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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results


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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Seriously? Find the 'free world' six feet underground??


Missing the whole picture you are.


The emperors of WW One.


Nazis & Fascists of Japan 1920-45.


Stalin and Putin in their USSR.


All of 'em dead and buried and Putin dead on his feet.


Neither are we finished yet, necessarily so. So which dark planet does the post come from...


1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Seriously? Find the 'free world' six feet underground??


Missing the whole picture you are.


The emperors of WW One.


Nazis & Fascists of Japan 1920-45.


Stalin and Putin in their USSR.


All of 'em dead and buried and Putin dead on his feet.


Neither are we finished yet, necessarily so. So which dark planet does the post come from...

Wowser. Donny must have you all trumped up on making America great. Knock em dead.


Or is that too trumped up and trickled down for you?

Edited by silent
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You are correct, but most Americans gain their information from pro establishment sources and never hear anything but anti Trump propaganda. If I lived in my home country and watched the local news I'd be anti Trump too. The media there presents nothing but half truths and anti Trump propaganda.

We live in a post-news age, but people are waking up to this. The high water mark for faith in the press was shortly after Watergate, its been down hill ever since.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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2 hours ago, oldgit said:

Let's not lose sight of why Trump won the Republican nomination. How did he traverse the establishment  minefield by defeating in - house favourites like Rubio, Cruz, Jeb Bush and Kasich? One can say he's had a far harder path towards the White House than Clinton, who basically had to overcome a 75 year old Bernie Sanders. And there was a bit of arse'ole twitching on her part before she got the nod.

Trump gained the nomination because, using Jose Mourinho's terminology, 'He's not one of the bottle'. He's not part of the establishment. And that tells you more about the average American's present attitude on their domestic politics and politicians in particular. They're sick to death of being lied to, hoodwinked and cheated by decades of  the establishment elite.

These television debates were a waste of time, as far as Trump is concerned, because he was never going to overcome a slick, mealy mouthed establishment operator like Clinton with her teams of advisors. He's not an orator and couldn't win an argument with me, let alone Clinton. He was on a hiding to nothing.

Why Trump has got this far is that he shoots from the hip and says it as it is. It get's him into trouble sometimes,  but isn't that part of his attraction to ordinary folk? For instance, he spoke of Putin outmanoevring Obama and Clinton in the Middle East. Was he wrong? He spoke of his admiration of Putin's positive mindset against the indecisiveness of Obama, Was he wrong? He spoke of having a better relationship with Putin. Was he wrong? He spoke of the folly of the US administration shouting from the rooftops, that they would make a push for ISIS held Mosul weeks before it happened. Was he wrong?  The Democrat establishment would like to think that there already over the winning line, after the mauling Trump took on television, but Clinton's smooth, silky, mocking demenour might just work against her on November 8th.


I don't know which one I like better:

"Clinton's smooth, silky, mocking demeanor might just work against her on November 8th."


"Trump was never going to overcome a slick, mealy mouthed establishment operator like Clinton with her teams of advisors. He's not an orator and couldn't win an argument with me, let alone Clinton. He was on a hiding to nothing."


Clinton is a smooth, silky slick, mealy mouthed, establishment operator...who'll be President in a few weeks.  


2 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

Two things I like about each of your posts. You are always complementary and never condescending.


I'm a giver. 


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

People should be asking themselves which country stands to benefit from the collapse of the western world, and it's not a country starting with R.


Anybody? Not a country starting with R...ummm, Romania? No that starts with R. Ummm...


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are correct, but most Americans gain their information from pro establishment sources and never hear anything but anti Trump propaganda. If I lived in my home country and watched the local news I'd be anti Trump too. The media there presents nothing but half truths and anti Trump propaganda.


Thank sweet jesus for Fox News, Breitbart and Drudge! 


And may I just add...duh

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18 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

We live in a post-news age, but people are waking up to this. The high water mark for faith in the press was shortly after Watergate, its been down hill ever since.


Post-news age?  :cheesy:


What a load of poppycock.  Yes, people currently are consuming news from a wide variety of non-traditional sources, but the appetite for news is likely stronger than it ever has been.  


Trump and his short-sighted, slurping fanboys are directly to blame for the vicious electoral beating the GOP is going to take in 3 weeks.  Just like Trump, the fanboys are always looking for someone else to blame for their failure.


If you want to blame the media for something, look no further than their putting profits over their journalistic responsibility.  They knew Trump was an incompetent,  know nothing, but they never called him out on it (and continued to showcase his candidacy) because he's click bait for the poorly educated.  


For those with conspiratorial tendencies (and they're coming out of the woodwork now that it's obvious to everyone that this race is over), have you considered the possibility that some in the media purposely downplayed the weaknesses of Trump's absurd candidacy because they knew he would get destroyed in the general election?   Senator Rubio and Governor Kasich could have won this election.  Trump never had a chance.



Edited by up-country_sinclair
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18 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:




For those with conspiratorial tendencies (and they're coming out of the woodwork now that it's obvious to everyone that this race is over), have you considered the possibility that some in the media purposely downplayed the weaknesses of Trump's absurd candidacy because they knew he would get destroyed in the general election?   Senator Rubio and Governor Kasich could have won this election.  Trump never had a chance.



Quote edited for brevity.


Governor Kasich could have won this election.

10% Kasich could have won? Thanks for the laugh.

No establishment politician would have won the GOP vote in sufficient numbers. Romney was establishment and got creamed. GOP voters hate the establishment.

Rubio was not up to even taking on Trump. Why would anyone think he could win against the Dems machine?


have you considered the possibility that some in the media purposely downplayed the weaknesses of Trump's absurd candidacy because they knew he would get destroyed in the general election?

Of course they did. Why else would the media support the one man that they thought would not have a chance in the general? They have been in the bag for Clinton since the very start.


Get ready for a third term of failed Obama policies, and I wonder how many will be screaming as Obama care really kicks in?

Already a Democrat governor is condemning it, and it hasn't even reached it's full implementation.


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5 hours ago, JustNo said:

I am surprised at how many people are still falling for the electoral system there; it is not an election but a selection. Trump is another level of a tool being used by the elites in this side-show and illusion of choice. Hillary and Trump are 2 parts of the same system and the same thing, and people need to wake up and realise just how corrupt evil and crooked their 'government' actually is. 


Actually electoral vote system by state is a pretty accurate gauge of of the popular vote and has the added benefit of, in a tight race, making even sparsely-populated States count. There are only a few exceptions where the popular vote isn't mirrored by the electoral vote. The Gore-Bush election is one such rare exception.



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8 hours ago, JLCrab said:

Why should Trump accept the election results? From the UNLV debate transcript:


"I’ll tell you on other thing. She shouldn't be allowed to run. It's -- she's guilty of a very very serious crime. She should not be allowed to run. And just in that respect I say it's rigged because she should never have been allowed to run for the presidency based on what she did with e-mails and so many other things."


See -- the whole thing isn't legit because she should really be in jail and if she were in jail then she couldn't be running or maybe even allowed to vote! (Except she isn't in jail)



Hillary mightn't be a legitimate contender, maybe she's a criminal. But, on the other hand, Daffy Donald is obviously insane & should be committed to the appropriate institution. 

Like some recently said, you guys get 50 candidates for Miss America & just two candidates for the most powerful position on the planet. The best you can come up with is Hillarious & Daffy.

GOD save the world.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


Excellent and comprehensive postmortem. 


Cremation is Tuesday, November 8th.


In the public square.



Trump is dead man walking, but, sadly, this zombie may not die—he's eaten the brains of millions of low-info Americans. Let's hope sanity prevails.



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23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They ain't backing Trump. They are trying to disrupt our way of life. Do your own research.

So now you're asking of others to explain your conspiracy theories.

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Quote edited for brevity.


Governor Kasich could have won this election.

10% Kasich could have won? Thanks for the laugh.

No establishment politician would have won the GOP vote in sufficient numbers. Romney was establishment and got creamed. GOP voters hate the establishment.

Rubio was not up to even taking on Trump. Why would anyone think he could win against the Dems machine?



Secretary Clinton is not half the candidate Senator Obama was, and he didn't carry 5% of her baggage.  That's primarily why he beat her and her machine in 2008.  She's horrible on the trail and a notoriously weak candidate. It would have been difficult, but victory for Republicans was a distinct possibility this year.  If the GOP had nominated a respectable candidate, they could have won.  Trump will never get a majority of people to vote for him because he's an arrogant ignoramus who says incredibly stupid things and the most inopportune times.


Many those disaffected Democrats and Independents that are going to hold their noses and vote for Secretary Clinton would have voted for Governor Kasich.  Back in 1980, these people were referred to as "Reagan Democrats".


By the way, you don't seem to understand that there is a difference between primary season and a general election.  I can assure you that they are not the same.

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37 minutes ago, malt25 said:

Hillary mightn't be a legitimate contender, maybe she's a criminal. But, on the other hand, Daffy Donald is obviously insane & should be committed to the appropriate institution. 

Like some recently said, you guys get 50 candidates for Miss America & just two candidates for the most powerful position on the planet. The best you can come up with is Hillarious & Daffy.

GOD save the world.


It's hopeless but not serious.

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This election could be the biggest surprise of all time. I think the people are tired of the same lies time after time, they may just think why not try something new. What do they have to lose? I can't see how it can get worse than $8 per hour.

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15 minutes ago, Grubster said:

This election could be the biggest surprise of all time. I think the people are tired of the same lies time after time, they may just think why not try something new. What do they have to lose? I can't see how it can get worse than $8 per hour.

Since the right wants to roll back any minimum wage increases...yes it could get worse !

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I think Trump, Wikileaks, Fox, Alex Jones, Anonymous and others have just started. The amount of stuff that was released I think is only the start. That is the reason they silenced Wikileaks. There is still over two weeks left to bring the Corrupt DOJ, the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton to justice. It amazes me the amount of croup toon and lies people can over look with the Clintons. One direct lie is too many and Hillary has millions .... It's not over until the fat lady sings and I don't mean Hillary.
Will Hillary accept the results if Trump is elected ?

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28 minutes ago, tonray said:

Since the right wants to roll back any minimum wage increases...yes it could get worse !

I will give you that, but what has Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama done for the working class, Nothing but sell out to wall street. Send jobs overseas,  and blame it on the other side when in fact they are on the same side. The people need change and the fact that so many Republicans have turned on Trump tells me that he may just do Something that will not benefit them. Maybe, just maybe he will not handle foreign policy only for the benefit of the US war machine as the last nine presidents have. I don't know but I am sure hillary is in their pockets. The future looks bleak for ordinary Americans to say the least but I am willing to take the risk that someone who didn't come through the crooked US political system might stand up against it.

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1 hour ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Many those disaffected Democrats and Independents that are going to hold their noses and vote for Secretary Clinton would have voted for Governor Kasich.  Back in 1980, these people were referred to as "Reagan Democrats".


I agree.  If Kasich had run against HRC he would have won the election. But the reality is that the core of the Republican Party is now the far right Tea Party folks, the aptly named Deplorables, and Kasich fits into the conservative side of the Democratic Party better than he fits into the current GOP.  But Kasich still has no clue about the economy and has fallen for the Neo-Classical Neo-Liberal nonsense, as does Clinton.  The irony is that for people who want change, Sanders would have won against anyone and would have delivered some change, although like Obama, the shadow government would have placed limits to that change.

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3 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Trump is right, the election is rigged because Hillary should not even be the nominee in the first place.  She should be in prison


Yes, Hillary will win.  Mostly because Trump is a horrible human being who should not be in charge of anything, much less be President.  I hope you're tormented by this. 

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18 minutes ago, silent said:


Upper US and you're welcome Ms. Grace.


I'd said several times Donald Trump is how fascism manifests in America. Trump and His Despicables are creating their unique American fascism.


Recognising the result of an election and the peaceful transition of power are anti-fascist and anti-dictatorship across the political and ideological board. Anti-Strongman leader who invariably usurps power and authority.


This is no longer political, as in who votes for whom and who wins. It's about democracy, i.e., accepting the outcome of the election (recounts are a normal part of the process, its principles, its precepts) and honoring the peaceful transition.


Who's posting glibly to stereotypes btw...

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18 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


Yes, Hillary will win.  Mostly because Trump is a horrible human being who should not be in charge of anything, much less be President.



Actually, that describes both of them. There is not much choice, but Trump would make better Supreme Court picks and - if justice is ever served - Hillary will be in the Big House before long.

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18 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yep and he would have made a fine president. Instead we are going to be stuck with two very bad choices.

Kasich looked good to me as well ,I guess he was viewed as too moderate , US politics does appear to be getting ever more polarised.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:



Actually, that describes both of them. There is not much choice, but Trump would make better Supreme Court picks and - if justice is ever served - Hillary will be in the Big House before long.




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3 hours ago, Grubster said:

I will give you that, but what has Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama done for the working class, Nothing but sell out to wall street. Send jobs overseas,  and blame it on the other side when in fact they are on the same side. The people need change and the fact that so many Republicans have turned on Trump tells me that he may just do Something that will not benefit them. Maybe, just maybe he will not handle foreign policy only for the benefit of the US war machine as the last nine presidents have. I don't know but I am sure hillary is in their pockets. The future looks bleak for ordinary Americans to say the least but I am willing to take the risk that someone who didn't come through the crooked US political system might stand up against it.

Not surprisingly you left out the 8 years between Clinton and Obama.. More right leaning selective memory. Those 8 years were terrible for the working class and for AMERICA.  

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2 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:



President George H.W. Bush wrote this letter to President-Elect Clinton in 1992.  Take a lesson, Trump.





The bit missing is on the next page where it says

"I am leaving you one of my favourite cigars. I hope (like me) you will enjoy it in the Oval Office when you have a quiet enjoyable moment"

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