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Using a bum gun as a precaution


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1 hour ago, Pomthai said:

Probably as reliable as a chocolate tea pot.


This thread can't be serious surely.


  It is . A few weeks ago I met a Thai friend and I asked how she was and she was quite upset, her son had a car accident and unfortunately died .

    I offered her my complete condolences and I also offered my services if she wanted a replacement , which she agreed to .

    I dont want to go into detail, but afterwards , ........well , I just wondered about a bum guns effectiveness and why she would do it 


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"Does douching prevent pregnancy?


"No. Douching does not prevent pregnancy. In fact, douching  is a bad idea for birth control for several reasons:


"Sperm are extremely fast swimmers. Thousands of them can reach the uterus by the time a girl even begins to douche.


"The pressure of a douching solution squirted into the vagina can actually push sperm into the uterus."



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On 30/11/2016 at 2:32 PM, sanemax said:


  It is . A few weeks ago I met a Thai friend and I asked how she was and she was quite upset, her son had a car accident and unfortunately died .

    I offered her my complete condolences and I also offered my services if she wanted a replacement , which she agreed to .

    I dont want to go into detail, but afterwards , ........well , I just wondered about a bum guns effectiveness and why she would do it 


This is weird so womans son dies and she sleeps wirh you using only a bum gun as a form of contraceptive. 

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Well I've used a bum gun for nigh on 20 years since I came to LOS and never got pregnant so there must be something in the theory. However  my wife uses a bum gun and we've got a 12 year old daughter so I wouldn't say it's 100% foolproof.


Edited by mca
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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh I get it now. Bum gun means the water sprayer next to most toilets in Thailand. I got herpes from using that too much.
Had to laugh one day when my Mum came over and the water pressure was low in the morning so she used it to shower with. We had fun for days after she told us that. 555
Now, seroiusly when you've made love to a beautiful lady or knocked one out over a bit of porn streaming. Don't use the 'bum gun' to wash your own gun. You might damage it!

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On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:23 AM, Oxx said:

"Does douching prevent pregnancy?


"No. Douching does not prevent pregnancy. In fact, douching  is a bad idea for birth control for several reasons:


"Sperm are extremely fast swimmers. Thousands of them can reach the uterus by the time a girl even begins to douche.


"The pressure of a douching solution squirted into the vagina can actually push sperm into the uterus."




Yes.....sperm are the villains here. You have a great life going for you then a few million of these little miscreants go and spoil it all. A bum gun just doesn't have enough power to make a dent in their numbers.

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1 hour ago, jobin said:

I've used a bum-gun for a shower at the golf course.  They wanted 20baht for towel and shower, i couldn't see paying.  Tight quarters, bring own soap/towel but worked OK.

A V.I.P bum gun shower. Just think Nick Faldo could have used the same bum gun you showered with. An honour and privilage. Good for you sir!

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