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Israel's Netanyahu lashes out at Obama over UN vote


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Israel's Netanyahu lashes out at Obama over UN vote


JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's prime minister lashed out at President Barack Obama on Saturday, accusing him of a "shameful ambush" at the United Nations over West Bank settlements and saying he is looking forward to working with his "friend" President-elect Donald Trump.


Benjamin Netanyahu's comments came a day after the United States broke with past practice and allowed the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as a "flagrant violation" of international law.


Although the U.S. opposes the settlements, it has traditionally used its veto power as a permanent member of the Security Council to block resolutions condemning Israel, saying that disputes between Israel and the Palestinians must be resolved through negotiations.


Welcomed by the Palestinians, the resolution, while mostly symbolic, could hinder Israel's negotiating position in future peace talks.


Trump also condemned the U.N. vote Saturday, taking to Twitter to say it "will make it much harder to negotiate peace." But, he added, "we will get it done anyway."


A year ago, Trump told The Associated Press that he wanted to be "very neutral" on Israel-Palestinian issues, but his comments became much more pro-Israel as the race progressed and he took a sharp tone against the Palestinians.


Netanyahu said the U.S abstention was "in complete contrast" to U.S. commitments — including one that he said Obama made in 2011 — not to impose conditions for a final agreement on Israel at the Security Council. "The Obama administration conducted a shameful anti-Israel ambush at the U.N.," Netanyahu said.


The White House declined to comment on Netanyahu's criticism.


The U.S. and much of the international community consider Israel's settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem as an obstacle to peace. Netanyahu rejects such claims, blaming the failure of peace efforts on the Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel's Jewish identity.


The decision to abstain from vote was one of the biggest American rebukes of its long-standing ally in recent memory and marked a final chapter in the icy relations between Netanyahu and Obama over the last eight years.


Netanyahu called the decision "distorted" but said Israel will overcome it.


He said he had spoken with U.S leaders, both Democrats and Republicans, who vowed to fight the move, including he said, from Israel's "friend" in the incoming administration, the president-elect.


"The decision taken at the U.N. yesterday was part of the swan song of the old world biased against Israel," Netanyahu said. "We are entering a new era and as the President-elect Trump said yesterday, this is going to happen much quicker than people think. In this new era there is a high price for those trying to harm Israel," he said.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-26
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11 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

Obama is hell bent on doing as much damage as he can, in any way he can before he is finally out.

I think the ability of only one veto vote to cause a resolution to not pass is a terrible thing.  The UNSC should get rid of this.  Current issue aside.  It makes the UNSC a toothless tiger.


P.S. I know little about this settlement issue, just commenting on the use of the veto to stop resolutions from passing.

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14 minutes ago, the guest said:

Benjamin Netanyahu's is a moron, and one that is willing to oppose the UN charter. The country should really grow up, instead of crying like a baby. Respect others, and they will respect you. 


Respect? really? so this is what you think it's all about? respect?

Anyone who's not well versed in the history of the middle east

should refrain from making uneducated silly comments.....

Edited by ezzra
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Netanyahu's reaction is ridiculously over the top.


There is nothing in the UN resolution that has not been well publicized as US foreign policy over the last 8 years and beyond. To boot the resolution does not even pack follow up sanctions anyway.


The text of the OP UN Resolution is well worth reading. http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.761030


Settlements and the occupation are illegal.
Calls for an end to settlement building.
A two state solution based on the 1967 lines
Calls for restraints on provocation and incitement to violence.
Reminder of Israel's obligation to protect civilians under the Geneva Convention.
Urging a return to negotiations based on previous UN resolutions and peace conferences.


I can't understand why Netanyahu should be so upset, except that his bullying tactics (getting Trump to lobby Sisi) to have these facts silenced did not work this time, and his ego has been bruised.

Edited by dexterm
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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I think the ability of only one veto vote to cause a resolution to not pass is a terrible thing.  The UNSC should get rid of this.  Current issue aside.  It makes the UNSC a toothless tiger.


P.S. I know little about this settlement issue, just commenting on the use of the veto to stop resolutions from passing.


I too I'm not an expert on this settlement issue, but it appears to be something that would hinder peace talks between Israel and Palestinians.  Obama is doing the right thing.  Israel expects nothing but 100% support from the US, 100% of the time.  But occasionally, the US needs to do what's best for America...and the rest of the world.  Curious to see how Trump deals with this issue when he's actually in the office....although it's clear where his son-in-law stands.   

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11 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Netanyahu's reaction is ridiculously over the top.


There is nothing in the UN resolution that has not been well publicized as US foreign policy over the last 8 years and beyond. To boot the resolution does not even pack follow up sanctions anyway.


The text of the OP UN Resolution is well worth reading. http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.761030


Settlements and the occupation are illegal.
Calls for an end to settlement building.
A two state solution based on the 1967 lines
Calls for restraints on provocation and incitement to violence.
Reminder of Israel's obligation to protect civilians under the Geneva Convention.
Urging a return to negotiations based on previous UN resolutions and peace conferences.


I can't understand why Netanyahu should be so upset, except that his bullying tactics (getting Trump to lobby Sisi) to have these facts silenced did not work this time, and his ego has been bruised.

Spot on.

That sums up the topic very well.

Concise and to the point.

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28 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


I too I'm not an expert on this settlement issue, but it appears to be something that would hinder peace talks between Israel and Palestinians.  Obama is doing the right thing.  Israel expects nothing but 100% support from the US, 100% of the time.  But occasionally, the US needs to do what's best for America...and the rest of the world.  Curious to see how Trump deals with this issue when he's actually in the office....although it's clear where his son-in-law stands.   

trump will enter office with the most extremist far right Israel policy position of any president in U.S. history.  The ambassador to Israel that he picked is considerably to the right even of Netanyahu. He has actively supported extremist right wing settlements specifically and has gone on record as not considering a two state solution a goal anymore. This ambassador to be also deeply insults the majority of American Jews that are more liberal on Israel policy and mostly against expanding settlements. This new ambassador and the trump position he represents does NOT represent the majority U.S. views on these matters, Jews and non-Jews. The majority U.S. opinion is indeed supportive of Israel's right to exist and defend itself, not supportive of expanding settlements, and still seeks a negotiated two state solution as the goal. 


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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I think the ability of only one veto vote to cause a resolution to not pass is a terrible thing.  The UNSC should get rid of this.  Current issue aside.  It makes the UNSC a toothless tiger.


P.S. I know little about this settlement issue, just commenting on the use of the veto to stop resolutions from passing.

I don't really get where you're coming from. Passing resolutions or not, no matter what the U.N. structure, is not the same thing as passed resolutions being enforced. This resolution will not be enforced and the U.N. does go after Israel with absurdly more enthusiasm (and frequency) than other misbehaving members doing much, much worse. Just look up the numbers about that, they don't lie. 

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I don't really get where you're coming from. Passing resolutions or not, no matter what the U.N. structure, is not the same thing as passed resolutions being enforced. This resolution will not be enforced and pro Israel critics of the U.N. are correct ... the U.N. does go after Israel with absurdly more enthusiasm (and frequency) than other misbehaving members doing much, much worse. 

>> the U.N. does go after Israel with absurdly more enthusiasm (and frequency) than other misbehaving members doing much, much worse. 


That could be because Israel as a supposedly modern democracy, yet at the moment behaving very badly occupying 4.5 million people, is ultimately savable. I have travelled with very many intelligent, humane, generous, decent Israelis... I was sharing a beer and a bedroom with some just a few weeks ago. I'd like a better future for them. Maybe the 14 SC members plus USA abstention feel the same way.


The perceived disproportion of UN resolutions could also be a response to US traditional and hypocritical blind use of its veto to shield Israel from criticism. If people or nations have their views censored, they try to ensure one way or another that ultimately the truth will out.

Edited by dexterm
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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Stabbing our allies in the back.

That would be ally as in a single ally.

For America's other allies such as France, the UK , Egypt and Japan for example who backed the resolution, the US's absention was the best diplomatic action. As far as betraying Israel as an ally, let's not forget Obama's recent $38-billion military aid deal to Israel - "single largest pledge of bilateral military assistance in US history." https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/rania-khalek/obama-hands-israel-largest-military-aid-deal-history

But Netanyahu is welcome to reject that aid package to show his dissatisfaction with President of the United States Obama. In 2015 American's gave Israel an average $10.2 million per day in military aid. It didn't get a cent of cooperation from Netanyahu on respecting any UN resolutions or US negotiation efforts.


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3 minutes ago, Srikcir said:


But Netanyahu is welcome to reject that aid package to show his dissatisfaction with President of the United States Obama. In 2015 American's gave Israel an average $10.2 million per day in military aid. It didn't get a cent of cooperation from Netanyahu on respecting any UN resolutions or US negotiation efforts.



We got plenty of help with intelligence, advanced technology and having the equivalent of a gigantic aircraft carrier for supplies and runways in case we need them. America's relationship with Israel is far from one sided.

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I think the ability of only one veto vote to cause a resolution to not pass is a terrible thing.  The UNSC should get rid of this.  Current issue aside.  It makes the UNSC a toothless tiger.


P.S. I know little about this settlement issue, just commenting on the use of the veto to stop resolutions from passing.

I agree but no country should have the right of veto

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:


Respect? really? so this is what you think it's all about? respect?

Anyone who's not well versed in the history of the middle east

should refrain from making uneducated silly comments.....

so why are you making silly comments

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:


Respect? really? so this is what you think it's all about? respect?

Anyone who's not well versed in the history of the middle east

should refrain from making uneducated silly comments.....

What a laughable reaction once truth has been spoken.

Whats so difficult to accept what the UN voted for??????

Its time to sort out things and , yes, RESPECT other peoples life matters much more , if seeking peace in this world.

Playing the victim role doesnt make the situation better .......

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31 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

That would be ally as in a single ally.

For America's other allies such as France, the UK , Egypt and Japan for example who backed the resolution, the US's absention was the best diplomatic action. As far as betraying Israel as an ally, let's not forget Obama's recent $38-billion military aid deal to Israel - "single largest pledge of bilateral military assistance in US history." https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/rania-khalek/obama-hands-israel-largest-military-aid-deal-history

But Netanyahu is welcome to reject that aid package to show his dissatisfaction with President of the United States Obama. In 2015 American's gave Israel an average $10.2 million per day in military aid. It didn't get a cent of cooperation from Netanyahu on respecting any UN resolutions or US negotiation efforts.


What a shame , while thousands of US Citizen are in need , supporting such Apartheid State, while breaking international law.

Isnt that a sign of weakness ??????


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4 hours ago, DNPBC0 said:

Israel has been shamelessly acting in flagrant disregard of its UN obligations for decades. Israel is free to leave the UN whenever it chooses.

I really can't understand the criticism against Obama, for not exercising the Veto. The US has declared the settlements as illegal for the last 30 years or so, and the resolution as such, has confirmed this stand which is shared by most countries, even such countries that are very friendly to and with Israel, such as New Zealand, the UK, France, Germany and most others. So what's all the fuss about? The US and the EU are justifiably imposing sanctions on Russia for acting against international law in occupying and annexing Crimea, but is stating the occupation and annexation of territories by force by Israel is illegal,  antisemitic? 

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36 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

I really can't understand the criticism against Obama, for not exercising the Veto. The US has declared the settlements as illegal for the last 30 years or so, and the resolution as such, has confirmed this stand which is shared by most countries, even such countries that are very friendly to and with Israel, such as New Zealand, the UK, France, Germany and most others. So what's all the fuss about? The US and the EU are justifiably imposing sanctions on Russia for acting against international law in occupying and annexing Crimea, but is stating the occupation and annexation of territories by force by Israel is illegal,  antisemitic? 

Yes they are all victims...

Victims of their own policy and way of thinking and acting and now unaible and unwilling to understand and accept that their illegal commitments was indeed a crime . now recognized officially by the UN.

What else does it need ?


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It's personal between Obama and Bibi. Obama will be gone very soon to be replaced by a bizarre clown.





That ‘Shameful’ UN Resolution Actually Blasts the Settlements — Not Israel

To a degree, therefore, the furor over the U.N. resolution is an opportunity for each side to take one more good whack at the other before Obama fades into history.



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Well Trump has a lot of business down in Palm Beach Florida and that area has a sizable Jewish presence.  Maybe Netanyahu knows something others don't

What are you on about? What Bibi knows is what we all know... that trump will soon be president and that's he will be right wing extremist on Israel policy.

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