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Trump drama rolls on: Disputes, falsehoods hit transition


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Trump drama rolls on: Disputes, falsehoods hit transition



NEW YORK (AP) — The drama, disputes and falsehoods that permeated Donald Trump's presidential campaign are now roiling his transition to the White House, forcing aides to defend his baseless assertions of illegal voting and sending internal fights spilling into public.


On Monday, a recount effort, led by Green Party candidate Jill Stein and joined by Hillary Clinton's campaign also marched on in three states, based partly on the Stein campaign's unsubstantiated assertion that cyberhacking could have interfered with electronic voting machines. Wisconsin officials approved plans to begin a recount as early as Thursday. Stein also asked for a recount in Pennsylvania and was expected to do the same in Michigan, where officials certified Trump's victory Monday.


Trump has angrily denounced the recounts and now claims without evidence that he, not Clinton, would have won the popular vote if it hadn't been for "millions of people who voted illegally." On Twitter, he singled out Virginia, California and New Hampshire.


There has been no indication of widespread election tampering or voter fraud in those states or any others, and Trump aides struggled Monday to back up their boss' claim.


Spokesman Jason Miller said illegal voting was "an issue of concern." But the only evidence he raised was a 2014 news report and a study on voting irregularities conducted before the 2016 election.


Trump met Monday with candidates for top Cabinet posts, including retired Gen. David Petraeus, a new contender for secretary of state. Trump is to meet Tuesday with Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, who is also being considered more seriously for the diplomatic post, and Mitt Romney, who has become a symbol of the internal divisions agitating the transition team.


Petraeus said he spent about an hour with Trump, and he praised the president-elect for showing a "great grasp of a variety of the challenges that are out there."


"Very good conversation and we'll see where it goes from here," he said. A former CIA chief, Petraeus pleaded guilty last year to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information relating to documents he had provided to his biographer, with whom he was having an affair.


Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who is heading the transition effort, is said to be among those backing Romney for State. Romney was fiercely critical of Trump throughout the campaign but is interested in the Cabinet position, and they discussed it during a lengthy meeting earlier this month.


Other top Trump allies, notably campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, have launched a highly unusual public campaign to warn the president-elect that nominating Romney would be seen as a betrayal by his supporters. Conway's comments stirred speculation that she is seeking to either force Trump's hand or give him cover for ultimately passing over Romney.


Three people close to the transition team said Trump had been aware that Conway planned to voice her opinion, both on Twitter and in television interviews. They disputed reports that Trump was furious at her and suggested his decision to consider additional candidates instead highlighted her influence.


Conway served as Trump's third campaign manager and largely succeeded in navigating the minefield of rivalries that ensnared other officials. Trump is said to have offered her a choice of White House jobs — either press secretary or communications director. But people with knowledge of Conway's plans say she is more interested in serving as an outside political adviser, akin to the role President Barack Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe played following the 2008 election.


The wrangling over the State Department post appears to have slowed the announcements of other top jobs. Retired Gen. James Mattis, who impressed Trump during a pre-Thanksgiving meeting, was at the top of the list for Defense secretary, but a final decision had not been made.


Trump was also considering former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani for Homeland Security secretary, according to those close to the transition process. Giuliani was initially the front-runner for State and is still in the mix. But questions about his overseas business dealings, as well as the mayor's public campaigning for the job, have given Trump pause.


Those close to the transition insisted on anonymity in commenting because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the private process.


Even as Trump weighs major decisions that will shape his presidency, he's been unable to avoid being distracted by the recount effort. He spent Sunday on a 12-hour Twitter offensive that included quoting Clinton's concession speech, in which she said the public owed Trump "an open mind and the chance to lead."


His final tweets challenging the integrity of an election he won were reminiscent of his repeated, unsubstantiated assertions during the campaign that the contest might be rigged. Those previous comments sparked an outcry from both Clinton and some Republicans.


Clinton lawyer Marc Elias said the campaign has seen "no actionable evidence" of voting anomalies. But the campaign still plans to be involved in Stein's recount to ensure its interests are legally represented.


Trump narrowly won Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. All three would need to flip to Clinton to upend the Republican's victory, and Clinton's team says Trump has a larger edge in all three states than has ever been overcome in a presidential recount.


Pace reported from Washington. AP writer Jon Lemire contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-29
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Trump is a drama queen, lives for the ratings and attention. I suggest he get a daily 15 or 30 minute show dedicated to this sort of kardashian foolishness, relieve news orgs of having to cover this obvious play for attention regardless of what it does to US government

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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

Definition of "Secretary of State": a US Government position that requires the mishandling of information 


there is a cornucopia of candidates to choose from

He is also a War Hero. Who protected your A - -  !

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump has angrily denounced the recounts and now claims without evidence that he, not Clinton, would have won the popular vote if it hadn't been for "millions of people who voted illegally." On Twitter, he singled out Virginia, California and New Hampshire.

God Help America.

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Probably the best choice is Romney because of his cool demeanor and he looks the part.  I am somewhat surprised that Trump's insiders have gone public on this disagreement. They need to be reeled in or demoted for this. You never go public over a disagreement- it all stays in house- this does not look good.

In regards to the recount- I didn't vote for Trump but looking at the voting in the 3 States shows me that even a recount will still make Trump the winner. Clinton would have to win all 3  states to be declared the winner. Can't see it happening and a huge waste of money. We got Trump and have to work with him.

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20 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Probably the best choice is Romney because of his cool demeanor and he looks the part.  I am somewhat surprised that Trump's insiders have gone public on this disagreement. They need to be reeled in or demoted for this. You never go public over a disagreement- it all stays in house- this does not look good.

In regards to the recount- I didn't vote for Trump but looking at the voting in the 3 States shows me that even a recount will still make Trump the winner. Clinton would have to win all 3  states to be declared the winner. Can't see it happening and a huge waste of money. We got Trump and have to work with him.

I think Romney is the worst choice as he was/is a big proponent of outsourcing labor. Trump has said he will end that and even bring a lot back. What a huge contradiction Romney would be.

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25 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Probably the best choice is Romney because of his cool demeanor and he looks the part.  I am somewhat surprised that Trump's insiders have gone public on this disagreement. They need to be reeled in or demoted for this. You never go public over a disagreement- it all stays in house- this does not look good.

In regards to the recount- I didn't vote for Trump but looking at the voting in the 3 States shows me that even a recount will still make Trump the winner. Clinton would have to win all 3  states to be declared the winner. Can't see it happening and a huge waste of money. We got Trump and have to work with him.


 quote from your post " we got Trump and have to work with him"

Trump in the text :


Edited by Opl
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44 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Don't worry about it, it's just locker room banter.  It's not like these guys are serious politicians or anything....


That is what We The People were hoping when we hired him.

After all we see the sorry mess the "Serious Politicians" made of things in recent decades


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10 hours ago, mania said:


That is what We The People were hoping when we hired him.

After all we see the sorry mess the "Serious Politicians" made of things in recent decades



Well if "You The People" think that Trump is the answer then good luck with that!  So far  he is following the politicians mantra of going back on just about everything he promised in his campaign.  You can't get more "Politician" than that

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1 hour ago, bandito said:

This is better than a YouTube cartoon of Popeye. A real comedian our Mr. Trump.


       Yes, Trump tries to be funny. He is, after all, an entertainer.  But his jokes fall flat - they're often denigrating and wrong-headed.  ....like when he shouted that Obama and HRC created ISIS.  Or that Bill said worse things on the golf course, than Trump's 'I just grab their pussies. I can do anything.'   Or, for five long years, Trump saying; "Obama may be a Kenyan Muslim, I don't know."  


Romney would be the best of his rotten bunch who are queuing up to be Sec. of State.  Most political observers have probably forgotten that, 4.5 yrs ago, Romney and Ryan were eager to give the US military many billions more than the military asked for - but like I say; all Trump's contenders for top spots are flawed, so the trick is; to pick the least flawed among them.  Thus far, Trump has failed at even doing that.


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18 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

God Help America.


Actually, many people believe God did help America by opening the eyes of enough voters to elect Trump as president.    


I think the liberal, left-wing posters that constantly post silly hysterical posts on this site regarding Trump, should take a break, and rub those sleepy little eyes to see who Trump is selecting as cabinet members.  Without exception, everyone of his picks are far more qualified at running America than Obama or his cabinet.


As to Trump's allegations concerning dead people and illegal's voting, this has been going on for years in democratically run cities such as Chicago, and this election was certainly no exception.  If it wasn't for the corrupt democratic machine in Chicago, Obama would have never made it to the senate.  I'm sure these people couldn't believe their eyes when they discovered a left wing black person, who was educated, and just as corrupt as they are who could speak fluent English and ebonics. 


I don't know if you people have noticed, but the stock market has been reacting to Tump moving into the White House by climbing to historical levels, as well as the dollar strengthening against foreign currencies.


There is no Trump drama rolling on as this liberal news article suggests.  What you hear and read is the liberal media, sobbing, and weeping hysterically over "Hillary the Liar" and her corrupt minions not being able to leave off where Obama's destructive policies has left America.


As to the haters who don't miss an opportunity to bash America, you should consider thanking your luck stars there is an America, or your miserable little lives would be much more miserable than they are right now. :-)



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21 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

Definition of "Secretary of State": a US Government position that requires the mishandling of information 


there is a cornucopia of candidates to choose from

And as a matter-of-fact, one was defeated in the presidential election...


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5 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

I don't know if you people have noticed, but the stock market has been reacting to Tump moving into the White House by climbing to historical levels, as well as the dollar strengthening against foreign currencies.

And just how long do you think the stock market will climb on pure hype lack of earnings stock buy backs fudging numbers low low earnings predictions. 

Profit Slump for S&P 500 Heads for a Sixth Straight Quarter - WSJ

 The piper must in time be paid. The volume of noise of so called economists and analysts is truly deafening. Yes the Donald has had an effect on the market but as the highwaymen of centuries past said "Stand and deliver" Without action which remains to be seen words are just words.

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By spinning out the appointment of the Secretary of the State and throwing in some twists and turns to make for a dramatic plotline, Trump is employing the successful tried and tested tactics (provoke some infighting) that he used on The Apprentice.


It keeps the media distracted, the audience interested and makes him look omnipotent (he likes that bit).


Notice how Trump has become the story yet again and nobody is interested in the policy details and the consequences stemming from them.

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21 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

By spinning out the appointment of the Secretary of the State and throwing in some twists and turns to make for a dramatic plotline, Trump is employing the successful tried and tested tactics (provoke some infighting) that he used on The Apprentice.


It keeps the media distracted, the audience interested and makes him look omnipotent (he likes that bit).


Notice how Trump has become the story yet again and nobody is interested in the policy details and the consequences stemming from them.

As any good general would do divide and conquer. Kind of reminds me back in my teenage days being a wrestling fan. You watched the guy come into the ring decked out in finery and after the match was over he limped away. 

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Just now, elgordo38 said:

As any good general would do divide and conquer. Kind of reminds me back in my teenage days being a wrestling fan. You watched the guy come into the ring decked out in finery and after the match was over he limped away. 

This is true. But you are supposed to divide and conquer the enemy not your own team.


Oh, wait a minute, hang on there, I think we are on to something here. :ermm:

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Just now, Briggsy said:

This is true. But you are supposed to divide and conquer the enemy not your own team.


Oh, wait a minute, hang on there, I think we are on to something here. :ermm:

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I think J. Caesar said that but I could be wrong. In his case I guess they got to close

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3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

And just how long do you think the stock market will climb on pure hype lack of earnings stock buy backs fudging numbers low low earnings predictions. 

Profit Slump for S&P 500 Heads for a Sixth Straight Quarter - WSJ

 The piper must in time be paid. The volume of noise of so called economists and analysts is truly deafening. Yes the Donald has had an effect on the market but as the highwaymen of centuries past said "Stand and deliver" Without action which remains to be seen words are just words.


The noise that is deafening is the hysterical moaning, and sobbing of left-wing liberals crying about Trump being Americas next president instead of "Hillary the Liar."  Time will tell if Trump will be good for America and the market long term.  


I'm betting America is headed for prosperous times with Trump at the helm.  Hillary would have resulted in more disastrous events such as Benghazi and more corruption scandals.  White House interns would have been as risk of being molested by her pervert husband Bill.  


Anyway, we don't have to concern ourselves with what the White House would have been like with Hillary the Liar at the helm along with her crime family will we?  :-)    

Edited by CMNightRider
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Actually, many people believe God did help America by opening the eyes of enough voters to elect Trump as president.    
I think the liberal, left-wing posters that constantly post silly hysterical posts on this site regarding Trump, should take a break, and rub those sleepy little eyes to see who Trump is selecting as cabinet members.  Without exception, everyone of his picks are far more qualified at running America than Obama or his cabinet.
As to Trump's allegations concerning dead people and illegal's voting, this has been going on for years in democratically run cities such as Chicago, and this election was certainly no exception.  If it wasn't for the corrupt democratic machine in Chicago, Obama would have never made it to the senate.  I'm sure these people couldn't believe their eyes when they discovered a left wing black person, who was educated, and just as corrupt as they are who could speak fluent English and ebonics. 
I don't know if you people have noticed, but the stock market has been reacting to Tump moving into the White House by climbing to historical levels, as well as the dollar strengthening against foreign currencies.
There is no Trump drama rolling on as this liberal news article suggests.  What you hear and read is the liberal media, sobbing, and weeping hysterically over "Hillary the Liar" and her corrupt minions not being able to leave off where Obama's destructive policies has left America.
As to the haters who don't miss an opportunity to bash America, you should consider thanking your luck stars there is an America, or your miserable little lives would be much more miserable than they are right now. :-)

Thanks mate, you're really funny, made my day.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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I wasn't a supporter of Trump, but he did get elected, so let's all hold on and wait for the ride to begin.   He's not a particularly nasty guy.   His mouth is usually nastier than his actions.   He's not a true conservative, in the traditional sense of the word, although he will pander to them.   


As far as his courting of Mitt Romney, I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't just getting even with him.   Build him up, make him feel good and then SPLAT drop him on the pavement.   

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