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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Considering what actually qualifies as "resistance" to trump and what does not.





The Teacher's Fan Pic Is Cute But It's Not 'The Resistance'


If whipping out a fan in front of an unstable, vindictive, dangerous, possibly treasonous president qualifies as "resistance," we're not fighting hard enough





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13 hours ago, heybruce said:

In summary, you support him on the idiotic policies that do minor damage to the US, and completely ignore his more disastrous actions undermining relationships with allies, flattering dictators and other autocrats, giving China a free pass on everything (dominating Asia, establishing world trade rules, continuing the massive trade deficit that Trump railed against in his campaign), abandoning established standards of ethics and transparency, etc. 


How do you feel about someone as insecure, uninformed and erratic as Trump being able to start a nuclear war with no one being able to stop him?  Maybe he'll decide it's a great way to secure his name in history.


5 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Well, that was a big nothing burger. Let me know when you can present a real argument against any of the points I made.

I'd be happy to consider your perspectives in relation to mine but these ramblings just don't cut muster.

Really?  Are you claiming to be unaware of the numerous times Trump has offended democratic allies and complemented autocrats?  Are you unaware of his statements that undermine NATO? 


I can believe someone as uninformed by you is unaware that the Trans-Pacific Partnership was an attempt to establish western legal standards of trade across the Pacific before China used its heft to establish trade deals  to its advantage.  I can provide links to some reading that explains that, but I don't think you are interested in becoming informed.  However even you must be aware that Trump has done a major about-face on trade with China since his campaign. 


I also assume you are aware that Trump has refused to follow established standards of ethics and transparency; he has not put his business holdings in a blind trust and has not released his tax returns.  It takes a high degree of willful ignorance for people to ignore this.


Regarding the potential for nuclear war, that isn't something that will go away if we ignore it.  We need an informed and responsible Commander in Chief, and Trump clearly doesn't qualify.


You focus on trivial things that Trump is also making a mess of, and ignore his historic blunders and the risks he poses to the world.

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Russia Renewed Unused Trump Trademarks in 2016


"The Trump trademarks, originally obtained between 1996 and 2007 for hotels and branding deals that never materialized,

each had terms that were coming to an end in 2016."


"Despite their inactivity, the Trump Organization sought extensions for the trademarks from Rospatent,

the Russian government agency in charge of intellectual property."


"Four of the approvals were officially registered on Nov. 8 — Election Day in the United States."


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^^^  iReason, the thing is now that if Trump IS replaced by someone else it will take a "normal" President 6-8 months just to sort out the utter mess that now engulfs the White House, it's administration and the whole Federal Government. It is in tatters, and Bannon is having wet dreams while Trump supporters blindly watch their country being dismantled. Make America Stone Age Again.

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^^^ Andaman Al

Fortunately, the numbers for that dwindling minority show that the pitiful, the conned, and the woefully uninformed,

are a fringe group relying on "alternative" facts.  :laugh:

Eventually to be washed away as a grotesque abomination in American history.  :thumbsup:


Trump disapproval hits 64 percent in AP poll


"Sixty-four percent of respondents in the survey said that they don't like how the president is handling his office,

while just over a third, 35 percent, approve of Trump."


"The poll also found that 65 percent of Americans believe Trump has little or no respect for the country's democratic institutions and traditions."


"While that sentiment appeared most common among Democrats and independents - 9 in 10 and 6 in 10, respectively - a third of Republican voters said Trump had little or no respect for democratic institutions in America."




"Trump has little or no respect for the country's democratic institutions and traditions."


Now that is pitiful.



Dunning Kruger.



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15 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

When you say I fell for his BS, you haven't shown me how that's true in regards to the issues I support him on and the things I like about him.

•The wall is still yet to come and I certainly wasn't under the impression that it would go up in his first year.

•I was happy with his plans for a temporary immigration ban

•More illegals are being deported , there's now a huge movement of supporters against sanctuary cities and they're feeling the pressure

•He's still politically incorrect

•He continues to call out the MSM

•Planned Parenthood is set to be defunded

•Trump is nowhere near as phony as Clinton or Obama, I disagree big league here.


Please show me how, of the issues I support him on and the qualities I like about him, I fell for his BS. If you can provide an argument detailing how I am not in fact happy with the points made above and how I was duped into this state of satisfaction(of which you're about to help me break out), thus far, then we're getting somewhere. Until then it just sounds as if you're projecting your own dissatisfaction and contempt for Trump onto me and his supporters.


The wall will never be built.  Never

The immigration ban has created many problems and cost the US many jobs.  Easy to research this.  Plus, it's stuck in a legal mess and may never happen.  Luckily.

Trump is barely deporting more than Obama.  Barely.  Easy to research this and find out. 

Yes, he's politically incorrect.  Which is costing our nation a lot.  Are you happy about how much he plays golf (lied about this), or how much you are spending to provide protection for his family while they travel around and promote their business to make money for themselves? 

He calls out the MSM only when it suits him.  If he doesn't like the news, he calls it fake.  Which it is not. 

Great job with Planned Parenthood.  Depriving 400,000 low income women with health care.  And it won't be completely defunded.  Research this.

Your opinion regarding Trump vs. Clinton or Obama.  Per the opinion polls, most don't agree with you on this.  Especially regarding Obama.


He's been in office quite some time now and basically just tries to repeal anything Obama did.  Terrible.  He's accomplished nothing other than create a huge legal mess.  One that's getting worse for him day by day.  It's gridlock and he's at the heart of it.


He's a proven liar.  How can you support a president like that?  America deserves better. 


P.S. I didn't vote for Obama and don't like Clinton. 

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16 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

Please show me how, of the issues I support him on and the qualities I like about him, I fell for his BS.


How's that defeating ISIS in 30 days thing going?


And you fell for this B.S. that he has been telling you since January:


Trump says U.S.-Mexico border wall to come soon: ABC interview

"U.S. President Donald Trump said he expects construction of a U.S.-Mexico border wall to start within months

and that planning is already underway, according to excerpts of an interview with ABC News released on Wednesday."



“I would say in months, yep, I would say in months,” Trump told Muir.”



Trump promises border wall 'soon, way ahead of schedule'

"US President Donald Trump has vowed to start building a wall on the Mexican border "soon, way ahead of schedule",

in a speech at a conservative event."

"We're building the wall," he said. "In fact it's going to start very soon. Way ahead of schedule. It's way, way, way ahead of schedule."




"It's way, way, way ahead of schedule." :cheesy:


You have been conned with blatant lies and B.S.

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It doesn't matter where Trump is at today, He lied on day one, the very day he should have be showing America his character, and especially showing those who didn't vote for him

He lied about the biggest inauguration crowd ever. A small white lie maybe and all politicians tell lies.

 "BUT", He didn't lie for political gain or to push a policy or influence a foreign power, he lied for his own ego. But, ultimately worse than lying for no reason other than his ego, he then went on to defend the lie, call anyone who proved him wrong as fake news. Sent out the spicer and kellyanne to defend the lie and call it fake news.


"This is on day one", not day 101.


I accept that politicians tell lies, stretch the truth as part of the political process. I dont accept telling lies for no other reason than feeding your ego.


Politicians get caught telling lies, they take it on the chin, offer an explanation and sometimes even retract or apologize. What I cant accept is calling anyone who proves the lie , as fake news. It sets a precedence from day one.


He lost me on day one. 





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all his life he has the attitude

i am/ you are nothing 

i won't pay you/ because i have lawyers full time to make you go away

to the nothing people who cannot fight him in court

always the big bluff and cons to use people

the us banks woke up to his cons / and stopped loaning him money /as bad risk

so he turned to people that needed to launder money

/Putin and his mob which need to get there money out

of Russia and are some of richest people in world through corruption / and found a fool and  and son in law to do it 

it never goes direct /but through banks in country's that turn a blind eye  

then to another company /after 2 or 3 company's  end up in trumps dirty hands

now him and family at last  have found people that can fight him back/ which he has never encountered before

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19 hours ago, heybruce said:


Really?  Are you claiming to be unaware of the numerous times Trump has offended democratic allies and complemented autocrats?  Are you unaware of his statements that undermine NATO? 


I can believe someone as uninformed by you is unaware that the Trans-Pacific Partnership was an attempt to establish western legal standards of trade across the Pacific before China used its heft to establish trade deals  to its advantage.  I can provide links to some reading that explains that, but I don't think you are interested in becoming informed.  However even you must be aware that Trump has done a major about-face on trade with China since his campaign. 


I also assume you are aware that Trump has refused to follow established standards of ethics and transparency; he has not put his business holdings in a blind trust and has not released his tax returns.  It takes a high degree of willful ignorance for people to ignore this.


Regarding the potential for nuclear war, that isn't something that will go away if we ignore it.  We need an informed and responsible Commander in Chief, and Trump clearly doesn't qualify.


You focus on trivial things that Trump is also making a mess of, and ignore his historic blunders and the risks he poses to the world.

"Well, that was a big nothing burger. Let me know when you can present a real argument against any of the points I made."

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5 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

"Well, that was a big nothing burger. Let me know when you can present a real argument against any of the points I made."


See post #2767 re: Your #1 priority:

"The wall is still yet to come and I certainly wasn't under the impression that it would go up in his first year."


Pathetic deflection

You asked.

You received.

You ignore. (The lies of the inept occupier of the White House)


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18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

The wall will never be built.  Never

The immigration ban has created many problems and cost the US many jobs.  Easy to research this.  Plus, it's stuck in a legal mess and may never happen.  Luckily.

Trump is barely deporting more than Obama.  Barely.  Easy to research this and find out. 

Yes, he's politically incorrect.  Which is costing our nation a lot.  Are you happy about how much he plays golf (lied about this), or how much you are spending to provide protection for his family while they travel around and promote their business to make money for themselves? 

He calls out the MSM only when it suits him.  If he doesn't like the news, he calls it fake.  Which it is not. 

Great job with Planned Parenthood.  Depriving 400,000 low income women with health care.  And it won't be completely defunded.  Research this.

Your opinion regarding Trump vs. Clinton or Obama.  Per the opinion polls, most don't agree with you on this.  Especially regarding Obama.


He's been in office quite some time now and basically just tries to repeal anything Obama did.  Terrible.  He's accomplished nothing other than create a huge legal mess.  One that's getting worse for him day by day.  It's gridlock and he's at the heart of it.


He's a proven liar.  How can you support a president like that?  America deserves better. 


P.S. I didn't vote for Obama and don't like Clinton. 

"The wall will never be built.  Never"

We shall see about that. I seem to remember hundreds of media outlets making the same claim about Trump's chances of being elected. One of them even said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning LOL 

He had no chance, never gonna happen. Well, only time would tell and it did : ) 


I agree, the immigration ban may never happen, unfortunately.


"Trump is barely deporting more than Obama.  Barely.  Easy to research this and find out. "

I'm well aware of this. We're also only 5 months into his presidency. 


"Yes, he's politically incorrect.  Which is costing our nation a lot."

How so? 


"Are you happy about how much he plays golf (lied about this), or how much you are spending to provide protection for his family while they travel around and promote their business to make money for themselves? "

Not particularly. What does this have to do with my points? I hope you're aware that many people have said they would vote for Trump based on a few significant issues despite his many drawbacks. And I thought I already made it clear that I don't agree with everything he does or say?


"He calls out the MSM only when it suits him.  If he doesn't like the news, he calls it fake.  Which it is not. "

The MSM has been exposed for airing fake news multiple times. I can provide you with numerous examples if you'd like. This goes back years. Only recently this issue was brought to the forefront by Trump and we have been waiting for someone to call them out for some time now.


I don't want my tax dollars funding abortions. Your body, your choice. My money, my say.


"Your opinion regarding Trump vs. Clinton or Obama.  Per the opinion polls, most don't agree with you on this.  Especially regarding Obama."

Their problem, not mine.

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1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

I seem to remember hundreds of media outlets making the same claim about Trump's chances of being elected. One of them even said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning LOL 

He had no chance, never gonna happen. Well, only time would tell and it did : )

I quit reading after this.  Typical reply from a Trump supporter.  Old and lame argument.  And incorrect.

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8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I quit reading after this.  Typical reply from a Trump supporter.  Old and lame argument.  And incorrect.

No, I have a feeling you quit after "I can provide you with numerous examples if you'd like."

You don't really expect me to believe you quit reading because of the Trump vs Hillary chances do you?

You can't handle the idea that the news outlets you've been following(including the ones that lied to you about Hillary's chances of winning vs Trump's) could in anyway shape or form be lying to you because that would cause a tiny little crack in your worldview and we all know what a tiny little crack can lead to. 

If you really think it's incorrect then what are you afraid of? I'll provide you with some examples. Have a look and judge for yourself.



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8 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

No, I have a feeling you quit after "I can provide you with numerous examples if you'd like."

You don't really expect me to believe you quit reading because of the Trump vs Hillary chances do you?

You can't handle the idea that the news outlets you've been following(including the ones that lied to you about Hillary's chances of winning vs Trump's) could in anyway shape or form be lying to you because that would cause a tiny little crack in your worldview and we all know what a tiny little crack can lead to. 

If you really think it's incorrect then what are you afraid of? I'll provide you with some examples. Have a look and judge for yourself.



Nope, you are wrong.  The old and incorrect comments about the election were the reason.


You've got no idea what news outlets I follow.  And saying MSM outlets are fake news is typical Trump.  And incorrect.


Again, this isn't about Hillary, nor Obama, nor the past election.  Time to catch up.


Perhaps you should reconsider where you get your news????


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8 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

No, I have a feeling you quit after "I can provide you with numerous examples if you'd like."

You don't really expect me to believe you quit reading because of the Trump vs Hillary chances do you?

You can't handle the idea that the news outlets you've been following(including the ones that lied to you about Hillary's chances of winning vs Trump's) could in anyway shape or form be lying to you because that would cause a tiny little crack in your worldview and we all know what a tiny little crack can lead to. 

If you really think it's incorrect then what are you afraid of? I'll provide you with some examples. Have a look and judge for yourself.



What media lied about Hillary's chances of winning? They cited pollsters. The pollsters, (including such evil left wing organizations as Fox News and Rasmussen) got it wrong but by very little. Nate Silver, the statistician who consolidates polls, gave Trump a 21 percent chance of winning. That's not negligible. It's clear you don't understand the difference between predictions and fact.

Let me make it easy for you. If you consult one of those horse racing gags they are going to list all the data that punters want to know. Those are the facts. They will also predict the winners based on odds computed on the basis of that data. If their predictions are wrong, does that mean their statistics are wrong, too? 

You really should learn the difference between predictions and fact.

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Fake news, HRC, Trump won the election, Obama, blablabla!

Please you trumpeteers, you sound like your master. Maby you guys didn't notice it, but the elections are way done and over with for 7 months. So, why keep bringing this up? Has it something to do about being tired of winning and you have to keep hold on the only thing that he won, only the electoral vote btw?

But please keep kissing his ass, like his cabinet puppets. The want to be dictator loves it.

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

"The wall will never be built.  Never"

We shall see about that. I seem to remember hundreds of media outlets making the same claim about Trump's chances of being elected. One of them even said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning LOL 

He had no chance, never gonna happen. Well, only time would tell and it did : ) 


I agree, the immigration ban may never happen, unfortunately.


"Trump is barely deporting more than Obama.  Barely.  Easy to research this and find out. "

I'm well aware of this. We're also only 5 months into his presidency. 


"Yes, he's politically incorrect.  Which is costing our nation a lot."

How so? 


"Are you happy about how much he plays golf (lied about this), or how much you are spending to provide protection for his family while they travel around and promote their business to make money for themselves? "

Not particularly. What does this have to do with my points? I hope you're aware that many people have said they would vote for Trump based on a few significant issues despite his many drawbacks. And I thought I already made it clear that I don't agree with everything he does or say?


"He calls out the MSM only when it suits him.  If he doesn't like the news, he calls it fake.  Which it is not. "

The MSM has been exposed for airing fake news multiple times. I can provide you with numerous examples if you'd like. This goes back years. Only recently this issue was brought to the forefront by Trump and we have been waiting for someone to call them out for some time now.


I don't want my tax dollars funding abortions. Your body, your choice. My money, my say.


"Your opinion regarding Trump vs. Clinton or Obama.  Per the opinion polls, most don't agree with you on this.  Especially regarding Obama."

Their problem, not mine.

""Yes, he's politically incorrect.  Which is costing our nation a lot."

How so? "


Well, he "twitter attacked" the mayor of London for advising people to stay calm.  Do you think that helps relations with a top tier ally?


He took credit for the Mid-East moves against Qatar even though Qatar hosts the largest US base in the Mid-East, and Qatar is no more guilty of supporting terrorism than our friend Saudi Arabia.  Not a good idea.


As mentioned, he routinely insults democratic allies and complements autocrats, damaging US credibility as a leader in the democratic world. 


Shall I go on?


"The MSM has been exposed for airing fake news multiple times. I can provide you with numerous examples if you'd like. This goes back years. Only recently this issue was brought to the forefront by Trump and we have been waiting for someone to call them out for some time now."


Yes, please give examples of MSM intentionally reporting fake news and failing to offer a retraction.  While your at it, give examples of what you consider to be reliable news sources that never err in their reports.

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2 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

This post doesn't really add anything to the discussion. If you need to vent and troll on me that's cool, have fun.


So what do you consider "adding to the discussion?"  How about this article, another analysis of Trump.  This is what people are thinking and saying about your hero...


[Donald Trump is wrong almost all of the time about almost everything.

He lies constantly, and even though he is constantly being caught in his transparent lies, he never admits error, pressing ever forward on his destructive path.

Does he do this because he knows nothing about the world? (That is, is he naive ?)

Alternatively, maybe it is because he is incapable of logical thinking. (Is he stupid ?)

Or is it instead because he has horrible policy goals? (Is he evil ?)]




So do you think Trump is naive, stupid, or evil?  I'd say all three. 



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4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

So what do you consider "adding to the discussion?"  How about this article, another analysis of Trump.  This is what people are thinking and saying about your hero...


[Donald Trump is wrong almost all of the time about almost everything.

He lies constantly, and even though he is constantly being caught in his transparent lies, he never admits error, pressing ever forward on his destructive path.

Does he do this because he knows nothing about the world? (That is, is he naive ?)

Alternatively, maybe it is because he is incapable of logical thinking. (Is he stupid ?)

Or is it instead because he has horrible policy goals? (Is he evil ?)]




So do you think Trump is naive, stupid, or evil?  I'd say all three. 


Certainly none of what he said really adds to the discussion. Not all anti-Trumpers are alike, some can have decent conversations and arguments, others well.. you saw dutchisaan's post.


'This is what people are thinking and saying about your hero…'

Feelings are not arguments.


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31 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You've lost the plot and are just trolling now.


They tip over the line pretty quickly after they have exhausted their one dimensional gibberish.

Then it all simply becomes prattle...


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2 minutes ago, iReason said:


They tip over the line pretty quickly after they have exhausted their one dimensional gibberish.

Then it all simply becomes prattle...


Interesting article.  They tend to be anti-Trump, so I read this with that in mind, but still interesting to read if you have the time.





Politics is more like a love affair with the voters than an exercise in convincing some economic theorist’s “rational decision maker” to make calculations about the benefits and negatives of a candidate or leader. People don’t tote up all of the ways a candidate will benefit them or hurt them on lists and weigh the calculation, any more than a lover makes a list of the pros and cons of the subject of his or her affection.


When you fall in love, it is more than anything else because you feel good about yourself in the presence of the other person. It is because your lover makes you feel special, empowered – because he or she pays attention – to you.


As the article states, it's a minority of American's who still support Trump.  And as we know, there are still people out there who believe man never landed on the moon. LOL


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Explaining the RACIAL reasons that trump became president.

There is a concerted effort to innocent wash this with the it's all about the economy excuse. Nope.


Even some anti-trumpists seem overly obsessed with emphasizing some kind of  civilized dialogue with trumpists as the answer going forward. Yes, that can be done on economic issues, for example health care, where tragically so many trumpists voted to basically deny themselves health care.


BUT - how exactly do you do that with people motivated by racist hatred? 




The story we’ve told ourselves — that working-class whites flocked to Trump due to job worries or free trade or economic populism — is basically wrong, the research papers released this week suggest.


They did flock to Trump. But the reason they did so in enough numbers for Trump to win wasn’t anxiety about the economy. It was anxiety about Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.



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Guy's, Rigby40 has hijacked the thread, I suggest 'ignore', he is like one of the Borg and won't stop until you are assimilated.


Funny how all the MSM give out fake news, yet when they reported about HRC's emails, Benghazi, Bill Clintons indiscretions, Obama's failings - they were all telling the truth then.


You know who Trump reminds me of, and the way he seems to be converting the uneducated? - The High Sparrow off Game of Thrones! Trump has the same cult growing behind him and it is spreading the same way as it did across Kings Landing.




It won't be long before Trump supporters are happy to sport something like this.




All hail High Sparrow Trump.

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The inept one is doing once again, what he does best, lying:


President Trump Says He Has Higher Approval Ratings Than Obama. That’s Not True


"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking poll did show President Trump with a 50% approval rating on Friday, June 16 — the first time Trump had reached this high of an approval rating since April, the pollsters noted."


"But on June 16, 2009, then-President Obama had a 56% approval rating under the same poll.."


"Other polls show Trump with much lower approval ratings than all of his predecessors, not just Barack Obama."



Jeez, this guy is tedious...



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2 minutes ago, iReason said:

The inept one is doing once again, what he does best, lying:


President Trump Says He Has Higher Approval Ratings Than Obama. That’s Not True


"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking poll did show President Trump with a 50% approval rating on Friday, June 16 — the first time Trump had reached this high of an approval rating since April, the pollsters noted."


"But on June 16, 2009, then-President Obama had a 56% approval rating under the same poll. And on June 18, 2009, Obama had a 55% approval rating."


"Other polls show Trump with much lower approval ratings than all of his predecessors, not just Barack Obama."



Jeez, this guy is tedious...



worst than the lying is anyone who reports the truth will be "fake news"

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Donald Trump 'yells at TVs in the White House' about Russia investigation

Confidantes say the US President is furious about the press coverage (sub-title)


"Donald Trump has reportedly been yelling at TV sets in the White House as he becomes "increasingly angry" about an investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the US presidential election."


"Confidants and advisers close to Mr Trump said his fury was mounting at the probe and he had been yelling at TV sets about its press coverage."



Yelling at T.V. sets.



The guy belongs in a straight jacket...

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