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Trump: Deadly violence in Germany is 'attack on humanity'


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Sure fire way of making Americans around the world targets for the ISIL wannabe lone wolves let alone the orchestrated attacks.  Still this is dumb assed Trump's way of adding to the problem and I am sure he won't disappoint.


Yours is Simply the limp wristed liberal head in the sand 'do nothing' solution.

Never worked before,

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4 hours ago, mesquite said:

Trump has a lot on his plate right now, but he is quite obviously the best choice we Americans could have made for president.  It's hard to say exactly what he will do as he does not tip his hand, but certainly he will do better against ISIS than his predecessor who called ISIS the junior varsity, or his opponent who took money from Saudi Arabia.


I do think we are looking at a multi-generational Trump Dynasty.  Donald for 8 years, then one of his children, possibly Ivanka.  I would like to see her as the first woman president.


Trump may be the sunshine of your life, he is not God himself, and his children have no divine right to rule America.  

but yes,  America Inc is now under Trump Organization


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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

How can Trump be effective as Commander in Chief?  He's already admitted to intentionally missing 'intelligence briefings'. When a CIA or FBI finding comes along that he doesn't personally like (example: Russians intercepted both Dem and Rep memos, but only released Dem memos because it could contribute to HRC's defeat) ......Trump disses it as incorrect or not-believable.  



Obama also missed numerous intelligence briefings and you seem to think he is an effective president. As far as being suspicious about CIA/FBI claims, that might have something to do with the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But concerning the OP, Trump said "Deadly violence in Germany is 'attack on humanity". What is wrong with that?



Edited by Ulysses G.
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       2017 ,  Trump  takes  on  the  IS ,    what are the  odds .

                   Assad ,   who  does he  support ?? .  Time will tell .






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6 hours ago, dunroaming said:


Sure fire way of making Americans around the world targets for the ISIL wannabe lone wolves let alone the orchestrated attacks.  Still this is dumb assed Trump's way of adding to the problem and I am sure he won't disappoint.


So, decisions should be made to accommodate ISIL? Let's call the attacks...work place violence, hate crimes. Let's not forget the immortal words of HRC concerning Benghazi...."What does it matter why they were killed" 


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11 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:


So, decisions should be made to accommodate ISIL? Let's call the attacks...work place violence, hate crimes. Let's not forget the immortal words of HRC concerning Benghazi...."What does it matter why they were killed" 


No you are right. Let's take the broad brush approach and declare war on all Muslims. Ban them from entry and kick out all the ones already in America.  Why mess about finding the terrorists amongst them when you can get rid of them all.  Go Trump!

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15 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

No you are right. Let's take the broad brush approach and declare war on all Muslims. Ban them from entry and kick out all the ones already in America.  Why mess about finding the terrorists amongst them when you can get rid of them all.  Go Trump!


Only one problem. That is not Trump's stance. He wants super-vetting of Muslims from areas that are full of very anti-American Islamists.  However, happily, he is more than happy to call Islamic radical extremism exactly what it is.

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

No you are right. Let's take the broad brush approach and declare war on all Muslims. Ban them from entry and kick out all the ones already in America.  Why mess about finding the terrorists amongst them when you can get rid of them all.  Go Trump!


See, now you're taking the typical apologist approach by making up things. Don't you think Germany is second guessing their policies in light of the recent attack? At least Trump won't sweep things under the rug and pretend things are fine.














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16 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Obama also missed numerous intelligence briefings and you seem to think he is an effective president. As far as being suspicious about CIA/FBI claims, that might have something to do with the alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But concerning the OP, Trump said "Deadly violence in Germany is 'attack on humanity". What is wrong with that?





Did Obama miss them prior to taking office, or at the onset of his term? A big difference between missing briefings while learning the ropes and doing so when you're a more seasoned leader. Is Trump going to be dismissive and suspicious of anything brought up by the intelligence community what information would his decisions be based upon?

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13 hours ago, thehelmsman said:


See, now you're taking the typical apologist approach by making up things. Don't you think Germany is second guessing their policies in light of the recent attack? At least Trump won't sweep things under the rug and pretend things are fine.















Trump does sweep some things under the rug  when it suits him, and highlights others - depending on circumstances and gain. All politicians do.

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3 hours ago, Morch said:


Did Obama miss them prior to taking office, or at the onset of his term? A big difference between missing briefings while learning the ropes and doing so when you're a more seasoned leader. Is Trump going to be dismissive and suspicious of anything brought up by the intelligence community what information would his decisions be based upon?


Really? A leader who ignores intelligence briefings while actually in office is a lot more worrying than someone with no power yet.

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On 12/22/2016 at 8:00 PM, mesquite said:

Let's see...first we had "Trump will never win the nomination," then "Trump will never win the general election," then "Trump will quit after winning the nomination," and so on.  Then we had the electoral college nonsense and the alleged Russian hacking.  Now it's more nonsense.


Trump has done more for the US in his few weeks as president-elect than Obama did in 8 years.  Trump has secured commitments to keep/bring jobs to the US and has let China (and others) know the party's over. 


Trump has appointed a retired general as SECDEF.  Don't worry about the military, in fact don't worry about anything, unless you're an enemy of the US (inside or out).  He does need to get Obama's political appointees out of the CIA and FBI as well as the rest of the government.  He's got his work cut out for him.


When Trump showed up at the Army Navy game, again as president ELECT, he made Obama look pathetic.  Hello, the president should go to that game.


By the way, who do you think should be leading the country if not Trump?  You guys tried to influence the electoral college and that did lead to Trump losing two votes... and Hillary losing FIVE!!


If Trump does one fourth of the things he's promised, he'll end up on Mt Rushmore.




Wow. That's some lengthy adulating. I hope you're wearing knee pads.


Is that you, Hannity?

Edited by Thakkar
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These so called attacks are simply pathetic attempts of certain low life humans to put fear in others, advertise terrorism and try to manipulate people through making them fearful and afraid. 

On a side note, there was no terrorism, until the owners of the US gov invented it for the above mentioned purpose. 


It is a good thing that people are buying into this lameness, less and less. 

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On 12/22/2016 at 8:00 PM, mesquite said:

Let's see...first we had "Trump will never win the nomination," then "Trump will never win the general election," then "Trump will quit after winning the nomination," and so on.  Then we had the electoral college nonsense and the alleged Russian hacking.  Now it's more nonsense.

Trump has done more for the US in his few weeks as president-elect than Obama did in 8 years.  Trump has secured commitments to keep/bring jobs to the US and has let China (and others) know the party's over. 

Trump has appointed a retired general as SECDEF.  Don't worry about the military, in fact don't worry about anything, unless you're an enemy of the US (inside or out).  He does need to get Obama's political appointees out of the CIA and FBI as well as the rest of the government.  He's got his work cut out for him.

When Trump showed up at the Army Navy game, again as president ELECT, he made Obama look pathetic.  Hello, the president should go to that game.

By the way, who do you think should be leading the country if not Trump?  You guys tried to influence the electoral college and that did lead to Trump losing two votes... and Hillary losing FIVE!!

If Trump does one fourth of the things he's promised, he'll end up on Mt Rushmore.


Mesquite opines: "Trump has done more for the US in his few weeks as president-elect than Obama did in 8 years."


Let's see.  >>>  He's reinstated the nuclear arms race. Check.

>>>  He's appointed an anti-environmentalist to safeguard the environment.  Check.

>>>  He's appointed four Goldman Sachs execs. Check. No matter that he chastized Cruz and HRC for having involvements with GS execs.

>>>  He appointed an Education Sec who wants to privatize education - thereby making it more stratified between elite/Bible thumpers, and impoverished inner-city kids. Check.

>>> He appointed an Energy Secretary (Perry) who campaigned to eradicate the DOE. Check

>>> He appointed Sec. of State, a bosom buddy of Putin who allowed the Chad leader to spend billions in oil revenue on his personal fortune while keeping funds away from regular Chadians. Check.

>>>  He's got Kelly Anne Conway as a spokesperson who is incapable of answering a question directly.

>>>  He hasn't had a press conference since June.

>>>  He's too important to read Daily Intelligence Briefings from CIA and FBI.





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I support a much more robust immigration policy for Europe.


On Trump, look how yet again he offers no solutions. He plays to the crowd very well. He knows his supporters' concerns and anxieties and he echoes them. They love that. But he will not follow through. He never does.


Let's see how much he tries to pressure the Gulf States, particularly Saudi Arabia who finances and supports this hateful philosophy because it suits the agenda of the House of Saud. He won't.

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On 12/22/2016 at 7:19 PM, mesquite said:

I do think we are looking at a multi-generational Trump Dynasty.  Donald for 8 years, then one of his children, possibly Ivanka.  I would like to see her as the first woman president.


Have to say I 100% agree, if Trump does well, and I think he will, then it is the logical next step.

My money is on Ivanka, wonder what odds I could get on that now. :)


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15 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Really? A leader who ignores intelligence briefings while actually in office is a lot more worrying than someone with no power yet.


I didn't say that Obama ignored intelligence briefings at all, you did. A person with job experience can make better decision at what to delegate and on what to focus. Someone who is learning the ropes on a totally new turf needs to pay attention before he decides not to.

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