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Accident video: Netizens debate whether it was the taxi driver's fault or the bike rider's


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Accident video: Netizens debate whether it was the taxi driver's fault or the bike rider's



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- Thai netizens were split in their views as to who was responsible for an accident that saw a motorcyclist thrown into oncoming traffic in a right lane.


Fortunately the biker was not badly hurt but the incident got the Thai talking about who was to blame, reports Thairath.


The footage shows a taxi changing lanes and braking on the road to Dao Khanong in Bangkok. A following motorcycle goes into the back of the taxi and the rider ends up sprawled on the tarmac.


Some onliners said it was the taxi drivers fault for an abrupt lane change and hard braking while others put the blame on the motorcyclist for not leaving enough distance between himself and what was in front.


What is your view?


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-27
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40 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

There seems no reason for the taxi to brake

Except for the traffic in front slowing. I see brake lights in front of the cab. There is no way to tell how fast the bike was going either. For me, the Jury is out.


Another look and I see the cab moved right again and so maybe blocked the riders "escape" route.


Jury still out.

Edited by Rumbleg
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Bike was too fast (look at the speed he went past the camera car) and likely weaving in and out of traffic as they are wont to do.


That doesn't excuse the taxi changing lanes to the right and then anchoring up, I see no real reason for either.


Left the bike with nowhere to go, he only braked a split second before impact, distracted perhaps.


Did the taxi even stop? Was there a deliberate act to take out the bike?

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1 hour ago, bluebluewater said:

The jury is in.


The taxi was switching lanes again and saw some traffic slowing so he did as well.  The motorcycle guy ran up his ass and could not get himself stopped.  


Bad on the motorcycle guy.

100% correct, the taxi was slowly and slightly drifting out no sudden lane change slowing down or erratic driving, the MB driver simply was not paying attention and looked to me like he was going much faster than the traffic in front of him/her

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The taxi did stop, at the far left side just at the crest of the hill. The driver doesn't appear to have come back to the scene though.


The bike rider was anticipating that the taxi would stay in the left lane and he decided to swoop around him on the right. Despite the taxi's brake lights coming on, the moto doesn't appear to have even attempted to slow down until a fraction of a second before impact.

The moto appears at the 57 second mark, on the left side of the left lane starting to cut across to the right side. His brake light doesn't come on until he is about 4' from the bumper of the taxi and he has already hit it and is starting to tumble when the clock gets to the 58 second mark.


While the taxi driver could have been a little more proactive by signalling his intent and not switching lanes back and forth, the moto rider should have slowed down when he saw the taxi's brake lights come on. He is following and has to take into consideration that the driver in front of him must have a reason for braking. Instead he just tried to zip around him at full speed (like they all are wont to do) leaving no room (and no time) to react.


I just spent a couple days in Bangkok riding around in tuk-tuks and taxis and pretty much everyone on the road is totally NUTS when it comes to driving ! Buses, transport trucks, motos, cars, tuk-tuks - they all drive the same ! Then again, it's not just in Bangkok. There is a distinct reason why Thailand has the 2nd highest traffic fatality rating (per capita) in the world ! What is it, something like 36 people per day die in traffic accidents ? I used to teach "Defensive Driving" courses in the military and it boggles the mind to see how people drive over here. I'm probably more surprised that the accident totals aren't higher, a lot higher.



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the taxi changed lanes at 6.59.52 to the nearside lane finishing the lane change at 6.59.55 but with brakes now on and with no obstructions, and he is hogging the offside white line. then at 6.59.56 , starts to pull into the 2nd lane, ( so in 4 seconds he has changed lanes and then changing back again) i could not see any brake lights ahead. for some reason the bike followed him into the 2nd lane but at a much faster speed. maybe he was overtaking thinking the cab was stopping.

both to blame, taxi for driving like a d*ck and the bike for not paying attention and changing direction to the nearside.

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I agree with Kerryd.  I spent Xmas with my son in BKK.  I couldn't believe the taxi-drivers' rudeness and failure to use the meter.  We took a total of six cabs.  One used the meter.  My son paid up and said the reporting system for this corruption does not work and he accepts it as a fact of city life.  One taxi, on hearing our proposed destination just said ''no' and drove off.

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36 minutes ago, mikebell said:

I agree with Kerryd.  I spent Xmas with my son in BKK.  I couldn't believe the taxi-drivers' rudeness and failure to use the meter.  We took a total of six cabs.  One used the meter.  My son paid up and said the reporting system for this corruption does not work and he accepts it as a fact of city life.  One taxi, on hearing our proposed destination just said ''no' and drove off.

Quite common to refuse to go to a dstination. Supposed to be illegal now, but the situation still exists.

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Motorcycle was speeding or at least too fast for the traffic conditions. Driving in traffic here you need to be aware of the horrible driving standards and make allowance for all illogical moves. That being said, the taxi driver was being a nuisance and contributed to the crash by braking for no apparent reason and then following that move with a sudden move to the right.

I put it 80-90 percent on the motorcycle. I am sure if you could see more of his riding you would see him drifting lane to lane and riding up the lane divider as well. making a crash like this an eventual certainty.

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Taxi is at fault for changing the lane without indicating and breaking like a moron. The motorcycle rider is at fault for not reading the situation on the road and going faster than the traffic. And if I am not wrong according to Thai law riders are supposed to ride on the far left, not in the middle of the road. 

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1 hour ago, steve187 said:

 i could not see any brake lights ahead.


The brake lights I see are just after the accident has occurred. @ 7:00:00 Watch the "silver colored" pickup in front of the taxi, the white 4x4 in front of it and the large truck at the head of the line as they bank-up. This is after the dark pickup in front of the camera car moves out of the way. @ 7:00:01 the Dark pickup is also braking. The rider may not have been speeding {breaking the law} but looks like he was going too fast for the conditions.


EDIT. The taxi not indicating to move right again may have contributed to the riders error.


2nd edit. Watching to the end I lost count of the infringements by other road users.

Edited by Rumbleg
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I ride a motorbike myself and a car too, so i can understand both. I love the bikes however many motorcyclist drive crazy going a lot faster than the rest of the traffic (I also go faster than the rest of the traffic but not a lot more else you get stuff like this). Also a lot zig zag all around and never plan their next move they just react to whatever comes.. kinda like playing a video game and never keeping enough distance. I put this on shared blame but most of it on the motorbike. Just like the rest of us do. 

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In a land of "drivers"if you hit the back of a vehicle travelling forward in front of you then it is your fault. However we are not in the land of "drivers" are we?  I think that after some experience of driving here one learns that, "lane discipine" for a motorcyclist means any gap between vehicles which puts him in front of the vehicle ahead, when graduating to four wheels the procedure is modified to being in the lane which is moving fastest. Both these means of implemention naturally involve split second decisions and lane changes. Experienced locals have learned this and don't crash into the back of the vehicle in front.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Quite obvious really,taxi went to the left to undertake,then see he couldn't perform that stunt so back to the middle lane.scooter rider I think was not taking a blind bit of notice of the idiot and paid the price.simple answer idiot x idiot= crash.scooters fault in the end for being too fast and too close to brake and avoid the collision.next case please.

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