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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Not when the recording was made...it was before (or after) his part in the show, when they weren't even on the set.


They were filming Trump and Bush arriving on set - which is why they were on the bus in the first place. He would have been aware that this was happening, aware that he was wearing a microphone, aware that he was being recorded, and would have consented to this happening. 

You're desperately clutching at straws here, but to call this an illegal recording is laughable. 

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14 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You're wrong.

Wrong or right is irrelevant now. The cat is out of the bag, and it isn't going back in. IMO Trump is over. The great American knicker twisting over sex will finish him.

He might be able to sue NBC for millions, but it won't make him president.

Had the GOP establishment stood by him it might be possible to continue, but it's beginning to look like a rout, and if even Pence is not supporting him ( as has been reported- don't know if that is true ) he's gone, over. Bye bye Mr Trump, enjoy your millions and forget politics.


Many GOP politicians have said that this sickens them. What sickens me is hypocritical politicians that have been gaming the system for years running away soon as the going gets tough. A bunch of pussies, the lot of them.

Loved that Ryan got heckled, the weasel that he ( IMO ) is.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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12 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


They were filming Trump and Bush arriving on set - which is why they were on the bus in the first place. He would have been aware that this was happening, aware that he was wearing a microphone, aware that he was being recorded, and would have consented to this happening. 

You're desperately clutching at straws here, but to call this an illegal recording is laughable. 

If the circumstances are as you set forth, the i withdraw my statement. I was, and am, unsure of the exact circumstances surrounding the recording.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Are you referring to Billy? Why would his family thank him for being a willing participant in boorish sexual encounters with women?

Because his daddy is GHW Bush's brother. So he's Jeb's cousin. Trump's participation in the little locker room banter has kicked him in balls so hard they've flown right out of his bloviating mouth. Yep, the other Bushes love it.

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4 hours ago, keemapoot said:


It's good to see you tempering and modifying your position. There is no shame in admitted you were wrong, as long as you do eventually see the overwhelming evidence. But, preferring him to Hilary is still wrong, as many Republicans are now seeing.  Putting anyone else in place will merely just be finishing for show and conceding the race, but may not result in wholesale destruction of the party.

but may not result in wholesale destruction of the party.

At least you got that right.


The GOP realise that Trump is so toxic to the knicker twisters that he might bring the entire GOP down with him, and they will no doubt be panicking mightily while they try to find a way to make Trump "voluntarily" step down.

While I make no apology for supporting Trump over the awful Clinton, even I can see that this close to the election, and with no doubt that more gutter trash tapes are yet to be released, if Trump stays he only subjects himself and more importantly, his family, to ridicule. Short of the FBI doing their job and arresting Clinton, Trump has no hope. He only had an even chance before, but sex has undone more than one politician in the past.


I have to wonder though, if Trump is so PO enough about the way the GOP has so quickly abandoned him that he might seek to destroy them in a spectacular crash and burn, that will make his name remembered for a very long time as the man that reduced the GOP elected politicians to being able to travel together in a small car.


"Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)" by Neil Young. Just substitute Donald Trump for Rock and Roll.


My my, hey hey
Rock and roll is here to stay
It's better to burn out
Than to fade away
My my, hey hey.


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1 hour ago, thaihome said:

Donald and Billy on the Bus.

Well worth the a read. I can honestly say that in some 60+ years as a American man, I have never heard anyone brag about being able to get away with grabbing a woman's pussy or not being able to resist urge to kiss them. 




Don't know if someone else mentioned in this long thread, but the type of behavior reminds me of Dominique Strauss-Kahn a few years ago.  Even for the French it was too much.  Biiiggg difference between being a suave ladies' man and that guy,,  the one no woman wants to be alone in an elevator with.  


Can't say I despise Republicans more now because my despiso-meter was already maxed out, but what a stomach-turning group of hypocrites for dropping him now.  First they had no principles in endorsing him (for instance it's despicable that Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and McCain in the end still endorsed him).  Now, in withdrawing their endorsement, they're not taking a principled stand.  They're rats leaving a sinking ship.  

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6 hours ago, keemapoot said:


You have quoted the Wikipedia. I offer below the analysis of professional psychologists in analyzing Trump's words and actions. You will see you are wrong.





professional psychologists

I know some professional psychologists, and I scorn their ( in your quote ) opinion about Trump. Some of the professional psychologists I knew were unable to see the plank in their own eye when seeking to remove the speck in other's eyes.

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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Anyone who has followed political scandals know that; often, the worse revelations come AFTER being elected.  Who is so naive as to think the putrid mud on Trump won't stop flowing, if he were elected?   Every time more crap comes down the tubes on Trump, Trumpsters trot out loquacious (and lame) excuses and think, "That's it. That's the last smear.  It can't get any worse. Let's move on."   But there's no end to it.  Trump has had a very public life for past decades.  There are storage rooms full of stuff on his transgressions.



Substitute Clinton for Trump and I agree with you. After all, her husband was indicted after he was re elected.

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12 minutes ago, ChidlomDweller said:



Can't say I despise Republicans more now because my despiso-meter was already maxed out, but what a stomach-turning group of hypocrites for dropping him now.  First they had no principles in endorsing him (for instance it's despicable that Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and McCain in the end still endorsed him).  Now, in withdrawing their endorsement, they're not taking a principled stand.  They're rats leaving a sinking ship.  

Quote edited for brevity.


Good on you for recognizing what a sniveling bunch of backstabbing lower than pond scum despicable cads they are. So terrified of losing their place at the trough that they couldn't even wait a few days to knee jerk their cowardly retreat from the endorsement that they had signed they would give the winning candidate. No honour, no integrity, no bravery, just a bunch of hogs running whichever way the wind blows.


I suppose you think Bush has integrity for not endorsing, even though he signed that he would do so, but IMO he's just another oinker PO that he didn't get to eat at the bigger trough.

No wonder millions on millions of Americans despise their politicians, and that includes both major parties.


I'm beginning to hope that Trump does stay in and take the whole rotten pack of them down along with him.

The entire system is corrupt. Time for it to go.

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It has been apparent for some time that Trump was going to lose so the Repubs have written off the White House long since.  That being the case, the priority among the Repub leadership would then be to take back their party from Trump's hostile takeover in a way that finishes Trump for all time.  The current disclosure, which will be followed by more tapes, testimony from women victims, and possibly lawsuits or even criminal prosecution.  In Khrushchev's Soviet Union, a Beria could be taken out and shot.  This is how it is done among civilized nations.  Nixon was pushed out for the very least of all of his crimes.


On the other hand, the timing comes just when some embarrassing excerpts from HRC's Wall Street speeches were released.  So, that news has been wiped off the front pages.  The other benefit for the Dems is that the Republicans will no longer be able to claim the race was rigged since no one will doubt the veracity of the tapes and whatnot.


So, it could be either the Repubs or the Dems behind these releases, whose only interesting aspect is the timing of the release, not the contents.  I think Trump will quit because he will not be able to endure the humiliation that the Repubs will visit upon him.  But even if he remains, it hardly matters.  His influence is finished.  The RNC will now cut funding to him like they did to Dole in 1996 and spend it downticket.

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Was anyone really suprised by this?


 Come on ... I don't listen to Howard Stern, think he is a tasteless a--hole. A friend does though and loved talking about how The Donald was a frequent guest who expounded  on anal sex, sex with menstruating women, you know, what Howard Stern obsesses about . That is all going to be coming out next week.


Have fun Trumpsters   :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps so, but did you hear anyone saying they'd like to? Few of us know a rock star, or anyone that has much success in getting the babes, so it's usually just a lot of talk about wanting to.


I suspect you have not actually watched and listened to the clip. He did not say he would like to grab women's pussy,  he said he did it and they let him because he was such a big celebrity.  



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2 hours ago, Pinot said:

Melania Trump stands by her man. 

Just keep doing what you're doing Trump 


Does she?  Yet, for how long will Melania stand by the windbag?  She could threaten to leave him before the election (it would be bigger than the Bradgelina split!) in lieu of a billion dollars cash in suitcases (no checks accepted).


Or, she could split from him after he loses the election.  She probably signed a pre-nup, but could still get a tidy several hundred million as Trump's ships sink over the ensuing years.  She's got proof of his infidelities, and probably a lot more dirt on the scoundrel.  Until then, she's got to sleep with the overweight sweaty 70 yr old.  Am glad she's not my daughter or sister.  No amount of money would make it worthwhile.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

To look at the woman in VDO, she wouldn't have been against a bit of consensual grabbing herself.



Ah the telepathic power of a man who can tell when a woman is "up for it" just by looking at her.



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On October 8, 2559 BE at 8:07 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

I hate to be the one to have to break it to these women, but 93% of men say these things about women when there're among themselves (the other 7% are gay and say the same things about men but the body parts are different). As Trump said, it was "locker room talk." Your shock and horror is misplaced, and if such talk is a real concern of yours, you need to have a talk with your own husbands, boyfriends, and sons who talk about women in the same way when you're not around.


And keep in mind,  we're electing the president of the most powerful country in the world...not a church choir director.


Its not 'locker room talk', it was just seedy and creepy.

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It's one thing for a man to be a horn dog, it's another to be a RAPEY horn dog.


trumps toxic divisive "white" political movement is indeed a movement of a whole grab bag of hatreds, including very strongly MISOGYNY. 

Edited by Jingthing
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20 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Well I base mine on what they've DONE...especially when they are in government and acting in my name...so let's start with the vote for war in Iraq and the untold death, destruction, and cost that has caused the nation...and weigh that against calling someone fat and copping a feel...and I could go on and on.

I thought it was a republican who started the Iraq war - a certain Mr Bush ........

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

I personally dislike the man because he appears to be a complete idiot but let us not be hypocritical about bar room remarks. He has disqualified himself many times over with his opinions about other things

I agree. He would probably fit in quite nicely with an uncensored TV member thread, or gathering at the local bar. 

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Just reviewing some of the things politicians are saying about Trump now.

From Paul Ryan-“Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified"

Surely Ryan is "objectifying" women as frail, delicate flowers that can't stand up for themselves, but rather must be saved by gallant knights on white chargers from horrible dragons.

It's like the whole women's equality movement never happened. Certainly the militant women's libbers are keeping very quiet.

Gotta feel sorry from Trump. Just when he was doing OK, something from 11 years ago that he never even knew existed comes out to bite him.

Given the speed that the GOP is abandoning him, Trump should realise the fat lady has sung, and bow out if the GOP nominate Pence to replace him.

Pence has recognition, won his debate handily, and has none of the baggage that Clinton has. He could win.


Awww, poor Trump.  If he was sitting next to me, I'd pat the gerbil on his head and give him a lollipop, so he doesn't feel so sad.


As for Pence:  gimmeabreak.  Actually, I'd be glad if the Reps put Pence on the firing range.  He's got a lot of negatives also:  Just a few:  He lies.  At least a dozen times during the debate, he flat-out lied when Kaine quoted Trump, and Pence denied every reference.  Pence was later proven WRONG on everything he denied.   Secondly; he's a Bible-Thumper who doesn't believe science or evolution are valid.   He's got other negatives, ....too many to list here.  In lieu of that, yea sure, put him on top of the GOP ticket, that's fine with me and the tens of millions who will vote (or have already voted) for HRC.


P.S. If anyone can get me Melania's phone number, that would be cool.  I predict she'll be one super rich single woman in a few months.     She'll dump her 'bitch' (that's what Trump called himself in the taped conversation) as soon as the ink dries on the divorce papers.



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3 minutes ago, nausea said:

Agreed, this is the way most men think.


I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I don't think most men think it's ok to grab a woman by the genitals without at least getting to know her a little first.

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14 minutes ago, thaihome said:


I suspect you have not actually watched and listened to the clip. He did not say he would like to grab women's pussy,  he said he did it and they let him because he was such a big celebrity.  



they let him because he was such a big celebrity.

That's what groupies do. It's CONSENSUAL.There is nothing to see here. Move on.


Strange thing is that if Joe the plumber did the same they'd be screaming the roof down.


I find it hard to believe that people on a THAI forum don't understand the connection between money and allowable sexual activity. Perhaps they don't know as much about LOS as they like to think they do!

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Just now, SoiBiker said:

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I don't think most men think it's ok to grab a woman by the genitals without at least getting to know her a little first.


I'm going to second that ... going out on a limb here .... but no I usually just do not reach out and grab genitals on initial greetings. Even in Soi Cowboy. Call me traditional..or old school.

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I don't think most men think it's ok to grab a woman by the genitals without at least getting to know her a little first.



You think men in Meeraganj, Allahabad get to know the ladies first before bonking them? Most men encompasses every man on the planet, and I'm sure you are not necessarily correct on that scale.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

You think men in Meeraganj, Allahabad get to know the ladies first before bonking them? Most men encompasses every man on the planet, and I'm sure you are not necessarily correct on that scale.


Don't know that place ... is it in a swing state or just on the East Coast?

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