy for US business to actually want to operate in the US again. Let alone pretty much ANY business topic whatsoever trump will be more experienced than "Hill"


So yeah next....  

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We All Avoid Taxes


"The rejoinder to those congratulating themselves on paying taxes is, Do you take deductions? Do you employ an accountant? Or, Do you pay taxes that you don’t technically owe?

"Almost no one does the latter, of course, at least not intentionally. We all operate in keeping with another chestnut from another jurist, Judge Learned Hand. He wrote in a 1935 case: 'Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands.' ”


Edited by Fookhaht
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This is a man who has intentionally cheated small business owners in several well documented cases, driving them to the brink of bankruptcy. So I say knowing this - and we all do - who gives a fart about his tax returns!


The idea that the little people - and I don't mean this in a condescending manner at all but "little" as in compared to his wealth and fame - believe that this crook has any use for them or will care about them or even make the right decisions, when he can't keep anything straight in his mind and keeps flippin' & floppin' is laughable. You Trump fans are dreaming becuase you just see what you want to see while the writing is already 10 feet tall on the <deleted> wall (and no, I'm not a Hillary fan). Like lambs to the slaughter.


Roger Cohen summed it up nicely in the NYT 2 days ago:



How is this possible? It is possible because spectacle and politics have merged and people no longer know fact from fiction or care about the distinction. It is possible because fear has entered people’s lives and that fear is easily manipulated. It is possible because technology has created anxiety-multipliers such as have never been known before. It is possible because America is a country living with the dim dissatisfaction of two wars without victory and the untold trillions spent on them. It is possible because a very large number of people want to give the finger to the elites who brought the crash of 2008 and rigged the global system and granted themselves impunity. It is possible because of growing inequality and existential dread, especially among the white losers from globalization who know minorities will be the majority in the United States by midcentury. It is possible because both major parties have abandoned the working class. It is possible because a lot of Americans feel the incumbent in the White House has undersold the United States, diminished its distinctive and exceptional nature, talked down its power, and so diluted its greatness and abdicated its responsibility for the well-being of the free world. It is possible because the identity politics embraced by urban, cosmopolitan liberals have provoked an inevitable backlash among those who think white lives matter, too. It is possible because Trump speaks to the basest but also some of the most ineradicable traits of human beings — their capacity for mob anger, their racist resentments, their cruelty, their lust, their search for scapegoats, their insecurities — and promises a miraculous makeover. It is possible because the Clinton family has been in the White House and cozy with the rich and close to the summit of a discredited political establishment for a quarter-century now and, to people who want change or bridle at dynastic privilege, that makes Hillary Clinton an unattractive candidate. It is possible because history demonstrates there is no limit to human folly or the dimensions of the disasters humanity can bring on itself.


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8 hours ago, Strange said:


Yeah, but, um, I work in the industrial field and 99.999% of raw materials come from china regardless of region. 


From a business standpoint, makes sense to me, I can't see anything wrong. I see no cheating and no law breaking. 


From a presidential debate standpoint, so Trump is a business man and looking to maximize profit. He does this successfully. Now he is running for president, and I would think that this experience as a businessman would give him better experience than "Hill" on how to reduce bureaucracy for US business to actually want to operate in the US again. Let alone pretty much ANY business topic whatsoever trump will be more experienced than "Hill"


So yeah next....  

Stop trying to make sense and use logic. You are talking to hard-wired Liberals who actually hate Trump - they have no logic and very little sense. :smile:


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8 hours ago, Strange said:


Yeah, but, um, I work in the industrial field and 99.999% of raw materials come from china regardless of region. 


From a business standpoint, makes sense to me, I can't see anything wrong. I see no cheating and no law breaking. 


From a presidential debate standpoint, so Trump is a business man and looking to maximize profit. He does this successfully. Now he is running for president, and I would think that this experience as a businessman would give him better experience than "Hill" on how to reduce bureaucracy for US business to actually want to operate in the US again. Let alone pretty much ANY business topic whatsoever trump will be more experienced than "Hill"


So yeah next....  

So, you don' see anything stange with a "man" that attack everybody about taking jobs out of th USA and he does it himself??


He only makes profit from screwing small people, and you think this makes him a great business man??


He, the "man" lost about a billion dolar in one year! Yes you are right, he is good in business.


Al by al you don't see tomuch, do you? And that's not only about this post, but also the other stuff you post to defend your here.


I have to agree, again, with boomarangutang; Read the black lines in a post, and not the white stuff in between.


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23 hours ago, Chicog said:

I would not put it past Trump to be using a selection of Romney-esque shell companies home and abroad to shuffle money around and avoid tax.


You're on the mark.


A report came out today which indicates Trump bought tons of Chinese steel and aluminum for several of his recent buildings.  The report also mentioned shell companies (mostly orchestrated by the Chinese sellers and banks who were probably asked by Trump's people to disguise the purchases) involved.


When Trump supporters hear this, they'll either say it's not true, or it shows what a savvy businessman he is.  No matter that Trump has repeatedly railed about shutting down businesses which do deals with (or send jobs to) countries outside the US.   Yes, Trump does create jobs, but most of them are in China.

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13 minutes ago, dutchisaan said:

So, you don' see anything stange with a "man" that attack everybody about taking jobs out of th USA and he does it himself??


He only makes profit from screwing small people, and you think this makes him a great business man??


He, the "man" lost about a billion dolar in one year! Yes you are right, he is good in business.


Al by al you don't see tomuch, do you? And that's not only about this post, but also the other stuff you post to defend your here.


I have to agree, again, with boomarangutang; Read the black lines in a post, and not the white stuff in between.



The only attacking I see is FROM the left TO the right on Trump and his businesses. If I was going strictly on "Who knows how to reduce bureaucracy and bring back companies" Isn't that obvious? It aint "Hill" and she hasn't done ANYTHING about it and it wasn't even a "talking point" for her until Trump. 


How exactly is he screwing small people? Sounds like a "Hill" ad. Geez man honestly if you go by your standards, every single business in the world is screwing the small person. You think people at the top know anything about the people at the bottom? You think trump writes the checks? If someone does not do a good job or does not complete the job, you gonna pay because.... What? Charity? 


Ill defend what I want, and ill call them like I see them if I need to. Dont care if you like it or not. 

Agree with whoever you want, makes zero difference to me. I just feel sorry for some of you that are getting duped by "Hill". They are both terrible candidates, but everyone should at least try to look through the BS from BOTH sides instead of slurping it up blindly. 

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