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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Some heavy duty denial from the remaining Trump supporters. I wonder when they'll admit the ship is sinking?


When the RCP average is +8?

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22 minutes ago, Asiantravel said:

Who cares what Trump said as a private citizen

It's nothing compared to the long standing and severe crookedness of Hillary Clinton who was in public office at the time of her corruption. She betrayed the public's trust.

People who don't want rapey presidents care, women especially. He was talking about sexual assault. That's typically illegal in states and often carries PRISON sentences. LOCK HIM UP! 


Don't look now, but for trumpy-poo it may just be OVER!


Down to 1/4 of a horseman. Lowest ever:




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It's over.   The Clintons can start measuring the drapes at this point.  The election is less than a month away, and this story (and the video) is going to be in heavy rotation for at least a week.  Don't forget that early voting is happening right now.


It's becoming even more clear that Trump has ruined the Republican Party for at least a generation.  Maybe forever.  I genuinely do believe that this could be it for Republicans in a national election.  For example, after this cycle, how are Republicans every going to win the Hispanic vote in swing states?  People tend to remember racial slurs hurled against them.  And if they don't, I'm confident the DNC has all of Trump's words (and those of the Republicans who stood behind him) recorded for posterity.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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3 hours ago, Chicog said:

I bet Pence is extremely relieved that this didn't come out before the VP debate! But if he had any integrity he would withdraw from the ticket.


He won't withdraw. Being a good soldier is part of being a Republican politician.  But I bet there are a flurry of phone calls going on among Republican talking heads.  Already, the Rep gov of Utah has declared that Trump should withdraw.  Surely, Trump is getting pressure to withdraw quickly - maybe quick enough to enable Pence to debate HRC on Sunday (Mon. morn. our time).


3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

. But I'm sure he'll try to burn the house down on his way out.


Good imagery.  Kinda like Sherman on his march to Atlanta.  Actually more akin to Saddam, when he was forced out of Kuwait, and had his minions torch every oil well.


3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I'm not arguing that her single vote was the cause...only that her judment was bad...very bad...


Speaking of 'bad judgement' ....have you seen the people Trump has been surrounding himself with?  I wouldn't want to carpool with those people if we were escaping a threatening tornado.


2 hours ago, Cory1848 said:

One thing that's clear, though, is that he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. On some occasions, rather than the US plundering foreign oil, he's suggested that Russia should take care of ISIS. On other occasions -- private meetings with defense advisers, which should be campaign-rhetoric-free zones -- he's asked repeatedly why the US can't use its nuclear arsenal. I honestly don't believe, should he somehow find his way in the White House, that he'd lead us straight to nuclear war -- I'm not a total alarmist, and someone would manage to put a lid on him -- but the whole picture here is one of a man who has no idea whatsoever what he's talking about.


Referring to Trump's flawed thinking: "rather than the US plundering foreign oil, ....."   


Boomer's Clarification:  Trump has suggested, several times, that the US armed forces should commandeer foreign oil and well heads wherever they're deployed - particularly as US troops are leaving an area of conflict.  That's akin to stealing other countries' resources.  Donald is so accustomed to stealing in his business and tax dealings, that it's easy for him to segue to stealing from other countries.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Unfortunately I have to agree. Looks like she will win, but only because the media ignore the bad stuff about her, like the latest Wikileaks drop. Bet none of them give it more than a brief mention in passing, even though it's far worse than what he said. She called Bernie's supporters losers in a bucket, among other things.

Still, if the FBI revolt happens, Clinton could yet be off to the clink.


The 'Bucket of Losers' quote is fake. 



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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


All the far left websites call it fake. All the far right websites call it real. No one know until a credible source does some investigating.


Even Fox admitted it was fake and apologised for quoting it. 

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10 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Even Fox admitted it was fake and apologised for quoting it. 


That was based on a claim from the Hillary campaign. Not exactly credible evidence. Further investigation will clear it up.

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Just now, Andaman Al said:


Last 20 seconds.


Megan Kelly apologising. Lets see how you spin this. :rolleyes:  next !



Did you listen to it? It was purely based on a claim from Hillary's campaign team. Who believes anything they say anymore? It needs to be investigated.

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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Did you listen to it? It was purely based on a claim from Hillary's campaign team. Who believes anything they say anymore? It needs to be investigated.


I'm surprised at you swallowing the whackjob rubbish.



this fake transcript has actually been online since at least October 2 — five days before the WikiLeaks release. It was published by the totally dubious site RealTrueNews

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1 minute ago, up-country_sinclair said:


OK, let's pretend it does need to be "investigated".  


But I'm not sure why you're insisting on bringing a completely unrelated topic onto a thread entitled, "Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling".


No, actually, I do know why.


If you do some reading before attacking - for a change - you will discover that I am not the one who introduced the subject to the thread. :rolleyes:

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5 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I'm surprised at you swallowing the whackjob rubbish.



Who said that I "swallowed" anything? I suggested that it was not proven either way. Every wack-job website says something different and credible media have not reported anything that I can find.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Who said that I "swallowed" anything? I suggested that it was not proven either way. Every wack-job website says something different and credible media have not reported anything that I can find.


Credible media never reported the rubbish in the first place - why on earth would they? -  so why would they need to investigate it?


Do get real.



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6 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Credible media never reported the rubbish in the first place - why on earth would they? -  so why would they need to investigate it?



Maybe they wanted to wait until they knew what they were talking about. Believe me,they will get around to it. As much as they would like to ignore Wikileaks when it comes to Hillary Clinton, they won't.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Maybe they wanted to wait until they knew what they were talking about. Believe me,they will get around to it. As much as they would like to ignore Wikileaks when it comes to Hillary Clinton, they won't.


It has nothing to do with Wikileaks.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Maybe they wanted to wait until they knew what they were talking about. Believe me,they will get around to it. As much as they would like to ignore Wikileaks when it comes to Hillary Clinton, they won't.


You're missing the point (and not reading).

It didn't come from the Wikileaks release.

It was published on a whackjob website five days earlier and rightfully ignored by any credible media source.

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Oh dear, it seems this story might have more legs than Trump can handle...





Newsweek sent Trump the following questions:

  • Besides Temple Taggart, did you ever kiss any other pageant contestants on the mouth without their consent?
  • Besides Jill Harth, are there other women who might come forward and describe you touching their genitals without their permission?

The campaign has not yet responded.



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

People who don't want rapey presidents care, women especially. He was talking about sexual assault. That's typically illegal in states and often carries PRISON sentences. LOCK HIM UP! 


Don't look now, but for trumpy-poo it may just be OVER!


Down to 1/4 of a horseman. Lowest ever:





I think the wrong 1/4 of the horse (and rider) is displayed. I think is should be a little lower and to the left.

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1 minute ago, Chicog said:


You're missing the point (and not reading).

It didn't come from the Wikileaks release.

It was published on a whackjob website five days earlier and rightfully ignored by any credible media source.


According to some sources. Credible sources will address it for sure. Give them time.

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