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Trump drama rolls on: Disputes, falsehoods hit transition


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17 hours ago, Morch said:


This seems more relevant to the host of interpretation heaped on Trump's rather obvious statements by his supporters. But anyhow, anything seems to be countered by either "it doesn't matter/I don't care" or "Trump won the elections". Both being the paragon of reasoning when it comes to certain posters.

I prefer to use "Trump won" in the context of "SHE LOST". That was all I really cared about. So, it really doesn't matter.

Trump will do whatever he does, the world will still turn, the sun will still rise and set everyday.

If he stuffs up, I'll point it out, but I'm going to wait and see if he does before writing long posts claiming to know the future.

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18 hours ago, NeverSure said:


She doesn't need a pardon. She's innocent of any wrongdoing. That's what the Democrats tell me. :sleep:


Of course the new AG might decide that Hillary had criminally violated the Emoluments Clause which prohibits officials from accepting those hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign governments such as the $25 million from Saudi Arabia. That's a serious crime.


I'll just wait and let it play out.





It's no different to what Trump was doing when he was on the campaign trail: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/29/trump-campaign-donations-foreign-politicians


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3 hours ago, Xircal said:


It's no different to what Trump was doing when he was on the campaign trail: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/29/trump-campaign-donations-foreign-politicians



Since the article you linked to is 5 months old, it should be known by now if he actually received and accepted donations from foreign governments.


Did he?


How is the complaint going? Was it accepted?

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

A lot of people lack of humor when it comes to personal insults targeting them. Some people are better at pretending otherwise.


Of course, but I can remember how he liked to mock other people on stage during his rallies ..he made the show and entertained his audience.

So it's not going to stop now that he won.


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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

A lot of people lack of humor when it comes to personal insults targeting them. Some people are better at pretending otherwise.


Talking of humour... I hope the Dems have some left. Merry Christmas!



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On 12/3/2016 at 8:48 PM, NeverSure said:

Hey, just FYI, your side lost. You can stop promoting Obama any time now. He's outta there.

The US has had the slowest economic recovery since WWII under Obama. Obama has never had a year of 3% GDP growth. Unemployment numbers have been skewed but there are more people out of the workforce right now than ever in history. Home prices are propped up by absolute record low interest rates for 8 years. The Fed has had to keep interest rates near zero just to barely keep things afloat. Jobs have fled the country en masse. 

The community organizer who never even managed a lemonade stand has been running the country and the economy and he's made a mess. 

I've listened to libs tell me Trump couldn't win the nomination, and then that he couldn't win the White House, and now that he can't run the country. I feel like I'm in a room full of children.

Way back when Trump first announced his candidacy I started telling people on here, "Get used to saying President Trump." I took the hoots and derision from the Left. NOW get used to saying it. You act like there's still a campaign in progress. It's over. Cheers.


       I've already admitted the good candidate lost the electoral votes, though she won 2 million more votes overall.  My mention of Obama's achievements was in response to Neversure's "Obama has been so bad that while he's been POTUS...... "


         If you feel like you're in a room full of children, then you must be hanging out in a room full of Trump supporters who chant things like "Lock her up! Lock her up!" or who cheer wildly when their hero says "Lying Ted" or "Crooked Hillary" or "The Russians will never go into Ukraine" or "Sure, women should be punished for seeking an abortion." 


       Trump is dangerous to America on so many levels.  Here's just one; where conservative economists estimate Trump's disastrous tax policy will increase the federal deficit by 1 trillion $$'s for each of the next 10 years.  Note: Trump brags about saving about 1,000 jobs at the Air Conditioner factory. Scratch the surface and you'll see that's the result of Trump promising millions of taxpayer dollars to the factory.  Trump will be promising billions of tax-relief and handout dollars to other companies to entice them to keep their operations in the US.  Where will those tens of billions of taxpayer dollars (to cushion corporations) come from - if he drastically lessens the amount of taxes from rich people (himself and family) and businesses?



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On 12/4/2016 at 1:46 AM, NeverSure said:


Not circular at all. Many of the rah rah posts against Trump are a day late and a dollar short. Trump won the election. It's time to stop campaigning. 


None of the crap posts about Trump have any meaning now. He will be POTUS in just 47 days.




And as pointed on many previous posts, elections results do not imply that the opposition is to embrace the winner's views. This is not about campaigning, or not accepting the election results. Your (and other posters) attempts to label any ongoing criticism of Trump as "crap posts", "campaigning", "not  accepting results", "whining" or what not, seems more grounded with the inability to grasp that most people do not stop to think post elections.


Trump won is not really a winning argument.

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18 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I prefer to use "Trump won" in the context of "SHE LOST". That was all I really cared about. So, it really doesn't matter.

Trump will do whatever he does, the world will still turn, the sun will still rise and set everyday.

If he stuffs up, I'll point it out, but I'm going to wait and see if he does before writing long posts claiming to know the future.


Pull the other one. There are several posters claiming the above, while at the same time defending, excusing, or exalting most of Trump's statement's, views, actions and conduct. This got little to do with "long posts claiming to know the future" - the same pattern applies with regard to pretty much any criticism leveled at Trump, be it short or addressing matters in the past or the present.

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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

A lot of people lack of humor when it comes to personal insults targeting them. Some people are better at pretending otherwise.


A lot of people are not the president-elect of the USA. Perhaps different standards of self control are rightfully expected.

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18 minutes ago, Morch said:


Pull the other one. There are several posters claiming the above, while at the same time defending, excusing, or exalting most of Trump's statement's, views, actions and conduct. This got little to do with "long posts claiming to know the future" - the same pattern applies with regard to pretty much any criticism leveled at Trump, be it short or addressing matters in the past or the present.


Personally, I find much of the criticism of him to be just plain silly and the groundless "predictions" even more so. Some people are determined to find fault with him no matter what and the truth be damned. I respond for the same reason that I would defend anyone being demonized unfairly. 

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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Personally, I find much of the criticism of him to be just plain silly and the groundless "predictions" even more so. Some people are determined to find fault with him no matter what and the truth be damned. I respond for the same reason that I would defend anyone being demonized unfairly. 


As said, pull the other one. The standard reaction offered to any criticism whatsoever of Trump is denial, dismissal or ridicule. This has nothing to do with predictions, and applies to things he's already said and done.

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"The standard reaction offered to any criticism whatsoever of Trump is denial, dismissal or ridicule".


Often for very good reason. The non-stop bile is pointless. The left - once again - crying wolf.



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

"The standard reaction offered to any criticism whatsoever of Trump is denial, dismissal or ridicule".


Often for very good reason. The non-stop bile is pointless. The left - once again - crying wolf.




More deflection.

Labeling most (or all) criticism directed at Trump as "pointless", "crying wolf" or amounting to "non-stop bile" is exactly the sort of reaction mentioned earlier. In reality, it is simply an easy cop out used to discredit any opposing views, without showing much inclination to address any of it, even obviously relevant issues.

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

Of course, but I can remember how he liked to mock other people on stage during his rallies ..


Indeed he did.


Lest we forget this cretin's most repulsive example:



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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

"The standard reaction offered to any criticism whatsoever of Trump is denial, dismissal or ridicule".

Often for very good reason. The non-stop bile is pointless.


There are many points to be taken into consideration regarding the incompetent, ignorant, corrupt huckster that is Trump.


But you, as is the case with many of your fellow Trumpeteers, choose to ignore them. :laugh:


It is illuminated clearly and correctly in the first line of your post.  :thumbsup:

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5 hours ago, iReason said:


There are many points to be taken into consideration regarding the incompetent, ignorant, corrupt huckster that is Trump.


But you, as is the case with many of your fellow Trumpeteers, choose to ignore them. :laugh:


It is illuminated clearly and correctly in the first line of your post.  :thumbsup:

The only thing WE need to acknowledge is that HE WON.

Carry on, we are :cheesy:.

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22 hours ago, Anthony5 said:


Since the article you linked to is 5 months old, it should be known by now if he actually received and accepted donations from foreign governments.


Did he?


How is the complaint going? Was it accepted?


I wouldn't know: I don't have access to his bank account.


But the same can be said about HRC supposedly accepting foreign donations. Who has absolute proof that she did?

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On 12/2/2016 at 11:13 PM, NeverSure said:


The Democrats betrayed the people in the rust belt partly by shipping their jobs to China and Mexico. They also failed to invest in infrastructure. What was formerly the auto manufacturing capital of the world is now in ruins. The last I knew Flint didn't even have safe water to drink. People who used to have good family wage jobs in manufacturing are now on welfare and food stamps and their towns are in ruins.


The Democrats have controlled those states for at least 50 years. The people have had enough of the treason from Democrats who care nothing for Americans but instead allow massive immigration by people who would harm them and by illegals who take jobs under the table for less than minimum wage. There's the treason of shipping the good manufacturing jobs out of the country leaving those people with nothing.


Trump wants to make those areas great again and he convinced the people he can. Give him a chance. What's been going on hasn't been working. The graphic below shows just what a landslide/wipe out Trump inflicted on the Democrats.


Election map.gif

What utter nonsense. Do you realize that Nafta was opposed overwhelmingly by Democrats in the House? It was the even more overwhelming support of Republicans that put it over the top. The deal itself was negotiated by President George H.W. Bush.

And as for good paying jobs. Republicans have been successfully waging wars on unions for the past 60 years. In developed nations where unions are strong, there's a stronger middle class and much more equitable distribution of wages. This foolish belief that manufacturing jobs will magically pay good wages is nonsense. Do you recall the campaign for a union at Volkswagen in Tennessee. Volkswagen, being a German company, had no problem with having a union. But Republican politicians threatened retribution if the workers voted to unionize.

Once Trump gets to appoint his Supreme Court justices, that will probably mean the end of any meaningful union activity in the USA.  On the other hand, corporations will be given even more rights.

As for your ridiculous map.  Believe it or not, soil isn't allowed the vote. It's people. So all those low population counties mean very little in terms of actual votes.

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On 12/5/2016 at 10:57 AM, Ulysses G. said:

"The standard reaction offered to any criticism whatsoever of Trump is denial, dismissal or ridicule".


Often for very good reason. The non-stop bile is pointless. The left - once again - crying wolf.



If you take "pointless" to be a synonym for "accurate" i agree. This is the guy who claimed that millions of illegal votes were cast and without them he would have won the popular vote as well. Does the fact that we have a President-elect who constantly tweets falsehoods have no significance at all for you?

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7 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

What utter nonsense. Do you realize that Nafta was opposed overwhelmingly by Democrats in the House? It was the even more overwhelming support of Republicans that put it over the top. The deal itself was negotiated by President George H.W. Bush.

And as for good paying jobs. Republicans have been successfully waging wars on unions for the past 60 years. In developed nations where unions are strong, there's a stronger middle class and much more equitable distribution of wages. This foolish belief that manufacturing jobs will magically pay good wages is nonsense. Do you recall the campaign for a union at Volkswagen in Tennessee. Volkswagen, being a German company, had no problem with having a union. But Republican politicians threatened retribution if the workers voted to unionize.

Once Trump gets to appoint his Supreme Court justices, that will probably mean the end of any meaningful union activity in the USA.  On the other hand, corporations will be given even more rights.

As for your ridiculous map.  Believe it or not, soil isn't allowed the vote. It's people. So all those low population counties mean very little in terms of actual votes.

However, all those blue collar workers voted for him. Could it be that the Dems no longer represent the working man? Could it be that the workers rejected the pants suited one? Could it be that the DNC have become elitist and out of touch with those they once represented?

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

If you take "pointless" to be a synonym for "accurate" i agree. This is the guy who claimed that millions of illegal votes were cast and without them he would have won the popular vote as well. Does the fact that we have a President-elect who constantly tweets falsehoods have no significance at all for you?

To answer the question the way you have written it- yes.

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