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Things, I dont understand, in Thailand


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5 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Maybe. Although I think it's possible that they're just lost souls. People often overlook the fact that our actions can change who we are. Many come here and act as if what they do has no consequences. Maybe one day they look in the mirror and realise who they've become as a result of what they have done?

Fear of the unknown is a powerful disincentive to killing oneself. To do so implies that one must truly believe that the unknown is a better option than the known. That is my point when I say that going home is a worse option than death.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have a theory on the expat suicide thing. It's men that can no longer live in LOS for whatever reason but can't face going back to whence they came. I understand that feeling myself. However, I never cut off all ties with the old country, so I have something to go back to.


I suspect the biggest category (who are effectively ultimately achievng the same as suicide) are those who are drinking themselves to death and in reality know it and don't want to change it.  I agree it could be because they they do not want to go back to 'whence they came' or indeed because they have lost their souls. Difficult to understand (as per Thread topic) and thought provoking.

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I suspect the biggest category (who are effectively ultimately achievng the same as suicide) are those who are drinking themselves to death and in reality know it and don't want to change it.  I agree it could be because they they do not want to go back to 'whence they came' or indeed because they have lost their souls. Difficult to understand (as per Thread topic) and thought provoking.

Drinking and poverty. If you have wealth and are an alcoholic there are options available but alcoholic and poverty is a dead end

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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On 11/17/2016 at 11:23 PM, georgemandm said:

He you go I can't live in thailand ok because of all the  rubbish with the visa .

it is a joke the  immigration  here  .

thai people are great most of them .

i was saying if western man went to put up with the visa side of it to try and live here ,good on them but not me .

I can't stand Aussie who come here and put Australia down just to give them a Excuse to live in thailand, you want to live here good on you but not put Australia down , that is what I am saying sorry not to put it  clearer .

Never heard an Aussie put Australia down. Some of them are unhappy about the pension set up, but otherwise they are a lot like Geordies and people from Salford, a bit prickly and thin-skinned about negative comments. :smile:

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18 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

I find instant 3 in 1 is great with a half a cup of water.

Pick up is required if I had a "nornal" car with all the creators (used to be pot holes) I have to negotiate there would be no bottom left on car.

Wow 3 in 1, now that's a sweet tooth, I have to have a flat spoon of Nestcafe, 3 heaped spoons of Coffeemate and half a spoon of brown sugar put through a machine we purchased that creates a throth, so it looks and tastes better than any Starbucks and the rest.


Yeh 4 of the suckers here, but since I put a cover on the rear of the pickup the bigger ones want to sit in the back as they can runamuck and have shade at the same time.

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16 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Wow 3 in 1, now that's a sweet tooth, I have to have a flat spoon of Nestcafe, 3 heaped spoons of Coffeemate and half a spoon of brown sugar put through a machine we purchased that creates a throth, so it looks and tastes better than any Starbucks and the rest.


Yeh 4 of the suckers here, but since I put a cover on the rear of the pickup the bigger ones want to sit in the back as they can runamuck and have shade at the same time.

I buy the artificial sweetener 3 in 1 just right for me haven't used sugar (ie cranulated before I get the what about sugar in this that and the other nonsense) for 30 years now. I do use honey as a sweetner mind. 

My moto is if they can't fit inside the pick up they don't get in simple never have and never will allow anyone regardless of age to sit in the rear.

Edited by Deepinthailand
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7 hours ago, georgemandm said:

No I said you think you are better read ok 

you think you are better by say what you said to me but you are not you are just a smart a 

He did not say that he is better, neither is anybody putting you down.


It is just that for somebody who claims to be a native English speaker you do not have much command of the English language. Your posts are more what i would expect from a German or Scandinavian who is using a second language.

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4 minutes ago, rott said:

He did not say that he is better, neither is anybody putting you down.


It is just that for somebody who claims to be a native English speaker you do not have much command of the English language. Your posts are more what i would expect from a German or Scandinavian who is using a second language.

Or someone who is dumming down his English to suit.

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5 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Or someone who is dumming down his English to suit.


Georgemandm is a Greek who failed English badly, and since I blocked him, I don't have to re-read his replies over and over and over until I sort of understand what he is saying.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Fear of the unknown is a powerful disincentive to killing oneself. To do so implies that one must truly believe that the unknown is a better option than the known. That is my point when I say that going home is a worse option than death.

I've always maintained that Home is where my head hits the pillow and that pillow is permanently in LOS now! :smile:

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On 11/17/2016 at 0:45 PM, Peterw42 said:

Westerners who move here fully aware of the property ownership and immigration laws, then complain about them. A bit like buying a house next to the airport then complaining about the planes.

Thinking about the OP will definitely keep me awake at 4 AM Yikes!!!


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6 hours ago, georgemandm said:

You see there are people on here like 4myego who is brain ? and got suck in by the  hairy losso and dose not like the truth so when I give him the truth he blocks me but you see I don't lose sleep but he lose the lot to thailand 

But the big question is there who's truth one man's truth may differ in all respects from another man's truth therein lies the problem. I don't black you even though I strongly disagree with just about everything you uteer why it's called the entertainment factor.

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On 11/18/2016 at 10:26 PM, jeffcool said:
On 11/18/2016 at 9:33 AM, georgemandm said:

No problems mr English not need to google, because I have a life to go back home to ,not like you that seats all day on his I pad .

And to become a  Multi million  you don't need to be mr English do you .


One has to wonder where you made those multi million???? Certainly not in an english speaking country....


One thing for sure is that we don't know a multi million of what???? I would issues.......



I'm guessing you are also not from an English speaking country.


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14 hours ago, rogeroc said:


I suspect the biggest category (who are effectively ultimately achievng the same as suicide) are those who are drinking themselves to death and in reality know it and don't want to change it.  I agree it could be because they they do not want to go back to 'whence they came' or indeed because they have lost their souls. Difficult to understand (as per Thread topic) and thought provoking.

Many drink themselves to death because they have no direction in their lives, and also to prevent having to face the reality of a wasted life.

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On 11/18/2016 at 9:14 PM, kannot said:

nope  u  just hear a  load of old  crap

That is definitely one of the downsides, i agree, However if the OP is getting annoyed at not knowing what is going on then that is a solution. Can't have it both ways. Or learn the language and carry a pair of earplugs in your back pocket at all times.


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7 hours ago, geronimo said:
21 hours ago, rogeroc said:

I suspect the biggest category (who are effectively ultimately achievng the same as suicide) are those who are drinking themselves to death and in reality know it and don't want to change it.  I agree it could be because they they do not want to go back to 'whence they came' or indeed because they have lost their souls. Difficult to understand (as per Thread topic) and thought provoking.

Many drink themselves to death because they have no direction in their lives, and also to prevent having to face the reality of a wasted life.


People need a purpose and a reasonable routine. Most come here with no plan, no purpose and think because its perceived as cheaper that it will all work out. I think most never consider the psychological part of it and it eats them up. Then they fall for that little gal in the bar and get slowly bled of their savings and sober up at some point to realize they have no way back. People who "off" themselves are ones that likely feel trapped with no way to get out or recover from the trap they have fallen into. They turn to drugs and alcohol to numb that situation and when too much, fall over those low banisters in Pattaya. Sad really as it keeps that stereotype alive here that many westerners here are mental health cases. I do not think they all start out that way.




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2 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

I think you hit the nail on the head as i have said a thousand times about the majority of foreigners both men and women living in Thailand. I call it the (Foreigner In A Bubble Syndrome) After effects are and not limited to. Denial, Heavy non stop drinking, Dating and or marrying a bar girl (hooker), risky behavior, making no effort to learn the Thai language , falling bank accounts largly due to demands of the hooker and or serious lack of common sense of the foreigner who is unable to think due to heavy doses of alcohol, hanging with the wrong crowds, the very same people much like himself complaining about everything Thai, depression when they finally wake up to the fact it was them not the Thais causing all their problems, not understanding anything that is going on around them without the help of their hooker or the nearest 7-11 or Lotus so they can eat more of the very same expensive crap food they left behind, no hobbies likely due to the fact that their only hobby is drinking and banging the hooker, walking around with a constant frown that would scare off King Kong, of course the Thais want nothing to do with you nor i. Finally looking for the nearest balcony to end it all. So did you guys learn anything today or from the other posts from others mentioning the same things. Likely not. You are you own worst enemies. Either learn to adapt to your new home ,learn the language, behave, get yourself out of the gutter, doing your research or LEAVE! P.S. Leave George alone his English skills have nothing to do with the message.







I don't speak Thai or Lao.........:intheclub:

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Things I don't understand........ mainly other Farangs.. the ones with their tall tails and elaborate stories about how they are millionaires, have worked for this and that famous company, have invented famous things, have been the top and best of this and that in their country... etc.


Why do people have to make up lies and stories?  They always forget what they tell you a few weeks later and the story changes and they just look pathetic and stupid. 


I also don't understand why some (usually farang men) let themselves go... stop showering, washing their hair, dressing in normal clothes.. and just sit about getting fat and drinking more and more alcohol, moaning about Thailand.





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23 hours ago, rott said:

Never heard an Aussie put Australia down. Some of them are unhappy about the pension set up, but otherwise they are a lot like Geordies and people from Salford, a bit prickly and thin-skinned about negative comments. :smile:

Intelligent people know they have no reason to be proud of where they we're born and no reason to be uncritical. Salford   'A Class Slum' But I didn't need to read that book to know it's a shithole.  Newcastle not much better.  As for Australia - Many Aussies know the limitations  of the place - sport as a substitute for culture-narrow minded parochial attitudes-immigration- the destruction of aboriginal  peoples and the drunk despair they live in- grim machismo and homophobia-All these pointed out to me by young Aussies who could not wait to get out. 

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17 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

I also don't understand why some (usually farang men) let themselves go... stop showering, washing their hair, dressing in normal clothes.. and just sit about getting fat and drinking more and more alcohol, moaning about Thailand.


I suspect this is due to the company they keep as the expectations are very low. Bar girls( hookers) do not care how the man looks, dresses or smells etc so the foreigner guy loses sight of personal hygiene. As long as the money gets coughed up for her services they look the other way. 


Conversely the foreigners that are working, have a business or have a wife/GF with expectations the bar raised significantly like it is anywhere in the world. Any women who has respect for herself is not going to be seen with some run down old foreigner.   

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11 hours ago, geronimo said:

Many drink themselves to death because they have no direction in their lives, and also to prevent having to face the reality of a wasted life.



I think you have probably 'hit the nail on the head' about the wasted life.


However, in reality, most of us have had wasted lives, how many can actually say that their progess through life has really benefitted anybody else?  So how close could we all be to the 'drink to death scenario' if a situation takes a turn for the worst.



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1 minute ago, rogeroc said:



I think you have probably 'hit the nail on the head' about the wasted life.


However, in reality, most of us have had wasted lives, how many can actually say that their progess through life has really benefitted anybody else?  So how close could we all be to the 'drink to death scenario' if a situation takes a turn for the worst.



Why would I care if my progress through life has benefited anyone else ?

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