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Is it Thai etiquette for the farang to pay for everyones dinner?


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9 minutes ago, whatproblem said:

Don't be a pussy ,if your date brings friends tell them to go ,when it's bed time she won't let her friends in ,I'm talking girls .


Very common scam as reported in several posts. Just depart if you arrive last, or do a runner, it's not as if you've agreed to pay for every bitch and her dog upfront, right?

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Honestly from my experience it boils down to the company you keep. I seldom pay for dinner for everyone. In fact I can't remember the last time I did(I am talking about other people outside my wife). Foreigners that always pay the bill set themselves up to do it forever ( I think some might do it to show off or buy friends). I did not pay the bill for everyone in the US why would one do it here. Once in awhile is a nice gesture.


Usually people toss in some amount of money to cover it once they know the amount of the bill.

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43 minutes ago, Nemesis7 said:

When will you people learn! Here no money no honey mostly. Hardly exceptions and that's the truth 


If you only go out with Thais for 'honey' than that's the truth. Some people go out with Thais for other reasons.

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10 minutes ago, seancbk said:

Personally I prefer flashy restaurants (and sophisticated people).


I've been in a lot of Asian towns where you can't find either.  And still enjoyed myself.  Rarely on my dime, too.  I always passed on the karaoke room after dinner, though.

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4 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

When this happens and you realise you are being used by a woman and her mates, start ordering the most expensive items on the menu.

Once you have finished your tender, Wagyu steak, excuse yourself to either go to the toilet, or have a cigarette in the parking lot.

Then, do a runner leaving all the people that played you for a fool with a massive bill.

best to do this if it is your last night in thailand otherwise you will spend the rest of your time looking over your shoulder. i always laugh when i see a bunch of thais eating somewhere with a westerner as i know who is paying the bill. right up until it happened to me that is. i was visiting my girls parents which i avoided doing until we had our kids. decided to take them out for a slap up mookatha meal. ended up with the whole crowd, brothers sisters and so on. i felt like an idiot sitting and eating with them all. of course i paid the bill which was very cheap being that we were in esan. would have been nice if just one of them said thanks. never mind, will write it off as the sinsod.

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In response to Op original question ... I reckon most "average" Thai's know full well that the farang usually has shit loads more money than anyone else at the table, so in their mind, why wouldn't he pay ? Don't know if you'd really call it etiquette, but I think most of us have similiar hopes when dining with someone wealthy. I know if I was chowing down with Bill Gates, I'd be kinda hoping that he would pick up the tab. Doesn't make it right ... just saying, that's the way it seems to be, and the girls here milk it to the max.


Without me knowing, my first girlfriend in LOS invited a bunch of her "besties" to a cozy restaurant dinner that I'd booked for just the two of us. In those early days, I didn't know shit from clay over here, so, like a sap, I paid the 1900 baht bill. At the time I thought "far out ... what just happened ?"


Upon reflection later, I realised it was ridiculously dirt cheap for 13 people, food and drinks, so no biggie really.


And I got the best value, quality root that I'd had in a long while.


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4 hours ago, samsensam said:


a few years ago i was buying a ticket at a nearby travel agent, the girl working there was attractive and a little flirty so i remembered her. i then stated to see her around the local restaurants with foreigners and various friends. i later found out that she liked to get customers to take her out for dinner, when the guy turned up for the dinner date, full of anticipation, he found out she had invited a few friends along. and yes, he ended up paying for the lot and yes, when the meal was over so was the date. she really enjoyed dining out for free and treating her friends. and then heading home alone.

Same happened to me in Pataya a couple of years back.    Went to dinner with a friend, and about 5 of his friends turned up. Drank lots of whisky, ate well.  I was handed the bill.

Same happened a few nights later.   On the 3rd occassion, before I'd ordered and the same ol' friends mysteriously appeared at our table and a few bottles of whisky also, I suddenly developed a bad headache and had one of the guys take me back to my hotel.    It wasn't me who paid for the booze that time!

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From time to time I have invited a new girl  out for a biter to eat  After a little time she asks me if she can bring a friend I tell her I would be delighted if she did


But I also tell her I am not buying her friend any food

This usually puts the request to rest fast 

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13 minutes ago, electric said:

In response to Op original question ... I reckon most "average" Thai's know full well that the farang usually has shit loads more money than anyone else at the table, so in their mind, why wouldn't he pay ? Don't know if you'd really call it etiquette, but I think most of us have similiar hopes when dining with someone wealthy. I know if I was chowing down with Bill Gates, I'd be kinda hoping that he would pick up the tab. Doesn't make it right ... just saying, that's the way it seems to be, and the girls here milk it to the max.


Without me knowing, my first girlfriend in LOS invited a bunch of her "besties" to a cozy restaurant dinner that I'd booked for just the two of us. In those early days, I didn't know shit from clay over here, so, like a sap, I paid the 1900 baht bill. At the time I thought "far out ... what just happened ?"


Upon reflection later, I realised it was ridiculously dirt cheap for 13 people, food and drinks, so no biggie really.


And I got the best value, quality root that I'd had in a long while.


1900 baht for 13 people to eat and drink??    Did the 'restaurant' have walls?   


Edited by seancbk
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Organised a night out for me the mrs sister mum and dad. Simple night at a fish BBQ place. got there sat down and suddenly 6 people turn up chatting away to everybody. pulled up chairs and started drinking the beer on the table. I looked at the mrs she looked at me turns out the sisters husband who works in BKK (we are in issan) told them to go along and I would pay. Anyway before I could say anything mum dad sister wife all stood up called waitress over paid for the beer we had had and water ect. Told the waitress that the other 6 there would be paying for 4 bottles of beer they had drunk and the food they had already been and collected. I was sitting there with a nice big smirk on my face. Oh sister divorced husband not long after.

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3 minutes ago, seancbk said:

1900 baht for 13 people to eat and drink??    Did the 'restaurant' have walls?   



Yes ... it was a really nice proper "up market" restaurant. Open air Isaan style with proper teak furniture etc.


Don't remember too much about the food, except everything had heaps of chillies in it. Girls loved it, and they all had a beaut time. I sat there like a stunned mullet, not really knowing anything.


Don't do the big "farang pay for everything" nosh ups now. I've introduced my wife to "everybody goes Dutch " concept.

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1 hour ago, Prbkk said:

Never watch videos narrated by man with receding hair and a braided pony tail. One or the other, never both.


Some of Jesse (The Body) Ventura's stuff is pretty good.  Very different genre, though.  And he winters in Baja.

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1 hour ago, jolive said:

Free meal con..

I had the same experience as you guys here.. a date with a gal turn out to be a date with a bunch of people that I dun even know.. those so call (friends) accompanied my date have no problem ordering dishes that they will never order when having dinner amongst themselves.. To me I'm ok as this will be the last time out with this gal as she really gave me bad impression.. few days after that dinner, she call me out for dinner again and I told her that I dun have a printer at home that print money and I'm not a walking ATM so good bye..

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

i would not have put up with that , as soon as i would of see a herd of buffalo's  coming for grazing at my expense i would of been off.

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If you don't pay you will probably find yourself alone!


Warning....if you invite a Thai friend to lunch or dinner be sure to say, "come alone."  If their friends show up or the entire family, tell them before you order they are paying as they were not invited.  Then ask for separate bins. ?

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11 minutes ago, electric said:
27 minutes ago, seancbk said:

1900 baht for 13 people to eat and drink??    Did the 'restaurant' have walls?   



Yes ... it was a really nice proper "up market" restaurant. Open air Isaan style with proper teak furniture etc.


Don't remember too much about the food, except everything had heaps of chillies in it. Girls loved it, and they all had a beaut time. I sat there like a stunned mullet, not really knowing anything.


Don't do the big "farang pay for everything" nosh ups now. I've introduced my wife to "everybody goes Dutch " concept.


When I arrived in Bangkok a female friend invited me to dinner.   We went the The Face, which is considered pretty good.

Dinner for two, with a couple of vodkas and a bottle of wine came  to a quite reasonable 8000 baht.

She paid for dinner as she had invited me.

I can't imagine a restaurant where the meal is less than 150 baht per person!!!


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5 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

When this happens and you realise you are being used by a woman and her mates, start ordering the most expensive items on the menu.

Once you have finished your tender, Wagyu steak, excuse yourself to either go to the toilet, or have a cigarette in the parking lot.

Then, do a runner leaving all the people that played you for a fool with a massive bill.

You'd better run a long way. If they find you its gonna cost a lot more than the meal.:hit-the-fan:

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5 hours ago, samsensam said:


a few years ago i was buying a ticket at a nearby travel agent, the girl working there was attractive and a little flirty so i remembered her. i then stated to see her around the local restaurants with foreigners and various friends. i later found out that she liked to get customers to take her out for dinner, when the guy turned up for the dinner date, full of anticipation, he found out she had invited a few friends along. and yes, he ended up paying for the lot and yes, when the meal was over so was the date. she really enjoyed dining out for free and treating her friends. and then heading home alone.


I read of someone in this situation. He realised he was being treated as a fool, made an excuse that he was going to the toilet, and he left out the back door and left them to pay for all their over-ordering. I would have loved to see their faces.

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wow I read some of these replies and wonder if people actually had any life in the western world before Thailand.... piss takers come in all shapes and sizes and in the UK if you set yourself up as a chump you'll get taken as one.... same applies to US, Europe etc....


some do need to get their heads round the fact that they aren't very attractive to these girls and old enough to be their fathers.... be realistic and whatever goes on it shouldn't shock or upset you!

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