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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

Obviously the Dems were holding on to this, .....

Trump will take a hit but with nearly a month to go, he can recover, starting in the next debate. Has crooked Hillary got the timing wrong - I certainly hope so.  The next debate will be very 'entertaining' indeed - all viewing records will be broken.

I am still wondering - what has wikileaks got on Hillary??  Will they release it when she has no time to recover? Maybe just before the last debate?


Interesting, that as a Trump fan, you see everything as a giant conspiracy.  You can wonder what Wikileaks may have on HRC, but most Americans are wondering what Trump has in his tax statements, that compel him to hide them at all costs. For this year's return, he's using the soggy excuse that they're being audited (only his staunchest fans go along with that).  Yet there are twenty years' prior returns.  Why hide them, Trump?  Actually I have strong indications why, but it would be better to see the returns in black and white, rather than hear it from someone like me, who is subjective and rather well-versed on some of Trumps most glaring wheeling dealings.


I bet Putin is depressed at the news from the US campaign.  He was hoping Trump would get the top prize, so it would make it easier for Putin to continue cobbling together its former Soviet states back to the loving arms of Mother Russia.   China too is probably annoyed, now that it's clear Trump will lose.  China doesn't want to deal with HRC because they know she's tough-minded, has resolve, and isn't shy about speaking out on human rights and Climate Change.  Trump, on the other hand, is a wild card, and is well known for being wishy washy and flip-flopping.   The worst China would get from Trump is a trade war, and China would probably win that.

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14 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


No it's not -- it's what he said, on several occasions. And it's not very poetic, at least to my ears! Trump supporters consistently claim that Trump's plainspokenness, his no-BS approach, is what they admire most about him. So suddenly, when he says something screwy (which is 95 percent of the time), it's all just rhetoric and poetry, in other words BS? Why shouldn't I take him for his word? Isn't that what's so great about him?


One thing that's clear, though, is that he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. On some occasions, rather than the US plundering foreign oil, he's suggested that Russia should take care of ISIS. On other occasions -- private meetings with defense advisers, which should be campaign-rhetoric-free zones -- he's asked repeatedly why the US can't use its nuclear arsenal. I honestly don't believe, should he somehow find his way in the White House, that he'd lead us straight to nuclear war -- I'm not a total alarmist, and someone would manage to put a lid on him -- but the whole picture here is one of a man who has no idea whatsoever what he's talking about.

Ok...we'll put down for Hillary.

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13 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So that's why she voted for the Iraq war...you're not helping your case here. Hillary has been in government in one capacity or another for 30 years and we know her record...failed healthcare reform, repeal of Glass-Steagal (techincally on Bill's watch but are you going to argue they didn't have pillow-talk conversations about decisions he made), unalloewed support for Wall Street and the rape of the US Treasury and taxpayers during the lead up to and after the 2008 financial collapse, her support for the ouster of the Quadafi regime in Libya and all that has followed from that. The point is that Hillary has a record in government and it isn't a good one...and I'm not one to support giving her up to 8 more years at the very tip-top of that government.


PS: Please note I'm not even taking into account her collosal misjudment in the emal server fiasco, which again shows the bad judgment that follows this woman around like a bad rash...I know I know, she has appoligized for that too after the fact and eqivocating on it for months so that makes it ok I guess.


I'll just say that she has a mixed record -- some good, some bad, and I do have reservations about her, particular the closeness to Wall Street. I think she has the potential to be a good president, however. And, given the choice, she could grow actual horns out of the sides of her head and I'd still choose her over her opponent, whose flaws I see as overwhelmingly worse.


Oh My God in Pattaya! I've frittered away half the day on this forum and have to get to work so am signing out. Perhaps we'll quarrel again! --

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1 minute ago, Cory1848 said:


I'll just say that she has a mixed record -- some good, some bad, and I do have reservations about her, particular the closeness to Wall Street. I think she has the potential to be a good president, however. And, given the choice, she could grow actual horns out of the sides of her head and I'd still choose her over her opponent, whose flaws I see as overwhelmingly worse.


Oh My God in Pattaya! I've frittered away half the day on this forum and have to get to work so am signing out. Perhaps we'll quarrel again! --

It's been nice have a civil debate with you...so different than the juvenile taunts and insults that passes for debate with so many others here.

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3 hours ago, Mekong Thunder said:

Can you imagine having a guy run for President that...well,talks like a guy just shocking?
I think that underestimating and insulting the electorate's overall intelligence which Hilary has already done once,with nonsense like this is the same game the UK's privately-educated elitists Cameron,Osborne and the BBC thought would win them the Brexit vote.

Can someone remind me how that went please? :whistling:


And the privately educated elitists Johnson and Gove batting for the other side.  It is true that the BBC called it wrong the same as all the other media outlets.  In fact more than 50% of the population called it wrong hence not bothering to vote and ending up with the result that was.

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Well I base mine on what they've DONE...especially when they are in government and acting in my name...so let's start with the vote for war in Iraq and the untold death, destruction, and cost that has caused the nation...and weigh that against calling someone fat and copping a feel...and I could go on and on.


Hillary vote for use of military force against Iraq was based on false evidence by the Bush administration. Also, the resolution stated that "diplomatic and other peaceful means" to suppress Saddam would have to be shown as insufficient to Congress by the President before force was used. Bush never presented this detail to Congress and just ordered the invasion without this provision being satisfied. If you want to blame someone, blame Bush and his crew.


A swing and a miss. Try again.

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One thing we should be able to agree on is that both sides have got plenty of gripes about the other side and understandably so.  Both candidates are way short of suitable and it is about who will do the least damage if in office that really matters.


Whatever dire acts have gone before (and there are many) it is what happens after the election that will effect us all, some more than others

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So it goes for the Clinton New Network...desperate for views and clicks. Fox has got more babes on one show then they've got on the whole network.


Spoken like a true Trump fan!


2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

African-American art form...African Americans solid base of the Democratic Party...anyone else see any congnitive dissonance going on here?


I have just been to KL, there are lots of different peoples make up the Malaysian citizens now. I don't recall referring to 'Indian Malaysians', or 'Chinese Malaysians', just Malaysians. Why do you still refer to 'African Americans' and 'Blacks', they are simply Americans.

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Well I base mine on what they've DONE...especially when they are in government and acting in my name...so let's start with the vote for war in Iraq and the untold death, destruction, and cost that has caused the nation...and weigh that against calling someone fat and copping a feel...and I could go on and on.


Yes, the Iraq war, all based on a pack of lies by the Bush Administration,  which were told as true to congress and the senate. 5000 sons and daughters of America killed, with no consequence to the administration or POTUS responsible, and you and the other Trumpeteers want Hillary hung out to dry for 4 soldiers in Benghazi (who were adequately resourced and supported. ALL PROVEN!


so it's ok for POTUS to be of the kind of character to be 


copping a feel 

before he even starts making serious decisions. Imagine the carnage he would reek.


You have dug so deep today you must be somewhere near Sydney by now.

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39 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Hillary vote for use of military force against Iraq was based on false evidence by the Bush administration. Also, the resolution stated that "diplomatic and other peaceful means" to suppress Saddam would have to be shown as insufficient to Congress by the President before force was used. Bush never presented this detail to Congress and just ordered the invasion without this provision being satisfied. If you want to blame someone, blame Bush and his crew.


A swing and a miss. Try again.

Congress could have refused to fund the war...only it has the power to spend the public purse. If Hillary, and you by proxy, is claiming she was mislead into war, and that the provisions of the Iraq war resolution were unfilled, she could have refused to approve funds for the war. As you seem adept at using Google, perhaps you'd be so kind as to look up and report back to us on her voting record on defense and special Iraq war appropriations during her Congressional career.

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7 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Congress could have refused to fund the war...only it has the power to spend the public purse. If Hillary, and you by proxy, is claiming she was mislead into war, and that the provisions of the Iraq war resolution were unfilled, she could have refused to approve funds for the war. As you seem adept at using Google, perhaps you'd be so kind as to look up and report back to us on her voting record on defense and special Iraq war appropriations during her Congressional career.

All the soldiers in Iraq died because Bush LIED! Just imagine for one nanosecond how many could die because Trump can lie with impunity. Think of the lies he could create and the false intelligence he would create with his surrogates (who will take senior administration positions), you have no idea of the pandora's box you are opening.

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29 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Spoken like a true Trump fan!



I have just been to KL, there are lots of different peoples make up the Malaysian citizens now. I don't recall referring to 'Indian Malaysians', or 'Chinese Malaysians', just Malaysians. Why do you still refer to 'African Americans' and 'Blacks', they are simply Americans.

OMG...the horror...the Democratic Party foundations of T-V is recoiling in collective shock at this post; does any of the Hillaristas, or annoying social justice warriors, here want to clue in Al on the unpardonable un-pollitically correct faux pas he's committed against the black population of America?

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40 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Yes, the Iraq war, all based on a pack of lies by the Bush Administration,  which were told as true to congress and the senate. 5000 sons and daughters of America killed, with no consequence to the administration or POTUS responsible, and you and the other Trumpeteers want Hillary hung out to dry for 4 soldiers in Benghazi (who were adequately resourced and supported. ALL PROVEN!


so it's ok for POTUS to be of the kind of character to be 

before he even starts making serious decisions. Imagine the carnage he would reek.


You have dug so deep today you must be somewhere near Sydney by now.

See my response supra...another Hillary war-monger rehabilitation fail.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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21 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Congress could have refused to fund the war...only it has the power to spend the public purse. If Hillary, and you by proxy, is claiming she was mislead into war, and that the provisions of the Iraq war resolution were unfilled, she could have refused to approve funds for the war. As you seem adept at using Google, perhaps you'd be so kind as to look up and report back to us on her voting record on defense and special Iraq war appropriations during her Congressional career.


First, people complain Hillary voted for the war. In which I already commented on was that she was basically fed misinformation and then Bush did his "end around". Ref my previous post #432.


Then people complain Hillary funded the war. Yeah, let's put troops over there and not fund them. Yeah, that makes sense. If she didn't vote to fund the troops then she would have looked to have abandoned them. You would have heard people complain about that.


Then people complain that Obama and Hillary pulled these troops out of Iraq too soon. Which is what you seem to have wanted in the first place.


Geez, there is no pleasing some people.

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12 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

All the soldiers in Iraq died because Bush LIED! Just imagine for one nanosecond how many could die because Trump can lie with impunity. Think of the lies he could create and the false intelligence he would create with his surrogates (who will take senior administration positions), you have no idea of the pandora's box you are opening.

All I have to think about is Hillary's vote in favor of the Iraq war; and her continued support for the war through her votes to fund it during all of her years in Congress and the glee she and her Wall Street besties felt from their war profiteering while the fighting men and women of America were being put through the meat grinder.

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Monica has said she was emotionally manipulated and groomed by Bill...hardly consensual...but you keep repeating that line to keep your Democratice Party bonifides intact.


Yeah, making stuff up. A very Trump thing.

She actually said:



This was a mutual relationship, mutual on all levels, right from the way it started and all the way through.'


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7 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Yeah, making stuff up. A very Trump thing.

She actually said:



This was a mutual relationship, mutual on all levels, right from the way it started and all the way through.'



Steady on Chicog :post-4641-1156693976:


You are starting to let the truth get in the way of a good bad story ;)

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9 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Is that Bill quote before or after he got the definition of what "is" was?


Actually that's Monica's own words.


Maybe you should try reading them instead of Breitbart.



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6 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:

Who cares what Trump said as a private citizen

It's nothing compared to the long standing and severe crookedness of Hillary Clinton who was in public office at the time of her corruption. She betrayed the public's trust.

I care, and from the news at least another 150 million people do  ;)

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12 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:

Who cares what Trump said as a private citizen

It's nothing compared to the long standing and severe crookedness of Hillary Clinton who was in public office at the time of her corruption. She betrayed the public's trust.

That's the nub the Hillaristas try desperatly to keep from the public.

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