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Phom Kor Thot: 'My Mate Nate' does apologetic wai for offensive prank against Thais


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16 hours ago, freebyrd said:

A Farang who thinks he's a Thai because he can speak the language.....


16 hours ago, freebyrd said:

A Farang who thinks he's a Thai because he can speak the language.....


      I've known respectable, good Farang who knew very little Thai, who are more Thai in their hearts  and soul than he is. 

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2 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Next thing you're going to tell us is Nate Bartling has a religion based on a "mysterious" language written on "golden plates" that no one has ever seen before, except for the founder of his religion?


Can anyone really be dumb enough to believe that? ?


     I've got some relatives who are Mormon, and I actually got around to reading the "Book of Mormon" many years ago.  It's poorly written, with a bad attempt to copy the Bible's style of writing... but way overdoes it..  .  I found it to be written in a simple fashion, more for a child's level of intelligence, and very unbelievable in its claim of Jewish tribes sailing to North America about 600 B.C.and earlier.


The Book of Mormon tells of families of the Tribe of Manasseh and the Tribe of Ephraim that migrated from Jerusalem to an unknown location in the Americas. The Book of Mormon also tells of a group from the Tribe of Judah who came to the Americas after its defeat by Babylon around 600 BCE.


      And they also believe that Jesus Christ came to the Americas....     

      https://discover.mormon.org/en-us/topics/the-book-of-mormon/?gclid=COXj9dv-09ACFQMoaQod3XUE-Q&cid=99117996&s_kwcid=AL!3737!3!92677224615!e!!g!!mormon jesus in america&ef_id=WECc-QAAAIG8W@Fq:20161201215821:s


     I've got nothing against them if they want to believe that story.   As long as a person is friendly, peaceful, non-violent, and doesn't push it on me... I don't care what they believe.  


    I found peace in Theravada Buddhism...   

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2 hours ago, Catoni said:



      I've known respectable, good Farang who knew very little Thai, who are more Thai in their hearts  and soul than he is. 

Let me guess, you  your friends are tone deaf?:smile: They learn all about Thai culture from websites and their Mattayom 3 educated "tee rak" that they found on "ThaiLustLines", that modern day equivalent of the Pink Pussy Club..


To really understand Thai culture it's a must to understand the language. This seems obvious to me but many can't grasp this simple fact.


I'd love to know what your definition of a "respectable, good" farang is. 





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8 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Why would he want to be a Thai? The guy made a mistake, he apologised so that's the end of that.

It wasn't a mistake,  it was deliberate put - down of the people he baited - if what has been said previously that the video was edited to remove those that could answer or saw thru' his little game - just confirms what an a-hole he really is.

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4 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

Facing reality is not a staple of Thai society.



Reality?  He (ze?) says from a safe room clutching a trigger warning list.


Thai are Buddhist. Buddhism teaches all about reality, that is it's purpose. American exceptionalism may be going to the moon before it is possible, making quantum computers, but Thai exceptionalism is about reality and existence.


(trigger warning!) Go buy a book on Buddhism, you might even become happy.

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3 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Why do you have a numpty as your avatar?  Why do you live in a numpty culture, you are free to go anywhere you want, aren't you?

I live here because it's inexpensive. On my modest retirement funds, Thailand fills the bill. I am not obliged to condone every stupid facet of their culture and their inattention to reality. I am as critical of America as I am any other country. US warmongering has endangered its citizens on a number of fronts.  Thai "culture" is nine tenths rampaging stupidity and about one tenth charm. They are not unlike Muslims in their insistence that their culture should take precedence over all others when there is a conflict. Inferior logic and bad government are the hallmarks of so-called "Thai culture".    Their recurring mantra is "U no Thai....u no unnerstan."

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Rather than approaching random Thais, which is simply rude (random Thais are not expected to learn English), he should have talked with those Thais who profess to be ing English majors at university...quite a few of them have no grasp of English at all, despite studying for years and even having undergrad degrees...he then could have played up his course as a better alternative to the established methods of teaching, at least for some people...

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3 hours ago, rabas said:


Reality?  He (ze?) says from a safe room clutching a trigger warning list.


Thai are Buddhist. Buddhism teaches all about reality, that is it's purpose. American exceptionalism may be going to the moon before it is possible, making quantum computers, but Thai exceptionalism is about reality and existence.


(trigger warning!) Go buy a book on Buddhism, you might even become happy.

dumb thai.jpg

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His Thai is okay but he is trying too hard with it. Rather than just speaking clearly and pronouncing correctly he is instead trying to talk very fast, in the style of a Thai person and using Thai phrases and idioms to try and sound more 'Thai' but it comes out quite awkward and he mispronounces a lot. I find it quite uncomfortable when foreigners talk like this and I think many Thais do to. It is almost like a person is trying to be Thai instead of just using the language to communicate.  

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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 0:26 PM, freebyrd said:

A Farang who thinks he's a Thai because he can speak the language.....

And your point is? I listened to his video and his accent and level of knowledge of Thai is quite good. If you're living in Thailand, how come your Thai is no good? Clearly you are jealous...

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Thais are WAY too overly sensitive with ZERO sense of humor and same goes for the overly PC virtual lynch mob here on TV. :sick::bah:


People need to lighten up and learn to recognize humor and be able to laugh at themselves instead of always playing the victim card. :biggrin:

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I see the MFPs are out in force. Let's cut his head off and be done with it. <deleted> guys, he made a mistake and he admitted it. I suppose none of you have ever done anything stupid. Ha


Besides, you're missing the point. If you feel the need to cause pain or damage, go and do it to the language school that put him up to it and no doubt persuaded him with a few baht. They are the real culprits.


Will someone name and shame them? Or is it easier to slag off a kid from afar?

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On 12/2/2016 at 9:46 AM, rabas said:


Reality?  He (ze?) says from a safe room clutching a trigger warning list.


Thai are Buddhist. Buddhism teaches all about reality, that is it's purpose. American exceptionalism may be going to the moon before it is possible, making quantum computers, but Thai exceptionalism is about reality and existence.


(trigger warning!) Go buy a book on Buddhism, you might even become happy.

no...it teaches "its" idea  of reality, that is  not necessarily "reality"

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I've never met this fellow, nor do I want to meet him, but I took an instant dislike to him a few months back when I saw one of his earlier videos on youtube. 

Putting that aside, I have to say that he made a mistake, got caught and subsequently apologized for it. It takes gutes to apologize in public. I'll give him that. 

At the end of the day, we ALL make mistakes... heck, some people even make the same mistakes over and over again all their lives and learn nothing from it. 

Let's cut him some slack and see what he does in the future. 




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On 11/30/2016 at 11:44 PM, kenk24 said:

A very sincere sounding apology from a young man who has the courage to acknowledge a mistake... 

Nate, trust me, we all made mistakes when we were younger and I am sure others will forgive you too... 

Best of luck to you moving forward... 


What mistake? The guy like so many others churning out filler on youtube and scoring the ad revenues, is addicted to the fame. It's all part of the exuberance, the lust for delusional fame and filthy luchre. This is what he wanted. He has  his time in the spotlight. His Thai man friend who accompanies him could have stopped him, as could the other members of his Thai entourage. They did not.


Sorry, but I am not fooled. 





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45 minutes ago, DM07 said:

How many of the poor, fragile Thai-souls, you so viciously defend, would apologize to a farang, if they made a mistake?
Oh ...I forgot: Thais can do no wrong!
They are basically angels without wings!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


In my time here, I have had many Thais apologise to me, when they are sure they have made a mistake.

Nothing grovelling, like this moron,, just a polite 'oh yes, now I realise I was in the wrong'.

However, what they were apologising for was not a pathetic attempt at attention seeking in the first place.

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12 hours ago, Bule gila said:

I see the MFPs are out in force. Let's cut his head off and be done with it. <deleted> guys, he made a mistake and he admitted it. I suppose none of you have ever done anything stupid. Ha


Besides, you're missing the point. If you feel the need to cause pain or damage, go and do it to the language school that put him up to it and no doubt persuaded him with a few baht. They are the real culprits.


Will someone name and shame them? Or is it easier to slag off a kid from afar?


Not True

This D!#k is constantly doing this same deal over & over

As others have said there is no language school behind him he is making his money off his You Tube channel

Always the same as a prankster trying to embarrass Thai's


Also many reports are never seen by Foreigners of they dont read Thai

Like this one he pulled in a 711 trying to pay for something with 1600 baht & even satang coins

Then arguing with worker as customers stand in line fuming

Also pretends to not be able to speak English himself

The 711 worker tries to be patient with him & count the money (even though the rule is no more than 10 baht in satang is accepted)

but he constantly interrupted to pull his prank at everyone's expense.



But laugh it up as this pr!#k is ruing it for other foreigners

because same as folks here tar all Thai's with one brush

many Thai's do the same when they see this crap






Edited by mania
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14 hours ago, Fookhaht said:
On 12/1/2016 at 0:26 PM, freebyrd said:
A Farang who thinks he's a Thai because he can speak the language.....
Post reeks of jealousy. .

Still having trouble counting to ten, are we?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Jealous? - When I lived in TL I spoke Thai just as well, but felt no need to be as pretentious as this young fool.


Still a bitter and twisted member are YOU?

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On 12/2/2016 at 6:03 PM, jimster said:

And your point is? I listened to his video and his accent and level of knowledge of Thai is quite good. If you're living in Thailand, how come your Thai is no good? Clearly you are jealous...


Not so. When I lived in Thailand, my Thai was a s good as his, it had to be given that I was working closely with many Thai people on a daily basis. And why would I be jealous of some baby faced Yank barely out of nappies diapers, a creature of the Youtube generation who needs to get some time in before giving others the 'benefit' of his wide experience.


And by the way, his accent is poor. Really working with Thais, mine was far more polished.


All that said, I kept my head down and didn't spend my days taking the pi*s out of them.

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On 12/1/2016 at 11:43 PM, GAZZPA said:

Why would he want to be a Thai? The guy made a mistake, he apologised so that's the end of that.


So  you're saying it's OK to do anything you want and then a simple 'sorry' absolves you?! Not in the world I grew up in.

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13 hours ago, mania said:


Not True

This D!#k is constantly doing this same deal over & over

As others have said there is no language school behind him he is making his money off his You Tube channel

Always the same as a prankster trying to embarrass Thai's


Also many reports are never seen by Foreigners of they dont read Thai

Like this one he pulled in a 711 trying to pay for something with 1600 baht & even satang coins

Then arguing with worker as customers stand in line fuming

Also pretends to not be able to speak English himself

The 711 worker tries to be patient with him & count the money (even though the rule is no more than 10 baht in satang is accepted)

but he constantly interrupted to pull his prank at everyone's expense.



But laugh it up as this pr!#k is ruing it for other foreigners

because same as folks here tar all Thai's with one brush

many Thai's do the same when they see this crap






Fair comment - thanks for the further info. He is a <deleted> then.

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2 hours ago, Bule gila said:

Fair comment - thanks for the further info. He is a <deleted> then.

 Being far too polite with "<deleted&gt"  the nautical term anchor pre-fixed with "w" would be more appropriate.

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On 12/1/2016 at 7:19 PM, Johnniey said:

Let me guess, you  your friends are tone deaf?:smile: They learn all about Thai culture from websites and their Mattayom 3 educated "tee rak" that they found on "ThaiLustLines", that modern day equivalent of the Pink Pussy Club..


To really understand Thai culture it's a must to understand the language. This seems obvious to me but many can't grasp this simple fact.


I'd love to know what your definition of a "respectable, good" farang is. 






   I didn't say they understand Thai culture or not....   Did I mention the word culture ?   I said I knew some farangs who knew very little Thai who were more Thai in their hearts that that idiot farang.  


       To know something about a culture goes far beyond knowing the language..  But perhaps that is beyond your comprehension...  


  Lanugauge helps yes.... definitely...  But it is far from all.. 


 Myself.... I lived in Chiange Mai for many months.. .and picked up every day conversational Thai from my Thai friends...    But still I met farangs who didn't know near as much Thai as I did... .who were more Thai than some farangs who know more Thai than I do..   


    "Respectable, good farang"....  One who has respect for the culture, and customs and food and  the people...  including Buddhism. Except for the language, they only knew a few words... ... they seemed to fit right in....   Some people are slower learning a new language then the rest of us...    I'm fortunate to have good Thai friends.. involved with Thai people every day... and learned more every day..            


  You can know all the Thai you wish.. and if you are an ignorant "I'm better than you are" fool who looks down on Thai people, and mocks Buddhism and insults Thailand....  Then you have no Thai in you. 


    If you learn fluent French in the U.S.... . does that mean you now understand French culture ? ?    I don't think so.. 

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On 12/1/2016 at 11:44 AM, kenk24 said:

A very sincere sounding apology from a young man who has the courage to acknowledge a mistake... 


Nate, trust me, we all made mistakes when we were younger and I am sure others will forgive you too... 


Best of luck to you moving forward... 

NATE  I fully support you what you did was highlight the stupidity of beaurocracy here the severely terrible education, the incompetent systems and now made liok even sillier by getting you to play dumb as if  that fixed the system  that's wrecked.


Dumber political motives followed by dumber police


Get outa here and be free again

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21 hours ago, Artisi said:

 Being far too polite with "<deleted&gt"  the nautical term anchor pre-fixed with "w" would be more appropriate.

Haha - fair enough. I couldn't spell 'runt'. See, there I go again. 

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15 hours ago, Gringogazzer said:

No apologies here...just merit.


OK, I'll bite, define merit.


When doing so take into account that my experience of TL goes back 30 years and that I was happily married to a Thai woman for 22 years and saw 'merit' in the family unit and outside it.

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