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I have a girlfriend who lives in Chiang Mai whom I have loved and provided for the past 1-2 years, suddenly she went radio silence and I have discovered she is suddenly seeing some guy who seems to be a boss type from Pai. I really love her and have done nothing but good for her. Please my brothers suggest what I should do?

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Choices: - - In regards to this GF - it does not seem you have any choices. She has made a choice to be with someone else. That's it. Stop payments and go on to the next one...


Choices: Fortunately, you probably have many choices, especially if the job comes with a monthly salary. 

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I have a girlfriend who lives in Chiang Mai ....


Assuming this is not a fake post, you are saying you don't live in Thailand, I think. I have a girlfriend who lives in another country?



 ...I have discovered she is suddenly seeing some guy who seems to be a boss type from Pai.


How did you discover this? Just curious, you know. 


Anyway, so here's what you do: Buy a ticket and fly out there right away. Find out where this Casanova is and confront him and kick his butt, big time. The girl will see who the real HE-MAN is around here, yes sir. Then tell her you will give her 50,000 baht a month to be good, and then all IS good, again. 


See how simple this can be? 

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Thais link material support with love much more than hallmark card western mentality... 


Clearly you havent provided her enough material 'love'.. Try buying her that car she wanted.. Perhaps a nice plot of land.. Build her a house on it.. 


That should sort it out in no time.. 

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You have to approach this like a high stakes poker game. You must find out what her current lothario from Pai is giving her and then you must up the ante. You have to show her you really mean it so by surpassing her current bf's largesse you will show her that you love her. Don't be a cheap charlie and fork over the hard cash to her.

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One of the reasons we change job could be the salary and prospects in the new company is better.


You are the hierer. Interview your next candidate that is satisfied with what you offer.


Those lovely words are part of the girl's working vocabulary.


If you still believe in true love with her , think again dude.


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Hush up my cynical typing fingers but the OP's post has a strong wiff of troll post about it. 
......, or...,
I'm sorry mate but money can't buy you love..., or common sense..., 
however..., maybe, just maybe, money can rent you a(twisted) version of commitment..., until you're either broke, or come to your senses..., or both.

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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